

AG Novel Advanced Interac0ve Graphic Novels on Mobile Touchscreen Devices Trim, 2014, March, 11th-­‐13th Dr. Simone Moraldi Roma Tre University FilCoSpe DiparBmento Filosofia, Comunicazione e SpeFacolo (Philosophy, CommunicaBons and Visual Arts Department) Roma Tre University 2 Roma Tre University •  Founded in 1992, our university has gained a significant reputaBon in the academic world thanks to its quality teaching and research programmes. •  Roma Tre offers degree courses, including Master's Degrees and PhD programmes, in Architecture, Economics, EducaBon Sciences, Engineering, Law, HumaniBes and Liberal Arts, PoliBcal Science, MathemaBcs, Physics and Natural Sciences. Roma Tre University •  Roma Tre's Palladium Theatre hosts qualified internaBonal theatrical seasons, a variety of plays and experimental performances. •  Roma Tre offers its students many services, including sports faciliBes, university teams in various sporBng disciplines including football, sailing and ping-­‐pong, a stadium, an orchestra and a choir. •  The University's Internet Access Point -­‐ Piazza TelemaBca -­‐ is the first Italian university computer laboratory to be organised along the lines of a wireless public internet point, offering a wide range of services and applicaBons in 198 workstaBons including hardware and so[ware for users with disabiliBes. !
Roma Tre University DEPARTMENTS § 
Architecture Economics Business Science Law Engineering Humani0es Educa0on Science Mathema0cs and Physics Science Poli0cal Science Philosophy, Communica0on and Visual Arts Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures 5 Roma Tre University q  more than 36.000 students
q  more than 900 professors and 1000 external
q  more than 650 employees (librarians, administration
staff, technicians)
q  12 Departments organised in over 70 first and second
cycle degree courses and several PhD courses and
Specialisation Schools
6 Roma Tre University •  Roma Tre University issues the Certification of Italian as a Foreign
Language, which is officially recognised by the Italian State through
the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through the University
Language Centre, Roma Tre organises many language courses,
including intensive Italian for foreigners.
•  http://www.certificazioneitaliano.uniroma3.it/
7 FilCoSpe-DiparBmento Filosofia, Comunicazione e SpeFacolo (Philosophy, CommunicaBons and Visual Arts Department) 8 FilCoSpe • 
The Department handles and coordinates academic acBviBes such as research planning, teaching for students and training for researchers and scholars in various disciplinary areas: philosophy, linguisBcs, history, psychology, various forms of communicaBons, theatre, film studies, television studies, music and dance. • 
It aims at pursuing an excellent level and promoBng interdisciplinarity so that students could reach a higher level of knowledge through the intersecBon of those disciplinary areas. FilCoSpe promotes annual conferences and its acBvity is extended in partnership with some naBonal and local insBtuBons and agencies, both public and private. • 
The Department has 65 professors and more than 2000 students. • 
The “Comunicazione e SpeFacolo” (CommunicaBon and Visual Arts) SecBon has 12 professors in film and media, 5 professors in theatre and performing arts, 3 professors in sociology, 2 professors in music and sound, 1 professor in contemporary history. 9 FilCoSpe • 
FilCoSpe promotes the annual Conference “Cinema & …”. The iniBaBve was born in 1994. The main conferences: “Cinema & Intermedialità”, “Cinema & ArB eleFroniche”, “ Cinema & Psicanalisi”, Cinema & PoliBca”, “Cinema & Energia”. • 
The Department publishes “Imago. Studi di cinema e media” (Film and media studies), an internaBonal Journal in partnership with “La Sapienza” University of Rome. • 
The CPA-­‐Centro Produzione Audiovisivi (Audiovisual ProducBons Centre) is the structure of the Department dedicated to audiovisual producBon. The centre is mostly focused on documentary. 10 AG Novel staff 11 AG Novel staff: Project Manager Prof. Marco Maria Gazzano (Associate Professor, Roma Tre University) Scholar in film studies, electronic arts and theories of intermediality. Associate Professor of Film, Photography, Television and Media at the University of Roma Tre (Department of Philosophy, CommunicaBon and Visual Arts). He teaches "Cinema, arB eleFroniche e intermediali” (Graduate) and “Teorie dell’intermedialità" (MA). He is the president of the cultural associaBon Kinema. He has organized many FesBval and internaBonal Congress. Main publica0ons: Kinema. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema (Roma: Exorma, 2013) Marco Maria Gazzano, Carocci Enrico (Eds.), Cinema & energia. Percorsi interdisciplinari tra scienze, este9che e tecnologie, in "Imago. Studi di cinema e media", nn. 7/8 (Rome: Bulzoni, 2013) Giorgio De VincenB, Marco Maria Gazzano (Eds.), Cinema media e democrazia, in «Bianco e Nero», a. LXX, n. 565 (Rome: Csc/Carocci, 2009-­‐2010) Marco Maria Gazzano (Ed), Il cinema dalla fotografia al computer (Urbino: QuaFroVenB, 1999) AG Novel staff: researcher Dr. Gabriele Anaclerio (Postdoc, Roma Tre University ) Ph.D. in film studies at Roma Tre University in co-­‐tutorship with the University of Paris X-­‐
Nanterre-­‐La Défense, scholar in film analysis, invesBgaBng the psycho-­‐bodily processes of the spectator that cinemaBc works are able to simulate within the « intersBces » of their semanBcs. In his career he published around fi[y essays. Main publica0ons: Il corpo e il frammento. Memoria/ linguaggio/ rispecchiamen9/ emozioni/ sogni/ rêveries nel “personaggio-­‐ipertesto” del cinema moderno, (Rome: Bulzoni, 2012) Giorgio De VincenB, Gabriele Anaclerio (Eds.), Immaginare l’Europa. Iden9tà e transi9 audiovisivi, «Imago. Studi di cinema e media», n. 1 (Rome: Bulzoni 2010) L’immagine evocata. Narrazioni della voce nel cinema francese, (Turin: Kaplan 2008). AG Novel staff: researcher Dr. Valen0no Catricalà (Ph.D., Roma Tre University) Ph.D. in film and arts in connecBon to media and technologies and web journalist. He has analyzed the issues around preserving and exhibiBng audiovisuals, video art, digital art and media art. He has taken part to many internaBonal Conferences and FesBval. Main publica0ons: How the avant-­‐garde invented the future. The Raoul Hausmann’s Optophone, the Lissitzky‘s „electromecchanic vision“, and the shape of energies, in “Imago. Rivista di studi sul cinema e i media”, (Rome: Bulzoni, 2013) From Radio to UGC: ar9sts seeking for a new public sphere. A case Study for Media Archeaology, in Claudio Bisoni, Veronica InnocenB (Eds.), Media Muta9on. Gli ecosistemi narra9vi nello scenario mediale contemporaneo Spazi, modelli, usi sociali, (Modena: Mucchi, 2013) Ar9sts and Technologies. For an Archaeology of the new affec9ve sphere of par9cipa9on, in Enrico Carocci, Giorgio De VincenB (Eds.), Il cinema e le emozioni. Este9ca, espressione, esperienza (Rome: Fondazione Ente dello SpeFacolo, 2012) AG Novel staff: researcher Dr. Simone Moraldi (Ph.D., Roma Tre University) Ph.D. in film studies at Roma Tre University in co-­‐tutorship with the University of Paris X-­‐
Nanterre-­‐La Défense. He has covered the role of NaBonal Partner and Advisory Group Member on behalf of the University in the survey project "Screening Literacy" carried out by BFI (London, UK) within the UE MEDIA Programme. His academic interests are on documentary, parBcipatory video and film literacy. Main Publica0ons: Decolonizzazione, de-­‐gerarchizzazione, condivisione. Pra9che e forme di video partecipa9vo in Italia tra etnografia e cooperazione in Leonardo De Franceschi (a cura di), L’Africa in Italia. Per una controstoria postcoloniale del cinema italiano, Rome: Aracne, 2013 Film Literacy in Italy at the age of Intermediality in Anna Bertolli, Andrea Mariani, MarBna Panelli (a cura di), "Can We Learn Cinema?", Udine: Forum, 2012 Contact Roma Tre University (URT) FilCoSpe-­‐Dipar0mento Filosofia, Comunicazione e SpeRacolo Philosophy, Communica0ons and Visual Arts Department www.uniroma3.it • 
Prof. Dr. Marco Maria Gazzano Tel: +39 06 57 33 4062 Fax: E-­‐Mail: [email protected] • 
Dr. Simone Moraldi Tel: +39 06 57 33 4206 -­‐ +39 347 82 67 886 Fax: E-­‐Mail: [email protected] 16