Mostra/seminario Cavalieri di Stelle. Sotto la


Mostra/seminario Cavalieri di Stelle. Sotto la
Mostra/seminario Cavalieri di Stelle. Sotto la Cupola del Cielo
Lunedì 24 maggio 2010
Aula Magna del Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, ore 18:30
Inaugurazione della mostra sulla strumentazione astronomica araba medievale con due
spettacoli multimediali realizzati da CULTNAT.
Prof. Sherif El Sebaie
Prof. Anna Marotta
Saluti delle autorità
Prof. Marco Gilli – Politecnico di Torino
Dott. Alberto Cirio – Assessore all’Istruzione, Regione Piemonte
Prof. Taha Mattar – Consigliere culturale e scientifico, Ambasciata egiziana a Roma
Prof. Fathi Saleh – Presidente del Cultnat
Martedì 25 maggio 2010
Sala delle Cacce, Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39, ore 9:30 – 13:30
Inaugurazione del Seminario italo-egiziano sull’architettura islamica.
Prof. Anna Marotta - “Mappatura e Cronologia essenziale attraverso le regioni" (30 min)
Prof. Aly Gabr “Introduzione sugli approcci allo studio della Storia dell’Arte e dell’Architettura
islamica” (30 min)
Prof. Sherif El Sebaie - “Scienze islamiche: dal punto di vista quantitativo e qualitativo.
Introduzione alle varie scienze nei loro contesti razionali e tradizionali”. (1 ora)
Prof. Fathi Saleh “Astronomia. Cavalieri di Stelle” (1 ora)
Mercoledì 26 maggio 2010
Sala delle Cacce, Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39, ore 9:30 – 13:30
Prof. Anna Marotta - "Architettura islamica nella pubblicistica europea" (30 min)
Prof. Claudia Bonardi “Trasformazioni della Città in area mediterranea tra Età Antica e Tardo
Medioevo: Tempio, Chiesa, Moschea” (45 min)
Prof. Aly Gabr “Tipologie edilizie: concetti, geometria e simboli. Con particolare attenzione
all’architettura religiosa e domestica. (1 ora 30 min)
Prof. Gabriella Curti “L’architettura degli Hammam: rappresentazione di analogie e differenze”
(30 min)
Aula 5, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, ore 18:30 – 20:30
Incontro con gli studenti e il pubblico sul tema dell’architettura islamica e i lavori di Cultnat.
Giovedì 27 maggio 2010
Sala delle Cacce, Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39, ore 9:30 – 13:30
Prof. Anna Marotta - "Cupole: configurazioni, significati simbolici, simboli e decorazione" (40
Prof. Gabriella Curti – “Superfici voltate percorse dalla luce e natura ritrovata in un Hammam”
(40 min)
Dr. Heba Farouk - “Urbanismo: principi, processi di crescita, morfologia, elementi. Esempi:
Baghdad, Aleppo, Cairo, Qairawan, Istanbul” (1 ora 30 min)
Venerdì 28 maggio 2010
Salone d’Onore del Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39, ore 9:30 – 13:30
Prof. Anna Marotta - “Pattern decorativi islamici: metodi di analisi per un linguaggio
complesso” (40 min)
Prof. Gabriella Curti – “Decorazioni interne di un Hammam tra naturalismo e allegoria” (20
Dr. Heba Farouk “Sviluppi stilistici dell’Architettura musulmana. Lo sviluppo dell’architettura
islamica del Cairo”. (1 ora)
Dr. Aly Gabr “Influenze dell’architettura musulmana nell’architettura occidentale. Scambi
diretti e indiretti tra Mondo musulmano e Occidente”. (1 ora).
Elenco dei Relatori Egiziani
Prof. Fathi Saleh, CULTNAT
Prof. Dr. Fathi Saleh is a professor of computer engineering at Cairo University as well as being
the director of CULTNAT. He is also member of the Supreme Council of Culture. During the
years 1995-97 he occupied the position of Cultural Councilor at the embassy of Egypt in Paris,
and from 1997-1999, he was the ambassador of Egypt to the UNESCO. Dr Saleh was
graduated from the Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University and got his PhD from the
University of Paris – France. His main interest is the application of the new technologies in the
different fields of Cultural and Natural Heritage.
Egypt's Heritage is of a worldwide interest and importance due to its continuity over a period
of more than five thousand years. It encompasses various aspects of the human civilization,
monitors the development of human heritage and represents a cultural as well as natural
heritage of national and international value. This wealth in archaeological sites, architecture,
arts, folklore and natural beauty needs to be accurately and purposefully documented.
Hence, the establishment of the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage,
CULTNAT, which is affiliated with Bibliotheca Alexandrina and supported by the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology. The Center's mandate is to document the
various aspects of Egypt's tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as its natural
heritage. This involves the implementation of the national plan of action towards the
documentation program, making use of the most up-to-date information technology in
The Center also aims at increasing public awareness of Egypt's cultural & natural heritage
using all available media as well as building capacities of professionals in the fields of
conservation and documentation of cultural and natural heritage
Prof. Heba Farouk Ahmed, Department of Architecture, Cairo University
Heba Ahmed is an assistant professor of Architecture History and Urban Design at the
Department of Architecture, Cairo University since 2002. She has received her Masters of
Architecture and her PhD in Architecture History form the University of California Berkeley. She is also a licensed architect where she practices in Cairo. Her interests and
research revolve around cities and urbanism in the developing world as well as conservation
projects focusing on the role of the political institutions in directing these projects. Some of
the classes she has taught are: History of Islamic Architecture ; Architecture & Urbanism in
Islamic Societies; Urban design and History of Aesthetics in Architecture (Graduate Course).
Among her publications is” Cairo: A Dual City?” published in Making Cairo Medieval by
Lexington Books. Her recent presentations include: “Architecture History and the Architecture
Profession: An Ideal Synergy,” and “Interrogating the Urban Process: Directed by Vision or
Crisis?” . She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the International Association for the
Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) at the University of California- Berkeley and has
been an active participant in the organization since 1996.
Prof. Aly Gabr, Cairo University, American University in Cairo
Prof. Aly Gabr is Professor of Architecture at Cairo University, and Adjunct Faculty at the
American University in Cairo. He specializes in History of Architecture, particularly the Mamluk
Islamic period. He has been teaching since 1984 Design Studio 1 and Graduation Project,
History and Theories of Architecture with particular emphasis on Symbolism, Visual Studies
and Colour Scheme, Heritage related studies, History of Aesthetics. He received his Masters
Degree from Cairo University and his thesis was related to Colour and Form in Egyptian Rural
Vernacular Architecture. He later studied abroad at The University of Edinburgh where he
received his doctoral degree. His thesis was entitled The Influence of Sufism on the traditional
Muslim Religious Architecture of the Bahri Mamluk period. Since his return to Egypt, he has
published three books documenting stylistically two 19th C. Palaces of the Egyptian exMonarchy, as well as a 19th C. Gentleman’s Club in Cairo. In 2002, Aly Gabr was chosen
Commissario of the Egyptian Pavilion in the Architecture Biennale in Venice, this work has been
mentioned in several Contemporary Art Books ever since. Aly Gabr is also a member of Jury
for several national and International events. He is a member of the Supreme council for
Culture, and has a practice that specializes in Architecture and Interiors.
Elenco dei Relatori Italiani
Anna Marotta, Politecnico di Torino
Architect and full professor of Design at the First and Second Faculty of Architecture of the
Politecnico di Torino (Survey and Survey Methodology, Perception and Visual Communication)
and at the Third Faculty of Engineering in the Engineering degree course in Film and
Massmedia Communication (Visual Communication). She is also vicedean for the study
orientation at the Second Faculty of Architecture and is responsible for communication at the
DINSE (Department of Technical Sciences, Politecnico di Torino). Anna Marotta is member of
the faculty staff for the PhD in Cultural Heritage. She achieved her specialization in Restoration
of Monuments (University of Naples) and the PhD in Restoration and Conservation of
Architectural Heritage (Politecnico di Milano). She is the scientific responsible for national and
international projects, and the director of researches on knowledge and conservation of
cultural heritage and on the themes of traditional and innovative representation, with
particular attention to the phenomenology of the image, color and architectural decoration.
She is currently engaged in scientific researches, she is the coordinator of the local unit of
Turin involved in the national project ‘PRIN’, for which she is developping a project for an
Integrated Information Systems inherent in protection, preservation and enhancement of
architectural heritage and urban development. She is the author of studies and publications on
the topic of color in architecture, city and countryside and theories of color. She also produced
a publication on these topics: ‘Policroma. Dalle teorie comparate al progetto del colore’, Celid
1999. She was scientific coordinator of studies and researches about the value and role of
architecture in contemporary society. The outcome of these efforts were published in a volume
entitled ‘Qualità della vita, qualità dell’architettura’, which was also attended by Massimiliano
Fuksas. She is the coordinator of the Color Laboratory at the DINSE (Politecnico di Torino),
that she also planned and organized. Anna Marotta is the scientific coordinator for international
cooperation agreements with South America Countries, exchanges and research on the issues
of representation. Finally she is also member dell'UID (Union of Italian Design).
Claudia Bonardi, Politecnico di Torino
Architect and associate professor of History of Architecture at the Politecnico di Torino.
She teaches the courses of: Fundamentals of Architecture Planning history; Medieval
architecture History: temple, church, mosque; Architecture examples in the Near East between
V and XVI century.
Among her pubblications: Inventario dell'architettura islamica (Inventory of Islamic
Architecture): bilancio sulla prima fase e prospettive, In: Architettura e territorio.
Internazionalizzazione e ricerca, Dipartimento Casa-città del Politecnico di Torino, pp. 117-119,
Gabriella Curti, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Architect, PhD in Survey and Building Representation, is Assistant Professor in Design at the
Faculty of Architecture, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria and worked in the
Laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Design and Analysis of the Mediterranean city.
Deputy Director of the Central Library of the Faculty of Architecture, Mediterranean University
of Reggio Calabria (2007), she was a member of the Academic Board of PhD in Representation
of Mediterranean Architecture, based in Reggio Calabria (2005), and since 2008 is member of
the teaching board for PhD in Architecture. She has taught since 1994 courses in Architectural
Drawing, Architectural Survey and Urban and Environmental Survey. She deals with
architectural design, with special focus on modern and contemporary architecture. She has
been researching Islamic Architecture since 2002, with particular attention to certain
specialized types, like the hammam and the fonduq. On these topics she recently published
Representation in the Muslim East: the sky map of the dome of Qusayr Amra (Venice 2005),
Spaces for cleaning, resting and hospitality (Rome, 2006); Spaces for purification in Islamic
rites. Hammam and kaplika in the Mediterranean cities. Drawings, Models, Images (Reggio
Calabria, 2007); Transiting Architectures. Caravansaries along the caravan routes between the
fourteenth and eighteenth centuries. (Rome, 2008).