CV Castelletti USA 2015 copia - Faculté des Lettres


CV Castelletti USA 2015 copia - Faculté des Lettres
e-mail: [email protected]
webpage (University of Fribourg):
2006: Ph.D. in Classics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Dissertation title: "Porphyry's On the Styx. Edition, translation, commentary".
2004: Diploma in Journalism, Corso di Giornalismo della Svizzera italiana.
1995: Master in Classics (Licence en Lettres), University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
September 2015 -present : Lecturer at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
September 2012 to August 2015 : SNSF researcher (grant Ambizione) at the University of
Fribourg, Switzerland.
August 2011 to August 2012: Scientific Staff Member at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae,
Munich (SNSF Thesaurus Stipendium).
August 2010 to July 2011: Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel.
October to December 2010: Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Fribourg,
April 2007 to September 2010: Post-Doctoral Researcher at the universities of Freiburg im
Breisgau-D, Cambridge-UK, and UC Irvine-USA (SNSF grant for advanced scholars - bourse
pour chercheurs avancés).
November 2002 to April 2007: Journalist at SSR SRG idée suisse (Swiss public radio and
September 2005 to September 2006: Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel.
January 2001 to October 2002: Researcher at the universities of Padua, Dublin, and Paris
(SNSF grant for junior researchers - bourse pour chercheurs débutants).
December 1995 to November 2000: Graduate Teaching Assistant (Assistant diplômé) in
Classics at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland (chaires de philologie classique et
d'histoire ancienne).
2012: Grant Ambizione. Fellowship awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
2011: Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Stipendium. Fellowship awarded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation.
2010: Rector's office fellowship (Bourse du Rectorat). Fellowship awarded by the University
of Fribourg, Switzerland.
2007: Grant for advanced scholars (Bourse pour chercheurs avancés). Fellowship awarded
by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
2001: Grant for junior researchers (Bourse pour chercheurs débutants). Fellowship awarded
by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Roman epic, Greek and Latin language, Aratean tradition, mythology, classical archaeology.
2006 : PhD in Classics (Doctorat en lettres: langue et littérature grecques) at the University of
Fribourg, Switzerland; "summa cum laude". Formally promoted October 30, 2006.
Dissertation title: "Porfirio, Sullo Stige. Edizione, traduzione, commento". Directed by Prof.
Jacques Schamp, University of Fribourg. "summa cum laude".
Defense on July 4, 2005; "summa cum laude". Jury members: Jacques Schamp (University of
Fribourg), Philippe Hoffmann (École pratique des hautes études, Paris), Tiziano Dorandi
(UPR 76, Paris), Dominic O'Meara (University of Fribourg), Marcel Piérart (University of
1995 : Master in Classics (Licence en lettres: langue et littérature grecques, langue et
littérature latines, archéologie classique); "summa cum laude". December 22, 1995.
Complementary discipline: Ancient history, "insigni cum laude". December 20, 1996.
Thesis title: "Studio sull'epistola 187 [= Amphilochia 101] di Fozio". Directed by Prof.
Jacques Schamp, University of Fribourg; "summa cum laude".
Other studies
2004: Diploma in Journalism (Diploma del corso di giornalismo della Svizzera Italiana);
"ottimo". September 3, 2004.
1996 : Etruscology course, with final exam ("ottimo") at the University for Foreigners in
1995: Stage in ecdotics at the Institut des Sources Chrétiennes, Lyon.
1993 : Stage in Pompeian studies (Pompei, Herculanum, Oplontis, Museo Archeologico di
Archaeological excavations
1998 and 1999: Argos (Greece), with the French School at Athens (Prof. Marcel Piérart).
1996 and 1997: Massa Marittima (Italy), with the University of Florence (Prof.
Giovannangelo Camporeale).
1995: Pompei (Italy), with the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli (Prof. Umberto
[1] Porfirio. Sullo Stige. Milano. Bompiani (2006).
[reviews: I. Ramelli, Aevum 82 (2008), 248-253.
A. Mihai, the Bryn Mawr Classical Review:
F. Verde, Giornale di filosofia:]
[2] Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica Book 8, a commentary. [Under revision]
[3] Flavium Caelum. Tradition aratéenne et idéologie impériale dans la poésie épique de
l'époque flavienne. [In progress]
Articles and contributions to books
[4] "A hero with a sandal and a buskin: the figure of Jason in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica".
In Heerink, M., Manuwald, G. eds. Brill’s Companion to Valerius Flaccus. Leiden/Boston.
Brill (2014), 173-191.
[5] "Aratus and the Aratean tradition in Valerius’ Argonautica". In Augoustakis, A. ed.
Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past. Leiden/Boston. Brill (2014), 49-72.
[6] "Why is Jason climbing the dragon? A hidden catasterism in Valerius Flaccus’
Argonautica 8", Illinois Classical Studies 37 (2012), 141-165.
[7] "Following Aratus’ plow: Vergil’s signature in the Aeneid", Museum Helveticum 69
(2012), 83-95.
[8] "A "Greek" acrostic in Valerius Flaccus (Arg. 3.430-434)", Mnemosyne 65 (2012), 319323.
[9] "Note complémentaire sur le Styx". In Brisson, L. et al. eds. Porphyre, Sur la manière
dont l’embryon reçoit l’âme. Paris. Vrin (2012), 309-312.
[10] "Riflessioni sugli acrostici di Valerio Flacco", Giornale Italiano di Filologia 60 (2008),
[11] "Le traité Sur le Styx du philosophe néoplatonicien Porphyre", Les Etudes Classiques 75,
(2007), 23-36.
[12] "Fonti citate, raccolte e tradotte". In Krause, C. Villa Jovis. Napoli. Electa (2006), 301309.
[13] "Virgile, Properce, Auguste et la Roma quadrata. La sphragis comme acte de fondation".
Revue des études latines 94, (2016) [Forthcoming].
[14] "Nel solco di Arato: lasciare il segno scrivendo con le stelle. Esempi da Apollonio,
Virgilio e Valerio Flacco". In Guidetti, F. ed. Poesia delle stelle tra Antichità e Medioevo,
proceedings of the 2nd international conference of the Illustrated Astronomical Manuscripts
research group (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, October 30-31, 2013). Pisa, Edizioni della
Normale. [Forthcoming]
[15] Virgil’s sulcus primigenius of Augustan Rome. In: A. M. Lóio et. al. (edd.), XIV A.D.
SAECULUM AUGUSTUM. The age of Augustus, Hildesheim [Forthcoming].
[16] with P. Siegenthaler "Virgilian echoes in the Aenigmata Symposii. Two unnoticed
technopaignia. Philologus. [Forthcoming].
[17] "Photios, Bibl. cod. 225 Bekker". In Canfora, L. et al. eds. La Biblioteca di Fozio. Pisa.
Edizioni della Normale. [Forthcoming]
[18] "Photios, Bibl. cod. 226 Bekker". In Canfora, L. et al. eds. La Biblioteca di Fozio. Pisa.
Edizioni della Normale. [Forthcoming]
[19] "Photios, Bibl. cod. 227 Bekker". In Canfora, L. et al. eds. La Biblioteca di Fozio. Pisa.
Edizioni della Normale. [Forthcoming]
[20] "Recoctus". In Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Berlin/New York. De Gruyter. [Forthcoming]
[21] "Redivivus". In Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Berlin/New York. De Gruyter.
[22] "Refectorius". In Thesaurus linguae Latinae. Berlin/New York. De Gruyter.
[23] Stover, T. Epic and Empire in Vespasianic Rome. Oxford University Press (2012).
Gnomon 87 (2015), 31-35.
[24] Guidetti, F., Santoni, A. eds. Antiche stelle a Bisanzio: il codice Vaticano greco 1087,
Seminari e convegni, 32. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale (2013). Museum Helveticum 71 (2014),
[25] Pellucchi, T. Commento al libro VIII delle Argonautiche di Valerio Flacco. Spudasmata,
146. Hildesheim/ Zürich/ New York. Georg Olms Verlag (2012). BMCR 22.09.2013.
[25bis] Pellucchi, T. Commento al libro VIII delle Argonautiche di Valerio Flacco.
Spudasmata, 146. Hildesheim/ Zürich/ New York. Georg Olms Verlag (2012). Museum
Helveticum 70 (2013), 231.
[26] Murgatroyd, P. A Commentary on Book 4 of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica.
Leiden/Boston. Brill (2009). Gnomon 84 (2012), 367-369.
[27] Biville, F., Plantade, E., D. Vallat, D. eds. "Les vers du plus nul des poètes…", Nouvelles
recherches sur les Priapées, Actes de la journée d'étude organisée le 7 novembre 2005 à
l'Université Lumière-Lyon 2. Lyon. (2008). Museum Helveticum 67 (2010), 248-249.
[28] Fucecchi, M. Una guerra in Colchide. Valerio Flacco, Argonautiche 6,1-426. Pisa.
Edizioni ETS. (2006). Gnomon 81 (2009), 463-466.
[29] Gee, E. Aratus and the astronomical tradition. Oxford University Press (2013). Journal
of Roman Studies [In progress]
[30] Mindt, N. Martials "epigrammatischer Kanon". München. C. H. Beck Verlag (2013).
Museum Helveticum. [In progress]
[31] Petrain, D. Homer in Stone. The Tabulae Iliacae in their Roman Context. Cambridge
University Press (2014). Museum Helveticum. [In progress]
[32] Boyle, A.J. Seneca, Medea. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary.
Oxford University Press (2014). Museum Helveticum. [In progress]
Since 1998: Numerous articles and contributions on classical antiquity published in written
press and other media.
Selected Papers Presented:
"La signature de Virgile dans l’Enéide: un acte de fondation littéraire?". Sorbonne, Paris. June
13, 2015
"Cosa celano le stelle? Arato, Virgilio e la scrittura celeste." Nocera. April 17, 2015.
"Il cielo in una firma. La sphragis di Virgilio e altri esempi di technopaignia aratei." Rome.
April 16, 2015.
"Dans le sillage d'une étoile. La signature de Virgile dans l'Enéide". Fribourg. November 28,
"Following Aratus' plow: a new light on ancient acrostics". Wroclaw. April 29, 2013. Poznan.
April 30, 2013.
"Aratean tradition in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica: from acrostics to astrology". Cracow.
May 29, 2012.
"Porphyry’s treatise On the Styx. A (meta)physical journey to the underworld". University of
California, Berkeley. September 7, 2010.
"Oculos et lumina draconis aspicis. Dragons in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica". University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. April 2, 2010.
"The myth of Styx, the greatest oath of the gods". California State University, Long Beach.
October 10, 2009.
"Mala carmina currunt? Poetry and magic in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica". University of
California, Irvine. May 9, 2009.
"The Styx: source of death or source of life? A study of Porphyry’s treatise On the Styx".
University of California, Santa Barbara. May 18, 2009.
"Le Styx, entre géographie, mythe et exégèse philosophique". EPHE, section des sciences
religieuses, Sorbonne. Paris. February 7, 2007.
"Styx, le grand serment des dieux. Etude sur le traité sur le Styx, du philosophe Porphyre".
Université de Genève. November 27, 2006.
"Lo Stige. Studio sul trattato De Styge del filosofo neoplatonico Porfirio". Istituto Svizzero di
Roma. October 24, 2006.
"Styx: le grand serment des dieux". Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. May 30, 2006.
"Le Carmen Saeculare d'Horace: iconographie d'un Prince". Université de Lausanne. January
24, 2006.
"La firma di Virgilio nell’Eneide: un atto di fondazione letteraria, nel solco di Arato." IV
giornata nazionale della cultura classica, Como. May 22, 2015.
"Virgile, Properce, Auguste et la Roma quadrata. La sphragis comme acte de fondation".
Metageitnia, Tübingen. January 23, 2015.
"Le ciel sous les textes: When Letter-plays Lead to the Sky". LES MOTS SOUS LES
Hardt, Vandœuvres (CH). November 7, 2014.
"La quantité des lettres : Virgile et la fondation de Rome". DAMON XXIX, Les Diablerets
(CH). October 24, 2014.
"Virgilio, Properzio e Augusto. La sphragis come atto di fondazione della nuova Roma". XIV
A.D. SAECVLVM AVGVSTVM. THE AGE OF AUGUSTUS, Lisbon. September 26, 2014.
"Stilum vertere arando. New evidence on acrostics". FIEC, Bordeaux. August 26, 2014.
"Lune et l'autre. La face cachée de Valérius Flaccus et de Stace". Metageitnia, Fribourg.
January 17, 2014.
"Nel solco di Arato: lasciare il segno scrivendo con le stelle. Esempi da Apollonio, Virgilio e
Valerio Flacco". Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. November 30, 2013.
"Extremus labor? Analyse de l'épisode de la prise de la Toison chez Valérius".
ARGONAUTICA: D'Apollonios de Rhodes à Valerius Flaccus. Geneva. May 16, 2013.
"Dans le sillage d'Aratos. La signature de Virgile dans l'Enéide". Metageitnia, Mulhouse.
January 18, 2013.
"Aratus and Aratean Tradition in Valerius’ Argonautica". Flavian Literature and its Greek
past. Delphi. July 3, 2012.
"Valérius Flaccus et les acrostiches: une maladie honteuse?". Metageitnia, Innsbruck. January
20, 2012.
"Oculos et lumina draconis aspicis. Jason et Hercule face aux Dragons, dans les
Argonautiques de Valérius Flaccus". Metageitnia, Zurich. January 21, 2011.
"Tradition aratéenne dans les Argonautiques de Valérius Flaccus". Entre imitatio et
intertextualité. Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres (CH). November 1, 2011.
"Quis rubor iste poli? Catasterisms in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica." Celtic Conference in
Classics, Edinburgh. July 29, 2010.
"Quindecimvir versibus faciundis. Quelques tours de magie poétique dans le livre VIII des
Argonautiques de Valérius Flaccus". Metageitnia, Constance. January 18, 2008.
"Le traité Sur le Styx, du philosophe néoplatonicien Porphyre", Metageitnia, Basel. January
19, 2007.
"Le traité Sur le Styx du philosophe néoplatonicien Porphyre". Bucarest, 6th EASR / IAHR
Special Conference. September 22, 2006.
Conferences and workshops organisation:
September 1998: Organizer and chair of the conference "L'Egitto antico", Biblioteca
Cantonale di Locarno.
November 1996: Organizer and chair of the conference "Gli Etruschi", Biblioteca Cantonale
di Locarno.
Spring 1996: Participation in the organization of the exposition "Fresques romaines,
trouvailles fribourgeoises". Musée d'art et d'histoire, Fribourg (02.17-04.8.1996).
Media coverage of my scientific work (see also "présence dans les médias" in my official
web page of the University of Fribourg:
"Quell'acrostico dell'Eneide rivela la firma di Virgilio". Il Giornale del Popolo. June 1, 2013.
"Versteckte Vergil seine Signatur in der Aeneis?" Die Presse. April 16, 2013.
"Wasserzeichen der Poesie". Neue Zürcher Zeitung. April 9, 2103.
"Le code secret de Virgile". Universitas. March 2013.
"Virgile lui fait signe... ". La Gruyère. March 5, 2013.
"Virgile a signé l'Enéide". Le Matin Dimanche. February 17, 2013.
"Virgile a caché sa signature dans l'Enéide". La Liberté. February 15, 2013.
"Il codice segreto dell'Eneide". La Repubblica. January 31, 2013.
"Das Copyright der Antike". DRadio Wissen. April 12, 2013.
"Un amore lungo duemila anni". Millevoci. RSI, Rete UNO February 14, 2013.
"Sdoganiamo gli acrostici. Così Virgilio firmò l'Eneide". Il punto. RSI, Rete DUE. February
5, 2013.
"La firma nascosta". Il Quotidiano, RSI 1. January 19, 2013.
2014-present: Member of the scientific Committee of the Centro Internazionale per gli Studi
2008-present: Member of the Society for Classical Studies (founded as American Philological
2007-present: Member of the Association suisse pour l'étude de l'Antiquité.
2003-present: Member of the Committee of the Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica,
delegazione della Svizzera Italiana.
1996-present: Member of the Association suisse d'archéologie classique.
University teaching:
University of Fribourg, Switzerland:
Fall 2015: Lecture Course: Classical mythology.
Spring 2000: Latin Seminar: Catullus.
Fall 1999/2000: Latin Seminar: Suicide in Antiquity.
Spring 1999: Greek Seminar: Theognis.
Fall 1998/9: Greek Seminar: Plutarch, Alexander.
Spring 1998: Greek Seminar: Homer, Odyssey, Book 20.
Fall 1997/8: Greek Seminar: Plato, Apology.
Spring 1997: Greek Seminar: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
Fall 1996/7: Greek Seminar: Euripides, Medea.
Fall 1995/6 and Spring 1996: Latin Seminar: Virgil, Aeneid.
From 1995 to 2000 (each Spring): Course for History Majors: Les Sciences dites auxiliaires
de l'Histoire Ancienne. Lecture and discussion on Epigraphy, Numismatics, Archaeology,
Palaeography and Codicology.
University of Neuchâtel:
Spring 2011: Lecture Course: Classical mythology.
Spring 2011: Reading Course: Selection of Latin texts on mythology.
Fall 2010: Latin Seminar: Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Selections.
Spring 2006: Latin Seminar: Virgil, Aeneid, Selections.
Fall 2005/6: Lecture Course: The Golden Age of Roman literature.
Spring 2000: Latin Seminar: Virgil, Aeneid, Book 8.
University of California, Irvine:
Fall 2008 to Spring 2010: Monthly Workshop on Roman Epic poetry.
Student supervising:
Academic year 2012-2013: Direction of Fabrice Gerber's Master thesis "Chant Septième des
Argonautiques de Valerius Flaccus. Texte, métrique, commentaire, traduction littérale et
interprétation en vers libres français". University of Neuchâtel.
Other teaching experience:
From June 2011 : High school leaving certificate examiner (expert de maturité) in Latin and
Greek at the Gymnase intercantonal de la Broye, Payerne.
1996-2000: Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Humanities, University of
Fribourg, Switzerland.
2002 - 2007: Journalist at SSR SRG idée suisse (Swiss public radio and television).
Programs on classics for the Swiss public radio and television:
"I giganti della Storia. Il nostro debito culturale nei confronti della Grecia". Moby Dick RSI,
Rete 2. September 5, 2015.
Virgilio, Eneide. In "I 365 libri da leggere prima di morire", RSI, Rete 2. November 2009.
Omero, Odissea. In "I 365 libri da leggere prima di morire", RSI, Rete 2. February 2009.
"S.M.S.P.Q.R. Ovvero: la storia di Roma Antica, in formato tascabile", Rete UNO. Summer
"ATTICO VISTA OLIMPO", ReteUNO/Internet (program on Ancient Greece, linked to the
2004 Olympic games in Athens). Summer 2004.
"MUSAICO" (program on museums and archaeological sites). ReteUNO/Internet. 20032004.
"Alla scoperta dell'archeologia perduta". RSI1. TV program on Swiss archeological sites.
September 2015.
"CHI HA PAURA DEI CLASSICI?" TSI1, TV program Il Balcone. March 2007.
"Mini corso di latino", TSI1. 2002.
Italian: Mother tongue. English, French, German and Spanish: fluent. Modern Greek: basic.