English for Industrial Chemistry Lingua Inglese Academic Year 2015


English for Industrial Chemistry Lingua Inglese Academic Year 2015
English for Industrial Chemistry
Lingua Inglese
Academic Year 2015-2016 First Semester
Ho creato un gruppo facebook dedicato al corso
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/SapienzaCHIMind2015/). Richiedete di entrare appena potete.
Oltre al libro di testo, lavorerete su un pacchetto di articoli, brevetti di invenzione ed estratti di libri
di testo o monografie di interesse per il vostro corso di studi. Scaricabili gratuitamente.
Alla fine del corso sarete capaci di:
1) Individuare e usare le principali strutture grammaticali dell’inglese;
2) Utilizzare strumenti per migliorare le vostre competenze linguistiche (ad esempio, grammatiche
di riferimento, dizionari…);
3) Usare il linguaggio della chimica industriale.
----Non frequentanti
Prova scritta
Svolta individualmente alla chiamata per l’esame orale. Analizzerete due frasi prese dalla sezione
“Sentences for analysis” dei capitoli 8, 9 e 10 del libro di testo. La prova scritta sarà corretta
immediatamente, mentre inizia la prova orale.
Prova orale
Vi sarà fornito un passaggio relativamente breve estratto da articoli o monografie di chimica
industriale. Dopo una lettura silente, vi sarà chiesto di leggere ad alta voce qualche frase e di
spiegare il contenuto del passaggio in italiano (o in inglese se ve la sentite).
Solo orale che ruoterà sul commento al portfolio (vedi programma completo).
Lo status di frequentante richiede: la composizione del portfolio del corso e presenza a tutti gli
incontri l’assenza a un solo incontro. Il primo incontro (9 ottobre) non conterà. Fare riferimento al
syllabus completo in inglese per maggiori dettagli.
"An introduction to English sentence structure. Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements", Jon Jonz London: Equinox, 2014.
Potete ordinare il libro direttamente dalla casa editrice con il 25% di sconto con un codice
promozionale che vi fornirò via email in risposta a un vostro messaggio con nome cognome e
matricola. Ordinare in gruppo per dividere le spese di spedizione.
Textbook and other material
Jonz, J., An introduction to English sentence structure. Clauses,
Markers, Missing Elements. London: Equinox, 2014.
NOTA BENE Contact me to buy the textbook directly from the
publisher with a 20% discount, the cost of the paperback edition
should be around 19 Euros. Postage is NOT included, though.
RECOMMENDATION: If you place a collective order (by groups of
5 to 10 students) you will also share shipment fees.
You need to write a promotional code to get the discount
Digital packet:
You need to download the material as explained in class. The
complete list of documents will be soon added here.
Always bring to class:
• the textbook
• some writing utensils (paper and pen) you will be requested to
submit your worksheet for the in-class activities
Internet resources:
The preferred online dictionary of this course is www.thefreedictionary.com
Use it along with any other trick you might want to use, such as Google Translate or other favoriteshortcuts (UK: favourite) .
Educational objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able:
1) to detect and use major English grammatical structures;
2) to use readily available tools to improve your linguistic skills autonomously (such as
reference grammars, dictionaries…);
3) to use effectively the professional language of industrial chemistry, in particular:
a. reading of charts and other non-verbal texts (e.g., mathematic formulae…)
b. recognizing typical expressions
c. breaking down technical terms into their morphological components
d. organize specialized lexicon
e. recognizing the textual structure and bibliographic citation in reading academic
articles, college textbooks, and patents of invention.
Methodologies. Lectures, class discussions, exercises (reading, analyzing syntactic structures, and
You are expected to participate actively in any in-class activity you will be involved in during the
• You will be asked to speak with your peers in pairs and to the class,
• You will be asked to do some team or individual work and to submit reports/exercises,
• You will be asked to complete the typical activities to create a conference-like presentation
(from the abstract to the oral presentation)
Portfolio. At the end of the course you will be asked to submit your portfolio which will comprise
at least the following material:
Exercises and reports of the in-class activities with my comments, initials, and the
corrections I prompted you to make with one of the following labels
o LEX (=LEXICAL ISSUES: you chose a word that is not appropriate for the
o SP (=SPELLING ISSUES: you wrote a word the wrong way)
o MS(=MORPHO-SYNTACTIC ISSUE: something is not working with the sentence
structure; choice of tense, aspect, or modality of verbs; choice of case of pronouns;
some sentence component is missing; the word order is wrong).
A lexicon structured according to your own organizing criteria
A statement of goals for a graduate program, such as a Master’s degree
Two annotated bibliographies of two of the articles in the digital packet
Your posts or comments published on the facebook group.
The students who will attend all meetings and will submit their portfolio will be exempted from the
written section of the exam and the spoken section will be lighter.
Organization of the final examination
The final exam is for all students organized as follows:
WRITTEN SECTION: you will be asked to analyze two sentences taken from the “Sentences for
analysis” section of chapters 8, 9, and 10 of the textbook. You will analyze the sentences at the
instructor desk, while oral examinations will be conducted.
SPOKEN SECTION: you will be asked to read silently a short passage from a chemistry or
industrial chemistry textbook or article. Then you will read it aloud, and then you will translate the
passage or if you are confident enough to summarize it.
See above the Portfolio sub-section if you plan to attend all meetings.
You will be allowed to miss just one class. The first meeting on Friday October 9th will not count
towards the status of “attending-student”.
Office hours
The schedule will be announced as soon as possible.
At any rate use the posts in the facebook group, chances are that your class fellows will be able to
answer your questions. I will approve or give a direct answer to your questions.
Class schedule
A full blown class schedule will be soon available. However, because of a conference, we are not
meeting on Friday November 6th.