

Programma Definitivo a.s.2012/2013
Docente: Anna Felicita ANGIONI
Revisione e consolidamento
Dal testo in adozione lo scorso anno scolastico: Spiazzi-Tavella - LIT & LAB 1 – from the beginning to
the Augustan Age – ed. Zanichelli.
Breve revisione del programma di argomento storico letterario preso in esame durante lo scorso anno
English Renaissance:
Setting the scene: The Tudors and the Stuarts
Queen Elizabeth . The Elizabethan Age
The Origins of Modern Theatre
William Shakespeare: The Bard of Avon
Programma quarto anno:
Dal testo in adozione lo scorso anno scolastico: Spiazzi-Tavella - LIT & LAB 1 – from the beginning to
the Augustan Age – ed. Zanichelli.
William Shakespeare Shakespeare the poet – The Sonnets –
The Elizabethan Sonnet (rhyme scheme and features)
From “Shakespeare Sonnets” :
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?
My Mistress’ Eyes
Reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis
Shakespeare the dramatist
Romeo and Juliet – Plot, characters, themes
From Romeo and Juliet “The Balcony Scene” – Reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis,
Hamlet – Plot characters – themes
From Hamlet “ Soliloquy on death” Reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, commentary
Visione del film “Shakespeare in Love”
The Augustan Age – Activation - General Features
The Rise of The Novel
Daniel Defoe (writer’s portrait)
Robinson Crusoe (general features of the work- characters, structure)
From “Robinson Crusoe” – Man Friday
(reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, commentary).
Dal testo in adozione :Spiazzi-Tavella - LIT & LAB 2 – from the early Romantics to the Victorian Ageed.Zanichelli:
The Romantic Age -Activation
Emotion versus reason
Literary genres – Poetry - Fiction
Early Romantic poetry – Features –
The Graveyard School: Thomas Gray –Elegy written in a country churchyard - reading comprehension,
Italian translation, analysis, commentary.
Comparative Literature: Gray’s Elegy and “The Hill” by Edgar Lee Masters from “Spoon River Anthology”
reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, commentary
Romantic Poetry – Features
1st generation of Romantic poets – The Lakers –
Lyrical Ballads - The Manifesto of English Romanticism
William Wordsworth – the writer and his poetry – Wordsworth’s view of Nature, The importance of the
senses and of memory, Recollection of thoughts in tranquillity, The poet’s task and his style.
The Solitary Reaper (reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, structure and style, commentary)
Daffodils (reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, structure and style, commentary)
Comparative Literature:
“Daffodils” in Wordsworth poem and in the excerpt from “Lucy” by Jamaica Kincaid
S.T. Coleridge – The man and the poet – Imagination and Fancy, the ideal in the real,
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (content, atmosphere and characters, The Rime and the traditional ballads)
From the Rime of the Ancient Mariner:
The Killing of the Albatross (reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, structure and style,
The Water Snakes (reading comprehension, Italian translation, analysis, structure and style, commentary)
Programma per le vacanze estive:
Lettura, comprensione, caratterizzazione dei personaggi ed esercizi contenuti in un testo scelto fra quelli
a) Romanzi in versione didattica livello 6
Oxford Bookworms:
1) Charlotte Bronte -Jane Eyre – Level 6- Book+3CD – OUP -Cod.978-019-479347-6
2) Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice – Level 6 - Book+3CD – OUP Cod. 978-019-479349-0
3) Thomas Hardy – Tess of the D’Ubervilles – Level 6- Book+3CD – OUP - Cod 978 -019-479350-6
4) William Makepiece Thackeray-Vanity Fair-Level 6- Book+4CD – OUP - Cod 978 -019-479462 –
b) Romanzi in versione integrale: (plot, characters, commentary, personal view)
1) E.M. Forster – A Passage to India
2) Francis Scott Fitzgerald – Tender is the Night
3) Ernest Hemingway – Across the River and into the trees
4) Ernest Hemingway – Farewell to Arms
5) Jonathan Coe – The Rotters’ Club
6) Jonathan Coe – The Closed Circle
7) Jonathan Safran Foer – Everything is illuminated
8) Jack Kerouac – On The Road
Promozione con debito
Gli studenti promossi con debito, oltre alle attività facenti parte del libro scelto, dovranno revisionare il
programma di letteratura svolto durante l’anno e svolgere tutte le attività inserite nel testo in adozione e nelle
fotocopie fornite dalla docente per ogni argomento e brano antologico facente parte del programma.
Venezia-Mestre 01/06/2013
La docente
Prof. Anna Felicita Angioni
Gli studenti