Europass Curriculum Vitae - Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina


Europass Curriculum Vitae - Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Eleonora Camillo
Address(es) Department of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology Sapienza University of Rome
Corso Repubblica, 04100, Latina
Center for Childhood Neuropsychiatry
Via Madonna delle Grazie 20, 04015, Priverno, Lt
Date of birth
[email protected]
Occupational field Med/39
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Since the academic year 2005-2006 to date: Vice President for the Degree Course
"Developmental Neuro and Psycho Motricity, "Polo Pontino - Priverno, “Sapienza” University of
Since November 1982 until April 1990: National Research Council Fellow (Law 285/77),
Department of Neuropsychiatry at the University of Rome "Sapienza".
Name and address of employer
She currently holds health care function as Medical Director of first level.
She has always worked in the Institute of Clinical Childhood Neuropsychiatry, Umberto I
Polyclinic, Ambulatory of Developmental Psychopathology, with functions of Medical Head
since 1997.
Since 2003 to 2006 she worked as Head of Medical Diagnostic Hospital Day of Developmental
Psychopathology, for children of preschool and school age.
Since November 2006 she has transferred its functions to the Latina Local Health Unit; since
then she has the role of Head of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Day Hospital (Medical
Director of I Level) for preschoolers, at the Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of
Priverno - Latina Local Health Unit.
Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 04015, Priverno (Latina)
Child Psychiatry (Developmental Psychopathology)
Education and training
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Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Specialised in Child Neuropsychiatry
Specialised in Developmental Psychotherapy
Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Specialist in Neuropsychiatry and in Pediatrics and Developmental Psychotherapy
University of Rome "Sapienza"
Personal skills and Her work in the clinical and research areas has focused mainly on the psychopathology of childhood and
competences the age of latency; specifically, in the following research lines:
construction of models concerning the development and representation of emotional states in
children with developmental disabilities;
detection of clinical signs, the nosographic classification, the identification of individual and
familiar risk factors in child in abuse (physical, sexual and psychological), in an age range
between two years and pre-adolescence; currently interested in identifying clinical and
differential diagnosis of post traumatic stress syndrome in preschooler age;
analysis of psychopathological disorders that affect electively the first year of life and their
identification as a risk factor for later disease;
nosographic clinical review criteria used for pre-school children;
group therapy of early childhood psychopathological disorders in comorbidity with
developmental disorders, according to the model of play therapy.
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Additional information Include here any other information that may be relevant, for example contact persons, references, etc.
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List any items attached.
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Scientific Publication
P. Bernabei, E. Caffo, E. Camillo, M. Di Falco: Critical Stages in mental development: the breath holding spells syndrome.
13th International Congress IACAPAP, San Francisco, California, 1994, July 24-28. Acta.
E. Camillo, G. Mattivi, C. Paolesse: Sviluppo cognitivo e sviluppo affettivo: espressività degli affetti nei bambini con ritardo di
sviluppo, 1995, I Care, 4, 126-128.
P. Bernabei, G. Levi, E. Camillo, M. Di Falco: Critical stages in mental development: childhood breath holding spells (BHS),
1996, Infant Mental Health Journal, 17, 1, 81-88.
E. Camillo, F. Puleo, R. Burani, E. Mezzalira, M.N. Petrucci: Lo stereotipo del bambino nervoso: confronti clinici a distanza di
dieci anni. 1996, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’adolescenza, 63, 5, 561-570.
P. Bernabei, E. Camillo, G. Levi, C. Sogos: Problemi clinici e di classificazione nosografica dei disturbi psicopatologici della
prima infanzia. 1997, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza, 64, 619-632.
F. Cardona, Camillo E., M.P. Casini, A. Luchetti, A. Muscetta: Il disturbo ticcoso in età evolutiva: studio catamnestico. 1997,
Giornale di Neuropsichiatria dell’Età Evolutiva, 17, 2, 113-119.
E. Camillo, M.F. Freda, F. Gicca Palli, F. Piperno: Il bambino abusato: la patologia del silenzio. 1997, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia
e dell’Adolescenza, 64, 261-273.
C. Sogos, C. d’Ardia, E. Camillo: Il disturbo di adattamento in età evolutiva. 1998, I Care, 3, 90-95.
G. Meledandri, E. Camillo: Prevenzione dell’abuso sessuale all’infanzia: rilevanza sociale di comportamenti e sintomi. 1998,
Psichiatria dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, 65, 123-127
E. Mezzalira, E. Camillo, S. Di Biasi, F. Piperno: PTSD ed abuso sessuale infantile. 2002, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e
dell’Adolescenza, 69, 687-696.
E. Camillo, E. Mezzalira, F. Piperno, F. Puleo, P. Pierucci: L’abuso istituzionale: riflessioni cliniche e proposte operative.
2002, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza.
S. Di Biasi, F. Piperno, E. Camillo: Abuso fisico e abuso sessuale infantile a confronto: fenomenologia clinica e diagnosi
nosografica. 2002, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza.
D. Tardiola, E. Camillo: Trauma e traumi: le risposte psicopatologiche possibili ad eventi stressanti in età evolutiva. 2003,
Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza.
E. Camillo, L. Ponticello, M. Spissu, D. Tardiola: Comorbidità e rischio psicopatologico della balbuzie in età evolutiva. 2003,
Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza.
E. Camillo, F. Piperno, F. Puleo: La clinica del trauma infantile: il maltrattamento, la malattia. XX Congresso Nazionale
SINPIA, dicembre 2003, Roma.
E. Silvestrini, E. Camillo; Gli abusi sessulai sui bambini: un problema antico e attuale. 2004, La ricerca folklorica, 50, 85-89.
E Camillo, F. Piperno, I. Del Vecchio, D. Tardiola: Ansia e Sindrome Post Traumatica. XXI Congresso Nazionale SINPIA,
Dicembre 2004, Modena.
Venuti B., Del Vecchio I., Libernini L., Camillo E. Disprassia e rischio psicopatologico in età prescolare: contributo clinico. XXI
Congresso Nazionale SINPIA., Dicembre 2004, Modena.
E Camillo, B.Venuti: Problemi di nosografia psichiatrica in età evolutiva: analisi di una popolazione clinica. 2005, Psichiatria
dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza,
E. Camillo, F. Piperno, S. Di Biasi, D. Tardiola, B. Venuti: Il maltrattamento e la malattia: evidenze cliniche e
psicopatologiche. 2005, Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza,
Lapponi. E., Bellanca P., Brandoni C., Camillo E.: L’intervento riabilitativo integrato nel Disturbo della Coordinazione Motoria
associato a difficoltà emotivo-comportamentali. 2006, Psicomotricità, 4, 24-31.
Camillo E., Libernini L.: Fenotipi clinici dell’ansia in bambini in età prescolare. 2007, Psichiatria dell’infanzia e
dell’adolescenza. In corso di stampa.
Camillo E., Brandoni C., Colafrancesco G.,Libernini L: Disturbo da movimenti stereotipati: caratteristiche cliniche e
comorbidità in bambini di età prescolare. 2007, Psicomotricità.
Camillo E., Rinaldi R., Belli F.C.,Roma P., Urso F. : L’abuso sessuale in bambini di età prescolare,: problematiche medicolegali e psichiatriche dell’accertamento, 2011, Zacchia, 84,4.
Textbooks (Chapters, etc.) -
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F. Gicca Palli, E. Camillo, M.S. Nobile: Il disturbo ansioso: carattere, temperamento o
psicopatologia? In: Una finestra sull’infanzia, 1999, Borla ed..
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