Žygimantas Augustinas | CV


Žygimantas Augustinas | CV
THECA GALLERY | Via Tadino, 22 – Milano – 20124 | ITALY
www.theca-art.com | [email protected]
Žygimantas Augustinas è nato nel 1972 a Vilnius (Lituania), dove vive e lavora. Ha studiato pittura presso l’Accedemia di Belle Arti di
Vilnius, in Italia presso l’Accademia di Firenze e alla Art Students League di New York (USA). Nel 2015 Žygimantas Augustinas ha
conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Fine Art a Vilnius. La sua ricerca pittorica è attualmente incentrata sulla percezione fisica e
psicologica della realtà. L’aspetto di ricerca testuale e concettuale è alla base del suo metodo di pittura che si confronta con la
percezione fisica della realtà, ovvero di come le cose ci appaiono. Le sue mostre sono installazioni di pittura, disegni, fotografie e alcune
volte completate da elementi ready-made. Žygimantas Augustinas ha vinto diversi premi, tra cui attribuitogli dall’Elizabeth Greenshields
Foundation (Canada, 2002). Sue opere sono state acquistate dalla Lewben Art Foundation e dal Modern Art Museum di Lituania. Ha
esposto in mostre personali in diverse gallerie internazionali e in spazi pubblici. Žygimantas Augustinas è accademico e tiene lezioni e
workshop sulla percezione della pittura. Centralità del suo lavoro è trasformare la pittura in fatto installativo site specific. I suoi recenti
cicli di lavori sono basati sul rapporto antrometetrico, fisico e psicologico che si instaura tra la pittura del XVI - XVII secolo dell’Est
Europa e gli “auto”ritratti che ne conseguono. Tutta la pittura di Žygimantas Augustinas è incentrata sull’analisi del “sé” attraverso la
figura di altri, come avviene ad esempio nelle serie “IN”. Theca Gallery segue in esclusiva il suo lavoro.
Žygimantas Augustinas was born in 1973 in Vilnius. He studied art at Vilnius Academy of Arts, The Florence Academy of Art, The Art
Students League of New York, in 2015 Žygimantas Augustinas was awarded Doctor of Fine Arts degree (it was the very first Doctorate
in Fine Arts defended in Lithuania). His artworks usually are related with the representation of the human body and perception of
physical and psychological realities. The main source of inspiration is his own body and various texts. An example could be the portrait
of Oskar, the literary hero of the Günter Grass book “Tin Drum” (second prize award winner in BP portrait awards, National Portrait
Gallery, London, 2002). Bigger projects, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania: “Social portrait” (2003),
“Extreme Sports 3000” (2009), “In the XX Century” (2012), tell true and fictional stories about people, their passions and beliefs. His
shows are installations of paintings, drawings and sometimes photos and ready-mades. Žygimantas Augustinas has won many awards
for artistic creation, amongst them the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Award (Canada, 2002), the professional art debut prize of the
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, and a number of smaller ones. His works have been acquired by the Lewben Foundation
of Art, the Modern Art Museum of Lithuania and many private collectors. Beside artistic creation, Žygimantas Augustinas has been
teaching since 2006 at Vilnius Academy of Arts. He also reads public lectures, organizes workshops, and participates in conferences in
Lithuania and abroad. Main topics are painting, drawing, picture relation with reality and thinking, specifics of XVI - XVII century Western
European painting and drawing and self-portrait in contemporary art.
[Zygimantas Augustinas| CV]
www.theca-art.com | [email protected] THECA GALLERY | Via Tadino, 22 – Milano – 20124 | ITALY
www.theca-art.com | [email protected]
Picture Demand, Galleri NB, Viborg (Denmark)
Picture Demand, Vilnius Academy of Art Gallery, Vilnius
Him and Homo Catinus, ArtVilnius, LitExpo Gallery, Vilnius
Painting 2000-2013, Juskus Gallery, Vilnius
In the XX century, Galleri NB, Viborg (Denmark)
In the XX century, Vilnius Academy of Art Gallery, Vilnius
Extreme Sports 3000, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
Human Body: Sign and Landscape, Vilnius Academy of Art Gallery, Vilnius
Augustinas in Klaipeda, Klaipėda Cultural Communication Centre, Klaipeda
Man as a Sign, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
Zygimantas Augustinas: Recent works, Fraser Gallery, Washington DC
After … II/ people, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
After New York I/ drawings, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
Social Portrait, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
Paintings and Etchings, Klaipėda Gallery, Klaipeda
Paintings and Etchings, Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius
XVI International Painting Triennial, The Museum of Applied Arts, Vilnius
The Body of a Letter, Project space "Sodų 4", Vilnius
100% Painting, "Arka" gallery, Vilnius
XIV INTERBIFEP Contemporary Portrait Gallery, Tuzla, Bosnia Hercegovina
Lost and Found, American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Washington DC (US)
The Situations, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The Shifts, “Prospekto” gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
3rd Quadrennial of Contemporary Art, Basteja gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
The Evolvent, gallery “Titanikas”, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Figure, Figures, for Figure, Juskus Gallery, Vilnius
The Art Terminal, gallery “Titanikas”, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Century portrait, Lithuanian culture center in Warshaw (Poland), “Dom Iskustva” Minsk (Belorussia), Lithuanian embassy Madrid (Spain)
The Year Opens the Gate, gallery “Titanikas”, Vilnius (Lithuania)
CreArt project “More Real than Real, Exhibition Hall “La Pasión” Valladolid (Spain),
“Palazzo Vernazza” Lecce (Italy)
“Complexul Muzeal Arad”, Arad (Romania)
XV International Vilnius Painting Triennial "Contexts of Painting", Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (Lithuania)
BODY. Lithuanian Graphic Art 1980-2013, Kunstkamera, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Century portrait, Kaliningrad Art Gallery (Russia), “History of Culture Museum” Görlitz (Germany)
Contemporary Drawing Biennial, Namur (Belgium)
Why Self-Portrait?, Vilnius Academy of Art Gallery, Vilnius
Painting. How did I Get Here, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Drawing 2012, ‘Arka’ gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
ArtVilnius, LITEXPO, Vilnius (Lithuania)
XIV INTERBIFEP, Contemporary Portrait Gallery, Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
Self-portrait in the XXI century, ‘Arka’ gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Sight to Yourself, ‘Arka’ gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Behind the White Curtain project by Darius Miksys, Venice Biennial, Venice (Italy)
Contexts of Graphic Art. DECLARATION, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Three Worlds in One, Klaipėda Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda (Lithuania)
ArtVilnius, LITEXPO, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Sight to Yourself, ‘Arka’ gallery, Vilnius, Šiauliai, Telšiai (Lithuania)
[Zygimantas Augustinas| CV]
www.theca-art.com | [email protected] THECA GALLERY | Via Tadino, 22 – Milano – 20124 | ITALY
www.theca-art.com | [email protected]
Contemporary Painting. PostEvoliution, Klaipėda Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda (Lithuania)
Imaginary Stories, Manor "Užutrakis", Trakai (Lithuania)
Drawing 2010, ‘Arka’ gallery, Vilnius
Art Permanence Rule, Eskilstuna Art Museum, (Sweden)
Project "Millenium", gallery "Kunstpakhuset", Ikast (Denmark)
Malta Arts Festival "the Life Model", Valetta (Malta)
Changing Attitude 180 degree, Klaipėda Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda (Lithuania)
ArtVilnius, LITEXPO, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Š. Sauka, P. Juška, Ž. Augustinas, Old Town Art Gallery/Studio, Vilnius (Lithuania)
2nd Quadrennial of Contemporary Art, LITEXPO, Vilnius (Lithuania)
The 9th Baltic States Biennale of Graphic Art, Kaliningrad State Art Gallery, Kaliningrad (Russia)
Young Lithuanian Painters, Artists Society gallery, Ryga (Latvia)
From Rainy Country, G. Gounaro museum, Athens (Greece)
XIII International Lithuanian Painting Triennial, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Mystery Postcard, National Portrait Gallery, London (UK)
XII International Lithuanian Painting Triennial, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (prize) (Lithuania)
47 th Annual International SDAI exhibition, San Diego Art Institute, San Diego (USA)
Contemporary Figurative painting, Fraser Gallery, Washington (USA)
Portraits Real & Unreal, The Stage Gallery, New York (USA)
BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, London (prize) (UK)
BP Portrait Award 2002, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Abereeyn (UK)
ArtLink@Sotheby’s Young Art Program, Tel Aviv, New York (USA)
ArtLink@Sotheby’s Young Art Program, Tel Aviv (Israel)
Tradition and Future, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Soho International Art Competition, Agora Gallery, New York (one of the winners) (USA)
Georgetown Annual International Fine Arts Competition, Fraser Gallery, Washington (prize) (USA)
The Dark Side, Agora Gallery, New York (USA)
3rd International Biennial of Small Form Graphic, Arka Gallery, Vilnius (Lithuania)
5 Lithuanian Graphic Exhibition ‘Tradition and Experiment’, Town Hall, Vilnius (Lithuania)
2016 Lithuanian Council for Culture Scholarship
2008 Lithuanian Ministry of Culture Scholarship
2005 Prize for the best debut in professional Art by Lithuanian Ministry of Culture
2004 Prize in ‘XII International Lithuanian Painting Triennial’, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius
2003 Lithuanian Ministry of Culture Scholarship
2002 BP Portrait Award second prize, National Portrait Gallery, London
2002 Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation Scholarship
2001 ASCR scholarship for studies at Florence Art Academy
2000 Third Prize in ‘The Year 2000 Georgetown Annual International Fine Arts Competition’, Washington
2000 Paul Soldner Scholarship
2000 Joanne & Lee Lyons International Scholarship Fund scholarships for Anderson Ranch Arts Center
1994 Journey to Italy for the best masters of drawing at Vilnius Academy of Art
1991/98 Studied at Vilnius Academy of Art, 1996 BFA degree, 1998 MFA degree
2000 Joe Santore’s (New York) workshop at Anderson Ranch Arts Center
2001 Figurative painting at Florence Academy of Art (summer session)
Studies at the Art Student’s League of New York
2005-2008 Postgraduate Studies at Vilnius Academy of Art (Licentiate degree)
2013-2014 Phd Studies at Vilnius Academy of Art (Doctor in Arts degree 2015)
[Zygimantas Augustinas| CV]
www.theca-art.com | [email protected]