English vitae - Alfonso Lucifredi


English vitae - Alfonso Lucifredi
Alfonso Lucifredi Caputo
Curriculum vitae
Former working experiences
 Author of books, events, workshops, exhibitions,
lectures, articles and documentaries on Science as a
freelance (2002-nowadays);
 Science Communicator for the Fondazione Umberto
Veronesi during the Switzerland tour of the “No smoking be
happy” exhibition (11-12/2015);
 Main responsible for the interactive scientific
workshop Agorà, Science and Mathematics at the times of
Archimedes created by the Genoa Festival della Scienza
Association, during its 5-month tour in China in coincidence
with the Shanghai International Science and Art Exhibition
(05/2011-10/2011) (travel blog);
 Animator, animators’ coordinator (ed. 2006) and author of
successful exhibits at the Genova Festival of Science
(www.festivalscienza.it), (all editions from 2004 to 2015), the
greatest science festival held in Europe, with over 200.000
visitors each year;
 Science divulgator at the Muvita Science Center in
Arenzano (www.muvita.it) (02/2011-12/2011);
 Science Committee at the Cavatore Cronosfera Festival
(www.cronosferafestival.com), a Science and Arts Festival
based on the concepts of time, held in a small medieval town in
Piedmont (06/2008);
 Science animator and consultant at centro IMG – Idee
Materie in Gioco di Genova (http://www.centroimg.org).(04/200712/2012), a science divulgation center for school and kids;
 Journalist, photographer and drafter for Clementi
Editore srl, a publishing house working on paper and online
magazines, documentaries and monographies regarding
travels, outdoor activities and nature (12/2011-05/2014) (link);
 Progetto di realizzazione del nuovo accesso viario al centro
storico di Quaratica: relazione di incidenza (environmental
impact assessment study concerning the creation of a new
access to the old town in the city of Quaratica), (06/2003);
 Relazione naturalistica finalizzata alla valutazione di
incidenza nel SIC IT1313712 “Cima di Pian Cavallo” (Regione
Liguria) di un’opera di regolazione delle acque del Fiume Tanaro
situata a monte dell’abitato di Ponte di Nava (CN) (a study on
the environmental effects of a river dam on the Tanaro river);
Web consultant and main responsible of commercial
and technical issues at Amen Italia srl (www.amenworld.com,
www.amen.fr), leading hosting company in Europe. Commercial
and tech responsible for all Italian customers and issues
regarding all .IT domain names and contacts with the Italian
Registration Authority (08/2003-12/2008);
Personal data
Born in Buenos Aires
(Argentina) on 08/06/1977;
Italian citizenship;
All military dues acquitted;
Italian driving licence.
Education and language
Natural Sciences Degree with a
specialization in environmental
resources conservation
(Conservazione della natura e delle
sue risorse), thesis title: Studio
naturalistico di un tratto del Fiume
Tanaro, presso Ponte di Nava, al fine
di valutare l'incidenza di un progetto di
impianto idroelettrico (a study
concerning the environmental effects
of a hydroelectric system on one of the
main rivers descending from southern
High level in written and spoken
English, author of publications in
English; good level in French and
Spanish; Italian as mother tongue;
basic knowledge of Mandarin
Chinese; translator (from French to
Italian and from English to Italian) for
the commercial site of AMEN Italia.
Formation stage attended during
Summer 2003 on hosting and internet
domains administrative and technical
European Academy for Scientific
Explainers (http://ease.infm.it)
attended at the Istituto Nazionale di
Fisica della Materia of Genova (1011/2006, 10-11/2007 and 10-11/2008).
 Sales
(www.linkindustries.com), trading company belonging to Fratelli
Cosulich spa, leading shipping company in Italy; supervisor for
soil products (gabions, rockfall nets) (02/2009-10/2010);
 Environmental
AreAmbiente spa (www.areambiente.com), (10/2004);
Musician and private guitar teacher (1993-nowadays).
Author of a self-produced record in 2007 (link);
 Animator for Legambiente Liguria Summer Camps,
regarding environment and sustainable ways of life (07/2007);
 Animator for the Mathematic divulgation association
Matefitness (www.matefitness.it) (06/2007);
 Assistant at the sporting association SiSport Gym
(www.sisportgym.com) (09/2005-oggi);
 Webdesigner of many sites, including Life of Gaia, one of
the main scientific divulgation sites in Italy.
Other interests
Literature and scientific spreading, author of several
bookreviews and articles in scientific and musical sites,
photography, acting (two years course under the direction of
R.M.Ansaldi), classical and modern guitar, composition and
musical arrangement (more than 15 years experience, many
courses with renowned musicians as M.Piccinini and B.Fossati);
Writer of a 4-monologue drama on the sins of Humanity,
published with Davide Zedda – La Riflessione Editore (march
2011). Practice of all kinds of sports, with a main preference in
tennis and athletics (finisher of the S. Antonio Marathon in
Computer Science skills
Excellent knowledge of
Conoscenza degli Win 8, 7, Vista ,
XP, MacOSx and Ubuntu
Excellent MS Office and Open
Office programs knowledge;
Good graphics, video and Flash
animation knowledge (Flash MX,
Photoshop Elements e CS6, Photo
Studio, Fireworks MX)
Good web designing knowledge
(Dreamweaver, MS Front Page,
Adobe Flash CS6, SwishMax,
Acrobat Professional, Adobe
InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Quark
Xpress, Wordpress, Joomla).
Good knowledge in music
production and sound editing
(Sony Soundforge, Steinberg
Nuendo, Ableton Live, Pinnacle
studio HD, Adobe Premiere Pro
CS4, Adobe After Effects, Dataton
Watchout, Final Cut Pro 7, Magix
Movie Edit Pro).
“Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del d. lgs. 196/2003.”
The latest version of this vitae can be found at the URL www.lucifredi.it/cveng.pdf
For complete publications, links and referrals please check the Italian version of this vitae, at
www.lucifredi.it/cv.pdf - For images of the workshops please visit www.lucifredi.it and this link
Contact information
Address: Passo dell’Acquidotto 2/5 - 16122 Genova Italy;
Mobile phone: +39 347 3349404;
Email: [email protected]
http://it.linkedin.com/in/alfonsolucifredi - Linkedin profile with recommendations;
www.lucifredi.it – personal site with images from all workshops, downloadable articles, online vitae;
Life of Gaia, Science blog (in Italian);
http://agorainviaggio.wordpress.com Travel diary for the “Agorà” workshop tour in China;
www.500px.com/AlfonsoLucifredi Photo portfolio on 500px, with over 70k views;
www.youtube.com/AlfonsoLucifredi Youtube channel;
http://www.soundcloud.com/alfonso-lucifredi Soundcloud profile (with original music tracks).
Main articles and works
A cosa pensava Darwin? Piccole storie di grandi naturalisti (“What was Darwin
thinking? Small stories of great naturalists”), Hoepli Editore, Milan, January 2016
Da Volandia alla Luna (“From Volandia to the moon”), a 30-minute documentary on
the history of Mission Apollo, with interviews with experts in the Space pavillion of
volandia, a museum near Malpensa Airport dedicated to the history of flight (link)
(director, conductor and author of the soundtrack);
Pillole di Festival (“Pills of Festival”), a series of short documentaries and interviews
during the 2014 Festival of Science (full playlist);
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a workshop/exhibition regarding plastic pollution of
the oceans (Genova Science Festival 2015, Muvita Science Center 2016) (link, link);
Ma come parli? (“How do you speak?”), interactive workshop regarding animal
communication and psychology, presented at the Festival of Science, ed. 2013 (link).
Sulle orme dei dinosauri – (“On the paths of the dinosaurs”), interactive workshop
regarding evolution and modern biology presented at the "Festival della Ruralità" in
the Alta Murgia National Park, ed. 2013;
Immagina…la vita! – il gioco degli evoluzionisti in evoluzione – (“Imagine…life! – The
game of evolving evolutioners”) interactive workshop regarding evolution and modern
biology, presented at the Festival of Science, ed.2012.
La Vita delle isole: guardare il piccolo per capire il grande –(“Life on islands: watching
small things to understand big ones”) interactive exhibit regarding life and biology on
remote islands, presented at the Festival of Science, ed.2011.
PENSIERI.PAROLE.OPERE.OMISSIONI. Tutti i peccati dell’Umanità in 4 monologhi, a
4-monologue drama on the sins of Humanity, published with La Riflessione – Davide
Zedda Editore (link).
alieNazioni - gli UFO, gli alieni, le scoperte e le nuove frontiere della ricerca di vita
extraterrestre, (“Alien Nations – UFOs, discoveries and new frontiers in the search for
extraterrestrial life”)
interactive exhibit regarding UFOs and research for
extraterrestrial intelligence, presented at the Festival of Science, ed.2010.
VISIONI DAL FUTURO (?) - Astrologia, premonizioni e preveggenza. Cosa c'è di
autentico? La scienza risponde, (“Visions from the future(?) – Astrology, premonition
and clairvoyance. What is real? Science answers”) interactive exhibit regarding the
skeptical view on future forecasts and astrology, presented at the Festival of Science,
SAPPIAMO PREVEDERE IL FUTURO? - Preveggenza, premonizioni, astrologia: cosa
c'è di autentico?, (“Can we forecast the future?”) conference on future forecasts and
paranormal events, presented with the most famous skeptic researchers on the field,
as Joe Nickell, Stefano Bagnasco, Massimo Polidoro, October 2009;
IL MUSEO DELLO SCETTICO – La scienza svela i segreti del paranormale, (“The
Skeptic Museum: Science reveals all secrets of the paranormal world”) interactive
exhibit regarding a skeptical view on paranormal events, presented at the Festival of
Science, ed.2008.
PHYSIX ‘N‘ ROLL - ascoltaRE LA fiSIca - Un viaggio attraverso il mondo delle note,
dei suoni, della musica in compagnia della scienza, (“PHYSIX’N’ROLL - Listening to
Physics”) interactive exhibit regarding acoustics, sound Physics and music, presented
at the Festival of Science, ed. 2007.
Studio naturalistico di un tratto del Fiume Tanaro, presso Ponte di Nava, al fine di
valutare l'incidenza di un progetto di impianto idroelettrico, degree thesis, Università di
Genova, a.a. 2001-2002 (Natural Science Degree, an Environmental Assessment
study on a river dam on the Tanaro river).
Relazione naturalistica finalizzata alla valutazione di incidenza nel SIC IT1313712 “Cima
di Pian Cavallo” (Regione Liguria) di un’opera di regolazione delle acque del Fiume
Tanaro situata a monte dell’abitato di Ponte di Nava (CN), Università di Genova, 2003,
24 pp. (a study concerning the environmental effects of a hydroelectric system on one
of the main rivers descending from southern Alps);
Progetto di realizzazione del nuovo accesso viario al centro storico di Quaratica:
relazione di incidenza, DELIBERAZIONE DELLA GIUNTA REGIONALE 08.06.2001
N.646 – Misure di salvaguardia per i proposti Siti di Importanza Comunitaria (pSIC) e
Zone di Protezione Speciale (ZPS) liguri (Dir. 92/43/CEE e 79/409/CEE): applicazione
della Relazione di Incidenza; 2003, pp. 24-36; (environmental study concerning the
creation of a new access to the old town in the city of Quaratica);
Alla ricerca della plastica scomparsa (“Looking for the missing plastics”), Le Scienze
(Scientific American, Italian edition), april 2015 (link);
La Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale in Italia: c’è ancora molto da fare, Le Scienze Web
News; (article on the main problems regarding Environmental Assessment studies in
 What will global warming bring to the future of Sahara?, Medium.com, June 2014
Biografia di Stephen Jay Gould, Life of Gaia;
Kim Sterelny - La sopravvivenza del più adatto – Gould contro Dawkins - Review, Life of
Gli ultimi sviluppi nella VIA: intervista a Virginio Bettini, Life of Gaia;
Richard Dawkins – Il gene egoista – Review, Life of Gaia;
Karl Von Frisch – Il linguaggio delle api – Review, Life of Gaia;
Jonathan Weiner - Il becco del fringuello – Review, Life of Gaia;
Ediacara, Life of Gaia;
Burgess, Life of Gaia;
La teoria degli Equilibri Puntiformi, Life of Gaia;
I 'Pennacchi' di San Marco, Life of Gaia;
Hans-Joachim Zillmer - L'errore di Darwin – Review, Life of Gaia;
Alfred Wegener e la deriva dei continenti, Life of Gaia;
Konrad Lorenz - Evoluzione e modificazione del comportamento – Review, Life of Gaia;
Konrad Lorenz – L’altra faccia dello specchio – Review;
L'estinzione dei Dinosauri - L'ipotesi vulcanismo, Life of Gaia;
L'estinzione dei Dinosauri - L'ipotesi impatto extraterrestre, Life of Gaia;
Biografia di Konrad Lorenz, Life of Gaia;
Paul Hoffman – La vendetta di Archimede – Review, Life of Gaia;
Stephen Hart – Il linguaggio degli animali – Review, Life of Gaia;
Biografia di Jane Goodall, Life of Gaia;
Niko Tinbergen - Naturalisti curiosi – Review, Life of Gaia;
Danilo Mainardi - L'animale culturale – Review, Life of Gaia;
Le Leggi di Mendel, Life of Gaia;
Biografia di Gregor Mendel, Life of Gaia;
Giorgio Celli - Ecologi e scimmie di Dio – Review, Life of Gaia;
Uri Geller - una breve inchiesta, Life of Gaia;
Biografia di Dian Fossey, Life of Gaia;
Francine Patterson, Eugene Linden - L'educazione di Koko – Review, Life of Gaia.
Alla scoperta del Vibonese, 14 TV documentaries regarding Calabria (managing troupes
and workflow, historical research and final controls on dubbing, editing, subtitles),
Gruppo Clementi, March 2013 (link);
I colori della Liguria – “The colors of Liguria”, promotional videos – author of
original soundtracks, March 2013 (link1, link2, link3);
Alfonso Lucifredi – Self produced record, 12 tracks completely composed,
recorded and mixed, June 2007 (link);
The animated life of A.R. Wallace – animated documentary, Sweet Fern
Productions, February 2014: Italian translation and subtitles (link);
“Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del d. lgs. 196/2003.”
The latest version of this vitae can be found at the URL www.lucifredi.it/cveng.pdf
For complete publications, links and referrals please check the Italian version of this vitae, at
www.lucifredi.it/cv.pdf - For images of the workshops please visit www.lucifredi.it and this link