Curriculum Vitae - Scuola di Dottorato in Studi Umanistici


Curriculum Vitae - Scuola di Dottorato in Studi Umanistici
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Carlo Molinar Min
Personal Data
Name and Surname:
Place and Date of Birth:
Email address:
Carlo Molinar Min
Lanzo (TO), 6/11/1987
University of Turin, Dep. of Philosophy & Education Sc.
Via Sant’Ottavio, 20 – 10124 – Turin (Italy)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Education & Academic Position
PhD Philosophy (30th Cycle) – Theoretical Curriculum
(Nov. 2014 - Present) North-West Italy PhD Philosophy Consortium (FINO)
University of Turin
Department of Philosophy & Education (DEF)
Advisor: prof. Luca Vanzago
Master Degree Philosophy – Theoretical Curriculum
(10th Apr. 2013) Faculty of Literature & Philosophy
University of Turin
Thesis: Jacques Derrida. Platonism and Phenomenology of political Spaces
Tutor: prof. Giovanni Leghissa
Co-tutor: prof. Gaetano Chiurazzi
Final Mark: 110/110 cum laude
Bachelor Degree Philosophy
(4th Nov. 2010) Faculty of Literature & Philosophy
University of Turin
Thesis: Some Aspects of Bernardus Silvestris’ Cosmographia
Tutor: prof. Amos Corbini
Co-tutor: prof. Pietro Bassiano Rossi
Final Mark: 110/110 cum laude
Articles, Papers & Reviews
Spazio e gerarchia. Platonismo e fenomenologia in Jacques Derrida, Ananke, Torino
2014, ISBN: 978-88-98986-03-3
"Il ritmo della decostruzione. Un'esperienza quasi-trascendentale", in Philosophy Kitchen.
Il prisma trascendentale. I colori del reale, settembre 2014, pp. 187-212, ISSN 2385-1945
Translation: B. Stiegler, Temps et individuation technique, psychique et collective dans
l’oeuvre de Simondon (with G. Piatti). B. Stiegler, Tempo e individuazione tecnica,
psichica e collettiva nell'opera di Simondon, in Philosophy Kitchen. Il prisma
trascendentale. I colori del reale, settembre 2014, pp. 226-249, ISSN 2385-1945
Review: R. Esposito, Le persone e le cose, Einaudi, Torino 2014, in «La deleuziana», Crisi
delle Biopolitiche Europee, n.1, 2015, pp. 194-198, ISSN 2421-3098
Review: G. Leghissa, Postumani per scelta. Verso un’ecosofia dei collettivi, Mimesis,
Milano-Udine 2015, in Philosophy Kitchen (website)
Call for Papers: L’impersonale. Si sente, si pensa, si crea/The Impersonal. It is thought, it
is felt, it is created. Philosophy Kitchen, III, n. 5, 2016
Conferences, Seminars & Schools
Presentation of the report “Decostruzioni: Teologia negativa e χώρα platonica” at the
Seminar of prof. G. Leghissa. Turin, 11/20/2012;
Presentation of the report “Dalla traccia quasi-trascendentale alla traccia animale”, for the
Conference Derrida. Scrittura, differenza e différance. Genova, 12/18/2013;
Presentation of the report “La Bestia e il Sovrano. Dalla fenomenologia al postumano”
at the Seminar of prof. Giovanni Leghissa. Turin, 03/25/2014;
Presentation of the report (with Giulio Piatti) “Cosa (ci) accade? Segni del reale in Jacques
Derrida e Gilles Deleuze” at the Seminar of prof. Giovanni Leghissa. Turin, 03/24/2015.
Summer School “Phenomenology and Political Philosophy”, Ca’ Foscari University Venice,
July 07 2015 – July 10 2015;
Member of the Organizing Board for “Che genere di gender?”, Workshop, Turin, 12/0204/2015 (Fondazione Fondo e Ricerca Talenti);
May 2014 –Today:
Philosophy Kitchen, Website and Scientific Journal
Member of the editorial Board
Social and Media Manager
Other Competences & Abilities
Italian: Mother Tongue
English: B2
French: B1/B2
German: B1/B2
Computer Skills: OS Windows; Mac OS X; MS Office; WordPress.