
Date of birth: February 2nd, 1968
Nationality: Italian
Address for correspondence: Department of Legal, Historical, Economic and Social Sciences,
University of Catanzaro ‘Magna Graecia’, Viale Europa, Campus ‘S.Venuta’, Loc. Germaneto, 88100,
Catanzaro, Italy.
Telephone: (+39) 0961/3694975-6
Fax : (+39) 0961/ 368754
Email: [email protected]
Full professor of Banking and Finance, University of Catanzaro ‘Magna Graecia’ (Italy), where she
teaches Banking, Financial Markets, Corporate Finance.
Member of the Council of PhD School in Health Care Management and Economics, University of
Catanzaro ‘Magna Graecia’.
Member of the Italian Committee granting the National Scientific Qualification (academic disciplines:
Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets, Corporate Finance); 2012-2013.
Editorial Board Member:
Journal of China – USA Business Review
Chinese Business Review
Economics World
Member of the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management;
Member of the Italian Association of Scholars of Economics and Management of Financial Institutions
and Markets;
Member of the Italian Association of Women in Science.
- Degree in Economics at University of Calabria (UniCal), 1992;
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, 1995.
- Assistant Professor in Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets,
University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (1995-2001).
- Associate Professor in Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets,
University of Catanzaro ‘ Magna Graecia’ (2001- 2006).
- Full Professor in Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets, University
of Catanzaro ‘Magna Graecia’, since 2006.
- She worked at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Naples, where she taught courses
in: Banking (1997-1999); Financial Markets (1999 -2002); Securities Markets (2002-2004).
- She is author (or co-author) of more than 50 scientific publications and more than 60
communications at national and international conferences.
- Local banking and information asymmetries;
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Credit risk;
Small business, Venture Capital and Informal Venture Capital;
Bank-small business relationship;
Small business and internationalization;
Health care financing and Teaching Hospitals;
Performance Measurement and Teaching Hospitals;
Finance and Medicine;
Corporate Social Responsibility in the banking sector;
Reputational risk and reputational crisis in the banking sector;
Subprime crisis and Credit Rating Agencies.
Trotta A. (with Mauro M., Cardamone E., Cavallaro G.), 2013, Teaching Hospital
performance: Towards a community of shared values? Social Science & Medicine, pp. 107-112,
DOI information: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.11.027; ISSN: 0277-9536 (IF: 2.733; 5-Year IF: 3,
Trotta A. (with Cavallaro G.), 2013, La funzione finanza nelle Aziende ospedaliero-universitarie:
stato dell’arte e prospettive di sviluppo, in Mecosan, n. 86, ISSN: 1121-6921;
Trotta A., (with Cardamone E., Cavallaro G., Mauro M.), 2013, Applying balanced scorecard in
teaching hospitals: a literature review and conceptual framework, in International Journal of
Health Planning and Management, ISSN: 1099-1751;
Trotta A., (with Cavallaro G., Carè R.), 2013, Mapping the relationship between reputation and
corporate social responsibility in the banking sector: a comprehensive literature review,
International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, V. 5, N. 1 ISSN: 1309-8055,
Trotta A., (with Carè R., Cavallaro G.), 2013, Exploring the relationship between CDS and
rating announcements: a literature review and future research directions, International Journal
( no_ 1.htm
Trotta (with Mauro M., Cardamone E., Cavallaro G., Talarico G.), 2012, “Performance
evaluation in Italian Teaching Hospitals: a case study”, World Review Of Business Research, V.
2, N. 6, November, published by: World Business Institute Australia, ISSN (online): 18391176; ISSN (print): 1838-3955 (
Trotta A., (with Mauro M., Cardamone E., Cavallaro G., Talarico G.), 2012, Assessing the
Performance of Teaching Hospitals. First Evidences from Italian Case Studies, Proceedings of
7th Annual London Business Research Conference, 9-10 July, Imperial College, London UK,
Editor: Ms. Nuha Jahan, World Business Institute, Australia, Published by: World Business
Institute Australia, ABN: 62 087 222 400, 31 Blake Street, Berwick 3806, Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-07-8
Trotta A., (with Cavallaro G.), 2012, Measuring Corporate Reputation: a Framework for Italian
Banks, in International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies (IJEFS), Vol. 4, N. 1, pp. 2130;
Trotta A., (with Mauro M., Cardamone E., Talarico G.,), 2012, What do teaching and research
cost in Teaching Hospitals? a survey from Italy, Working Paper, European Accounting
Association 35th Annual Congress, Conference Proceedings, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11 May,
Published by: Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, p. 427, ISBN: 978-961-240-2334. (
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• Trotta A., (with Cavallaro G.), 2012, Measuring Corporate Reputation: a framework for Italian
banks, Working Paper, SoSReS –SoBiAD, 2th International Conference on Economics &
Finance –ICEF, Izmir, 27-29 April.
• Trotta A., (with Dell’Atti S., Iannuzzi A., Cavallaro G.), 2012, Understanding Reputational
Crisis. Evidence from the European Banking Sector, in Journal of Modern Accounting and
Auditing, n. 2, ISSN 1548-6583
Trotta A., (with Cardamone E., Cavallaro G., Mauro M.), 2011, Working Paper, Mapping the
interface between reputation, ethics and corporate social responsibility in the banking industry,
EIASM, 1th Workshop on Business Ethics, Brussels, Belgium,
Trotta A., (with Mauro M., Calabrò A., Cardamone E., Cavallaro G.), 2011, Il ruolo
dell’imprenditore nelle strategie di internazionalizzazione delle piccole e medie imprese: evidenze da
un’indagine esplorativa, 3° Workshop "I processi innovativi nelle piccole imprese. le sfide oltre la
crisi, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, 16-17 settembre 2011, Workshop Proceedings
CD-ROM, ISBN: 978-88-85363-56-4
Trotta A., (with Dell’Atti S., Iannuzzi A., Cavallaro G.), 2011, Understanding Reputational Crisis.
Evidence from the European Banking Sector, EBES 2011 Conference, Istanbul, Program and
Abstract Book, Sazak Ofset, Istanbul, June, 1-3 ISBN: 978-605-61069-2-7;
Trotta A., (with Dell’Atti S., Iannuzzi A., Cavallaro G.), 2011, Banking Reputation and CSR: a
Stakeholder Value Approach, in GUMMESSON E., MELE C., POLESE F., THE 2011 NAPLES
FORUM ON SERVICE – Service Dominant logic, Network & System Theory and Service
Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a new service agenda, Giannini Editore, Napoli, ISBN:
Trotta A.,, (with Dell’Atti S., Iannuzzi A., Cavallaro G.), 2011, Banking Reputation and CSR: a
Stakeholder Value Approach, Book of Abstracts, THE NAPLES FORUM ON SERVICE 2011,
Capri, June, 14-17, ISBN: 978-88-7431-525-3;
Trotta A., (with Mauro M., Cardamone E., Cavallaro G.), 2011, Teaching Hospitals performance: a
stakeholders view, Book of Abstracts, THE NAPLES FORUM ON SERVICE 2011, Capri, June,
14-17, ISBN: 978-88-7431-525-3;
Trotta A., 2009, I sistemi finanziari tra innovazione e instabilità. Lezioni dalla crisi dei mutui
subprime e riflessioni sulle prospettive per banche e mercati, Giappichelli Editore, Torino;
(ISBN/EAN 9 788834 894392)
Trotta A., 2009, Il ruolo del sistema finanziario nella prevenzione del rischio di usura. Spunti di
riflessione e appunti per futuri percorsi di ricerca. CUEN, Napoli, marzo;
Trotta A., (with Ecchia S.), 2009, Innovazione finanziaria, Credit Risk Transfer e ruolo del rating:
riflessioni a margine, in M. Comana, M. Brogi (Edited by), Saggi in onore di Tancredi Bianchi,
Banca, Credito e Rischi, vol. 2, Bancaria Editrice, Roma, pp. 457- 489 (ISBN 978-88-449-0429-6);
Trotta A. (with Mauro M.), 2007, Il rapporto banca-impresa artigiana nella provincia di Catanzaro:
prime riflessioni alla luce dei processi di globalizzazione finanziaria, in Piccola Impresa/Small
Business, n. 3, ISSN: 0394-7947;
Trotta A., (with Mauro M.), 2007, “The effects of Basel II requirements on banks-SMEs relationship: the case of
the handicraft firms” Working Paper, International Conference “Small Business Banking and
Financing: a global perspective”, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, 26 e 27 maggio 2007;
Trotta A., (with Mauro M., Bruzzese D.), 2005, The effects of Basel II requirements on
banks-SMEs relationship: the case of the handicraft firms", in Raffa M.,
Iandoli L. (edited by), Entrepreneurship Competitiveness and Local Development,
Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, ISBN: 88-495-1183-3;
Trotta A., 2005, Le responsabilità degli intermediari finanziari nell’Asset Management Industry.
Problemi e prospettive in un contesto di global finance, Giappichelli, Torino; ISBN: 88-348-4475-0
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Trotta A., 2002, Credit derivatives. Nuovi strumenti finanziari per la gestione del rischio di credito,
Giappichelli, Torino; ISBN: 88-348-2213-7
Trotta A., 2001, Finanza innovativa per le piccole imprese. Le prospettive di sviluppo dell'Informal
Venture Capital Market in Italia, Cedam, Padova; ISBN: 88-13-23597-6
Trotta A., 2000, Financial Globalisation and Local Banking: Reflection on the Use of Credit Derivatives, in
Economics and Complexity, Federico Caffè Centre Publisher, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Vol. 2,
n. 3, Winter 1999-2000, pp. 27-43; (http://;
Trotta A., 2000, (with Ecchia S.), Globalizzazione ed impatto dell’Euro sui rapporti tra imprese,
intermediari e mercati, , Giannini, Napoli;
Trotta A., 2000, L’economia e le banche nel Mezzogiorno: spunti per una riflessione, Giannini,
Trotta A. (with Ecchia S.), 2000, Strategia e finanza delle imprese minori nel nuovo contesto Euro.
La moneta unica e le piccole imprese italiane: brevi note sulle problematiche relative alla
vulnerabilità strategica e alle competenze distintive, Atti del ciclo di seminari sulla Moneta Unica
Europea "Due Giornate per l’Euro" CCIAA, Benevento;
Trotta A., 1998, Il localismo bancario e la credit view, Prospettive di sopravvivenza e strategie
competitive per le banche locali in un contesto di globalizzazione finanziaria, Cedam, Padova;
Trotta A., 1997, La banca locale. Attualità del ruolo per l’economia locale in un’economia globale.
Tesi di Dottorato, Roma e Firenze;
Trotta A., 1996, Alcune riflessioni sui modelli di previsione delle crisi aziendali, in Ecchia S. (Edited
by), Il rischio di credito, Giappichelli, Torino;
Trotta A. (with Ecchia S.), 1995, Innovazione tecnologica, costo e produttività del lavoro in banca,
in AA.VV., Lavoro, organizzazione e produttività nell’impresa, Le specificità nel settore creditizio,
ESI, Napoli, ISBN: 9788881142026