JASON LEVINE di nuovo al “Giulio Cesare” di Sabaudia: il Rapper


JASON LEVINE di nuovo al “Giulio Cesare” di Sabaudia: il Rapper
JASON LEVINE di nuovo al “Giulio Cesare” di Sabaudia:
il Rapper americano nella nostra cittadina per la seconda volta!!!
Venerdi 22 aprile, nel Laboratorio Polivalente Fondazione Roma dell’Istituto Superiore di Sabaudia,
si è tenuto lo Student Workshop “Rhyme on Time” del rapper americano Jason Levine, nella nostra
scuola per la seconda volta a distanza di un anno scolastico.
Il workshop "RHYME on TIME", organizzato e proposto da Gallery Languages, è rivolto agli
studenti della scuola primaria e secondaria.
Il rapper Jason Levine, anche noto su Youtube come FluencyMC, è un docente madrelingua di
New York con 15 anni di esperienza nel settore ESL (insegnamento dell'inglese come seconda
Jason utilizza un approccio nuovo per l'apprendimento della lingua: permette di imparare
strutture grammaticali ed acquisire la fluency necessaria in modo divertente, stimolante, ma
soprattutto coinvolgente!
Durante il suo workshop che dura 1 ora e mezza, riesce a coinvolgere il pubblico intrattenendo gli
studenti in lingua inglese con domande e raccontando aneddoti, attraverso i testi delle sue
canzoni, quindi con l'ausilio di testi mirati, video e soprattutto musica.
Il suo slogan “The three R: Relax, Repeat, Remember “ é di grande effetto per il pubblico scolastico
giovanile che lo segue ormai da Italia, Russia, Germania, Bulgaria, Romania, Belgio e Tunisia e per il
prossimo a.s. sono già 120 i workshop che ha in programma.
Grandi le attese degli alunni che avevano assistito al suo show lo scorso anno e grande il calore
con cui lo hanno accolto; lui, da par suo, ha loro presentato le novità della sua ricerca didattica
attraverso le canzoni “Make or Do”, “Fresh” (che ha riscosso un notevole successo) e sull’uso del
verbo get attraverso “Get a Life” che ha favorevolmente impressionato i più sensibili tra loro per la
profondità del messaggio che contiene e vuole trasmettere:
“As we get older, we get wiser but we often get lost
I hope you get what I’m saying, I hope it’s getting across
When people truly love you, they get after you to listen
You might just get a clue, and see what you’ve been missing…”
Ovviamente è stato molto apprezzato anche dai “nuovi” studenti della scuola delle classi prime e
dai tre alunni della scuola secondaria di primo grado che lo hanno poi seguito nel prosieguo dei
suoi show presso l’Istituto “O. Cencelli”.
Grande soddisfazione per la riuscita del Workshop è stata espressa dalla Dirigente Scolastica
prof.ssa Miriana Zannella, e la Coordinatrice delle attività di lingua inglese prof.ssa Paola Carelli
organizzatrice dell’evento, ha sottolineato la partecipazione ed il coinvolgimento degli studenti
“che sono stati attenti dall’inizio alla fine, rispondendo alle domande e cantando le canzoni che
venivano loro proposte quasi a mo’ di Karaoke”.
Seguono alcuni commenti dei ragazzi, naturalmente rigorosamente in lingua Inglese:
“Yesterday me and my class went to see the American teacher Jason Levine FluencyMC. He does
Rap to teach English easily. I really liked him and appreciated his support for the students…and I
liked the song “Get a life”. Riccardo J.
“Yesterday I went to Fondazione Roma to assist the show of FluencyMC. He ‘s a good rapper.
During his show he sings hip-hop songs. He taught us a lot of new words with his rhymes. I was
very happy and enjoyed his alternative lesson. I liked the story which he told at the end of the
show. I hope he’ll come back to this school next year.” Alessandro T.
“Yesterday my class and I went to Fondazione Roma: we saw Jason Levine FluencyMC, a rapper
who lives in France but originally in the USA. He tries to teach English through his songs and
involves students with videos. He sings different lyrics/songs he invented. I really enjoyed myself
and the best moment was the selfie together”. Francesco Z.
“Yesterday came to my school FluencyMC, teacher/rapper, who sang three new songs. I like this
method of teaching because he can teach English while his students are happy. This teacher is
funnier than a simple teacher. I understood his story and I like his motivation to do what he does
and why he started. I want to contact him on his Facebook page”. Marco P.
“ On the day April 22nd , yesterday, I went to Fondazione Roma to see a rap show. In this show the
American rapper sang many songs to make us understand some grammar differences English, foe
example between Make and Do. I’ve really enjoyed myself in this show even if I had already seen it
last year, but this year it was different. The first year the show was strange, because there are less
American people in Italy to talk to, but the second time it was very funny because I knew how it
was that kind of show. It has been very involving!.” Salvatore P.
“Yesterday activity was really cool! Jason Levine or Fluency MC, his name as a rapper, developed
an interesting show, in which he taught the English language through English rap music. At the end
of the show he told us a story in which a young guy, while studying at college, received a call from
his aunt who told him his mother was sick and he had to come back home. Then his mother died
and he continued his studies at college. After college he got a job abd he built his family. This story
for us was very important to explain family’s importance. I think this way of teaching is fantastic
and very original.” Claudio A.
“Yesterday we saw a show by Jason Levine, in art Fluency MC, a teacher that teaches English with
rap and hip-hop music. I think that this is a funny way to teach English and the students learn the
lessons easier. The show was interesting and his songs root in our mind.” Marco P.
“Yesterday Fluency MC came to my school. He’s a rapper who came from the US, but actually lives
in Paris. He has a dream which is travelling the world teaching English using the rap music. I saw
him also last year (always at my school) and liked him a lot. This year he sang for us a new song
called “Get a life”. This song tells about a kid who lives in a bad situation, because he is poor and
he has bad friends, but with his intelligence he will get a new life. Jason gave us the advice of
listening to songs in English following the lyrics too. I enjoyed a lot this show and I hope that he will
come again next year! P.s. I wrote him on Facebook. I told him “my ways” to learn English faster”.
Matteo D.
“On the 22nd of April 2016 we saw the show Rhyme on Time. I really liked it in particular for the
arguments covered, for our involvement but also for the way in which the activity was carried out. I
think this way of teaching is very efficient for every guy.” Davide M.
“Fluency MC is an American teacher who teaches English singing rap and hip-hop songs. This is
really funny and interesting. I also think that this way of teaching is efficient. Yesterday it was the
second time I took part in this alternative lesson and it was nice and funny as the previous time.
Lorenzo M.
“Yesterday our class with other classes went into Fondazione Roma to watch Fluency MC’s show.
He is an English teacher and rapper too, who tours the European schools for teaching English
putting in his texts English grammar rules. The show started at half past eight and finished at ten
o’ clock and he enjoyed our lesson’s hours.” Alessandro I.
“Yesterday we went to Fondazione Roma to listen to a rapper who spoke with us in English and
sang too. He was a funny guy and quite crazy too. My impressions about him have been positive
because I understood almost all his words and because he was very funny with us.” Federico F.
“Yesterday I watched the show of the rapper Fluency MC, I liked him talking and obviously singing.I
spent two good hours. Stay “Fresh”. Christian R.
“Yesterday, april 22nd we went to Fondazione Roma to see an American rapper named Fluency MC.
We really liked him and he helped us to improve our English. He sang one of his songs and involved
us singing and in the end we took a photo together.” Simone A.
“ A good American rapper visited our school yesterday morning. He entertained us with some very
catchy songs. He spoke only English and some of us answered his questions. I had fun very much
because not only the rapper was very sympathetic but also because rap music is my favourite
music genre. I expected that he was younger but he really was and is very good. It was a wonderful
experience that I’m going never to forget.” Miriam R.