Martina Cividini – Curriculum Vitae


Martina Cividini – Curriculum Vitae
Martina Cividini
Curriculum Vitae
Milano, Italy
H (+39) 335 1596752
B [email protected]
2016–present Sustainability Analyst, Deloitte, Milano, Italy.
As part of the sustainability team of Deloitte, I worked on assurance on sustainability reports for
Fortune 500 companies. I provided methodological support on sustainability reporting processes
and report drafting supporting the materiality analysis process and data collection phases.
2013–2014 Internship, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Avignon, France.
At INRA I developed and calibrated a mechanistic model regarding the growth of peach trees and
their interaction with pest, as part of a bigger effort to find alternative ways of management of the
orchards. The work has been presented at the 8th European Conference on Ecological Modeling in
Marrakech, Morocco and at the 24th Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE),
2014–2015 Sustainability consultancy, ReCreativity.
I worked together with ReCreativity to improve their sustainability performance, analyzing their
situation, showing the advantages of integrating sustainability in their business model, and finally
drafting an actionable business plan.
2014 Framing Product Labelling into Strategic Sustainable Development - The KRAV
example, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Analysis of the KRAV label with the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development.
2011–2013 MCDA for cultural heritage preservation and development, Alta Scuola Politecnica.
Multi-criteria Spatial Decision Support Systems for long-term enhancement strategies regarding
the Castles owned and managed by the Region Valle d’Aosta. The project was in collaboration
with the Region Valle d’Aosta and with the Soprintendenza for cultural heritage.
2008–2011 Behavior of marmota marmota as an indicator of climate change in alpine areas,
Politecnico di Milano, Stelvio National Park, Italy.
Research within the European project S.H.A.R.E Stelvio, an interdisciplinary program for detecting
early evidences of climate change in the Alpine Stelvio National Park, Italy.
2014–2015 MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of Technology,
Karlskrona, Sweden.
Thesis: Closed loop building approach to address sustainability challenges into the future of urban
2011–2014 Laurea Magistrale (MSc.) in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 110L/110 (with Honors).
Thesis: Fruit trees and their pests: a mechanistic model for the peach-aphid system.
2011–2014 Alta Scuola Politecnica, Politecnico di Milano - Torino.
Merit-based double degree program between Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino.
2008–2011 BSc. in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano,
Thesis: La marmotta alpina: un indicatore del cambiamento climatico. Ricerca e raccolta dati su
2003–2008 High School with emphasis on humanities, Liceo Classico Giovanni Berchet, Milano,
2014 D. Bevacqua, M. Cividini, F. Mattioli, P. Melia, F. Lescourret, M. Genard and R.
Casagrandi (2014). Incorporating sap feeders of fruit plants into mathematical models for their growth and production. XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Ecologia (SItE), Ferrara, Italy, 15-17 September.
Italian Native
English Fluent
Guidelines GRI - G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
Frameworks Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development
Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows
ArcGIS, QGis
Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Adobe Photoshop
Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali, ai sensi del D.lgs. 196 del 30 giugno 2003.