CV – Paolo Tedeschi (Update at 07/31/07) - Cergas


CV – Paolo Tedeschi (Update at 07/31/07) - Cergas
CV – Paolo Tedeschi (Update at 07/31/07)
Name, Surname
Date and Place of Birth
Mother tongue
Other languages
Doctoral Degrees
ITP (International Teachers
Current SDA Position
Beginning of collaboration with SDA
Institutional Roles at SDA
Current Academic Position
Collaboration with Bocconi University
or other Universities.
Courses of the last 5 years (min. 15
Research Interests
Main research activities
Paolo Tedeschi
18-05-1970, Moncalieri (Turin, Italy)
Pavia, Italy
English & French, very fluent
Bocconi University,1996, Principles and strategies for redesigning the
organisational processes of Earth observation
Doctoral Degree in Economics and administration of public sector, University of
Parma, 2004.
Member of SDA Adjunct Faculty, Public Management and Policy Area
From 1999, lecturer and coordinator of executive programmes (e.g.
Management of health districts, Management of healthcare networks), courses
on international healthcare systems and primary care management at Mims Master in healthcare management (italian), where he also lectures on project
management & consulting skills and healthcare information systems, and at
Mihmep - Master in international healthcare management economics and policy
Lecturer within international executive programs (e.g. International Duality
Program 2005 in partnership with the UK NHS Modernisation Agency Leadership Agency, Exchange training program 2007 in partnership with the
Southampton University Hospital).
From 2005 Assistant researcher on public and healthcare management at IPAS
From 2007 Lecturer on management and assessment of health services at the
Medical School of the University of Pavia.
From 2004 to 2006 Lecturer on public administration at Bocconi University.
From 2002 to 2006 Lecturer on business administration at the Polytechnic of
Public and healthcare management, comparative analyses of healthcare
Primary care and integrated healthcare networks, ranging from financing, to
organizational modelling and development, performance measurement,
information systems.
Managing the demand for healthcare services at the Rome B Health Authority
(GSK 2007).
Organisational turnaround of the Fossano hospital (Cergas 2007).
Private public partnership between the clinics of Segesta Group and the Cagliari
Health Authority for the development of LTC and rehabilitation services (Segesta
Survey on the development of Health Districts in the Region of Lombardy
(Cergas 2005), Comparative analysis on organizational models and
management systems of Health Districts in Lombardy (Cergas 2006).
Experimenting new primary care models and home-care services (HCL 20052006).
Organisational models, management and information systems for the integration
of community and primary healthcare services (ASL 4 Chiavarese 2002-2005).
Primary care in the area of Bologna: assessment of the governance system and
development of managerial tools (Ausl Bologna 2003-2004).
Project IMPACTOR – Evaluation of the impact of new legislation on the
consumption and pharmaceutical expenses in the health authorities of Umbria
and Veneto (Pfizer 2003-2004).
Strategic plan of Palermo P.Giaccone Teaching Hospital, (Cergas 2002-2003).
Comparative analysis of general practice contracts (Emilia Romagna 2002).
Organisational development of primary care groups at Modena health authority o
(Cergas 2000-2001).
Osmeg – National survey on the state of the art in primary care management
(GSK 2001).
International Activities (projects,
Visiting Fellowship on primary care management at the Institut de Recherche et
Documentation en Economie de la Santé, Paris, first quarter 2004.
Phameu - Primary Healthcare Activity Monitor for Europe, EU DG Sanco 20072009.
Management of home-care in Europe, European Regional Office of WHO 2007.
Health data & Health at a glance – release of the italian version of the OECD
database and of the OECD comparative analysis on health status and health
systems (OECD Health Policy Unit 2004-2006).
Multilayer governance of healthcare systems: an international comparative
analysis (Farmafactoring Foundation 2005).
Comparaisons internationales sur la médecine de groupe (IRDES 2004-2005).
Substitution de taches entre médecins et infirmiers (IRDES 2004-2005).
Access to primary care services during out of practice hours and in under-served
geographical areas: international comparisons of organisational rules and
incentives systems (CNAM 2004-2005).
Hospital networks across national borders: Johns Hopkins Hospitals, CHU Nice,
Ospedali Area Vasta Toscana (Cergas 2004).
Health services delivery patterns in the oil and gas industry: a benchmarking
study, Gruppo ENI (2003).
Teaching activity:
Lecturer and coordinatore of the Primary Healthcare cours within Europhamili
2007 - European management training course for health service professionals –
at the Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique.
Lecturer of the Exchange training program 2007 organised with the
Southampton University Hospital.
Lecturer within the International Duality Program 2005 in partnership with the UK
NHS Modernisation Agency - Leadership Agency.
Lecturer within an Erasmus programme at the Université René Descartes –
Paris V, 2005.
International Networks
Main International Professional
European Health Management Association, Naomi Chambers, President
Latin Association for the Analysis of Healthcare Systems, Guy Durant, President
European Forum for Primary Care, Diederik Aarendonk, Coordinator
Co-leader of the Special Interest Group on primary care management within the
European Health Management Association.
Associate editor of the International Journal of Integrated Care.
Tedeschi P., The first decade of case-mix systems in Italy, in Kimberly J., De
Pouvourville G., D’Aunno T., (a cura di), Innovation under case-mix systems,
Cambridge Press, 2007.
Galli D., Heller L., Tedeschi P., Nuova convenzione della medicina generale e
implicazioni sugli attuali accordi regionali, in Anessi Pessina E., Cantù E. (a cura
di), L'aziendalizzazione della sanità in Italia. Rapporto OASI 2005, Milano, Egea,
Corica G., Galli D., Heller L., Tedeschi P., Sistemi di programmazione e controllo
per la medicina generale: disegno, attuazione e percezione dei medici, in Anessi
Pessina E., Cantù E. (a cura di), L'aziendalizzazione della sanità in Italia.
Rapporto OASI 2005, Milano, Egea, 2005.
Tedeschi, P., Tozzi, V., (a cura di), Il governo della domanda, McGraw-Hill,
Tedeschi P., Governo della domanda e sistemi sanitari regionali, in Tozzi V.,
Tedeschi P. (a cura di), Il governo della domanda, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Heller L., Tedeschi P., Scelte regionali per il governo della medicina generale, in
Anessi Pessina E., Cantù E. (a cura di), L'aziendalizzazione della sanità in Italia.
Rapporto OASI 2004, Milano, Egea, 2004.
Heller, L., Tedeschi, P., Scelte regionali per il governo della medicina generale,
in Anessi Pessina, E., Cantù, E., (a cura di), Rapporto Oasi 2003, Egea, 2003.
Tedeschi, P., Il sistema informativo per la gestione della Medicina Generale:
opzioni di architettura, spunti metodologici, ritorni dall’investimento e tendenze
operative, in Longo, F, e Vendramini, E., (a cura di), Il Manuale per il budget dei
Medici di Medicina Generale, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Conference Papers
Articles in scientific journals:
Tedeschi P., Developments in the Italian primary care sector, Health Services
Management Research, (in corso di pubblicazione).
Del Missier S., Tedeschi P., Lo sviluppo organizzativo delle cure primarie:
evoluzioni in corso e spunti dall’esperienza lombarda dei gruppi di cure primarie,
Mecosan – rivista di management ed economia sanitaria, anno XVI - n. 61,
Tedeschi P., L’arte del management nella sanità territoriale: sviluppi in corso,
scenari futuri, In Area pubblica amministrazione, Economia & Management, n. 6,
Etas 2006.
P.Tedeschi, Le système de santé italien: décentralisation au niveau régional,
pag. 679-684, Gestions hospitalières, n. 440, nov. 2004.
Tedeschi, P., L’apport italien a la coopération hospitalière internationale dans les
pays en voie de développement, Revue Sève, maggio 2004.
La Rovere, L., Longo, F., Savorani, G., Tedeschi, P., Trevisani, F., Zingoni, S.,
La riorganizzazione delle cure primarie presso l’Azienda USL di Bologna Città:
spunti di riflessioni e prospettive del 1999-2000, pag 139-159, Mecosan – rivista
di management ed economia sanitaria, anno X - n. 39, 2001.
Tedeschi, P., Tozzi, V., Vendramini, E., Strumenti di ricerca clinica e manageriali
a supporto delle sperimentazioni di budget in sanità, EGEA, 2001.
Galletti A., Lazzarato M., Longo F., Tedeschi P., Zanzi R., Strumenti manageriali
per il governo della medicina generale: modalità di gestione degli accordi in
Emilia Romagna, Mecosan rivista di management ed economia sanitaria, anno
IX - n. 35, 2000.
Articles in professional journals:
Tedeschi P, Business continuity management: affrontare il problema per
contenere la crisi, Quaderno in virologia – pandemia: salute, economia,
sicurezza, supplemento a Read files, anno 8, n. 1/2007.
Tedeschi P., Il medico di medicina generale e l’organizzazione delle cure
primarie, Professione – cultura e pratica del medico d’oggi, n. 1, C.G. Edizioni
Medico Scientifiche, Torino 2007.
Tedeschi P., Non facciamo una casbah della salute, Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, 2006:
n. 38.
Tedeschi P., I have a dream"… lo sviluppo di reti di cure primarie distrettuali per
la tutela della salute, in Welfare, Devolution, Distretto, Quaderni Card 6,
Iniziative sanitarie, Roma 2006.
Corica G., Galli D., Heller L., Tedeschi P., (a cura di), Generalisti tra obiettivi,
controlli e programmi, Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, 2006, n. 10.
Longo F., Tedeschi P., La gestione è più efficace con il mix di fondi e
competenze: modelli di finanziamento e micro-organizzativi, Il Sole 24 Ore
Sanità, 2005: n. 40.
Tedeschi P., Qualità di cura affidata anche al management, Il Sole 24 Ore
Sanità, 2005: n. 35.
Heller L.,Tedeschi P., La devolution del ruolo del medico di famiglia, Occhio
Clinico, novembre 2004:n. 9, 28-32.
Rubin, R., Pertile, C., Secolo, M., Tedeschi, P., Toffanin, R. , Vendramini, E.,
Schematizzazione di un modello teorico/pratico di budget per il distretto sociosanitario, inserto Sole24ore Sanità, 8-15/07/03.
Tedeschi, P., La régionalisation des systèmes de santé: le cas du service
sanitaire italien, Hospital - The Official Journal of the European Association of
Hospital Managers, 2003.
Access to Medical Technology Innovation in Italy, Eucomed DRG Technical
Forum, Frankfurt 2006.
Determinants and dynamics about cooperation, integration and organisation of
primary care: lessons learned and implications for the Italian primary care,
International conference on the future of primary care in Europe, Utrecht 2006.
Reti di cure primarie per la tutela della salute in Italia, XVII Conferenza annuale
dell’Alass, Milano 2006.
Expériences européennes d’hospitalisation à domicile, Colloque Snitem, Paris
Utilisation des DRG et tarification à l’activité en Europe – expérience italienne,
Journées nationales du Conseil national de l’information médicale, Hopital Expo
Paris 2006.
The first decade of case-mix systems in Italy, 6th European Conference on
Health Economics, Budapest 2006. Presso lo stesso evento, moderatore della
sessione sulla Hospital Ownership.
Dall’associazionismo medico all’integrazione professionale territoriale, 8°
Convegno Internazionale Cure Primarie, AUSL Empoli 2006.
Una domanda in continua crescita: l’equilibrio economico-finanziario dei sistemi
sanitari, workshop Fondazione Smith Kline sulla sfida delle cure primarie, Milano
Primary health care networks: determinants and dynamics from international
experiences, European Health Management Association, Barcellona 2005 &
International Research Symposium on Public Management IX, Milano 2005.
Séminaire de réflexion sur l’innovation dans le domaine de la santé, Paris 2005.
The italian experience on PPS, Conference on european casemix based hospital
PPS, Ministero della salute, Parigi 2005.
Il governo delle cure primarie attraverso reti di servizi territoriali di tutela della
salute, Convegno Associazione Italiana Economisti Sanitari, Milano 2004.
Analysis of production variability & organisational implications for Italian teaching
hospitals, Convegno Associazione Latina per l'analisi dei sistemi sanitari,
Lugano 2003.
La régionalisation en Italie, Séminaires Hôpital et l’Europe, Sciences Po Paris,
La réforme hospitalière lombarde: doit-elle franchir les Alpes?, CNEH, Milano
Managing the evolution of primary care: analysis of case studies and trends in
Italy, W.H.O. / IJIC international conference on new research and developments
in integrated care, Barcellona 2003.
L’évolution du système de gouvernance des CHU italiens, VIII Assises
nationales hospitalo-universitaires, Nice 2003.
La régionalisation des systèmes de santé: le cas du service sanitaire italien, Les
Directeurs d’Hôpital et l’Europe, Journées de l’Ecole Nationale de Santé
Publique, La Baule (Fr) 2003.
Brusati L., Lega F., Tedeschi P., Vendramini E., Health services delivery
patterns in the oil and gas industry: a benchmarking study, conferenza annuale
EHMA (European Healthcare Management Association), Caltanisetta 2003.
Sperimentazioni di budget in medicina generale, Convegno SIMEF-FIMMG,
Salsomaggiore 2003.
Integrated primary care as a driver for proper management of health systems:
the experience of Italian health authorities, European Academy of Management,
Stoccolma 2002.
Change management and professional integration in Primary Care, Fourth
European Conference on Health Economics, Paris 2002.
Membership in the editorial board of
Italian and International journals
Membership in Professional/Scientific
Main national professional activities
From 2005 member of the French Ministerial Committee for the evaluation of the
introduction of prospective payment systems in hospitals (DM 10/01/05).
Member of AIES - the Italian health economist association.
Editor of Spazio Cergas articles on the Italian review Medici Oggi (Springer).
Chair of conference sessions about primary care management (es. Card Roma
2005, Alass Milano 2006, Ausl Empoli 2007).
From 1996 to 1999, Consultant for IBM Global Services on managerial projects
for private (es. Pirelli, Fiat, Fininvest, Bayer), public sector (Comune di Milano,
Ente Fiera di Verona) and within IBM itself (IBM Service Leadership Programme,
E-business knowledge management).