Name and Surname: Marcello Mancini Scientific degree: Medical


Name and Surname: Marcello Mancini Scientific degree: Medical
Name and Surname: Marcello Mancini
Scientific degree: Medical degree University of Naples “Federico II” on the 31 October 1983
On Febbruary 1986 he was at the Vascular Unit del Royal Infirmary of Bristol (UK)
for Training on Echo-Doppler (Prof. J. Wells) and on May 1991 he attended the
course at Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota) on "New trends in cardiology".
On Agoust-September 1991 Fellowship Program in Ultrasound including Color
Doppler at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology - School of Medicine Yale
University New Haven Connecticut.
Certification of Expertise in Vascular Doppler of Euroson School of the European
Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (EFSUMB)
Seminars Hands-On Abdominal Imaging and Doppler Ultrasound and Peripheral
Doppler at KMA Training Theatre, Irving Texas
On March 1998 he attended the Postgraduate Course on Cerebrovascular disease at
Tours – France organized by the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in
Medicine and Biology
1986 awarded with the price "Lilly Humulin 1986"
1986 awarded with the price of International Days of Ultrasonology in Bologna-Italy,
organized by the Italian Society of Ultrasonology.
1990 awarded with the price of Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension for studies on
the vascular complications of the Hypertension.
1992 he was granted by the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) for the best
presentation at Seventh Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension,
May 6-9, 1992.
Professional career, current workplace:
a. From 20 February 1989 he started a research fellowship with the Institute of
Neurosurgery and Internal Medicine in the research program of Regione Campania
n. 4120 del 14/7/1987 on the topic of diagnosis of cardiac and carotid disease.
b. He was employed as medical doctor at the Hospital “San Giuseppe Moscati” Avellino
from 1991 to 2001
c. December 2001 to date: Consultant in Ultrasound imaging, University Hospital
"Federico II" of Naples
d. First Researcher at Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging of The National Council of
Research (IBB-CNR) from 2001 to 2005
e. Researcher director at Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging of The National
Council of Research from 2005 until today.
f. Contract with the A.U.P. of Naples for the medical activity in the Ultrasound
laboratory of Department of Radiology of the Faculty of Medicine.
g. Professor of “Physical principles and technology of ultrasound” at the School of
Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Naples “Federico II”.
Current workplace:
Marcello Mancini, Research Director Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging (IBB) of
the Italian National Research Council.
Address: Via T. De Amicis 95 - 80145 Napoli e-mail: [email protected] ;
[email protected];
phone: +39 081-2203187 ext. 211 mobile: +39 366.611.53.38
Scientific specialization:
a. Specialty Degree in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases 16 July 1986, University of
b. Specialty Degree in Cardiovascular Diseases 28 October 1991, University of Naples
Published papers (chosen):
Ferrara LA, de Simone G, Pasanisi F, Mancini Marcello, Mancini M.
"Left ventricular mass reduction during salt depletion in arterial hypertension"
Hypertension 6 (5): 755-759, 1984
Ferrara LA, de Simone G, Mancini Marcello, Fasano ML, Pasanisi F, Vallone G.
"Changes in left ventricular mass during double blind study with chlorthalidone and slow
release nifedipine" European Journal Clinical Pharmacology 27: 525-528;1984
LA Ferrara, Mancini Marcello, G de Simone, N. Pisanti, D.Capone, M.L. Fasano, M.Mancini
"Adrenergic nervous system and left ventricular mass in primary hypertension"
European Heart Journal 1989 Nov;10(11):1036-40
Ferrara LA, Soro S, Mainenti G, Mancini Marcello, Pisanti N, Borrelli R, Moscato TS, Mancini
M. "Body weight and cardiovascular response to sympathetic stimulation in chilhood"
International Journal of Obesity 13: 271-277; 1989.
Ferrara LA, Mancini Marcello, De Simone G, Turco S, Iovine C, Marotta T, Mainenti G,
Mancini M. "Responses of serum insulin and blood pressure to cold and handgrip in
obese patients". International Journal of Cardiology 1991; 32(3):353-59
Marcello Mancini, Giuseppina De Simone, Aldo Celentano, and L. Aldo Ferrara.
"Comparative effects on blood pressure and regional hemodynamics of Nicardipine
and Captopril". Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 18 (6): 807-812, 1991
G. De Simone, Marcello Mancini, G. Mainenti, S. Turco, and L.A. Ferrara
"Weight reduction lowers blood pressure independently of salt reduction"
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 15(5):339-43, 1992
Simona De Chiara, Marcello Mancini, Olga Vaccaro, Gabriele Riccardi, L.Aldo Ferrara,
Giovanni Gallotta, Umberto Cicerano, Alfredo Postiglione."Cerebrovascular reactivity by
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography in Insulin-dependent Diabetic patients" Cerebrovasc.
Dis. 3 (2):111-115, 1993
L.Aldo Ferrara, Marcello Mancini, Aldo Celentano, Maurizio Galderisi, Rita Iannuzzi, Teodoro
Marotta, Iole Gaeta. "Early Changes of the Arterial Carotid Wall in Uncomplicated primary
Hypertensive patients".1994 Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 1994
L.Aldo Ferrara, Marcello Mancini, Rita Iannuzzi, Teodoro Marotta, Iole Gaeta, Fabrizio Pasanisi,
Alfredo Postiglione, Lucio Guida. "Carotid Diameter and Blood Flow velocities in cerebral
Circulation in Hypertensive Patients Stroke. 1995 Mar;26(3):418-21.
Marotta T, Ferrara LA, Di Marino L, Mancini Marcello, Annuzzi G, Russo O, D’Orta G, Lucarelli C,
Rossi F. “Factors affecing lipoprotein lipase in hypertensive patients” Metabolism Clinical and
Experimental, 44 (6):712-718;1995
R.Giacco, M. Mancini, G.Clemente, S. Coppola, G. Lasorella, A. D’Avanzo, A.M. Rivieccio, G. Ruffa,
F. Brighenti, AA. Rivellese, G. Riccardi "Metabolic effects of resistant starch in patients with
NIDD" Diabetologia 39: 741-741, Suppl.1 AUG 1996 Impact Factor 5.822
G. Clemente, M. Mancini, F. Nazzaro, G. Lasorella, A. Rivieccio, A.M. Palumbo, A.A. Rivellese,
L.Ferrara, and R. Giacco. Effects of different dairy products on post-prandial lipemia. Nutr Metab
Cardiovasc Dis. 2003 Dec;13(6):377-83.
Marcello Mancini, Pier Paolo Mainenti, Antonio Speranza, Raffaele Liuzzi, Ernesto Soscia,
Massimo Sabbatini, Liberato Aldo Ferrara, Stefano Federico, Marco Salvatore. Accuracy of
ultrasound volume measurements of kidney transplant. J Clin Ultrasound 2006 Apr 13;34 (4):184189 Impact Factor 0.645
Marcello Mancini, Anna Prinster, Giovanni Annuzzi, Raffaele Liuzzi, Rosalba Giacco, Carmela
Medagli, Matteo Cremone, Gennaro Clemente, Simone Maurea, Gabriele Riccardi, Angela
Albarosa Rivellese, Marco Salvatore. Sonographic Hepatic/renal Ratio as indicator of hepatic
steatosis: comparison with 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Metabolism Clin and Exp 2009
Dec; 58(12):1724-30. Epub 2009 Aug 28
Maria Masulli, Marcello Mancini, Raffaele Liuzzi, Stefania Daniele, PierPaolo Mainenti, Emilia
Vergara, Salvatore Genovese, Marco Salvatore, Olga Vaccaro. Measurement of the intrarenal
resistance Index for the identification and prediction of diabetic nephropathy. Nutrition,
Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2009) 19, 358-364
Marcello Mancini, Emilia Vergara, Giuliana Salvatore, Adelaide Greco, Giancarlo Troncone,
Andrea Affuso, Raffaele Liuzzi, Paolo Salerno, Maria Scotto di Santolo, Massimo Santoro, Arturo
Brunetti, Marco Salvatore. Morphological ultrasound micro-imaging of thyroid in living mice.
Endocrinology. 2009 Oct;150(10):4810-5. Epub 2009 Jul 9
PierPaolo Mainenti, Marcello Mancini, Ciro Mainolfi, Luigi Camera, Simone Maurea, Antonietta
Manchia, Michela Tanga, Francesco Persico, Pietro Addeo, Dario D’Antonio, Antonio Speranza,
Luigi Bucci, Giovanni Persico, Leonardo Pace, Marco Salvatore. Detection of colo-rectal liver
metastases: prospective comparison of contrast enhanced US, Multidetector CT, PET/CT and 1.5
1.5 Tesla MR with extacellular and reticulo-endothelial cell specific contrast agents. Abdominal
Imaging .2010 Oct;35(5):511-21
Mainenti PP, Segreto S, Mancini M, Rispo A, Cozzolino I, Masone S, Rinaldi CR, Nardone G,
Salvatore M. Intestinal amyloidosis: Two cases with different patterns of clinical and imaging
presentation. World J Gastroenterol 2010, Vol.6 n.20: 2566-2570
Lutgarda Bozzetto, Anna Prinster, Marcello Mancini, Rosalba Giacco, Claudia De
Natale, Marco Salvatore, Gabriele Riccardi, Angela Albarosa Rivellese, Giovanni
Annuzzi. Liver fat in obesity: role of type 2 diabetes mellitus and adipose tissue
distribution. European Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 41, Issue 1, pages 39–
44, January 2011
Adelaide Greco, Marcello Mancini, Sara Gargiulo, Matteo Gramanzini, Pie Paolo
Claudio, Arturo Brunetti and Marco Salvatore. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in small
animal research: applications in molecular and pre-clinical imaging. Journal of
Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2012;2012:519238. Epub 2011 Oct
Stefano Bastianello Alfredo Romani Gisela Viselner , Enrico Colli Tibaldi, Elisabetta
Giugni, Marta Altieri, Pietro Cecconi , Laura Mendozzi, Massimiliano Farina,
Donatella Mariani, Antonio Galassi, Claudio Quattrini, Marcello Mancini , Vincenzo
Bresciamorra, Angela Lagace, Sandy McDonald, Giorgio Bono Roberto Bergamaschi.
Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency in Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical Correlates
from a Multicentre Study BMC Neurology 2011, Oct 26;11:132
Marcello Mancini, Vincenzo Brescia Morra, Orlando Di Donato, Valentina Maglio,
Roberta Lanzillo, Raffaele Liuzzi, Elena Salvatore, Arturo Brunetti, Vittorio Iaccarino,
Marco Salvatore. Multiple Sclerosis: Cerebral Circulation Time. Radiology Mar 1
2012; 262 (3):947-955
Giovanni Malferrari, Massimo Del Sette, Marialuisa Zedde, Sandro Sanguigni, Nicola
Carraro, Claudio Baracchini, Marcello Mancini, Erwin Stolz. Italian multicenter study
on venous hemodynamics in multiple sclerosis: Advanced Sonological Protocol.
Perspective in Medicine 2012
Lutgarda Bozzetto, Anna Prinster, Giovanni Annuzzi, Lucia Costagliola, Anna
Mangione, Alessandra Vitelli, Raffaella Mazzarella, Margaret Longobardo, Marcello
Mancini, Carlo Vigorito, Gabriele Riccardi, Angela Rivellese. Liver Fat Is Reduced by
an Isoenergetic MUFA Diet in a Controlled Randomized Study in Type 2 Diabetic
Patients. Diabetes Care 35:1429–1435, 2012. (Impact factor 7.141)
Marcello Mancini, Maria Masulli, Raffaele Liuzzi, Pier Paolo Mainenti, Monica
Ragucci, Simone Maurea, Gabriele Riccardi, Olga Vaccaro. Renal Duplex Ultrasound
evaluation of type 2 Diabetic patients. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2013
32:1033-1040 (Impact factor 1.25)
Adelaide Greco, Monica Ragucci, Raffaele Liuzzi, Sara Gargiulo, Anna Rita Daniela
Coda, Matteo Gramanzini, Marcello Mancini, Marco Salvatore, Arturo Brunetti,
Sandra Albanese Repeatability, Reproducibility and Standardization of Laser doppler
Imaging technique for the evaluation of normal mice hindlimbs perfusion.
Sensors 2013, 13(1), 500-515 Impact Factor: 1.739 (2011); 5-Year Impact Factor:
2.060 (2011)
Roberta Lanzillo, Marcello Mancini, Raffaele Liuzzi, Orlando Di Donato, Elena
Salvatore, Valentina Maglio, Giovanni Vacca, Luca Amato, Gennaro D'Anna, Arturo
Brunetti and Vincenzo Brescia Morra. Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in
Multiple Sclerosis: an highly prevalent age-dependent phenomenon. BMC Neurology
February 2013, 13-20 doi:10.1186/1471-2377-13-20 (IF 2.17)
Giancarlo Comi, Mario Alberto Battaglia, Antonio Bertolotto, Massimo Del Sette,
Angelo Ghezzi, Giovanni Malferrari, Marco Salvetti, Maria Pia Sormani, Luigi Tesio,
Erwin Stolz, Gianluigi Mancardi. Italian multicentre observational study of the
prevalence of CCSVI in multiple sclerosis (CoSMo study): rationale, design, and
methodology. Neurol Sci. Published on line 24 January 2013
Marcello Mancini, Adelaide Greco, Giuliana Salvatore, Raffaele Liuzzi, Gennaro Di
Maro, Emilia Vergara, Gennaro Chiappetta, Rosa Pasquinelli, Arturo Brunetti, Marco
Salvatore. Imaging of Thyroid Tumor Angiogenesis With Microbubbles Targeted To
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Type 2 In Mice. BMC Medical Imaging
2013, 13:31 (IF1.98). doi:10.1186/1471-2342-13-31
Observational case-control study of the prevalence of chronic cerebrospinal venous
insufficiency in multiple sclerosis: results from the CoSMo study. Comi G, Battaglia
M, Bertolotto A, Sette MD, Ghezzi A, Malferrari G, Salvetti M, Sormani M, Tesio L,
Stolz E, Zaratin P, Mancardi G; the CoSMo Collaborative Study Group. Multiple
Sclerosis 2013 Sep 6.
High frequency ultrasound for in vivo pregnancy diagnosis and staging of placental
and fetal development in mice.
PLOS ONE 2013 (in press)