1 Syllabus for Italian 103 Description of the course and requirements


1 Syllabus for Italian 103 Description of the course and requirements
Syllabus for Italian 103
University at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I) 4 credits
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
Time: 2:00 – 3:20
Office: B 45
Office phone: (315) 434-3300
Office email: [email protected]
Office hours: TWR 3:30 – 4:10 and by appointment
Prerequisite: 85% or above on the Regents Exam
University@Albany website: www.albany.edu/uhsp
Description of the course and requirements:
In this course we will extensively review Italian grammar, dictation,
composition and conversation. Modern Italian readings will be introduced to
build reading skills. The four skill areas of Listening, Reading, Writing, and
Speaking as well as Italian Culture will further be expanded upon. A richer
and wider variety of vocabulary acquisition will enhance this course.
Grading Procedures
40% Tests (unit, final, 6 week, midterm and designated projects)
20% Quizzes (weekly)
20% Participation/Performance/Class Preparation (readings in class, oral and
written questions, conversations, Da Capo textbook exercises)
20% Homework (compositions, workbook and lab manual exercises, current
events, journals)
Your grade will also be recorded in June at the University of Albany and you
will have a university transcript. The grading scale is the following:
96 – 100 = A
90 – 96 = A86 – 89 = B+
83 – 85 = B
80 – 82 = B-
76 – 79
73 – 75
70 – 72
65 – 69
60 – 64
= C+
= C=D
This course is A-E graded and there are no S/U (pass/fail)
Please follow the drop/add calendar and adhere to the dates.
There will be no exceptions.
Syllabus for Italian 103
Rosanne Perla
Required Textbook:
Da Capo 6 th edition, G.Lazzarino and Anna Maria Moneti.
ISBN-10: 1413016405
Da Capo 6 th edition Workbook and Lab Manual , Julia Cozzarelli and
Silvia Abbiati.
Your textbook and workbook are required in class daily along
with the other required materials for this class.
Listening Comprehension CDs will be available in the library to do the
listening comprehension activities that go along with the lab manual.
An Italian / English and English / Italian dictionary is required for this
course. Please purchase a good dictionary by going online to amazon.com or
Barnes and Noble. It should be portable and cost no more than $10. See the
separate list of materials for all other general supplies
Class Participation and Attendance Policy
Class participation is essential. Therefore, attendance is required. More
than 10 unexcused absences will lower the final grade for this full year
course. The Midterm and final exam have to be taken during the scheduled
days, unless there is a religious reason, or a death in the student’s immediate
family. If ill during a final exam or the midterm the student will be required
to provide the instructor with a written explanation issued by their
physician. Please feel free to come in after school if you have any questions
regarding grammar … etc. I will be glad to help. Attendance is required.
Internet Policy
There is a website that goes with the Da Capo textbook and workbook. You also
have an audio CD that will be used for listening activities. You will need to
access the website and you need internet access. You may access the internet in
the library or computer lab.
Plagiarism = Taking credit for someone else’s work/ideas. This includes using
computer translators.
Cheating = Copying or allowing someone to copy any work you hand in for a
Anyone found cheating/plagiarizing on any assignment would receive a ZERO
grade for the assignment. This zero grade will be averaged into your final grade.
Syllabus for Italian 103
University at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I)
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
You will be given a weekly or biweekly syllabus with the class activities and
your assignments. You will have various projects that you will work on at
home. Remember dates and the syllabus might change.
Capitolo 1 – Dove vai in ferie quest’anno?
v L’indicativo presente
v Pronomi personali - soggetto
v Nomi – singolare/plurale
v Da quanto tempo
v Espressioni con avere
v Vivere in Italia: Gli italiani e le ferie
v Vespa da Alberto Fassina
Ricerca Web movie clips
v Pasta Strike abcworldnews.com
v Vespausa.com
v Jovanotti.com
Per comunicare:
v Estendere un invito
v Accettare un invito
v Rifiutare un invito
v Parlare al telefono
Syllabus for Italian 103
University at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I)
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
Capitolo 2 – Ti ricordi? Adesso e prima
v L’imperfetto
v Aggettivi
v Articolo indeterminativo
v Numeri cardinali
v Il tempo
Vivere in Italia: I giovani oggi
Zia Mela da Clara Sereni , Casalinghitudine
Per comunicare:
v Controllare l’informazione
v Chiarire e spiegare
v Sollecitare l’interlocutore
v Esprimere incredulità
Capitolo 3 – Mamma mia, che prezzi!
v Passato prossimo
v Articolo dterminativo
v Bello e quello
v Interrogativi
v L’ora
v Giorni, stagioni, mesi, anni
Vivere in Italia: Le Spese
Un’Italiana in America: dove fare gli acquisti?
Per comunicare:
v Fare gli auguri
v Congratularsi
v Esprimere apprezzamento
v Esprimere
Syllabus for Italian 103
University at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I)
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
Capitolo 4 – Dove abiti?
v Passato prossimo e imperfetto
v Pronomi personali
v L’accordo del participio passato
v Negativi
v Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
Vivere in Italia:
Un’Italiana in America: dove fare gli acquisti?
Per comunicare:
v Fare gli auguri
v Congratularsi
v Esprimere apprezzamento
v Esprimere rammarico
Capitolo 5 – Chi conta le calorie?
v Pronomi personali (oggtto indiretto)
v Piacere e verbi come piacere
v Verbi riflessivi
v Suffissi speciali
v Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti
v Il partitivo
Vivere in Italia: Le tradizioni alimentary e la spesa
Dieta mediterranea e cucina italiana
Per comunicare:
v Offrire da bere o da mangiare
v Accettare cibo o bevande
v Rifiutare cibo o bevande
v Esprimere per la tavola
Syllabus for Italian 103
University at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I)
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
Capitolo 6 – Che lingua parli? Come communichi ?
v Passato remoto
v Trapassato prossimo e trapassato remoto
v Ci
v Ne
v Pronomi personali (forme combinate)
Vivere in Italia: A proposito dell’itali
Il topo dei fumetti, da Gianni Rodari, Favole al telefono
Per comunicare:
v Chiedere la parola
v Dare la parola
v Esprimere accordo
v Esprimere disaccordo
Capitolo 7 – Che lavoro farai?
v Futuro
v Condizionale
v Dovere, Potere, Volere
Vivere in Italia: Il Lavoro
Gli extracomunitari
Per comunicare:
v Indicare il destinatario sulla busta
v Iniziare una lettera
v Terminare una lettera
v Abbreviazioni utili
Syllabus for Italian 103
(SUNY at Albany Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures)
Full Year Course
Italian 103 (Intermediate Italian I)
Catalog # : A ITA 103
Instructor: Rosanne Perla
Classroom: B8
Ripasso del anno
5 classi di ripasso e gli esami orali
L’esame scritto sarà a giugno durante gli esami