
PROGRAMMA IN SINTESI Venerdì 20.09.13 Auditorium San Barnaba 15.00 15.30–17.00 17.00–18.00 18.00‐19.00 19.00 Apertura della Segreteria
Riunione del Consiglio Direttivo SIAI Cerimonia di apertura del Congresso Lettura Inaugurale Prof. Bruno Barberis La Ricerca Scientifica sulla Sindone: conoscenze attuali e prospettive future Cocktail di Benvenuto Chiostro del Conservatorio “L. Marenzio” Sabato 21.09.13 Università degli Studi di Brescia Apertura Segreteria
08.00 09.00‐10.00 10.00‐12.30 Relazione Prof. Erich Brenner
Anatomy of the great saphenous vein and its clinical relevance (Aula Magna) Sessione 1B Sessione 1A (Aula B) (Aula Magna) Neuroanatomia Istogenesi e Differenziamento Assemblea dei Soci SIAI
(Aula Magna) Colazione di Lavoro
12.30‐13.45 13.45‐14.45 14.45‐17.00 Sessione 2A (Aula Magna) Muscolo e Tessuto Connettivo 17.00‐18.30 Sessione 3A (Aula Magna) Istogenesi e Differenziamento Scienze del Movimento Sessione 2B (Aula B) Neuroanatomia Sessione 3B (Aula B) Apparato Cardiovascolare Discussione Poster 1
P1‐P60 Cena Sociale Museo Mille Miglia 18.30‐19.30 21.00 1
Domenica 22.09.13 Università degli Studi di Brescia 08.00 09.00‐10.00 10.00‐12.45 12.45‐13.45 13.45‐14.15 14.15 Apertura Segreteria
Relazione Dott. Francesco Fazi
MicroRNA pathways as new functional axes in cell fate determination (Aula Magna) Sessione 1A Sessione 1B Storia ed Evoluzione delle Discipline Morfologiche Cellule Staminali (Aula B) Imaging ed Anatomia Macroscopica Apparato Stomatognatico (Aula Magna) Discussione Poster 2
P61‐P122 Conclusioni e Chiusura del Congresso Colazione di Lavoro
PROGRAMMA VENERDI 20 Settembre 2013 Auditorium San Barnaba (Corso Magenta, 44) 15.30‐17.00 17.00‐18.00 18.00‐19.00 Riunione del Consiglio Direttivo SIAI Cerimonia di apertura del Congresso con intervento delle Autorità 19.00 Lettura Inaugurale Prof. Bruno Barberis (Torino) La Ricerca Scientifica sulla Sindone: conoscenze attuali e prospettive future Cocktail di Benvenuto ‐ Chiostro del Conservatorio “Luca Marenzio” SABATO 21 Settembre 2013 Università degli Studi di Brescia (Viale Europa, 11) 09.00‐10.00 10.00‐12.30 Aula Magna Prof. Erich Brenner (Innsbruck) Anatomy of the great saphenous vein and its clinical relevance Moderatori: E. Gaudio, G. Orlandini, A. Riva, D. Zaccheo Sessione 1A ‐ Aula Magna ISTOGENESI E DIFFERENZIAMENTO Moderatori: S. Adamo, R. Di Pietro, L. Manzoli Ultrastructural and morphometric evaluation of aged cumulus‐oocyte‐complexes Bianchi S, Macchiarelli G, Micara G, Aragona C, Maione M and Nottola SA (L’Aquila, Roma La Sapienza) White, brown and pink adipocytes are able to undergo physiologic and reversible transdifferentiation Giordano A, Frontini A and Cinti S (Ancona) Restoration versus reconstruction: how cell anatomy and extra‐cellular matrix influence tissue regeneration Coletti D, Teodori L, Li Z, Bernaudin JF and Adamo S (Parigi, Roma, Roma La Sapienza) Effect of a psoriatic microenvironment in a three‐dimensional model of normal human skin Donetti E, Cornaghi L, Sallese G, Landoni F, Gramatica F, Bedoni M, Pescitelli L and Prignano F (Firenze, Milano) 3
WAT to BAT transdifferentiation of omental fat in adult humans affected by pheochromocytomas Frontini A, Vitali A, Perugini J, Murano I, Romiti C, Guerrieri M and Cinti S (Ancona) PKCε‐dependent signalling in cardiac differentiation Galli D, Gobbi G, Carubbi C, Di Marcantonio D, Masselli E, Mirandola P and Vitale M (Parma) Sertoli Cells as potential Pharmaceutical Carriers: uptake and stability Luca G, Giovagnoli S, Mancuso F, Calvitti M, Arato I, Falabella G, Piroddi M, Pietrella D, Lilli C, Bellucci C, Neri L, Baroni T, Galli F, Moretti M, Capitani S, Patergnani S, Bodo M, Ricci M and Calafiore R (Ferrara, Perugia) HtrA1 in differentiation and growth of human placental tissues Marzioni D, Paolinelli F, Lorenzi T, Avellini C, Tossetta G, Ciarmela P, Baldi A, De Luca A, Giannubilo S, Tranquilli AL and Castellucci M (Ancona, Napoli) FGF9 ‐ Nodal signaling negatively control meiotic entry of postnatal male germ cells Tassinari V, Campolo F, Dolci S and Rossi P (Roma Tor Vergata) Emerging roles of CXCL12‐bearing microvesicles in glio‐vascular communication during human brain development Virgintino D, Rizzi M, Errede M, Frei K and Roncali L (Bari, Zurigo) Sessione 1B ‐ Aula B NEUROANATOMIA Moderatori: S. Miscia, G. Orlandini, A. Sbarbati FGF2 and ET1 promote human fetal striatal neuroblasts survival in hypoxic conditions Ambrosini S, Morelli A, Sarchielli E, Gallina P and Vannelli GB (Firenze) Chemotherapy‐induced peripheral neuropathy in immunodeficient mice: new useful ready‐to‐use animal models Cavaletti G, Carozzi V, Chiorazzi A, Oggioni N, Rodriguez‐Menendez V, Avezza F and Marmiroli P (Milano‐Bicocca) Interleukin‐1 family members in the retina of streptozotocin‐injected rats Scuderi S, D’Amico AG, Saccone S, Bucolo C, Drago F and D’Agata V (Catania) Dopamine D3 receptor knockout mice exhibit increased hippocampal cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) following acquisition of passive avoidance memory D’Amico AG, Castorina A, Leggio GM, Imbesi R, Drago F and D’Agata V (Catania) Analysis of the autophagic flux in astrocytes intoxicated by trimethyltin Fabrizi C, Pompili E, Somma F, De Vito S, Catizone A, Lenzi P, Fulceri F, Fornai F and Fumagalli L (Pisa, Roma La Sapienza) Ciliary neurotrophic factor in the hypothalamus of obese mice Giordano A, Severi I and Perugini J (Ancona) NG2+ Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells (OPCs) take part in neurovascular unit remodelling during EAE Girolamo F, Ferrara G, Morando S, Rizzi M, Coppola C, Uccelli A, Virgintino D and Roncali L (Bari, Genova) 4
High glucose impairs gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neurons in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus Morelli A, Sarchielli E, Comeglio P, Filippi S, Vignozzi L, Vannelli GB and Maggi M (Firenze) Histopathological damage and fibrotic remodelling of neuromuscular compartment in experimental colitis Ippolito C, Segnani C, Stocchi S, Dini S, Mattii L, Antonioli L, Colucci R, Bianchi F, Bernardini N and Dolfi A (Pisa) The involvement of Spinal Cord in MPTP‐induced neurotoxicity: morphological evidence Vivacqua G, Vaccaro R, Ferrucci M, Iannacone S, Casini A, Yu S, Fornai F and D’Este L (Beijing, Isernia, Pisa, Roma La Sapienza) 12.30‐13.45 13.45‐14.45 14.45‐17.00 Aula Magna Assemblea dei Soci SIAI Colazione di Lavoro Sessione 2A ‐ Aula Magna MUSCOLO E TESSUTO CONNETTIVO Moderatori: S. Cinti, A. Di Baldassarre, N. Maraldi HSP60 is muscle fiber‐type specific and increases after endurance training: mice model Barone R, Macaluso F, Sangiorgi C, D’Amico D, Dino E, Costa A, Moresi V, Coletti D, Adamo S, Farina F, Di Felice V and Zummo G (Palermo, Parigi, Roma La Sapienza) Fibrotic remodeling of colonic tunica muscularis is associated with vascular network activation in ulcerative colitis Ippolito C, Segnani C, Buccianti P, Errede M, Virgintino D, Dolfi A and Bernardini N (Bari, Pisa) Injectable bone‐graft substitute for in vivo tissue regeneration Bosetti M, Fusaro L, Borrone A, Nicolì E and Cannas M (Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli) Toll‐like receptor‐4 is involved in hepatic fibrogenesis in the course of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease Carotti S, Vespasiani‐Gentilucci U, Onetti‐Muda A, Perrone G, Picardi A and Morini S (Roma) TGF beta family members function in uterine healthy and fibrotic smooth muscle cells Ciarmela P, Md Soriful Islam, Catherino W, Protic O, Janjusevic M, Gray P, Giannubilo S, Ciavattini A, Marzioni D, Lamanna P, Tranquilli A, Petraglia F and Castellucci M (Ancona, Bethesda, Fabriano, La Jolla, Siena) Growth hormone and resistance exercise effects on myotendinous junction in hind‐limb unloaded rats: an ultrastructural study Curzi D, Lattanzi D, Burattini S, Grindeland RE, Edgerton RV, Roy RR, Tidball JG and Falcieri E (Bologna, Los Angeles, Moffett Field, Urbino) DT‐MRI study on masticatory muscles in normal and pathological subjects Magaudda L, Duca A, Magaudda E, Centofanti A, Righi M and Runci M (Messina) 5
Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle homeostasis: effects of V1a AVP receptor overexpression Scicchitano BM and Adamo S (Roma, Roma La Sapienza) The dystrophin‐glycoprotein complex and the vinculin‐talin‐integrin system in sternocleidomastoid muscle of baboon Anastasi G, Vermiglio G, Runci M, Magaudda E, Trubiani O, Fulle S, Gatta V, Pieragostino D and Festa F (Chieti, Messina) Sessione 2B ‐ Aula B NEUROANATOMIA Moderatori: F. Amenta, C. Dell’Orbo, F. Michetti Altered levels of IL‐18 in sera of autism patients as well as in reeler brain Businaro R, Fuso A, Laviola G, Azzara G, Cannizzaro C, Corsi M, Massoni F, Onofri E, Ricci P and Ricci S (Roma, Roma La Sapienza) Calcium‐sensing receptor antagonist (calcilytic) NPS 2143 prevents the increased secretion of endogenous Aβ42 prompted by exogenous Aβ25‐35 in human cortical astrocytes and neurons Chiarini A, Pacchiana R, Gardenal E, Armato U and Dal Prà I (Verona) Overstimulation of glutamate signaling in hamster hippocampal neurons: what’s new? Di Vito A, Mele M, Piscioneri A, Morelli S, De Bartolo L, Barni T, Facciolo RM and Canonaco M (Catanzaro, Cosenza) Neurons but Motor Neurons in Motor Neuron disease Fornai F, Lenzi P, Ferrucci M, Ruggieri S, D'Este L, Pellegrini A, Fumagalli L, Giannessi F and Paparelli A (Pisa, Isernia, Roma La Sapienza) The connection between basal ganglia and cerebellum in human brain Magaudda L, Milardi D, Trimarchi F, Rizzo G, Arrigo A, Gaeta M and Quartarone A (Messina) Morphological analysis of the Hippocampal region of aged rats, role of Clasmatodendrosis Mercatelli R, Lana D, Giovannini MG, Quercioli F, Tani A and Nosi D (Firenze) Gene therapy for improving peripheral nerve regeneration and preventing muscle atrophy after nerve trauma Raimondo S, Ronchi G, Fregnan F, Robecchi MG and Geuna S (Torino) Map of the sarcoglycan sub‐complex in rat brain Cutroneo G, Rizzo G, Di Mauro D, Speciale F, Vermiglio G, Favaloro A, Milazzo C and Buda D (Messina) White matter of cerebellum in normal subjects and Parkinson’s disease patients Trimarchi F, Arrigo A, Milardi D, Duca A, Speciale G, Migliorato A and Santoro G (Messina) 6
17.00‐18.30 Sessione 3A ‐ Aula Magna ISTOGENESI E DIFFERENZIAMENTO Moderatori: A. Filippini, A. Dolfi, P. Romagnoli Breast cancer stroma influences the migratory behaviour of epithelial malignant cells: the role of secreted hepatocyte growth factor Angelucci C, Maulucci G, Colabianchi A, Iacopino F, Maiorana A, Palmieri V, De Spirito M, Di Leone A and Masetti R (Roma) c‐FLIPL regulates endoplasmic reticulum morphology and mitochondria‐associated membranes functions Marini ES, Giampietri C, Petrungaro S, Conti S, Scorrano L and Ziparo E (Padova, Roma La Sapienza) SCIENZE DEL MOVIMENTO Moderatori: R. De Caro, E. Falcieri, A. Montella Evaluation of the internal training load in fitness activities: Preliminary results Cortis C, Giancotti GF, Sanhueza SA, Rodio A and Capranica L (Cassino, Roma) Effect of short‐term aerobic exercise on cardiovascular remodelling in post‐menopause women Izzicupo P, Ghinassi B, D’amico MA, D’Angelo E, Gallina S and Di Baldassarre A (Chieti) Effects of the HBP passive exoskeleton on brain functions: Application on multiple sclerosis patients Di Russo F, Berchicci M, Perri RL, Ripani FR and Ripani M (Roma, Roma La Sapienza) Sessione 3B ‐ Aula B APPARATO CARDIOVASCOLARE Moderatori: M. Gulisano, S. Montagnani, R. Toni Immunolocalization of pro‐inflammatory cytokines within human aortic aneurysms Businaro R, Azzara G, Cannizzaro C, Corsi M, Di Gioia C, Di Cristofano C, Massoni F, Cassese M and Ricci S (Bari, Roma La Sapienza) The Saphenous compartment: The Saphenous veins are not real superficial veins Caggiati A (Roma La Sapienza) Sex differences in redox state, autophagy and lysosomal function Campesi I, Straface E, Occhioni S, Fenu G, Franconi F and Montella A (Osilo, Roma, Sassari) BBB‐endothelial tight junction response to NG2 in murine model of chronic EAE Errede M, Rizzi M, Girolamo F, Virgintino D and Roncali L (Bari) Targeting of NAADP‐mediated calcium signaling affects VEGF‐induced angiogenesis Favia A, Gambara G, D’Alessio A, Desideri M, Del Bufalo D, Ziparo E, Palombi F and Filippini A (Roma, Roma La Sapienza) 7
Relaxin antagonizes the effects of TGF‐β/Smad3 axis on cardiac fibroblast‐myofibroblast transition through the upregulation of Notch‐1 signalling Zecchi‐Orlandini S, Sassoli C, Chellini F, Pini A, Nistri S, Bani D and Formigli L (Firenze) 18.30‐19.30 DISCUSSIONE POSTER 1 I poster saranno esposti a partire da Sabato 21 Settembre 2013 (ore 9.00) nei pannelli seguendo il numero loro attribuito e tolti alla chiusura del Congresso. Il materiale per l’affissione dei poster sarà fornito in sede. CELLULE STAMINALI (P1‐P11) P1. In triple negative breast tumor cells, PLC‐β2 promotes the conversion of CD133high to CD133low phenotype and reduces the CD133‐related invasiveness Bertagnolo V, Brugnoli F, Grassilli S, Nika E and Capitani S (Ferrara) P2. Embryoid body in vitro formation from human amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs): an ultrastructural study Centurione MA, Antonucci I, Centurione L, Stuppia L and Di Pietro R (Chieti) P3. A preliminary "in vivo" study to evaluate the effects of a new drug delivery method in Chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) Ceccarelli G, Benedetti L, Cova E, Colombo M, Meloni F, Prosperi D and Cusella de Angelis MG (Milano‐Bicocca, Pavia) P4. Sox2 induces Mesenchymal to Epithelial transition in somatic cells Campolo F and Dolci S (Roma) P5. mRNAs and miRNAs profiling of Mesenchymal Stem Cells derived from amniotic fluid and skin Lazzarini R, Orciani M, Pugnaloni A and Di Primio R (Ancona) P6. Inhibition of nuclear Nox4 activity: effect on proliferative capacity in human stem cells Maraldi T, Guida M, Zavatti M, Resca E, Beretti F, Bertoni L and De Pol A (Modena e Reggio Emilia) P7. IGF1 and IGF1/VEGF cross‐talk on human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs): the role of stem cell sources in bone healing Mattioli‐Belmonte M, Ferretti C, Salvolini E, Lucarini G and Di Primio R (Ancona) P8. 3D culture of multipotent cells derived from waste human ovarian follicular liquid and seeded onto gelatin cryogel Riva F, Omes C, Fassina L, Vaghi P, Reguzzoni M, Casasco M, Icaro Cornaglia A and Casasco A (Pavia, Insubria) P9. Positive effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells therapeutic administration on chronic Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Scuteri A, Donzelli E, Rigolio R, Ballarini E, Monfrini M, Ravasi M, Chiorazzi A, Sala B, Meregalli C and Tredici G (Ancona, Milano‐Bicocca) P10. Matricellular protein expression as a new parameter to test in vitro cytotoxicity of a 3D biomimetic material Durante S, Teti G, Ruggeri A, Salvatore V, Focaroli S, Mattioli‐Belmonte M, Gobbi P and Falconi M (Bologna, Urbino) 8
P11. In vitro biocompatibility of a new hydrogel with Crocin, powerful antioxidant found in Crocus Sativus L. flowers Zeka K, Ruparelia KC, Arroo RRJ, Bernardi S, Corradini V, Pajewski LA, Vegliò F and Continenza MA (L’Aquila, Leicester) NEUROANATOMIA (P12‐P37) P12. Expression of the K‐Cl co‐transporter KCC2 in cerebral cortex and thalamus during murine postnatal development Amadeo A, Ferrari M, Aracri P, Pasini ME, Smondel S and Becchetti A (Milano, Milano‐Bicocca) P13. Morpho‐functional alterations of colonic neuromuscular compartment in experimental Parkinson’s disease Segnani C, Ippolito C, Stocchi S, Fornai M, Pellegrini C, Blandizzi C, Dini S, Dolfi A and Bernardini N (Pisa) P14. Pineal gland and neuropathic pain Borsani E, Lubin M, Merigo D, Boninsegna R, Lancini D, Giugno L and Bonomini F (Brescia) P15. Stress granules induced by oxidative stress in cultured fibroblast from TDP‐43 mutant ALS patients Brancia C, Coni P, Floris A, Bellini I, Orrù S and Sogos V (Cagliari) P16. Glia inhibition suppresses chemotherapy‐induced neuropathic pain in the rat Carrino D, Tani A, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Sgambati E, Ghelardini C and Pacini A (Firenze, Isernia) P17. PACAP and VIP increase the expression of myelin‐markers in rat schwannoma cells Scuderi S, Imbesi R and Castorina A (Catania) P18. VGF and Type II Diabetes: decrease of VGF fragment levels in adipose tissues of diet‐induced obese mice D'Amato F, Cocco C, Noli B, Pilleri R and Ferri GL (Cagliari) P19. Clinically integrated neuroanatomy modules using neurosurgery and intraoperative MRI/DTI tractography: their contribution to long‐term retention of neuroanatomical knowledge Familiari G, Relucenti M, Heyn R, Baldini R, D’Andrea G, Familiari P, Frati A, Bozzao A and Raco A (Roma La Sapienza) P20. Sirtuin 6 localization at cortical brain level of young diabetic mice Favero G, Castrezzati S, Franceschetti L, Peroni M, Cocchi MA, Nardo L and Buffoli B (Brescia, San Francisco) P21. Rapamycin induces neuronal differentiation and decreases prion‐like proteins in human glioblastoma cell cultures Ferrucci M, Lazzeri G, Falleni A, Guagnozzi M, Biagioni F, Fucile S, Limatola C, Esposito V and Paparelli A (Isernia, Pisa, Roma La Sapienza) P22. Sub‐cellular motor neuron analysis in a model of spinal muscle atrophy Fulceri F, Demi C, Gesi M, Parlanti P, Biagioni F, Matarangasi A, Soldani P and Paparelli A (Isernia, Pisa) P23. Expression of angiogenesis related factors in glioblastoma and peritumor tissue Lama G, Proietti G, Mangiola A, De Bonis P and Maira G (Roma) 9
P24. Dissecting early steps in the authophagy machinery to understand the molecular basis of neurodegeneration Lenzi P, Falleni A, Natale G, Bartalucci A, Soldani P, Siciliano G and Paparelli A (Pisa) P25. Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol attenuated methamphetamine‐induced increase of neuronal nitric oxide synthase expression and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein immunoreactivity Madeddu C, Casti A, Porcu A, Castelli MP and Ennas MG (Cagliari) P26. Role of NAGPA, GNPTAB and GNPTG genes in the development of speech and language in Homo sapiens Magherini S, Fiore MG, Morucci G, Branca J JV, Gulisano M, Pacini S and Ruggiero M (Firenze) P27. Influence of aging on peripheral nervous system: a morphological and morphometric study
Marmiroli P, Canta A, Buccomino S, Meregalli C, Sala B, Bossi M and Cavaletti G (Milano‐Bicocca) P28. Vitamin D binding protein‐derived macrophage activating factor stimulates proliferation and signalling in a human neuronal cell line Morucci G, Fiore MG, Magherini S, Branca JJV, Gulisano M, Thyer L, Ruggiero M and Pacini S (Cambridge, Firenze) P29. Treatment and Prevention of Cadmium‐induced alterations on human neurons Morucci G, Branca JJV, Ruggiero M, Gulisano M and Pacini S (Firenze) P30. Neuroplasticity in the spinal cord following laser irradiation Natale G, Bartalucci A, Flaibani M, Parra E, Parra PF, Algeri G and Paparelli A (Bergamo, Pisa) P31. Role of oxidative stress in chronic otitis media with effusion in children Paccone M, Guerra G, Testa D, Cinelli MP, Marcuccio G, Tafuri D, Motta G and Montagnani S (Campobasso, Napoli) P32. Further steps in the role of autophagy in methamphetamine toxicity Paparelli S, Lazzeri G, Gesi M , Guagnozzi M, Concetti F, Venanzi F and Fornai F (Boston, Camerino, Pisa, Isernia) P33. Inflammatory profile of neurotrophins, IL‐6, IL1‐β, TNF‐α, VEGF, ICAM‐1 and TGF‐β in the Human Waldeyer’s ring Pompili E, Bianchi E, Taurone S, Parnigotto PP, Artico M, Magliulo G, Di Liddo R and Fumagalli L (Padova, Roma La Sapienza) P34. Trimethyltin‐induced hippocampal degeneration in developing rats: Modulation of reelin expression and endogenous neurogenesis Toesca A, Corvino V, Geloso MC and Michetti F (Roma) P35. Spinal cord changes consequent to peripheral nerve injury: Neuroprotective role of thioctic acid enantiomers Tomassoni D, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Ghelardini C, Nwankwo IE, Tayebati SK and Amenta F (Camerino, Firenze) P36. The influence of mechanogastric distension via autonomic nerve on hemodynamic outputs Sabbatini M, Grossini E, Vacca G and Cannas M (Alessandria, Novara, Vercelli) 10
P37. Is the corpus callosum degeneration a predictor of long‐term disability in Multiple Sclerosis patients? Sotgiu MA, Madeddu R, Bandiera P, Pirino A, Mazzarello V and Montella A (Sassari) ISTOGENESI E DIFFERENZIAMENTO (P38‐P58) P38. Autologous leuco‐platelet preparation promotes neoangiogenesis and wound healing Azzara G, Cannizzaro C, Corsi M, Ricci S, Salvati B, Capoano R and Businaro R (Roma La Sapienza) P39. Prevention of UVB radiation‐induced cell death: “in vitro” studies Battistelli M, Salucci S, Baldassarri V, Curzi D and Falcieri E (Bologna, Urbino) P40. Prostate cancer and novel ways to deliver melatonin Bonomini F, Paroni R, Borsani E, Castrezzati S, Fraschini F, Lonati C, Finati E and Samaja M (Brescia, Milano) P41. Oligomerizing ability of newly made human Hsp60 with its mitochondrial import signal Vilasi S, Carrotta R, Mangione MR, Campanella C, Palumbo Piccionello A, Librizzi F, Martorana V, Ortore MG, Marino Gammazza A, Vilasi A, Burgio G, Corona D, Zummo G, Bulone D, Conway de Macario E, Macario AJL, San Biagio PL and Cappello F (Ancona, Baltimore, Lugano, Napoli, Palermo) P42. Platelet Rich Plasma stimulates human hair growth In vitro Cocchi MA, Bezzola P, Sorbellini E, Trink A, Labanca M, Bonazza V and Rinaldi F (Brescia, Milano) P43. Matrigel plug assay: evaluation of the angiogenic response by reverse transcription‐quantitative PCR Coltrini D, Di Salle E, Ronca R, Belleri M, Testini C and Presta M (Brescia, Uppsala) P44. Novel in vitro and in vivo data on the cellular localization of Hsp 10 in smokers affected by COPD and in lung‐derived cell lines exposed to cigarette smoke extract as stressor Corrao S, Anzalone R, Lo Iacono M, Farina F, Peri G, Zummo G, Di Stefano A, Brun P, Balbi B, Conway de Macario E, Macario AJL, Cappello F and La Rocca G (Baltimora, Padova, Palermo, Veruno) P45. Nonylphenol induces proliferation of prostate epithelial cell line (pnt1a) Forte M, Valiante S, Lucariello A, Costanzo C, Laforgia V, De Falco M and De Luca A (Napoli) P46. Nonylphenol effects on endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line Iachetta G, Addabbo M, Lucariello A, Sellitto C, Forte M, Valiante S, Laforgia V, De Luca A and De Falco M (Napoli) P47. Epsins in Notch skin activation di Giacomo G, Sala E, Ruggiero L and Cremona O (Milano) P48. Ultrastructural study of the effect of proinflammatory cytokines in a three‐dimensional model of normal human skin Donetti E, Cornaghi L, Gualerzi A, Baruffaldi Preis FW, Ricceri F, Prignano F and Romagnoli P (Firenze, Milano) P49. Epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition in pancreas adenocarcinoma cells: effect of 2D versus 3D arrangement Gagliano N, Celesti G, Menon A, Celon S, Valerio V, Ferrara S, Clerici M, Grizzi F and Procacci P (Milano) 11
P50. A molecular model of the interaction between vitamin D binding protein‐derived macrophage activating factor and vitamin D receptor Fiore MG, Magherini S, Morucci G, Branca JJV, Pacini S, Gulisano M and Ruggiero M (Firenze) P51. Role of secretin in the growth of the biliary epithelium in normal and cholestatic mice Mancinelli R, Franchitto A, Onori P, Venter J, Renzi A, Glaser S, Alpini G and Gaudio E (Roma La Sapienza, Texas) P52. Antitumoral effects of Hibiscus sabdarifa on human oral squamous cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma cells Miloso M, Maggioni D, Malacrida A, Foudah D, Caldara C, Tredici G and Nicolini G (Milano‐Bicocca) P53. Chondrocyte expression of apoptotic and pro‐inflammatory factors in the development of post‐ traumatic arthritis in humans Sena P, Benincasa M, Cavani F, Ferretti M, Smargiassi A, Manfredini G and Palumbo C (Modena e Reggio Emilia) P54. K562 cell proliferation is modulated by PLCβ1 through a PKCα‐mediated pathway Poli A, Piazzi M, Colantoni A, Ramazzotti G, Matteucci A and Faenza I (Bologna) P55. Skin dendritic cells increase in number during early response to wounding Bacci S, Bonelli A and Romagnoli P (Firenze) P56. Animal models are reliably mimicking human diseases? A morphological study that compares animal and human NAFLD Solinas P, Lilliu A, Cossu M, Civolani A, Demelia L and Isola R (Cagliari) P57. Expression of Brain Derivated Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and of its receptors in biliary epithelium: correlations with proliferation and apoptosis Vivacqua G, Renzi A, Franchitto A, Carpino G and Gaudio E (Roma, Roma La Sapienza) P58. Heat shock proteins levels and expression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and vernal keratoconjunctivitis Brun P, Tarricone E, Vallese D, Corrao S, Balbi B, Cappello F, Di Stefano A and Leonardi A (Novara, Padova, Palermo) STORIA ED EVOLUZIONE DELLE DISCIPLINE MORFOLOGICHE (P59‐P60) P59. Clinical anatomic, immunomorphologic and molecular anatomic data suggest interplay of thyroidal molecules, autoantibodies and Hsp60 in Hashimoto’s disease Gammazza AM, Rizzo M, Citarrella R, Rappa F, Campanella C, Bucchieri F, Patti A, Nikolic D, Cabibi D, Amico G, Conaldi PG, San Biagio PL, Peri G, Montalto G, Farina F, Zummo G, Conway de Macario E, Macario AJL and Cappello F (Baltimora, Palermo) P60. Teaching in schools of specialization: problems and the possible solutions Guarna M, Volpi N, Aglianò M, Tiezzi G, Corallo G, Loglisci M and Grasso G (Siena) 21.00 CENA SOCIALE – MUSEO MILLE MIGLIA Viale della Bornata, 123 ‐ S. Eufemia 12
DOMENICA 22 Settembre 2013 Università degli Studi di Brescia (Viale Europa, 11) 09.00‐10.00 Aula Magna Dott. Francesco Fazi (Roma La Sapienza) MicroRNA pathways as new functional axes in cell fate determination 10.00‐12.45 Moderatori: S. Cinti, R. di Primio, F.A. Manzoli, G.P. Papaccio Sessione 1A – Aula Magna STORIA ED EVOLUZIONE DELLE DISCIPLINE MORFOLOGICHE Moderatori: E. Gaudio, F. Osculati, D. Zaccheo The advantages of virtual microscopy for teaching histology Coleman R (Haifa) The understanding of the anatomy and functional role of the valves of the veins and its impact on hemodynamics Riva A, Loy F, Isola R, Isola M and Conti G (Cagliari) IMAGING ED ANATOMIA MACROSCOPICA Moderatori: S. Capitani, L. Cocco, S. Zecchi fMRI study in human brain during chewing Anastasi G, Bracco P, Piancino MG, Isola G, Vaccarino G, Santoro G, Favaloro A, Milazzo C and Buda D (Messina, Torino) Anatomo‐radiologic study of the Suboccipital artery of Salmon Macchi V, Porzionato A, Morra A, Stecco C, D'Antoni A and De Caro R (Padova, New York) Demonstration in human cadavers of feasibility of ileoproctostomy performed entirely through a transanal route Porzionato A, Polese L, Lezoche E, Macchi V, Lezoche G, Da Dalt G, Stecco C, Merigliano S, Norberto L and De Caro R (Ancona, Padova, Roma La Sapienza) The temporomandibular joint: from classical anatomy to modern functional assessments Sforza C, Mapelli A, Serralunga S, Tartaglia GM, Lodetti G and De Felicio CM (Brescia, Milano, São Paulo) Anatomical‐radiological study of the plantar fascia and its correlation with Achilles tendon pathologies Stecco C, Corradin M, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Biz C and De Caro R (Padova) The possible use of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of myofascial neck pain Stecco C, Macchi V, Stecco A, Porzionato A, Imamura M and De Caro R (Padova, São Paulo) Anatomy of Cranial Nerves seen by Endoscope Tschabitscher M, Rodella LF and Rezzani R (Brescia) 13
APPARATO STOMATOGNATICO Moderatori: G. Anastasi, M. Cannas, C. Sforza An immunofluorescence study of the sarcoglycan sub‐complex in gingival epithelium both in normal and in pathological conditions Magaudda L, Cutroneo G, Centofanti A, Isola G, Vaccarino G, Righi M and Di Mauro D (Messina) The atypical antipsychotic drug amisulpride. Secretory effects on rat salivary glands observed by HRSEM Loy F, Godoy T, Ekström J, Conti G, Carta F and Riva A (Cagliari, Göteborg) Sessione 1B ‐ Aula B CELLULE STAMINALI Moderatori: M. Falconi Mazzotti, G. Sica, M. Vitale Adult stem / progenitor cells of the rat thyroid: side population distribution, intermediate filament expression, and long‐term in vitro expansion Barbaro F, Zamparelli A, Zini N, Dallatana D, Bassi E, Mosca S, Parrilli A, Fini M, Giardino R and Toni R (Bologna, Boston, Parma) Expression of Reelin in cancer stem cells isolated from human glioblastoma Biamonte F, Scicchitano BM and Sica G (Roma) Gallbladder Stem/progenitor cells are able to repopulate and rescue the damaged liver in a experimental mouse model of liver cirrhosis Carpino G, Cardinale V, Gentile R, Onori P, Franchitto A, Berloco P, D’Argenio G, Caporaso N, Reid L, Alvaro D and Gaudio E (Napoli, North Carolina, Roma, Roma La Sapienza) Role of neural cancer stem cells in angiogenesis Lama G, Colabianchi A and D'Alessio A (Roma) Study of cardiomyogenic potential of human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Ghinassi B, D'Amico MA, Izzicupo P, Bascelli A, Antonucci I, Stuppia L and Di Baldassarre A (Chieti) Relevance of tumour surrounding area in chemoresistance of glioblastoma (GBM) Iacopino F, Biamonte F, Proietti G, Sorrentino S, Mangiola A, Maira G and Sica G (Roma) Cytotoxic activity of a plant extract on cancer cells Catalano E, Maestri P, Cochis A, Azzimonti B, Varoni EM, Fraschini F, Rimondini L, Megna S and Iriti M (Milano, Montreal, Novara) Isolation and characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from pituitary tumours Orciani M, Lazzarini R, Cianciosi D, Arnaldi G and Di Primio R (Ancona) Phenotypic and functional characterization of endothelial progenitor cells isolated from peripheral blood of renal cell carcinoma patients Poletto V, Lim D, Dragoni S, Aronica A, Ganini C, Bonetti E, Tafuri D, Paccone M, Cinelli M, Montagnani S, Tanzi F, Porta C, Moccia F, Rosti V and Guerra G (Campobasso, Napoli, Novara, Pavia) 14
Mesenchymal stromal cells and their paracrine factors regulate MMP‐2 and MMP‐9/ TIMP‐2 balance in skeletal myoblasts and fibroblasts: new insights into the potential role of MSC‐cell therapy in muscle regenerative medicine Sassoli C, Nosi D, Tani A, Chellini F, Mazzanti B, Quercioli F and Formigli L (Firenze) Cancer stem cells in head and neck tumors: evidence for metastatic spread and treatment resistance Tirino V, Desiderio V, Paino F, La Noce M and Papaccio G (Napoli) 12.45‐13.45 DISCUSSIONE POSTER 2 I poster saranno esposti a partire da Sabato 21 Settembre 2013 (ore 9.00) nei pannelli seguendo il numero loro attribuito e tolti alla chiusura del Congresso. Il materiale per l’affissione dei poster sarà fornito in sede. APPARATO CARDIOVASCOLARE (P61‐P68 ) P61. Analysis of SOD3 and Akt in ascending aortic aneurysm Arcucci A, Ruocco MR, Albano F, Romano V, Granato G, De Vendittis E, Della Corte A, Bancone C and Montagnani S (Napoli) P62. Systemic sclerosis sera affect fibrillin‐1 deposition and focal adhesion molecule expression by dermal blood microvascular endothelial cells: therapeutic implications of cyclophosphamide Borghini A, Villano M, Gabbrielli E, Rossi A, Sestini P, Nacci F, Rosa I, Matucci‐Cerinic M, Manetti M and Weber E (Firenze, Siena) P63. Morphometric analysis of lymphatic vessels in fibrotic human lung Sozio F, Rossi A, Borghini A, Weber E, Nicholson AG, Wells AU, Renzoni EA and Sestini P (Londra, Siena) P64. Posphodiesterase 5 regulates the beating rate in murine neonatal cardiomyocytes Cornacchione M, Barbagallo F, Pellegrini M, Zevini A, Torre M, Isidori AM and Naro F (Campobasso, Roma La Sapienza) P65. Metabolic syndrome alters inflammatory and membrane markers expression in human atrium cardiomyocytes Corsetti G, Romano C, Pasini E, Assanelli D and Stacchiotti A (Brescia) P66. Anatomical and Radiologic study about the vascular supply of the pancreas interrelated with resective surgery Picardi EEE, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Morra A, Stecco C, Bardini R and De Caro R (Padova) P67. Metabolic syndrome and beneficial vascular effect of melatonin Favero G, Giugno L, Ferrari M, Belotti F and Rezzani R (Brescia) P68. Morphology of cardiac and renal microvasculature in spontaneously hypertensive rat. Activity of thioctic acid Tayebati SK, Tomassoni D, Innocent NE and Amenta F (Camerino) 15
MUSCOLO E TESSUTO CONNETTIVO (P69‐P82 ) P69. Variation of the proximal insertion of the abductor digiti minimi muscle and its correlation with Guyon’s canal syndrome. Case report and literature review Bulla A, Uzel AP, Bandiera P and Montella A (Guadeloupe, Sassari) P70. Histological, immunohistochemical and anthropological study among mummies coming from different geographic areas Delaconi P, Mazzarello V, Bandiera P, Chessa D, Piu G, Pomponi V, Serra RM, Piga G, Longoni F, Kelvin DJ, Kelvin N and Rubino S (Sassari, Toronto) P71. pPKCα mediates integrin β1 induced PGE2 production in a TEGDMA treated HGFs/S. mitis/saliva co‐
culture system di Giacomo V, Sancilio S, Gallorini M, Zara S, Di Valerio V, Marconi GD and Cataldi A (Chieti) P72. Activation and nuclear translocation of PKCε promotes skeletal muscle cell differentiation via HMGA1 down‐regulation Di Marcantonio D, Galli D, Carubbi C, Gobbi G, Queirolo V, Mirandola P and Vitale M (Parma) P73. A standardized multi‐colour flow cytometry approach to characterize the many faces of peripheral circulating microparticles Lanuti P, Ercolino E, Bologna G, Grifone G, Pierdomenico L, Marchisio M and Miscia S (Chieti) P74. Inactivation of urokinase‐type plasminogen activator receptor induces dermal and pulmonary fibrosis and peripheral microvasculopathy in mice closely mimicking human systemic sclerosis Manetti M, Rosa I, Milia AF, Conte D, Ruffo M, Carmeliet P, Matucci‐Cerinic M and Ibba‐Manneschi L (Firenze, Leuven) P75. Experimental model of rat ileitis resembling Crohn’s disease Milia AF, Ruffo M, Fazi M, Conte D and Ibba‐Manneschi L (Firenze) P76. Induced Biochemical osteoporosis: Effects of 1‐month calcium–deprived diet on rat bone remodelling with/without contemporary administration of PTH(1‐34) Ferretti M, Cavani F, Sena P, Benincasa M, Smargiassi A and Palumbo C (Modena e Reggio Emilia) P77. Effects of a new nanocomposite system on Human Gingival Fibroblasts/Streptococcus mitis co‐
culture Sancilio S, di Giacomo V, Pacella S, Di Bartolomeo S, Travan A, Marsich E and Cataldi A (Chieti, Trieste) P78. Sialic acids expression in human skeletal muscle tissue during aging Marini M, Ambrosini S and Sgambati E (Firenze, Isernia) P79. Muscle atrophy in vitro: a lesson from cisplatin Stacchiotti A, Rovetta F, Ferroni M, Corsetti G, Lavazza A, Sberveglieri G and Aleo MF (Brescia) P80. Anatomical study and clinical implication of perivascular fascia of the radial artery Tiengo C, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Stecco C and De Caro R (Padova) 16
P81. Anti‐fibrotic effect of a novel PPAR‐γ ligand, GED‐0507‐34 LEVO, in DSS induced colonic fibrosis in mice Vetuschi A, Sferra R, Pompili S, Speca S, Desreumaux P, Gaudio E and Latella G (L’Aquila, Lille, Roma La Sapienza) P82. Effects of physical exercise on the activation and differentiation potential of satellite cells from skeletal muscles of old mice: an in vitro study Malatesta M, Costanzo M, Cisterna B, Giagnacovo M, Pellicciari C and Zancanaro C (Pavia, Verona) EMATOPOIESI E LINFOPOIESI (P83‐P88) P83. Niemann‐Pick B‐lymphocytes show autophagic stress features Canonico B, Cesarini E, Arcangeletti M, Galli L, Zamai L, Palma F, Luchetti F and Papa S (Urbino) P84. Clonal Activation of Akt in Low‐Risk MDS Patients with Del(5q) treated with Lenalidomide Follo MY, Mongiorgi S, Clissa C, Quaranta M, Santi P, Finelli C, Cocco L and Manzoli FA (Bologna) P85. Alpha‐N‐acetylgalactosaminidase levels in cancer patients are affected by Vitamin D binding protein‐derived macrophage activating factor Gulisano M, Pacini S, Thyer L, Morucci G, Branca JJV, Smith R, Wards E and Noakes D (Cambridge, Guemsey, Firenze) P86. Expression of phospholipase C genes in cultured endothelial cells Lo Vasco VR, Leopizzi M, Azzara G, Cannizzaro C, Dante D, Della Rocca C and Businaro R (Roma La Sapienza) P87. Thrombotic events in models GATA‐1 low myelofibrosis characterized by altered localization of P‐
selectin during megakaryocyte development Sancillo L, Zingariello M, Zetterberg E, Verrucci M, Bosco D, Migliaccio AR and Rana RA (Chieti, Copenhagen, New York, Roma) P88. Reduced NK cell activity and abnormal expression of CCR7 and CXCR1 by NK cells analysis in patients with DOCK8 deficiency Tabellini G, Caracciolo S, Patrizi O, Benassi M, Negri S, Giacomelli M, Lougaris V, Plebani A, Badolato R and Parolini S (Brescia) IMAGING ED ANATOMIA MACROSCOPICA (P89‐P96) P89. Metoptic canal and duplication of the optic canal in human orbits Bertelli E (Siena) P90. Morphometric analysis of Huguier's canal by Cone Beam CT Buffoli B, Galli M, Papini A, Ferrari M, Belotti F, Labanca M, Tschabitscher M and Rodella LF (Brescia, Pistoia) P91. Characterization of the immune cells response and ultrastructural study of dendritic cell Golgi Apparatus role in ORF virus infection Caldara GF (Palermo) P92. Changes in eggshell ultrastructure of Falco naumanni and Tyto alba exposed to pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Caldara GF, Vitale CM, Calderone O, Lo Cascio G, Ferrantelli V and Sarà M (Palermo) 17
P93. The Circle of Willis: a review and a case report Mariani GA, Agushi R, Balduzzi A, Zoli M, Maroni L, Mazzotti MC, Panzavolta C, Billi AM, Cocco L and Manzoli L (Bologna) P94. Prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate Pirino A, Ulgheri L, Sotgiu MA, Bandiera P, Soro G, Campus PM, Sanna R, Oggiano A, Orizi R, Riccio S and Montella A (Sassari) P95. Increase in ferric and ferrous iron in the mouse lung after asbestos exposure Trevisan E, Borelli V, Bortul R, Zweyer M and Zabucchi G (Trieste) P96. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia (IPMN) of the pancreas: the pivotal role of MRI for the differential diagnosis and the choice of treatment Zuckermann M, Bertelli E, Paternostro F, Beccani D, Zecchi‐Orlandini S and Capaccioli L (Firenze) APPARATO STOMATOGNATICO (P97‐P103) P97. Development of a new protocol: a macroscopic study of the tongue dorsal surface Bernardi S, Zeka K, Mummolo S, Marzo G and Continenza MA (L’Aquila) P98. Analysis of tissue structure and remodeling ion alveolar ridges augmented with human palate or tuberosity mucosa Dellavia C, Ricci G, Allievi C, Menon A, Martinelli G, Valerio V and Gagliano N (Firenze, Milano) P99. Deproteinized bovine bone graft remodeling pattern in alveolar socket: an immunohistological evaluation Dellavia C, Milani S, Toma M, Canciani E, Dal Pozzo L, Musto F and Carmagnola D (Milano) P100. Facial anthropometry in Northern Sudanese persons from childhood to young adulthood Dolci C, Tommasi DG, Pisoni L, De Menezes M and Elamin F (Brasile, Khartoum, Milano) P101. Registration of dental arch models in 3D facial volumes: an alternative to CBCT acquisitions Tommasi DG, Dervishi D, Argenta F, Codari M, Tartaglia G and Dolci C (Milano) P102. A morphometric study of human submandibular gland in type 2 diabetic status Lilliu MA, Solinas P, Puxeddu R, Cossu M and Isola M (Cagliari) P103. Human oral squamous cell carcinoma proliferation and migration prevented by two flavonoids Nicolini G, Maggioni D, Biffi L, Ceresa C, Scuteri A, Garavello W and Miloso M (Milano‐Bicocca, Monza) SCIENZE DEL MOVIMENTO (P104‐122) P104. Does physical fitness affect the locomotion kinematics of lower limbs in healthy adults? Annoni I, Galvani C, Galante D, Zago M and Sforza C (Milano) P105. Body center of mass displacements during walking with low‐ and high‐heeled shoes Annoni I, Sidequersky FV, Pimenta Ferreira CL, Lovecchio N and Ferrario VF (Milano, São Paulo) P106. Evaluation of thoracic ROM in elderly women after a specific flexibility‐training program 18
Battaglia G, Bellafiore M, Guglielmo T, Caramazza G, Paoli A, Bianco A and Palma A (Padova, Palermo) P107. Changes in plasmatic redox status following low‐moderate intensity interval exercise training in rhythmic gymnastics trainers Bellafiore M, Battaglia G, Caramazza G, Naccari MS, Bianco A and Palma A (Palermo) P108. 1RM bench press performance: a new method of evaluation in recreational male and female Bianco A, Filingeri D, Bellafiore M, Battaglia G, Paoli A and Palma A (Loughborough, Padova, Palermo) P109. Effects of a new system of postural realignment (HBP): evaluation through the sensorizer Ciccarelli A, Mannacio E and Ripani M (Roma) P110. Analysis of cadence/heart rate (RPM/HR) versus power output (PO) during incremental test in cyclists Castelli L, Zampella C, Cusella De Angelis G, Spairani L, Giovanetti G, Botto M, D'Antona G and Magnani B (Pavia) P111. The estimation of body center of mass kinematics in sport: proposal of a new protocol Zago M, Mapelli A, Sidequersky FV, Lovecchio N and Ferrario VF (Milano, São Paulo) P112. Functional balance performance in aging: evidence of moderated prediction by strength and power Forte R, Boreham CAG, De Vito G, Ditroilo M and Pesce C (Dublino, Hull, Roma) P113. High ecological method for quantifying training load in youth water polo players Lupo C, Capranica L and Tessitore A (Roma, Torino) P114. Role of different endurance training program on cancer cachexia: pointing particular attention to the gender and age differences Macaluso F, Barone R, Sangiorgi C, D’Amico D, Dino E, Coletti D, Adamo S, Farina F, Di Felice V, Zummo G (Palermo, Parigi, Roma La Sapienza) P115. Musculoskeletal pain in women from DAMA Trial: role of a physical activity intervention Marini M, Bendinelli B, Monaci M, Assedi M, Occhini D, Castaldo M, Fabiano J, Migliolo M, Petranelli M, Palli D, Vannelli GB and Masala G (Firenze) P116. The effects of physical activity (treadmill and vibration stimulation training) on Caspase‐3 and Lubricin expression in articular cartilage in rats with glucorticoid‐induced osteoarthritis Musumeci G, Loreto C, Giunta S, Avola R, Pichler K, Weinberg AM, Castrogiovanni P, Carnazza ML and Castorina S (Catania, Graz) P117.The effects of physical activity (treadmill and vibration stimulation training) on RANKL and OPG expression in bone cells in rats with glucorticoid‐induced osteoporosis Musumeci G, Castrogiovanni P, Giunta S, Avola R, Pichler K, Weinberg AM, Carnazza ML and Loreto C (Catania, Graz) P118. Variations in salivary testosterone, cortisol, and DHEA levels in professional rugby union players during the preseason training period Pacini S, Branca JJV, Gulisano M, Levi Micheli M, Ceroti M and Morucci G (Firenze) P119. Analysis of body composition and blood parameters on 20 subjects after 6 months of training with SuperJump Proia P, Lo Verso A, Cooper J, Contrò V, Bianco A, Traina M and Palma A (Palermo) 19
P120. Isokinetic strength of foot dorsal and plantar flexor muscles in young male orienteers Turci MC, La Torre A, Vernillo G, Ferrara VG and Grassi GP (Milano) P121. Underhand ball‐throwing test assessing eye‐hand coordination in 6‐11yr children Turci MC, Ferrara VG and Grassi GP (Milano) P122. Body composition changes in elite soccer players along the competitive season Milanese C, Piscitelli F, Cavedon V and Zancanaro C (Verona) 13.45‐14.15 14.15 Aula Magna Conclusioni e Chiusura del Congresso Colazione di Lavoro 20