bulfone cv dicembre 2013 CRS4


bulfone cv dicembre 2013 CRS4
Dicembre 2013
Alessandro Bulfone
curriculum vitae
Università di Torino, Laurea in Medicina (1987)
Università di Torino, Specialità in Neurologia (1991)
Esperienze professionali
Specializzando in Neurologia, Laboratorio di Neuropatologia, Università di Torino.
Direttore Prof. Davide Schiffer - 1987-1989
Visiting Scholar, Nancy Pritzker Laboratory of Developmental and Molecular
Neurobiology, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University, USA. Advisor John L.R.
Rubenstein, MD/PhD - 1990-1991
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, Department of Psychiatry, University
of California, San Francisco, USA. Advisor John L.R. Rubenstein, MD/PhD - 1991-1993
Postdoctoral Fellow, Nina Ireland Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology,
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, USA. Advisor John
L.R. Rubenstein, MD/PhD - 1994-1996
Ricercatore - Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Milano. Direttore Prof.
Andrea Ballabio - 1996-2000
Ricercatore – Principal Investigator, Stem Cell Research Institute (SCRI), Scientific
Institute San Raffaele-DIBIT, Milano - 2000-2006
Consulente per l’ambito biomedico di Sardegna Ricerche – Ente della Regione Sardegna
per la promozione e lo sviluppo economico - Parco Scientifico Polaris Pula (CA) - 20062009
Consulente per gli studi preclinici di Fase1 Srl - 2008-2010
Responsabile per il settore biomedico del CRS4 (Centro Ricerche Sviluppo Studi
Superiori in Sardegna) - 2011 – oggi
Dicembre 2013
Attività di revisione scientifica
Sono stato coinvolto nelle attività di revisione di progetti scientifici e di articoli per diverse
agenzie e riviste, tra cui a livello internazionale la National Science Foundation,
Development, Mechanism of Development, Human Genetics, Genomics, Journal of
Attività di insegnamento
Sono stato coinvolto nel tutoraggio di studenti di dottorato post-laurea presso il
laboratorio di neurobiologia dello sviluppo a UCSF, nella organizzazione di corsi di
neurologia dello sviluppo alla Università Vita e Salute – HSR e del corso di dottorato
internazionale della Open University, in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Nell’anno 2007 ho
organizzato e diretto un master post-universitario di R&D di nuovi agenti diagnostici e
terapeutici presso il Parco Scientifico Polaris – Pula (CA).
Competenze complementari
Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese sia parlata che scritta, ottima padronanza della
comunicazione scientifica e dei principali strumenti informatici applicati alla ricerca
biomedica molecolare e clinica.
Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
h index=38
google scholar profile: http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=sVSdhfEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
1. Barollo S, Pezzani R, Cristiani A, Bertazza L, Rubin B, Bulfone A, Pelizzo MR,
Torresan F, Mantero F, Pennelli G, Moro S, Mian C. Functional significance of the
novel H-RAS gene mutation M72I in a patient with medullary thyroid cancer. Exp Clin
Endocrinol Diabetes. 2013 Oct;121(9):546-50.
2. Mazzoleni S, Jachetti E, Morosini S, Grioni M, Piras IS, Pala M, Bulfone A, Freschi
M, Bellone M, Galli R. Gene signatures distinguish stage-specific prostate cancer
stem cells isolated from transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate lesions
and predict the malignancy of human tumors. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2013
3. Gagliani N, Magnani CF, Huber S, Gianolini ME, Pala M, Licona-Limon P, Guo B,
Herbert DR, Bulfone A, Trentini F, Di Serio C, Bacchetta R, Andreani M, Brockmann
L, Gregori S, Flavell RA, Roncarolo MG. Coexpression of CD49b and LAG-3 identifies
human and mouse T regulatory type 1 cells. Nat Med. 2013 Jun;19(6):739-46
Dicembre 2013
4. Ranzani M, Cesana D, Bartholomae CC, Sanvito F, Pala M, Benedicenti F, Gallina P,
Sergi LS, Merella S, Bulfone A, Doglioni C, von Kalle C, Kim YJ, Schmidt M, Tonon
G, Naldini L, Montini E. Lentiviral vector-based insertional mutagenesis identifies
genes associated with liver cancer. Nat Methods. 2013 Feb;10(2):155-61
5. McMurchy AN, Gillies J, Gizzi MC, Riba M, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Cittaro D, Lazarevic
D, Di Nunzio S, Piras IS, Bulfone A, Roncarolo MG, Stupka E, Bacchetta R, Levings
MK. A novel function for FOXP3 in humans: intrinsic regulation of conventional T
cells. Blood. 2013 Feb 21;121(8):1265-75
6. Floris M, Sabbadin D, Medda R, Bulfone A, Moro S. Adenosiland: walking through
adenosine receptors landscape. Eur J Med Chem. 2012 Dec;58:248-57
7. Corno D, Pala M, Cominelli M, Cipelletti B, Leto K, Croci L, Barili V, Brandalise F,
Melzi R, Di Gregorio A, Sergi LS, Politi LS, Piemonti L, Bulfone A, Rossi P, Rossi F,
Consalez GG, Poliani PL, Galli R. Gene signatures associated with mouse postnatal
hindbrain neural stem cells and medulloblastoma cancer stem cells identify novel
molecular mediators and predict human medulloblastoma molecular classification.
Cancer Discov. 2012 Jun;2(6):554-68
8. Magri L, Cambiaghi M, Cominelli M, Alfaro-Cervello C, Cursi M, Pala M, Bulfone A,
Garcìa-Verdugo JM, Leocani L, Minicucci F, Poliani PL, Galli R. Sustained activation
of mTOR pathway in embryonic neural stem cells leads to development of tuberous
sclerosis complex-associated lesions. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Nov 4;9(5):447-62.
9. Pombero A, Bueno C, Saglietti L, Rodenas M, Guimera J, Bulfone A, Martinez S.
Pallial origin of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert
and horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus. Development. 2011
10. Mazzoleni S, Politi LS, Pala M, Cominelli M, Franzin A, Sergi Sergi L, Falini A, De
Palma M, Bulfone A, Poliani PL, Galli R. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Expression Identifies Functionally and Molecularly Distinct Tumor-Initiating Cells in
Human Glioblastoma Multiforme and Is Required for Gliomagenesis. Cancer Res.
2010 Oct 1;70(19):7500-7513.
11. Méndez-Gómez HR, Vergaño-Vera E, Abad JL, Bulfone A, Moratalla R, de Pablo F,
Vicario-Abejón C. The T-box brain 1 (Tbr1) transcription factor inhibits astrocyte
formation in the olfactory bulb and regulates neural stem cell fate. Mol Cell Neurosci.
2010 Aug 31
12. Hurtado-Chong A, Yusta-Boyo MJ, Vergaño-Vera E, Bulfone A, de Pablo F,
Vicario-Abejón C. IGF-I promotes neuronal migration and positioning in the olfactory
bulb and the exit of neuroblasts from the subventricular zone. Eur J Neurosci. 2009
Dicembre 2013
13. Pinto L, Mader MT, Irmler M, Gentilini M, Santoni F, Drechsel D, Blum R, Stahl R,
Bulfone A, Malatesta P, Beckers J, Götz M. Prospective isolation of functionally
distinct radial glial subtypes--lineage and transcriptome analysis. Mol Cell Neurosci.
2008 May;38(1):15-42.
14. Rizzolio F, Bione S, Villa A, Berti E, Cassetti A, Bulfone A, Tribioli C, Toniolo D.
Spatial and temporal expression of POF1B, a gene expressed in epithelia. Gene Expr
Patterns. 2007 Feb;7(4):529-34
15. Quinn JC, Molinek M, Martynoga BS, Zaki PA, Faedo A, Bulfone A, Hevner RF,
West JD, Price DJ. Pax6 controls cerebral cortical cell number by regulating exit from
the cell cycle and specifies cortical cell identity by a cell autonomous mechanism.
Dev Biol. 2007 Feb 1;302(1):50-65.
16. Bulfone A, Carotenuto P, Faedo A, Aglio V, Garzia L, Bello AM, Basile A, Andre A,
Cocchia M, Guardiola O, Ballabio A, Rubenstein JL, Zollo M. Telencephalic
embryonic subtractive sequences: a unique collection of neurodevelopmental genes.
J Neurosci. 2005 Aug 17;25(33):7586-600.
17. Lavorgna G, Triunfo R, Santoni F, Orfanelli U, Noci S, Bulfone A, Zanetti G, Casari
G. AntiHunter 2.0: increased speed and sensitivity in searching BLAST output for
EST antisense transcripts. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jul 1;33
18. Englund C, Fink A, Lau C, Pham D, Daza RA, Bulfone A, Kowalczyk T, Hevner RF.
Pax6, Tbr2, and Tbr1 are expressed sequentially by radial glia, intermediate
progenitor cells, and postmitotic neurons in developing neocortex. J Neurosci. 2005
Jan 5;25(1):247-51.
19. Faedo A, Quinn JC, Stoney P, Long JE, Dye C, Zollo M, Rubenstein JL, Price DJ,
Bulfone A. Identification and characterization of a novel transcript down-regulated
in Dlx1/Dlx2 and up-regulated in Pax6 mutant telencephalon. Dev Dyn. 2004
20. Bulfone A, Caccioppoli C, Pardini C, Faedo A, Martinez S, Banfi S. Pcp4l1, a novel
gene encoding a Pcp4-like polypeptide, is expressed in specific domains of the
developing brain. Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 May;4(3):297-301.
21. Faedo A, Ficara F, Ghiani M, Aiuti A, Rubenstein JL, Bulfone A. Developmental
expression of the T-box transcription factor T-bet/Tbx21 during mouse
embryogenesis. Mech Dev. 2002 Aug;116(1-2):157-60.
22. Tarozzo G, Campanella M, Ghiani M, Bulfone A, Beltramo M. Expression of
fractalkine and its receptor, CX3CR1, in response to ischaemia-reperfusion brain
injury in the rat. Eur J Neurosci. 2002 May;15(10):1663-8.
23. Barbieri AM, Broccoli V, Bovolenta P, Alfano G, Marchitiello A, Mocchetti C, Crippa L,
Bulfone A, Marigo V, Ballabio A, Banfi S. Vax2 inactivation in mouse determines
Dicembre 2013
alteration of the eye dorsal-ventral axis, misrouting of the optic fibres and eye
coloboma. Development. 2002 Feb;129(3):805-13.
24. Pierantoni GM, Bulfone A, Pentimalli F, Fedele M, Iuliano R, Santoro M, Chiariotti L,
Ballabio A, Fusco A. The homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 gene is
expressed late in embryogenesis and preferentially in retina, muscle, and neural
tissues. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002 Jan 25;290(3):942-7.
25. Ferrante MI, Ghiani M, Bulfone A, Franco B. IL1RAPL2 maps to Xq22 and is
specifically expressed in the central nervous system. Gene. 2001 Sep 19;275(2):21721.
26. Bourgeois F, Guimiot F, Mas C, Bulfone A, Levacher B, Moalic JM, Simonneau M.
Identification and isolation of a full-length clone of mouse GMFB (Gmfb), a putative
intracellular kinase regulator, differentially expressed in telencephalon. Cytogenet Cell
Genet. 2001;92(3-4):304-9.
27. Hevner R F, Shi L, Justice N, Hsueh YP, Sheng M, Smiga S, Bulfone A, Goffinet
AM, Rubenstein JLR. Tbr1 regulates differentiation of the preplate and layer 6.
Neuron, 2001 Feb;29(2):353-66.
28. Ferrante MI, Giorgio G, Feather SA, Bulfone A, Wright V, Ghiani M, Selicorni A,
Gammaro L, Scolari F, Woolf AS, Sylvie O, Bernard L, Malcolm S, Winter R, Ballabio
A, Franco B. Identification of the gene for oral-facial-digital type I syndrome. Am J
Hum Genet. 2001 Mar;68(3):569-76.
29. Di Cunto F, Imarisio S, Hirsch E, Bulfone A, Broccoli V, Migheli A, Aztori C, Turco E,
Triolo R, Dotto GP, Silengo L, Altruda F. Defective neurogenesis in Citron Kinase
knockout mice by massive apoptosis associated with altered cytokinesis. Neuron,
2000 Oct;28(1):115-27.
30. Buchner G, Broccoli V, Bulfone A, Orfanelli U, Gattuso C, Ballabio A, Franco B.
MAEG, an EGF-repeat containing gene, is a new marker associated with dermatome
specification and morphogenesis of its derivatives. Mech Dev. 2000 Nov;98(1-2):17982.
31. Buanne P, Corrente G, Micheli L, Palena A, Lavia P, Spadafora C, Lakshmana MK,
Rinaldi A, Banfi S, Quarto M, Bulfone A, Tirone F. Cloning of PC3B, a novel
member of the PC3/BTG/TOB family of growth inhibitory genes, highly expressed in
the olfactory epithelium. Genomics. 2000 Sep 15;68(3):253-63.
32. Puelles L, Kuwana E, Puelles E, Bulfone A, Shimamura K, Keleher J, Smiga S,
Rubenstein JL. Pallial and subpallial derivatives in the embryonic chick and mouse
telencephalon, traced by the expression of the genes dlx-2, emx-1, nkx-2.1, pax-6,
and tbr-1. J Comp Neurol 2000 Aug 28;424(3):409-38
33. Bulfone A, Menguzzato E, Broccoli V, Marchitiello A, Gattuso C, Mariani M,
Consalez GG, Martinez S, Ballabio A, Banfi S. Barhl1, a gene belonging to a new
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subfamily of mammalian homeobox genes, is expressed in migrating neurons of the
CNS. Hum Mol Genet 2000 May 22;9(9):1443-52
34. Mas C, Bourgeois F, Bulfone A, Levacher B, Mugnier C, Simonneau M. Cloning
and expression analysis of a novel gene, RP42, mapping to an autism susceptibility
locus on 6q16. Genomics 2000 Apr 1;65(1):70-4
35. De Grandi A, Calvari V, Bertini V, Bulfone A, Peverali G, Camerino G, Borsani G,
Guioli S. The expression pattern of a mouse doublesex-related gene is consistent
with a role in gonadal differentiation. Mech Dev 2000 Feb;90(2):323-6
36. Bassi MT, Sperandeo MP, Incerti B, Bulfone A, Pepe A, Surace EM, Gattuso C, De
Grandi A, Buoninconti A, Riboni M, Manzoni M, Andria G, Ballabio A, Borsani G,
Sebastio G. SLC7A8, a gene mapping within the lysinuric protein intolerance critical
region, encodes a new member of the glycoprotein-associated amino acid
transporter family. Genomics 1999 Dec 1;62(2):297-303
37. Reymond A, Volorio S, Merla G, Al-Maghtheh M, Zuffardi O, Bulfone A, Ballabio A,
Zollo M. Evidence for interaction between human PRUNE and nm23-H1 NPDKinase.
Oncogene 1999 Dec 2;18(51):7244-52
38. Bassi MT, Sperandeo MP, Incerti B, Bulfone A, Pepe A, Surace M, Gattuso C, De
Grandi A, Buoniconti A, Riboni M, Manzoni M, Andria G, Ballabio A, Borsani G,
Sebastio G. SLC7A8, A gene mapping within the Lysinuric Protein Intolerance critical
region, encodes a new member of the glycoprotein associated aminoacid transporter
family. Genomics 1999 Dec 1;62(2):297-303
39. Barbieri AM, Lupo G, Bulfone A, Andreazzoli M, Mariani M, Fougerousse F,
Consalez GG, Borsani G, Beckmann JS, Barsacchi G, Ballabio A, Banfi S. A
homeobox gene, vax2, controls the patterning of the retina dorso-ventral axis. Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96:10729-34, 1999
40. Rubenstein JLR, Anderson S, Shi L, Miyashita-Lin E, Bulfone A, Hevner R. Genetic
Control of Cortical Regionalization and Connectivity. Cereb Cortex 9:524-32, 1999
41. Piccini M, Vitelli F, Seri M, Galietta LJV, Moran O, Bulfone A, Banfi S, Pober B,
Renieri A. KCNE1 like gene is deleted in amme contiguous gene syndrome:
identification and characterization of the human and mouse homologous. Genomics.
60:251-7; 1999
42. Bulfone A, Martinez S, Marigo V, Campanella M, Basile A, Quaderi N, Gattuso C,
Rubenstein JLR, Ballabio A. Expression pattern of the Tbr-2 (Eomesodermin) gene
during mouse and chick brain development. Mech Dev. 84: 133-138, 1999
43. Volta M, Bulfone A, Gattuso C, Rossi E, Mariani M, Consalez GG, Zuffardi O, Ballabio
A, Banfi S, Franco B. Identification and characterization of CDS2, a mammalian
homolog of the Drosophila CDP-diacylglycerol synthase gene. Genomics 55: 68-77,
Dicembre 2013
44. Borsani G, DeGrandi A, Ballabio A, Bulfone A, Bernard L, Banfi S, Gattuso C,
Mariani M, Dixon M, Donnai D, Metcalfe K, Winter R, Robertson M, Axton R, Brown
A, van Heyningen V, Hanson I. EYA4, a novel vertebrate gene related to Drosophila
eyes absent. Hum Mol Genet 8: 11-23, 1999
45. Bulfone A, Wang F, Hevner R, Anderson S, Cutforth T, Chen S, Meneses J,
Pedersen R, Axel R, Rubenstein JL; An olfactory sensory map develops in the
absence of normal projection neurons or GABAergic interneurons. Neuron 21:
1273-82, 1998.
46. Bulfone A, Gattuso C, Marchitiello A, Pardini C, Boncinelli E, Borsani G, Banfi S,
Ballabio A; The embryonic expression pattern of 40 murine cDNAs homologous to
Drosophila mutant genes (Dres): a comparative and topographic approach to predict
gene function. Hum Mol Genet 7: 1997-2006, 1998.
47. Anderson SA*, Qiu M*, Bulfone A*, Eisenstat, Meneses J, Pedersen R, Rubenstein
JLR. Mutations of the homeobox genes Dix-1 and Dix-2 disrupt the striatal
subventricular zone and differentiation of late born striatal neurons. Neuron 19: 2737, 1997. * Co-first authors
48. Banfi S, Borsani G, Bulfone A, Ballabio A. Drosophila-related expressed sequences.
Hum Mol Genet 6: 1745-1753, 1997.
49. Qiu M*, Bulfone A*, Ghattas I, Meneses JJ, Christensen L, Sharpe PT, Presley R,
Pedersen RA, Rubenstein JLR: Role of the Dlx homeobox genes in proximodistal
patterning of the branchial arches: mutations of Dlx-1, Dlx-2, and Dlx1 and -2 alter
morphogenesis of proximal skeletal and soft tissue structures derived from the first
and second arches. Dev Biol. 185: 165-184,1997. * Co-first authors
50. Rubboli F, Bulfone A, Bogni S, Marchitiello A, Zollo M, Borsani G, Ballabio A, Banfi
S: A mammalian homolog of the Drosophila retinal degeneration B gene: implications
for the evolution of phototransduction mechanisms. Genes and function 1: 205-213,
51. Hernandez M-C, Andres-Barquin PJ, Martinez S, Bulfone A, Rubenstein JLR, Israel
MA: ENC-1: A novel mammalian Kelch -related gene specifically expressed in the
nervous system encodes an actin binding protein. J Neurosci. 17:3038, 1997.
52. McGuinness T, Porteus MH, Smiga S, Bulfone A, Kingsley C, Qui M, Liu JK, Long
J, Czernik A, Xu D, Rubenstein JLR: Sequence, organization and transcription of the
Dlx-1 and Dlx-2 locus. Genomics 35:473, 1996.
53. Fan C-M, Kuwana E, Bulfone A, Fletcher CF, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Crews S,
Martinez S, Puelles L, Rubenstein JLR, Tessier-Lavigne M: Expression patterns of
two murine homologs of Drosophila single-minded suggest possible roles in
embryonic patterning and in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome. Mol Cell Neurosci.
7:1, 1996.
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54. Bulfone A, Smiga SM, Shimamura K, Peterson A, Puelles L, Rubenstein JLR: TBrain-1: A homolog of Brachyury whose expression defines molecularly distinct
domains within the cerebral cortex. Neuron 15:1, 1995.
55. Qui M, Bulfone A, Martinez S, Meneses JJ, Shimamura K, Pedersen RA,
Rubenstein JL: Null mutation of Dlx-2 results in abnormal morphogenesis of proximal
first and second branchial arch derivatives and abnormal differentiation in the
forebrain. Genes Dev. 9:2523, 1995.
56. Compagnone NA, Bulfone A, Rubenstein JL, Mellon SH: Steroidogenic enzyme
P450c17 is expressed in the embryonic central nervous system. Endocrinology
136:5212, 1995.
57. Compagnone NA, Bulfone A, Rubenstein JLR, Mellon SH: Expression of the
steroidogenic enzyme P450scc in the central and peripheral nervous system during
rodent embryogenesis. Endocrinology 136:2689, 1995.
58. Zhu W, Dahmen J, Bulfone A, Rigolet M, Hernandez M-C, Kuo W-L, Puelles L,
Rubenstein JLR, Israel MA: Id gene expression during development and molecular
cloning of the human Id-1 gene. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 30:312, 1995.
59. Porteus MH, Bulfone A, Liu J-K, Puelles L, Lo L-C, Rubenstein JLR: DLX-2, MASH1, MAP-2 expression, and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation define molecularly
distinct cell populations in the embryonic mouse forebrain. J Neurosci. 14:6370,
60. Bulfone A, Kim H-J, Puelles L, Porteus MH, Grippo JF, Rubenstein JLR: The
mouse Dlx-2 (Tes-1) gene is expressed in spatially restricted domains of the
forebrain, face and limbs in midgestation mouse embryos Mech Dev. 40:129, 1993.
61. Bulfone A, Puelles L, Porteus MH, Frohman MA, Martin G, Rubenstein JLR:
Spatially restricted expression of Dlx-1, Dlx-2 (Tes-1), Gbx-2 and Wnt-3 in the
embryonic day 12.5 mouse forebrain defines potential transverse and longitudinal
segmental boundaries. J Neurosci. 13:3155, 1993.
62. Porteus MH, Brice AEJ, Bulfone A, Usdin TB, Ciaranello RD, Rubenstein JLR:
Isolation and characterization of a library of cDNA clones that are preferentially
expressed in the embryonic telencephalon. Brain Res Mol Brain Res 12:7, 1992.
63. Porteus MH, Bulfone A, Ciaranello RD, Rubenstein JLR: Isolation and
characterization of a novel cDNA encoding a homeodomain that is developmentally
regulated in the ventral forebrain. Neuron 7:221, 1991.
64. Mauro A, Bulfone A, Turco E, Schiffer D: Coexpression of platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF) B chain and PDGF B-type receptor in human brain tumor biopsies.
Childs Nerv Syst. 7:432, 1991.
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65. Colucci-D'Amato GL, De Franciscis V, Rosati R, Mauro A, Bulfone A, Eva A,
Vecchio G. Preferential expression of the dbl proto-oncogene in some
neuroectodermal tumors. J Neurosurg Sci 34: 187-8, 1990.
66. Mauro A, Bulfone A. Oncogenes and growth factors in gliomas. J Neurosurg Sci
34: 171-3, 1990.
67. Mauro A, Bulfone A, Giaccone G, Schiffer D: Simultaneous and successive
localization of two antigens in the same tissue section using 3,3-diaminobenzidine
and 1-naphtol basic dye. Histochemistry 86:123, 1986.