program july 7


program july 7
POLIMIforICOM Il Politecnico di Milano, Ateneo di formazione di progettisti che lavorano alle diverse scale dell’architettura, partecipa con l’iniziativa POLIMIforICOM alla 24^ General conference ICOM, MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES e al dibattito che investe oggi la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, il museo, la sua architettura, gli allestimenti e gli spazi interni, fino ai rapporti fra pratiche museali, musei di comunità, ecomusei, sviluppo locale e paesaggi culturali. POLIMIforICOM si presenta con due eventi. Il convegno IL MUSEO ITALIANO FRA TRADIZIONE E INNOVAZIONE propone una riflessione sul rinnovato ruolo sociale del museo, nel cambio di prospettiva culturale dovuto alla considerazione degli aspetti di cultura materiale nell’ambito della tutela con un preciso impegno per la trasformazione della realtà museale, della sua organizzazione e della sua architettura nella realtà contemporanea. Due mostre testimoniano l’attualità del tema all’interno del Politecnico: PROGETTARE MUSEI/DESIGNING MUSEUMS, che ha come oggetto la progettazione in ambito museale, dall’architettura alla museografia, dall'allestimento alla museotecnica, al rapporto fra museo e territorio, e FREDI DRUGMAN: IL PROGETTO AL MUSEO dedicata alla figura di Fredi Drugman docente e progettista, fin dagli anni ’70 instancabile promotore del museo quale luogo di cultura e di scienza, di dibattito sociale e politico, di incontro e di vita civile. L’evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani del Politecnico di Milano con ICAMT. Il convegno MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES. The ecomuseums and community museums perspectives presenta riflessioni, progetti e buone pratiche di valorizzazione del paesaggio e del patrimonio naturale e culturale, attraverso il coinvolgimento attivo delle comunità locali, per formare, sensibilizzare e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio. Si tratta di una occasione di confronto interdisciplinare a livello internazionale sull’importanza della partecipazione delle comunità e della valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale quali leve dello sviluppo locale. Una riflessione in linea con il ruolo sociale del progetto in risposta alla domanda di rigenerazione e valorizzazione ambientale e fruitiva dei sistemi territoriali, urbani e edilizi. In questa logica operano gli ecomusei e i musei di comunità, attivando processi partecipati di riconoscimento, cura, gestione e promozione dei paesaggi culturali al fine di favorire uno sviluppo sociale, ambientale ed economico in sintonia con i valori e le esigenze delle comunità. Le relazioni al convegno e la poster session che lo affianca documentano l’attualità del tema con una selezione di esperienze provenienti da tutto il mondo. L’evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito del Politecnico di Milano con l’Ecomuseums and community museums forum, e il patrocinio di SITdA Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell’Architettura. ECOMUSEUMS AND COMMUNITY MUSEUMS FORUM
POLIMIforICOM The Politecnico di Milano, Athenaeum dedicated to the education of architects and designers who operate in the field of the built environment, participates in the 24th General conference of ICOM, MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES, by promoting the initiative POLIMIforICOM, thus contributing to the ongoing debate concerning the enhancement of the cultural heritage, the museum, its architecture, exhibition settings and interior spaces, as well as the relationship among museum practices, community museums, ecomuseums, local development and cultural landscapes. POLIMIforICOM includes two conferences. The conference THE ITALIAN MUSEUM BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION aims at reflecting on the renewed social role of the museum, and on the evolution of the cultural perspective ensuing from the reconsideration of aspects of material culture in the preservation issues, and from the commitment to the transformation of museums, their organization and architecture in contemporaneity. The strategic role of this topic within the tasks of Politecnico di Milano is illustrated by two exhibitions: PROGETTARE MUSEI/DESIGNING MUSEUMS, which explores the design activities in the museum field, ranging from architecture to museography, from display setting to museotechnics, and to the relationship between museum and territory, and FREDI DRUGMAN: IL PROGETTO AL MUSEO dedicated to the figure of Fredi Drugman, a professor and designer who, since the ’70, has tirelessly promoted the museum as a place for culture and science, for social and political debate, for encounters and civic life. The event is organized by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Politecnico di Milano with ICAMT. The conference MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES. The ecomuseums and community museums perspectives intends to present critical reflections, projects and best practices related to the enhancement of natural and cultural landscape and heritage, serving as lever for the active participation of local communities, raising awareness, shaping and promoting the sustainable development of the territories. By providing a significant opportunity for an international and interdisciplinary debate, the conference is meant to foster new considerations on the role of community engagement and the promotion of cultural heritage as strategical levers for local development. These questions draw on the social tasks of the project related to the request of regeneration and enhancement for the environmental quality and use of territorial, urban and built systems. Ecomuseums and community museums operate in this framework, activating participative processes and facilitating the recognition, management and promotion of cultural landscapes with the aim to foster a sustainable social, environmental and economic development, harmoniously evolving along with the values and needs of the community. The presentations at the conference and its poster session demonstrate the relevance of such issue with a variety of experiences from all over the world. The event is organized by the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano with the Ecomuseums and community museums forum, and the support of SITdA Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell’Architettura. ECOMUSEUMS AND COMMUNITY MUSEUMS FORUM
MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES The ecomuseums and community museums perspectives Politecnico di Milano, Aula De Donato, July 7th 2016 h 9.00 Registration h 9.30 Welcome Federico Bucci, Vice Rector, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Della Torre, Head, Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering, Politecnico di Milano Alberto Garlandini, President, ICOM Conference Milano 2016 h 10.00 Opening Elena Mussinelli, Full professor of Architectural technology, Politecnico di Milano h 10.15 The ecomuseum and community museums approach to landscape enhancement: theoretical considerations and experimentations Chairman: Gerard Corsane, Senior lecturer in Heritage, Museum & Gallery, Newcastle University Sociomuseology and community museums ‐ Ana Mercedes Stoffel (Portugal) The concept of ecomuseum collection ‐ René Binette (Canada) Social participation and cultural democracy ‐ Iñaki Díaz Balerdi (Spain) Ecomuseums and Unesco heritage sites: shared management strategies ‐ Raffaella Riva, Eduardo Salinas Chávez, Rosela Ayala Hernández (Italy, Cuba) Getting to the core: can ecomuseums foster cultures of sustainability? ‐ Glenn C. Sutter, Lynne Teather (Canada) h 11.15 Projects of ecomuseums and community museums for the cultural landscapes enhancement: case studies and proposals Chairman: Alexandre Delarge, President, Fédération des écomusées et des musées de société Brazilian cultural melting pot. Culture with accent on ecomuseums and community museums: the immigrants’ memory in the cultural landscape ‐ Odalice Priosti, Walter Priosti (Brasil) ECOMUSEUMS AND COMMUNITY MUSEUMS FORUM
Museums and voiceless audiences. Socially responsible practices with and for asylum seekers and refugees ‐ Federico Sabatini (Italy) The biographical approach in in Katembe Ecomuseum project ‐ Pedro Pereira Leite, Mário Souza Chagas (Portugal, Brasil) Integral museum of the Biosphere reserve Laguna Blanca ‐ Daniel Delfino, Sabine Dupuy, Alejandro Díaz, Valeria Espiro, Gustavo Pisani, Andrés Barale, Anaïs Viennot (Argentina) Serra de Ouro Preto: multiple landscape designed by nature, culture and heritage ‐ Yara Mattos, Marcia Maria Arcuri Suñer, Rodrigo Luiz dos Santos, Paulo Otávio Laia (Brasil) Failure of citizen participation in the process of making a historic park ‐ Mariko Takibata (Japan) Argenta Ecomuseum: culture, water landscape and social economy ‐ Nerina Baldi (Italy) Technological foot‐print and cultural identity: the proposal of the Ecomuseum of the Water in Sant'Agata de Goti ‐ Antonella Violano, Antonio Maio (Italy) Musa: a diffused museum‐workshop to experience rural landscapes and food culture in a metropolitan area ‐ Lionella Scazzosi, Matteo Mai (Italy) Rethinking the margins: the Ecomuseo Casilino Ad Duas Lauros and the suburb of Rome ‐ Alessandra Broccolini, Claudio Gnessi (Italy) Please save Oudlajan as a museum without walls ‐ Susan Habib, Navid Jamali, Shaghayegh Shahhosseini (Iran) h 13.30 Lunch break h 14.30 Cultural landscapes and local development: activities and best practices from ecomuseums and community museums Chairman: Óscar Navajas Corral, Lecturer, Centro de Estudios Universitarios Ramón Areces Ponte‐Ecomuséu. A link between innovation and community involvement ‐ Óscar Navajas Corral, Jesús Fernández Fernández (Spain) Conservation and interpretation challenges in the Valparaiso documentary centres ‐ Angela Herrera Paredes (Chile) Museo histórico de Placilla: first community museum in Valparaiso ‐ Pamela Fuentes Pradenas, Francisco Rivero Araus (Chile) Implications of the solidarity tourism and perceptions of the residents in Boğatepe Ecomuseum ‐ Mustafa Doğan (Turkey) Landscape maps knowledge and management tools for the cultural heritage ‐ Paola Branduini, Raffaella Laviscio, Cristina F. Colombo (Italy) Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare di Cervia. Landscape maps for citizens and guests ‐ Daniela Poggiali (Italy) Ecomuseums and social production of the landscape in Puglia ‐ Francesco Baratti (Italy) Open sky museums and landscape interpretation ‐ Ivana De Toni, Elisabeth Hind (Italy) ECOMUSEUMS AND COMMUNITY MUSEUMS FORUM
Ecomuseo della Pastorizia: historical native and alpine communities ‐ Diego Deidda, Stefano Martini, Maria Elena Rosso (Italy) Ecomuseo delle case di terra Villa Ficana e Macerata ‐ Anna Paola Conti (Italy) The network Ecomuseum of Trentino ‐ Adriana Stefani (Italy) Festasaggia. Landscape‐friendly village festivals ‐ Andrea Rossi (Italy) Resiliency in the Italian Alps. Nature, art & habitat, a multidisciplinary residency in the Taleggio Valley ‐ Ilaria Mazzoleni, Anna Santi (Italy) Inspiring landscape future ‐ Raul Dal Santo, Lucia Vignati (Italy) Territorial practices of participation and enhancement in Northern Milan ‐ Michela Bresciani, Silvia Mascheroni, Alessandra Micoli (Italy) The interaction between man and the territory. The role of Wikipedia, OpenStreetMaps and open licenses in enhancing involvement and participation ‐ Iolanda Pensa (Italy) Identity and actions of responsible tourism ‐ Pina Sardella (Italy) Project: Eco‐archaeological park Onega petroglyphs ‐ Maria Razorenova (Russia) h 17.30 Discussion h 18.00 Conclusion Hugues De Varine, researcher in local development and heritage strategies Scientific committee Hugues De Varine (researcher in local development and heritage strategies) Elena Mussinelli (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) Giuliana Castellari (Provincia di Ferrara) Gerard Corsane (Newcastle University) Heloisa Costa (Federal University, S. Salvador, Bahia) Stefano Della Torre (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) Iñaki Diaz Balerdi (University of Pais Vasco, Bilbao) Donatella Murtas (architect, researcher in ecomuseums and participations practices) Giuliana Ricci (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies) Roberta Tucci (MIBACT) Organizing committee Raffaella Riva (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) ‐ [email protected] Raul Dal Santo (Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago) ‐ [email protected] Etelca Ridolfo (Ecomuseo delle Acque del Gemonese) ‐ [email protected]