CV - CFCUL - Universidade de Lisboa


CV - CFCUL - Universidade de Lisboa
Elena Casetta -­‐ CV CURRENT AFFILIATIONS FCT Research Fellow CFCUL -­‐ Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Campo Grande, Edifício C4, Sala 4.1.12 1749-­‐016 Lisboa, PORTUGAL Member of LabOnt, University of Torino via S. Ottavio, 20 Italy AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Philosophy of Biology, Analytic Ontology and Metaphysics. AREAS OF COMPETENCE Philosophy of Science, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language. EDUCATION 2011 Qualified “Maître de conférences” (sections 17 and 42). 2011 Visiting Post-­‐doctoral Fellow, IHPST (Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques), CNRS/Paris 1/ENS, Paris. 2008 Discussion of PhD. Dissertation, SESA, European School of Advanced Studies, Napoli. Title: La sfida delle Chimere. Realismo, pluralismo, e convenzionalismo in filosofia della biologia [The Challenge of Chimeras. Realism, Pluralism, and Conventionalism in Philosophy of Biology]. Supervisors: Prof. Achille Varzi, Prof. Roberto Esposito. 2005-­‐8 PhD student at SESA, European School of Advanced Studies, Napoli. 2004 Three-­‐month stage at University of Geneva, Department of Philosophy, under the supervision of Professor Kevin Mulligan. 2003 B.A. in Philosophy, University of Turin, supervisor Prof. M. Ferraris (University of Turin) and A.C. Varzi (Columbia University, NY), mark: 110/110 magna cum 1
laude. Title: Tra ontologia e biologia: la nicchia ecologica [Between Ontology and Biology: the Ecological Niche]. PRIZES AND GRANTS 2012 September-­‐December (Fall 2012), Fellow at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, NY. 2006-­‐7 September-­‐February, Visiting Scholar Columbia University, NY, Department of Philosophy. 2004 One-­‐year grant for post-­‐graduate research (‘Fondazione Bottrigari’, University of Bologna). 2004 ‘Marco Polo’ grant for specialization studies abroad (University of Bologna). 2003 Prize ‘Optime’ to the best graduates of University of Torino (‘Unione Industriale’ of Torino). PUBLICATIONS > BOOKS AND EDITED VOLUMES 2013, Filosofia della biologia (with A. Borghini), Roma, Carocci. 2012a, Making Sense of Gender, Sex, Race and the Family (with V. Tripodi), Humana.Mente, 22/July 2012. 2012b, A partire da Documentalità (with P. Kobau and I. Mosca), monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, n.s., 50. 2009a, La sfida delle chimere. Realismo, pluralismo e convenzionalismo in filosofia della biologia, Milano, Mimesis. 2009b, Convenzioni (with A.C. Varzi), monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, n.s. 44. > ARTICLES AND REVIEWS 2013a, “Sesso”, in M.G. Turri (ed.) Manifesto per un Nuovo Femminismo, Milano, Mimesis. 2013b, “Ontologia delle specie biologiche: una proposta convenzionalista”, in C. Tatasciore, P. Graziani, G. Grimaldi, Prospettive Filosofiche. Ontologia, Acireale, Bonanno. [Invited contribution] 2013c, The Temporal Boundaries of Biological Species, in P. Graziani, G. Grimaldi (Eds.), Open Problems in Philosophy of Sciences, London, College Publications: 35-­‐45. 2012a, “Dalla Documentalità al nuovo realismo” (with P. Kobau and I. Mosca), in “a partire da Documentalità”, monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, E. Casetta, P. Kobau, and I. Mosca (eds.), n.s., 50: 3-­‐7. [A] 2
2012b, “Quel che resta dei generi naturali” (with A. Borghini), in “Analytic Ontology”, monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, A. Bottani and R. Davies (eds.), n.s., 49: 247-­‐273. [Referred paper -­‐ A] 2012c, “Scienza (o della misura del mondo)” (with G. Torrengo), in T. Andina (ed.), La filosofia contemporanea, Roma, Carocci: 223-­‐255. [Invited contribution] 2012d, “Between Science and Philosophy: New Perspectives on Gender, Sex, Race, and the Family” (with V. Tripodi), in E. Casetta & V. Tripodi, Making Sense of Gender, Sex, Race and the Family (with V. Tripodi), Humana.Mente, 22/July 2012: III-­‐VII. [A] 2011, “Tratti, sessi e generi. Un dialogo” (with A. Borghini), Bioetica, 1/2011: 35-­‐53. [A] 201oa, “Categories, Taxa, and Chimeras”, in M. D’Agostino, G. Giorello, F. Laudisa, T. Pievani and C. Sinigaglia (eds.), New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science, London, College Publications: 264-­‐278. [Referred paper] 2010b, “Note in margine a Documentalità. Perché è necessario lasciare tracce di Maurizio Ferraris”, Biblioteca della libertà, XLV settembre-­‐dicembre, n. 199 online. 2010c, “Dall’ornitorinco alle chimere: una sfida al realismo tassonomico”, Intersezioni, 2: 277-­‐296. [Referred paper -­‐ A] 2009, “Introduzione” to Convenzioni, monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, E. Casetta and A.C. Varzi (eds.), n.s., 44/2: 3-­‐10 [A]. 2008a, “Biologia”, in M. Ferraris (ed.), Storia dell’Ontologia, Milano, Bompiani: 465-­‐74. [Invited contribution] 2008b, “Monismo e pluralismo” (with L. Angelone), in M. Ferraris (ed.), Storia dell’Ontologia, Milano, Bompiani: 325-­‐41. [Invited contribution] 2008c, “Nomi in crisi di identità” (with A.C. Varzi), Rivista di Estetica, n.s., 38/2: 143-­‐56. [Referred paper -­‐ A] 2007, “Le tigri di Putnam”, Rivista di Filosofia, 98/1, 1: 47-­‐76. [Referred paper -­‐ A] 2005, Review of Benjamin Morison’s On Location: Aristotle’s Concept of Place [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002], (with A.C. Varzi), Dialectica, 59/1: 75-­‐81 [A]. 2004a, “RedPill®” (with A.C. Varzi), in M. Cappuccio (ed.), Dentro la matrice. Metafisica, virtualità e tecnologia in Matrix, Milano, Alboversorio: 29-­‐37. [Invited contribution] 2004b, “La teoria mereotopologica della nicchia”, Rivista di Estetica, n.s., 26/2: 129-­‐48. [Referred paper -­‐ A] > FORTHCOMING BOOKS AND EDITED VOLUMES (2013) From Intentionality to Documentality, Rivista di Estetica, Special Issue (with G. Torrengo and P. Bojanic). (2013) De la biodiversité. Études critiques (Eds. with J. Delord), Paris, Les Éditions Materiologiques. (2013) Casetta, E., Giardino, V, Mettere a fuoco il mondo. Conversazioni sulla filosofia di Achille Varzi, Isonomia, Online philosophical journal of the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. 3
> FORTHCOMING ARTICLES (2013) “That Frightening Frankenmetaphor! ” (with L. Tambolo), in N. Michaud (ed.), Frankenstein and Philosophy, The Open Court Philosophy and Pop Culture Series. (2013) « La question de la biodiversité face aux problème des espèces », in E. Casetta and J. Delord (Eds.), De la biodiversité. Études critiques (ed. with J. Delord), Les Éditions Materiologiques. (2013) “Are Species Social Objects?”, in P. Bojanic, E. Casetta, G. Torrengo, From Intentionality to Documentality, Rivista di Estetica, Special Issue. TRANSLATIONS (FROM ENGLISH TO ITALIAN) 2007, A.C. Varzi, Boundaries; “Confini. Dove finisce una cosa e inizia un’altra”, in A. Bottani and R. Davies (eds.), Ontologie regionali, Milano, Mimesis, 2007: 209-­‐222. 2009, L. Franklin-­‐Hall, Plato’s Joints; “Il macellaio di Platone”, in Convenzioni, monographical issue of Rivista di Estetica, E. Casetta and A.C. Varzi (eds.), n.s., 44. 2009, K. Miller, Deciphering Person-­‐identity Conventionalism; convenzionalismo dell’identità personale”, in Convenzioni, cit. “Decifrare il 2009, I. Westerhoff, Construction All the Way Down? A Problem for Goodmanian Constructivism; “Costruzioni senza fine. Un problema per il costruttivismo goodmaniano”, in Convenzioni, cit. TALKS 2013 ‘Biodiversity. Some Philosophical Insights’, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, BioFIG (Center for Biodiversity, Functional & Integrative Genomics) seminar, 18th of April. 2013 ‘Does the Species Problem affect Biodiversity Assessment?’, Gymnasium Meetings, University of Lisbon, 18th of March. 2013 ‘Metafisica mostruosa’, intervento alla tavola rotonda “Logica, Metafisica, Ontologia: Sulla Filosofia di Achille C. Varzi”, University of Urbino, 4th of March. 2012 ‘Species Matters. Toward a Multicriteria Species Concept in the Biodiversity Discourse’, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, NYC, 14th of November. 2012 ‘Arguing for a Pluralistic Species Concept in the Assessment of Biodiversity’, SOPHA 2012, Paris, 5th of May. 2012 ‘Sex’, discussant, with Carola Barbero, of Vera Tripodi’s Filosofia della sessualità and Nicla Vassallo’s (ed.), Donna m’apparve, Circolo dei lettori, via Bogino 9, Turin, 1oth of April. [Invited talk] 4
2012 ‘La question de la biodiversité face au problème des espèces’, Atelier interdisciplinaire. La biodiversité. Enjeux ethiques, philosophiques et scientifiques, IHPST, Paris, 23rd of February. 2011 ‘Outlining a Unified Framework for the Assessment of Biodiversity’, EPSA 11 – The European Philosophy of Science Association Athens 7th of October. 2011 ‘A Framework for the Assessment of Biodiversity’, ECAP 7 – Seventh European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Milan, 2nd of September. 2011 Commentator of Matthen Mohan, ‘Species as Historical Kinds’, Biological Hierarchies. 2011 meeting of the Consortium for the History and Philosophy of Biology, 3 of June, IHPST, Paris. [Invited talk] 2011 ‘Are Species Social Objects?’, Social Ontology. From Intentionality to Documentality, 31st of May, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade. [Invited talk] 2011 In occasion of the second edition of Estetica Razionale (Raffaello Cortina, 2011) di Maurizio Ferraris, ‘Estetica come aisthesis’, with: Federico Vercellone, Pietro Kobau, Tiziana Andina, Carola Barbero, Elena Casetta, Davide Grasso, Alessandra Jacomuzzi, Daniela Tagliafico, Giuliano Torrengo. [Invited talk] 2011 'Outlining a Conventionalist Approach to Species Taxa', IHPST, Paris, 15th of March. [Invited talk] 2010 ‘Tratti, sessi e generi’ (with A. Borghini), IV Italian Congress of Analytic Ontology, University of Bergamo, 18th of June. [Invited talk] 2010 ‘I confini temporali delle specie biologiche’, High Formation School: Problemi aperti nella filosofia delle scienze, Cesena, 15th of April. 2009 ‘Ontologia delle specie biologiche’, Italian Society for Philosophy (SFI), Francavilla al Mare (CH), 15th of October. [Invited talk] 2009 ‘Bioetica e enhancement‘, a cura della Consulta laica di bioetica “A. Vitelli” (with M. Mori, A. Borghini, M. Balistreri, R. Lala, L. Nave), 10th of October. [Invited talk] 2008 ‘What’s Wrong with Taxonomic Conventionalism?’, Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA), University of Bergamo, 26th of September. 2008 7th Eidos Meeting, round table with Fabrice Correia, Philipp Keller, Christian Wüthrich, Marcel Weber, Laura Felline, ‘Time in Physics, Biology, Metaphysics’, University of Geneva, 19th of August. 2007 ‘Categories, Taxa, and Chimeras’, International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS), University of Milan, 9th of October. 2007 ‘Categories, Taxa, and Chimeras’, 5th Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA), University of Barcelona, 8th of September. 2005 ‘Les Tigres de Putnam’, Cycle de Conférences de Philosophie, University of Geneva, 16th of December. 5
2005 ‘The Tao of Metaphysics’ (with Philipp Keller), International colloquium ‘On Identity: Ontological Perspectives’, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 26th of May. 2005 Presentation of ‘Jürgen Habermas, Il futuro della natura umana. I rischi di una genetica liberale, Einaudi, 2002’ (with Claudia Bartolucci), SUM, Napoli, 23rd of March. SERVICES TO THE PROFESSION AND TEACHING 2013, (23-­‐29 of September – 30h.), graduate course “Filosofia della biologia. Temi di metafisica della biologia tra scienza e società”. Scuola di Dottorato in Studi Umanistici, Dottorato in filosofia, Università di Torino. 2012, organization (with P. Huneman) of “Atelier interdisciplinaire. La biodiversité. Enjeux ethiques, philosophiques et scientifiques, IHPST, Paris, 23rd of February. 2010, co-­‐organization of Monumentum.doc: 11th Annual Lab0nt Workshop, January 11-­‐12. 2009 (First semester), Teaching assistant, “Introduction to Aesthetic”, Prof. P. Kobau, University of Turin. 2009 (September-­‐October), Teaching assistant in “Philosophy of Biology”, Prof. A. Borghini, University of Turin. Since 2009, member of the editorial board of ‘Rivista di Estetica’. Reviewer for: Topoi; Kairos; Aphex; Rivista di Estetica. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Member of SOPHA – Société de Philosophie Analitique (May 2011 – Present) Member of SILFS – Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (May 2011 – Present) Member of Labont – Laboratory for Ontology (Sept 2005 – Present) Member of SIFA – Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (Sept 2011 – Present) Member of TRUE Association for Cultural Events (March 2009 – Present) NETWORKS 2010-­‐2011 Participation to National Search Project: Realism and Objectivity (Scientific coordination by Pasquale Frascolla). 2006-­‐2008 Participation to National Search Project: Documentality. Ontologies and technologies for the citizenship and the democracy (Scientific coordination by Maurizio Ferraris). 6
OTHER ACTIVITIES Since 2010, contributor of Alfabeta 2. Since 2009 (with A. Borghini), Concept and implementation of the scenario “Life” on 2009, Program Committee Member and Scientific Supervisor to the section “Medical Imaging”, VIEW Conference (10th International Computer Graphics Conference) Turin, Italy. June 7, 2008, organization of the conference “Nanoart: Between Art, Science, and Perception”,, Parco dell’Astronomia e dello Spazio, Turin (with the support of Regione Piemonte e Compagnia di San Paolo). March-­‐June 2008, Artistic Director of VIEWFest, Digital Movie Festival, Turin. 6-­‐9 November 2007, Assistant to organization of VIEW Conference (8th International Computer Graphics Conference, Turin) and member of the VIEW Award 2007 International Jury. LANGUAGES Mother tongue: Italian Fluent in spoken and written English Fluent in spoken and written French Ancient Greek and Latin. 7