curriculum vitae viola mordenti - Swiss Network for International


curriculum vitae viola mordenti - Swiss Network for International
Viola Mordenti
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 305
00186 Roma
Tel: +39 3474903980
Associazione ETICity
e-mail: [email protected]
Mordenti graduated with a summa cum laude degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Roma Tre
University on the 6th of March 2007 with a thesis dealing with “the right to the city” through the study of the
advantageous alternative to the sale of public housing located in Rome city center. She continued her research
attending the PhD program in “Territorial Policies and Local Project” at Roma Tre University. Her PhD research,
discussed in 2011, dealt with the role of higher education institutions and universities in the development and
social transformation of European cities. Her main research interests concern the field of reproduction of common
goods, insurgence practices, social movements and the city. In particular, she has been involved in exploring the
opportunities related to the recovery and strengthening of the existing urban heritage in the context of urban
struggles claiming social justice and the re-appropriation of common spaces and cultural institutions. To this
extent, she has experienced group work and collaborations with several cultural associations, university students
and social movements (Labò – Laboratory of architecture and politics; ESC - European Studies Connections). She
is also founding member of the ETICity (Exploring Territories, Imagining the City) Association. These
experiences have allowed her to develop a critical analysis of the local action and large urban development that has
occurred in Rome during the neoliberal urban restructuring phase and to focus on the issue of local responses and
active citizenship. With this positioning, half-way between academia and civil society, she has gained expertise in
the field of crisis mediation, participatory design and the multidisciplinary analysis of territorial complexity.
Among the most significant collective experiences, she founded the interdisciplinary research group
“Labò - Laboratory of architecture and politics” in 2003 which has conducted numerous research
and seminars financed by funds for social and cultural activities of Roma Tre University (see list of publication).
Since 2006 she’s member of the collective “ESC - European Studies Connections”,
particularly involved in the “Infomigrante project”, that is involved in struggling for social justice and equity
related to the migrants question. With these collective research group she collaborated and participated in several
independent researches about social justice, migration and living together, the production of commons for the city
(e.g. LUM self-education seminars; Inforights-ESC materials, etc).
In 2011 she was a tutor and organizer of the international workshop Urban Transcripts “Rome, the
accidental city”. Following this experience she founded the association “ETICity” in 2012, now engaged in the
promotion of urban and territorial research Within the “ETICity” association, she helped to publish
a number of “Quaderni” (, a on-line magazine of
urban planning of Roma Tre University and other articles.
Now, the “ETICity” association is engaged in the organization of a weeklong workshop in Venice for
Weekend Specials - Monditalia, a session of “14° Biennale di Architettura di Venezia”, after passing the selection.
The themes that have supported the proposal for the selection are the ones that I have always faced in my research.
2011, May - PhD in Politiche territoriali e Progetto Locale (Territorial policies and Local project), Dipartimento
di Studi Urbani at the Facoltà di Architettura, Roma Tre University.
Dissertation: “Studia urbium/Urbes studiorum. Universities and urban transformations of the XXI century: the
case of Rome”. The dissertation dealt with the role of higher education institutions and universities in the
development and social transformation of European cities and explores the changing in the new knowledge
economy through a case study comparison between the three public University in Rome and other European
2010, January – May, certificate of attending the course of Academic Writing, Roma Tre University - Language
Centre, training of university-level academic writing. The course was aimed at the preparation of abstracts for
papers and participation in conferences or to write essays in international journals.
2008, October, PhD sponsored by 36 months scholarship from the Roma Tre University, Department of Urban
Studies at the Faculty of Architecture.
2007, March, Laurea in Architecture and Urbanism (five year course, equivalent to MA), Faculty of Architecture,
Roma Tre University of Rome.
Dissertation: “Living in the historic centre, the question of the Roma’s public property disposal”. The thesis
dealt with the right to the city through the study of an advantageous alternative to the sale of Roma’s public
housing in the centre of the city.
2004, July – August, fellowship and certificate of attendance for the international workshop “Bitterfeld – Wolfen
IN DK”, organized by Stalker & Station C23, Municipality of Bitterfeld, Germany.
2003, March – July, fellowship and certificate of attendance for the workshop “Corviale città invisibile” organized
by Osservatorio Nomade & Stalker – Ellelab. The results of the workshop were been published in the book: F.
Gennari Santori and B. Pietromarchi (eds), “Osservatorio Nomade. Immaginare Corviale. Pratiche ed estetiche
per la città contemporanea”, Bruno Mondatori, Milano, 2006.
2003, October – July, fellowship and certificate of attendance for the national itinerant seminar “VILLARD 5:
Genova tra città e porto”, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University. The results were been published in
the book: L. Dall’Olio and D. Tchou (eds), “Villard 5- Genova tra città e porto”, Edilstampa edizioni, Roma
2005. Architectural project conducted with E. Saracino.
2012, from March to July 2013, contract of collaboration into the FIRB research project entitled “Architectures for
the Middle class in Italy, 1950 1970”, la Sapienza University, Department of History, Cultures, Religions,
coordinated by Dr. Bruno Bonomo.
2012, from October to April 2013, contract of collaboration and membership in the research project “Le forme
della periferia” (The shape of Peripheries) coordinated by Centro per la Riforma dello Stato (CRS) and the
“AltraMente” association with the support of the Camera di Commercio di Roma. The research was published
2011, from June to December, contract of collaboration, membership and coordinator for the international “The
Seven Deadly Vices of Rome” into the international program “Urban Transcripts 2011: Rome, The Accidental
City”, organized by Urban Transcripts International Urban Network, supported by Urban Studies Department;
Faculty of Architecture; Roma Tre University; Provincia di Roma.
2009, from September to December 2009, contract of collaboration and membership in the research project
“Densifying nodes: strategies and forms of inhabit” coordinated by Prof. G.Caudo for LABIC (Laboratorio
ABItare la Città contemporanea), Urban Studies Department, Roma Tre University.
2008, from September to 2009 April, contract of collaboration on the research project “The space of possibilities,
the ATER’s architecture”; supported by ATER LATINA.
Lecture by invitation at the event “Re-Cycle LAB/02, Strategie per l'architettura, la città e il pianeta”,
Arch. Pippo Ciorra (eds) in MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI Secolo – Architecture session – entitled:
“Between Reality and Fiction: a Critical Analysis on Tor Bella Monaca Redevelopment” into the International
workshop of architecture “Re-Cycling Italy”, coordinated by Prof. Paola Viganò, 18 January 2012.
Conference lecture presentation“Self-representation in Rome: how the social movements show
themselves” for the international conference “Mapping The Commons. Inventing Alternatives: Commons as
Exodus from the Disaster Capitalism”, in Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 30 November-6 December 2012,
coordinated by: Prof. Aslihan Senel (ITU), Istanbul Event Organiser; Ekmel Ertan (amberPlatform/BIS), Istanbul
Event Coordinator; Pablo de Soto (Hackitectura), Workshop Instructor.
Lecture by invitation as a discussant at the international conference “Beyond the Crisis. For the Practice
of the Commons” in the issue “La pratica del comune nella metropoli della crisi. Gentrificazione, colonialismi,
conflitti, arti e architetture”, organised by Marco Baravalle - S.a.L.E. Docks (Dorsoduro n.265, Venice) with the
participation of Decolonizing Architecture, Anthony Iles e Marti Peran, at Padiglione della Catalogna e delle Isole
Baleari, 54 Biennale di Arti Visive of Venice, in partnership with Institut Ramon Llull, 25 June 2011.
Lecture by invitation and organisation of the international seminar “Rome On Sale. A New Strategy For
The City”, togheter with Prof. Kurt Klein (Regensburg University, Faculty og Urban Geography), Urban Studies
Department, Roma Tre University. 18 October 2008.
Conference paper presentation “Il patrimonio di Roma tra svendita e riappropriazione”, Atelier n. 3
“Tutela, gestione e valorizzazione dei beni immobili pubblici” coordinated by Prof. Luca Gaeta and Prof. Paola
Savoldi, discussant: Prof. Attilio Belli, in XVI National Conference SIU “Urbanistica per una diversa crescita”,
Napoli, 9-10 May 2013, Department of Architecture, University of Napoli Federico II.
Conference paper presentation “Crisi e opportunità: il potenziale delle Università nella trasformazione
urbana”, Atelier “Innovazione competitività e sviluppo territoriale” coordinated by Prof. Paolo Fusero”, in XIII
Conferenza Nazionale SIU - Società Italiana degli Urbanisti “Città e crisi globale: crisi, sviluppo e convivenza”,
Rome 25-27 February 2010, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University.
Conference paper presentation “Roma in gioco. La costruzione dello spazio pubblico attraverso la
pratica del gioco”, Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico, Atelier “La città eventuale” coordinated by Arch. Ilaria
Vitellio, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University, 2010. Paper written together with: S. Annunziata,
M.Cossu, C.Faraone, C.Fioretti, M. Iannuzzi, C. Meschiari.
Conference paper presentation “The Role of University in Urban Development” at AESOP PHD
Workshop 2009 (2011, 10-18 July), international conference into the 23rd Congress of the Association of
European Schools of Planning: “Why can't the future be more like the past?” in Liverpool.
Poster presentation “The Role of University in Urban Development” for the international workshop
“Citizenship and Heritage” into the session“Whose Heritage? Recognizing alternative traditions” coordinated by
Prof. Frank Eckardt and by Prof. Marco Cremaschi at the Institute for European Urban Studies, BauhausUniversität, Weimar, Germany (2011, 2-7 November).
- A.A 2011/2012 Assistant to Prof. Luca Montuori for the undergraduate courses of “Urban Space Project”,
Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University.
- A.A 2010/2011 Lecture in university seminar “University and Territory” organised by Prof. Giovanni Caudo,
entitled: “University and territory: the necessary innovation for the Italy’s development”, Faculty of Architecture,
Roma Tre University.
- A.A 2009/2010 Lecture in undergraduate course in the “Urban Space Project” course tenured by Prof. Luca
Montuori, entitled: “Restituire la complessità del progetto urbano: storia sociale, urbanistica e architettura del
quartiere di San Lorenzo a Roma”, 13 December 2011, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University.
- A.A 2009/2010 Lecture in undergraduate course “Project of architecture and urbanity” tenured by prof.
Francesco Careri, entitled. “the role of Universities in urban development”, 30 October 2009, Faculty of
Architecture, Roma Tre University.
- A.A 2007/2008 Assistant to Prof. Giorgio Piccinato for the undergraduate courses of “Urbanistic Project”,
Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University
Rosa Mordenti, Viola Mordenti, Giuliano Santoro, Lorenzo Sansonetti, Guida alla Roma ribelle, Voland, Roma,
Book Chapters
Mordenti V., “Non per la bellezza, ma per l’autonomia e la libertà. Via Santacroce, Roma” in F. De Pieri, B.
Bonomo, G. Caramellino, F. Zanfi (eds), Storie di Case. Abitare l’Italia del boom, Donzelli editore, June 2013, pp.
357–376 - ISBN 9788860368799 – (Not for beauty, but for autonomy and freedom. Via Santacroce, Rome).
Mordenti V., “Crisi e opportunità urbane: il potenziale delle università” in Paolo Fusero (eds), in Identità locali e
reti globali, Sala Editori, 2011, pp.103-113 - ISBN - 978-88-96338-17-9 – (Crisis and urban opportunities: the
potentiality of Universities institutions).
Mordenti V. and Cossu M., “Autorganizzazione territoriale e politiche urbane. La Comunità Territoriale del
Decimo Municipio e la Centralità Romanina” in “Le forme della periferia”, Centro Riforma dello Stato (eds);
l’associazione AltraMente with the support of the Camera di Commercio di Roma, April 2013, pp. 19-81
(Territorial self-organization and urban policies. The Territorial Community of the X Municipality and the
Romanina project). Available on-line:
Bonadonna F., Coppola A., Cossu M., Mordenti V., “Premessa. Tre sguardi sulla trasformazione della città” in “Le
forme della periferia” Centro Riforma dello Stato (eds); l’associazione AltraMente with the support of the Camera
di Commercio di Roma, April 2013, pp. 4-18 (Premise. Three looks on the transformation of the city). Available
Mordenti V. and Capra S., “Lo spazio delle possibilità. Settant'anni di architettura su cui poggiare le fondamenta
del futuro” in L. Less e P. Mastrantoni (eds), 70° Ater 1939-2009, Ater Latina libri - Regione Lazio, October 2009,
pp. 17-22 (The space of possibilities. Seventy years of architecture on which building the foundations of future).
Mordenti V., “Il patrimonio di Roma tra svendita e riappropriazione”, Atti della XVI Conferenza Nazionale
Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Urbanistica per una diversa crescita, Napoli, 9‐10 May 2013, in Planum. The
Journal of Urbanism, n.27, vol.2 (November 2013), ISSN 1723‐0993.
Mordenti V., “Roma svendesi”, in Carta, weekly magazine, 3 November 2011, ISSN 1594-0772.
Mordenti V., “Crisi e opportunità: il potenziale delle Università nella trasformazione urbana”, Atti della XIII
Conferenza Società italiana degli Urbanisti, Città e crisi globale: clima sviluppo e convivenza, Roma 25-27
February 2010, in Planum. The European Journal of Planning on-line , ISSN 1723-0993.
Mordenti V., “Roma e la pianificazione: fine del pensiero sociale sulla città”, in Terzo Occhio - the quarterly of art
and culture, XXXV, n. 10, April-June 2009, Ulisse Editore, p. 46, registered magazine in “Tribunale di Roma”
Caudo G., Farina M., Mordenti V., Perugia F., “18 Centri per Roma”, in “Il Giornale dell’Architettura”, n°58,
Gennaio 2008, pp. 1, 3-5, Società editrice Allemandi & C.
Mordenti V., 2007, “A Roma svendesi patrimonio pubblico”, in “Il Giornale dell’Architettura”, n°56, Novembre
2007; p. 33, Società editrice Allemandi & C.
Publications and seminars organized in cooperation with local associations and social movements
Mordenti, V. with ETICity, “Urban Representations”, editor of the issue UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03, SeptemberDecember 2013, issue three, year one, pp. 5-9, ISSN 1973-9702
Mordenti, V. with ETICity, “Roma in gioco. Itinerari di (ri)scoperta dello spazio pubblico” in Lo Squaderno n. 27
– La città in gioco, March 2013, Professional dreamers, ISNN 1973-9141.
Mordenti V. with Labò, 2006, “Dal Castrum al Cluster: strategie spaziali dell’università”, pubblicato sulla rivistaperiodico “Posse” di Novembre, Manifestolibri.
Mordenti V. with Labò and LUM, 2005, “I laboratori dell’autoformazione”, pubblicato sulla rivista “Carta”, “Il
Mercato della Conoscenza” n°39 Carta Quaderni, editore Intramoenia.
Mordenti V. with Labò, 2006, “Dal Castrum Al Cluster: Le Mappe della formazione nelle pieghe della metropoli”
self-education seminar, Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University.
Mordenti V. with Labò, 2006, “The collective house. Experiences of inhabits”, Conference, Faculty of
Architecture, Roma Tre University.
Mordenti V. with Labò, 2004, “Studio per un Archivio dell'architettura contemporanea a Palermo”, Laboratory
workshop and final conference Faculty of Architecture, Roma Tre University. With: A. Bartoli, S. Capra, C.
Capriulo, M. Caserta, F. Colangeli, E. Baroglio, F. Delicato, A. Lupo, C. Malaspina, D. Scaravelli, R. Sgolacchia,
E. Siracusa, A. Valentini.
Dr. Viola Mordenti was born on 28th March 1979 in Rome (Italy), where she currently lives. Languages: Italian
(mother tongue); English
Viola Mordenti commitment to the project:
As a principal members of the project “Mapping controversial memories in the historic urban
landscape: a multidisciplinary study of Beijing, Mexico City and Rome”, I confirm my full
commitment collaborating with others (main coordinator, coordinators, principal members and
associated members) to develop the research in Rome, in three different neighborhoods.
Starting from my research experience in Rome, developed also into the ETICity Association
(Exploring Territories Imagining the City) I will provide theoretical and practical support to the
project. To guarantee the feasibility of the field research in Rome, I am committed to finding contacts
with broader local networks and experiences spread in three different neighborhoods. Moreover, by
virtue of my partnership, I am committed to participate in every activities and workshops which will be
organised by the project.