Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum -


Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum -
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Dr. Irene Spigno
Address and Contact Information:
Work: University of Siena
Address: Piazza San Francesco 7, 53100 Siena (Italy)
Phone: +39 – 0577 23
Email contact: [email protected]
Skype: iridei
Personal Data:
Date and place of birth: 22nd December, 1980 – Cagliari, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Present Positions:
Adjunct Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Siena
Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the School of Law, Autonomous
University of Coahuila, Mexico (since August 2014)
Director of the Centre of Comparative Constitutional Studies of the Inter-American Academy of Human
Rights, Coahuila, Mexico (since January 2015)
Academic Secretary of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, Coahuila, Mexico (since March 2015)
Rapporteur of Vulnerable Groups of the State Executive Commission for Assistance to Victims (since
January 2015)
Previous Positions:
July 2013-July 2014: Research Fellow in Public Law at the University of Siena (Italy);
June 2011-June 2013: Research Fellow in Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Siena (Italy);
Since 2010, Research assistant at DIPEC (Research Centre for European and Comparative Public Law) at
the University of Siena (Italy);
Since 2007, Public Law Tutor, School of Economics, University of Siena;
Since 2004, Constitutional Law Tutor, School of Law, University of Cagliari.
2010, November: Ph.D. in Comparative Public Law, University of Siena (Italy);
2007, December: European Master Degree (with full scholarship) in History, politics and comparative law
in Mediterranean countries, University of Messina (Italy), University of Milan (Italy) and University of Cordoba
2007, November: Sworn in to Cagliari bar (Italy);
2006, July: Post-graduate Diploma, School of Specialization in Legal Professions, University of Cagliari (Italy);
2004, July: Degree in Law, Magna cum Laude, University of Cagliari (Italy);
1999, July: Scientific High School Degree, Liceo A. Pacinotti, Cagliari, Italy.
Visiting Scholar Experiences:
July, 2015, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg,
Germany), project “Cultural diversity vs. Social Integration in the XXI century. The protection of migrants' linguistic rights”;
July 2012, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UAC) (Saltillo, Mexico), project “Negative campaigning in
comparative perspective”;
July 2011-October 2011, Centre of Comparative Constitutional Studies, The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne Law School (Melbourne, Australia), under the Endeavour Research Award, project “Hate Speech and
the Influence of Foreign Law: The Australian experience”;
May 2011, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México
City, México), project “End-life decisions: the Ley de Voluntad Anticipada of the Federal District”;
February 2011, UNB, Faculty of Law (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada), project “The Use of Cultural Argument
in Judicial Reasoning”;
July 2010–August 2010, Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta, School of Law (Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada), under the Doctoral Student Research Award 2009-2010, granted by the Government of Canada,
project “Hate Speech Towards Freedom of Expression, Theories of Recognition and Human Dignity: the Canadian experience”;
March 2010, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg,
Germany), project “Hate Speech in Comparative Perspective”;
July 2009, University of Namibia-Supreme Court of Namibia (Windhoek, Namibia), project “The Use of Foreign
precedents by Constitutional Judges: the Supreme Court of Namibia”;
June 2009, North-West University (Potchefstroom, South Africa), project “Hate Speech in the Constitutional Court of
South Africa”;
May-June 2009, Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla, Spain), project “Hate Speech in Spain”;
November 2008, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (London, United Kingdom), project “The Use of Foreign
precedents by Constitutional Judges”.
1. Spigno I., Propaganda Negativa. Una visión comparada, Tirant lo Blanch, México, 2016 (forthcoming).
2. Ríos Vega L. E., Spigno I. (dirs), Estudios de casos líderes interamericanos y europeos. Vol. I. Libertad de
expresión/Derechos sociales, económicos y culturales/Derechos de las personas desaparecidas, Tirant lo Blanch, MéxicoMadrid, 2016 (forthcoming).
3. Groppi T., Spigno I. (eds.), Tunisia. La primavera della Costituzione, Roma, Carocci, 2015.
Refereed Journal Articles
1. The Prospective Role of Constitutional Courts in the Advisory Opinion Mechanism Before the European Court of
Human Rights. A First Comparative Assessment with the European Union and the Inter-American System (together with
M. Dicosola & C. Fasone), in The Preliminary Reference to the Court of Justice of The European Union by Constitutional
Courts, (M. Dicosola, C. Fasone & I. Spigno), Special Issue – German Law Journal (2015) Vol. 16 No. , 13871428.
2. Constitutional Reasoning in the Italian Constitutional Court (together with. T. Groppi), in Rivista AIC, n. 4, 2014, 145.
3. Argomentazioni costituzionali contro la giuridificazione della ricerca storica, in Ianus, n. 9, 2013, 11-44.
4. Le tendenze regolatorie dell’hate propaganda in Canada tra attivismo della Corte suprema, tutela del multiculturalismo e
dialogo giurisprudenziale, in D. Bifulco (ed.), Rassegna di diritto pubblico europeo, 2/12, 77-113.
5. La pronuncia del Conseil constitutionnel, tra lois memorielles e normative antinegazionismo, in Diritto Pubblico
Comparato ed europeo, n. 3, 2012, 1420-1424.
6. A Comparative Perspective on Hate Speech Regulation: The Emergence of the Canadian Model, in Interpreting Canada: New
Perspectives from Europe, L. Bruti Liberati (ed.), Canadian Studies in Europe, vol. 10, 2012,169-183.
7. Tecniche di interpretazione costituzionale nel riconoscimento dei diritti delle coppie omosessuali in Colombia, in Ianus, n. 4,
2011, 235-263.
8. La representación de género en Italia (together with T. Groppi), in Justicia Electoral, n. 8.1, 2011, 149-184.
9. Il caso namibiano, tra rispetto delle tradizioni culturali e lotta alla segregazione razziale: profili di storia costituzionale, in
Federalismi - Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comunitario e comparato, n. 18, 2011, 1-24.
10. Modelli di circolazione giurisprudenziale: la libertà di espressione e l’hate speech nella giurisprudenza della Namibia, in
Revista general de derecho publico comparado, n. 9, 2011, 1-13.
11. Brevi considerazioni sul rapporto tra diritto interno e la Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle
libertà fondamentali, , in Rivista Giuridica Sarda, n. 1, 2011, 17-31.
12. La Corte Costituzionale e la vexata questio del rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di Giustizia, in Osservatorio sulle fonti, n.
2, 2008, 1-7 (on line number).
13. Un dibattito ancora attuale: l’Olocausto e la sua negazione, in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo, n. 4, 2008, 19211931.
Books Chapter
1. Los mensajes presidenciales en cadena nacional. El caso Calderón, in Ríos Vega L. E., Spigno I. (eds.), Temas actuales
del derecho a la información pública en materia electoral, Mexico-Madrid, Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, forthcoming.
2. El derecho de voto de los “inmates” en Canadá entre deferencia y dialogo institucional, in Ríos Vega L. E., Spigno I. (eds.),
La muerte civil en el siglo XXI. Una perspectiva comparada, Mexico-Madrid, Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, forthcoming.
3. El diálogo entre Europa y América. El estudio comparado de los casos
líderes de la Corte IDH y del Tribunal EDH, in Ríos
Vega L.E., I. Spigno I. (dirs.) Estudio de Casos Líderes interamericanos y europeos. Libertad de expresión. Derechos
sociales, económicos y culturales. Derechos de las personas desaparecidas. Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, 3-14.
4. La libertad de expresión en la Jurisprudencia de la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos, in Ríos Vega L.E., I. Spigno I.
(dirs.) Estudio de Casos Líderes interamericanos y europeos. Libertad de expresión. Derechos sociales, económicos y culturales.
Derechos de las personas desaparecidas. Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, 133-157.
5. La propaganda negativa: una visión comparada entre México e Italia, in L.E. Ríos Vega, C. Báez Silva (eds), El Proceso
Electoral 2012. Las Polémicas Judiciales, Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, 485-509.
6. Modelli di circolazione giurisprudenziale: la libertà di espressione e l’hate speech nella giurisprudenza della Namibia, in
Casonato C., Ceccherini E., Lupo N., Rinella A., Torre A., Volpe L. (eds.), Le vie di comunicazione del
costituzionalismo contemporáneo. Atti del convegno biennale dell'Associazione di Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo,
Trento, Università degli Studi, 22-23 maggio 2008 , Giappichelli, 2015, 433-442.
7. La determinazione giudiziale del metodo storico corretto, in M. D'Auria, G. Gimigliano, N. Vizioli (eds.), Il passato, il
presente, il futuro. Rileggendo il diritto positivo con metodo storico, Pisa, Pacini Giuridica, 2015, 189 - 201.
8. Diritti e doveri, tra universalismo e particolarismo, in T. Groppi, I. Spigno (eds.), Tunisia. La primavera della
Costituzione, Roma, Carocci, 2015, 91-101.
9. Sobre los limites de la libertad de información: el acceso a las boletas electorales. Una comparación entre México e Italia, in C.
Báez Silva, L. E. Ríos Vega (eds.), Cuestiones actuales de la democracia electoral. Memoria del VI Seminario Internacional
del Observatorio Judicial Electoral del TEPJF, Tirant lo Blanch, Mexico, 2014, 117-132.
10. Foreign Influences on the Legislative Process in Namibia (together with C. Rautenbach), in N. Lupo, L. Scafardi
(eds.), Comparative Law in Legislative Drafting. The Increasing Importance of Dialogue amongst Parliaments, Eleven,
2014, 265-284.
11. Reflexiones sobre la declaratoria de inconstitutionalidad de la Ley Electoral: ¿Qué consecuencias tiene para el sistema democrático
italiano? (together with G. Milani), in P. E. Penagos López (ed.), Seguridad jurídica en el sistema democrático, Tirant
lo Blanch, 2014, 209-245.
12. Libertà di espressione ed hate propaganda: verso un modello canadese?, in E. Ceccherini (ed.), A trent’anni dalla
Patriation canadese. Riflessioni della dottrina italiana, Genoa University Press, 2013, 283-295.
13. The Constitutional Consequences of the Financial Crisis in Italy (together with T. Groppi & N. Vizioli), in X.
Contiades (ed.), Constitutions in the Global Financial Crisis. A Comparative Analysis, Ashgate, 2013, 89-113.
14. Namibia: The Supreme Court as a Foreign Law Importer, in T. Groppi, M.C. Ponthoreau (eds.), The Use of Foreign
Precedents by Constitutional Judges, Hart Publishing, 2013, 155-183.
15. Le decisioni di fine vita tra dignità umana e tutela delle diversità: la Ley de Voluntad Anticipida del Distrito Federal
(Città del Messico), in A. D’Aloia (ed.), Il diritto alla fine della vita. Principi, decisioni, casi, Esi, 2012, 705-718.
16. Sulla tutela delle minoranze linguistiche, in P. Bonetti, A. Cassatella, F. Cortese, A. Deffenu, A. Guazzarotti, (eds.),
Giudice amministrativo e diritti costituzionali, Giappichelli, 2012, 397-409.
17. La soberanía en transición: la auto-representación de las colectividades regionales entre “Cultura” y “Derecho” en la
jurisprudencia constitucional española e italiana, in E. González Hernández, M. Del C. Rodríguez Rubio, J. Ropero
Carrasco, (eds.), Autonomías y unidad del ordenamiento jurídico. La cuadratura del círculo, Editorial Dykinson, Madrid,
2012, 69-100.
1. La dottrina canadese in tema di diritti 2013-2014, in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, n. 4, 2014, 1523-1528.
2. Reseña Arancha Moretón Toquero, El secreto profesional de los periodistas. De deber ético a derecho fundamental. Madrid,
Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2012, 433, in DPCE online, n. 1, 2013, 1-8.
3. La dottrina canadese in tema di diritti 2011-2012, in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo, n. 4, 2012, 1596-1602.
4. La dottrina canadese in tema di diritti, in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo, n. 4, 2010, 1462-1467.
5. Multiculturalismo e Diritti: Accomodating Diversity (Conference Resume), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo,
n. 4, 2008, 1939-1945.
 C. BARON, Bioetica e diritto negli Stati Uniti: una prospettiva giudiziaria (Bioethics and Law in the United States: a judicial
perspective), in Bioetica e diritto (Bioethics and Law), Editoriale Scientifica, 2010, 45-74.
Funding, Awards and Prizes received
2011, Australian Government, Endeavour Awards (Endeavour Research Fellowship)
2010, Canadian Government, Doctoral Student Research Award
2009, Tuscany Region, Mobility Awards for PhD Courses in the University of Siena (South Africa)
2009, Cagliari’s bar, “Avv. Pietro Riccio Foundation” prize, achieving bar exam highest score in criminal law
2007, University of Messina, European Master Degree Full Scholarship
2002, European Union, Socrates-Erasmus undergraduate exchange program (Spain)
Teaching experiences
Constitutional Law at the School of Law, Undergraduate (Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila);
Justice and Interpretation of Human Rights and Constitutional Theory, Master level, (Universidad
Autónoma de Coahuila).
Special Courseworks
August 2015, La Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos y experiencias para el sistema interamericano, within the
Diplomado de Formación en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos “Héctor Fix-Zamudio”, Mexico
City, Mexico;
July 2015, Freedom of Expression in Comparative Perspective, Summer School, University of Siena, Italy;
February 2015, El uso jurisprudencial de la comparación jurídica: perfiles prácticos, within Jornadas de Derecho Comparado
y Control de la Convencionalidad, Mexico City, Mexico;
October 2012, Libertad de expresión: Casos de denigración y calumnia en las campañas electorales, within the Seminario
Internacional Proceso Electoral Federal 2012, Mexico City, Mexico;
July 2012, “Constitutional Interpretation” at the Tribunal del Poder Judicial del Estado de Coahuila, Saltillo,
Coahuila, Mexico;
2009/2010, 2010/2011: “The International protection of Human Rights” at the Master of Arts in Human Rights
and Genocide Studies held by the Collegium Civitas Warsaw (Poland), the Europa- Universität Viadrina Frankfurt
(Oder, Germany), Kingston University London, (United Kingdom), Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy).
Research experience:
2012/2014, Tutor in the Project coordinated by Prof. Tania Groppi (University of Siena), on “Support Activity on the
constituent process and the decentralisation in Tunes”, granted by the Tuscany Region;
Since April 2012, is member of the Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Derecho y Economia Italia-Brazil;
2012/2013, she participated in the research project on “‘Legal Transplants” and Parliament: a possible dialogue amongst
legislators?” coordinated by Prof. Nicola Lupo (LUISS Roma, Italy) and Prof. Lucia Scaffardi (University of Parma,
2010, Supervisor in the Research Group on “The legal protection of biocultural diversity in the Mediterranean”,
coordinated by Prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini and commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Environment;
Presentations at Conferences and Seminars:
 2016, March 8th, Madrid (España), presents “Los Derechos LGBTI” within the I Jornada “Diálogo
Jurisprudencial entre América y Europa, II Observatorio Internacional de Derechos Humanos.
 2016, March 4th, Madrid, (España), presents “La construcción de la memoria histórica: problemáticas y desafíos
constitucionales” within the Taller on Derecho y la Justicia.
 2016, February 25th and 26 th, Saltillo, Coahuila (México), presents “La importancia del Derecho comparado para
la formación de los juristas del Siglo XXI” within the Seminar of Professors and Researcher on “Los Derechos
Humanos en la Educación Jurídica del Siglo XXI”.
 2015, December 10th, Morelia, Michoacán (México), presents the Lectio magistralis on “Violencia contra la Mujer
y Derecho Internacional”, within the International Congress on “Violencia contra la Mujer e Impartición de
 2015, November 27th, Ciudad de México (México), presents “La libertad de expresión en las Campañas Políticas”
within the VIII International Seminar of the Observatorio Judicial Electoral.
 2015, November 18th, Alicante, España (España), presents “Los Criterios interpretativos del Tribunal Europeo
de Derechos Humanos en materia de discurso del odio” within the International Seminar on “Globalización y
crisis normativa: hacia el cambio constitucional”.
 2015, November 10th, México City, presents “Experiencia comparada sobre mecanismos de cumplimiento de
las recomendaciones internacionales en otros países: el caso italiano” en el Coloquio de Reflexión “Hacia un
mecanismo de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones y decisiones de los organismos internacionales por el Estado
 2015, November 5th, México City, presents “El uso de la comparación jurídica en la interpretación constitucional”
within the I International Congress on Constitutional Law.
 2015, May 12th, I Observatorio Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, with a paper on “La libertad de expresión en la
jurisprudencia del TEDH”;
 2015, March 11th, Primer Coloquio de Análisis y Difusión Parlamentaria (Congreso del Estado de Coahuila, Saltillo,
Mexico), Conference “La Actuación Política de la Mujer: Una Perspectiva Comparada”;
 2015, January 9th, II Giornata italo-brasiliana, Universy of Siena (Italy); paper with Luis Efrén Rios Vega: “Las
actuales tendencias constitucionales en la protección de los derechos en México e Italia: ¿un diálogo
 2014, November 20th, Seminar Transparencia, Partidos Políticos y Democracia, Mexico City (Mexico); title of
presentation: “El régimen transitorio de acceso a la información de los partidos políticos en las resoluciones del
TEPJF del 8 de octubre de 2014”;
 2014, November 7th, Conference “Tunisia: la primavera della Costituzione”, University of Siena (Italy); paper on
“Diritti e doveri tra universalismo e particolarismo”;
 2014, October 3rd, Seminar “A 20 años de la Convención Interamericana para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra
la Mujer – Convención De Belem Do Para”, Facultad de Jurisprudencia-UAdeC, Saltillo (Mexico); title of presentation:
“El derecho a la libertad sexual de las mujeres”;
 2014, September 9th, International Congress on “La constitucionalización del ordenamiento jurídico en iberoamérica”
(Guadalajara, Mexico), paper presented together with Luis Efren Rios Vega, “Las restricciones a los derechos
humanos en México e Italia. El debate entre normas constitucionales vs. convencionales”;
 2014, June 16-20, IXth IACL World Congress “Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local” (Oslo, Norway),
presented “An evolutionary perspective of the protection of migrants' linguistic rights in Europe: the missing
 2014, May 27th, I Congresso de Direito Público Comparado Brasil e Itália” (Sao Paulo, Brazil), presented “La tutela del
pluralismo linguistico e culturale nel riparto di competenze tra stato e regioni: l’esperienza italiana”;
 2014, May 23rd, 2º Simpósio Internacional do PPGD (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito) on “Constituição
e Democracia: Diálogos Comparados” (Pouso Alegre, Brazil), presented “Pluralismo Linguístico e Democracia”;
 2013, October 24th, Tribunal Electoral del Estado de Guerrero (Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico), presented “La
Reforma Electoral que viene”;
 2013, October 21-22, VI Seminario Observatorio Electoral - Tribunal Electoral del Distrito Federal (Mexico City,
Mexico), presented “Sobre los límites de la libertad de información. El acceso a las boletas electorales. Una
comparación entre México e Italia;
 2013, May 30th - June1st , XXI Biennal Conference of the Italian Association of Comparative Law (Salerno, Italy),
presented “Le argomentazioni costituzionali contro ‘gli imperativi della memoria”;
 2013, May 17th, III Worksop of Young Researchers on “Il passato, il presente, il futuro. Rileggendo il diritto positivo con
metodo storico” (Siena, Italy), “La storia alla sbarra: le argomentazioni costituzionali contro gli ‘imperativi della
 2012, December 6-7, Conference “1982-2012: Thirty years after the Canadian Patriation. Considerations from the Italian
Scholarship” (Genoa, Italy), presented “Libertà di manifestazione del pensiero nella giurisprudenza canadese nella
lotta contro l’hate propaganda e la sua circolazione”;
 2012, October 17th, Observatorio Judicial Electoral, Tribunal Electoral del Distrito Federal (Mexico City,
Mexico), presented “La libertad de expresión en el contexto politico y la propaganda negativa en Italia”;
 2012, October 15-16, International Seminar on “La Reforma Constitucional: El Pacto Coahuila” (Saltillo, Cohauila,
Mexico), presented “El nuevo catálogo de los derechos humanos y su protección jurisdiccional”;
 2012, October 11-12, 2012 Seminar on Federal Election at the Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la
Federación (Mexico City, Mexico), presented “La polémica de la libertad de expresión”;
 2012, July 12th, Congreso del Estado de Coahuila (Saltillo, Mexico), presented “La Corte Constitucional Italiana
y los Derechos Humanos”;
 2012, July 9th, Conference “Cuestiones Constitucionales de la Elección Presidencial 2012”, Tribunal Electoral de
Chilpancingo,Guerrero (Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico), presented “La libertad de expresión en las campañas
 2012, June 28-29, AIDC – CFP Younger Scholars Conference 2012 (Aosta, Italy), presented “Enigma
multiculturale vs. eguaglianza giuridica dei coniugi: lo scontro tra cultura e diritto nei matrimoni poligamici.
L’esperienza canadese”;
 2011, December 15th, School of Law, University of Valladolid (Spain), presented “La forma de gobierno en
 2011, September 18th, Australia’s Third Wild Law Conference “Earth Jurisprudence-Building Theory and Practice”
(Brisbane, Australia), presented “Biocultural diversity, sustainability and the protection of human dignity: a
comparative perspective in Asian Constitutional law”;
 2011, September 16th, ANU Centre for European Studies & Centre for International and Public Law (Canberra,
Australia), presented “Hate Speech Towards Freedom of Expression and Human Dignity: The European
 2011, June 24-25, Conference “Administrative Jurisprudence and constitutional rights” (Trento, Italy), presented “Sulle
minoranze linguistiche”;
 2011, June 9-11, Italian Association of Comparative Law XXI Conference (Venice, Italy), presented “The judge
and the cultural argument: reflections in comparative law”;
 2011, May 19-21, International Conference on “Law at the end of life. Principles, decisions, cases” (Naples, Italy),
presented “End-of-life decisions between human dignity and protection of diversity: the Federal District’s Ley
de Voluntad Anticipada (Mexico City)”;
 2011, May 12-13, International Seminar “Temas actuales del derecho a la información en materia electoral”
(Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico), presented “Los mensajes presidenciales en cadena nacional. El caso Calderón”;
 2011, April 4-6, BACS (British Association of Canadian Studies) 36th Annual Conference (Birmingham, United
Kingdom), presented “Hate propaganda: a threat to Canada internal peace and stability”;
 2011, March 31st – April 1st, International Congress on “Participación política y liderazgo femenino.Visión de gobierno
incluyente: derechos políticos, leyes y gestión pública con enfoque de género” (Mexico City, Mexico), presented “La igualdad
de género en el acceso a cargos electivos: el caso italiano”;
 2011, February 24th, Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada),
presented “The Use of Cultural Argument in Judicial Reasoning: A Comparison Between Canada and Italy”;
 2011, February 19th, First Annual Social Sciences and Humanities Student Conference and Workshop (St. John’s,
New Brunswick, Canada), presented “The Use of Cultural Argument in Judicial Reasoning: the Canadian
Constitutional Perspective”;
 2010, December 6-10, VIII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (Mexico City,
Mexico), presented “The Use of the Cultural Argument in the Judicial Reasoning in Multicultural Societies: a
Constitutional Perspective in South Africa and Canada”;
 2010, December 6-10, VIII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (Mexico City,
Mexico), presented “The use of foreign precedents in constitutional adjudication: freedom of expression and hate
speech in Namibian case law”;
 2010, September 22-24, Nineteenth European Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies (Milan, Italy),
presented “A Comparative Perspective on Hate Speech Constitutional Regulation and the Emergence of a
Canadian Model”;
 2010, June 11-12 Canterbury (United Kingdom), BACL (British Association of Comparative Law) Postgraduate
Workshop on Comparative Law, presented “Hate speech towards freedom of expression, theories of recognition
and human dignity. A comparative perspective”;
 2009, September 25-26, Conference on “Quali ‘vie di comunicazione’ del costituzionalismo contemporaneo? Ipotesi a confront”
(Trento, Italy), presented “Modelli di circolazione giurisprudenziale: l'hate speech nella giurisprudenza della
 2008, November 14-15, Conference “The Regulatory State: Constitutional Implications” (London, United Kingdom),
presented “The Supreme Court of Namibia”;
Research Interests
Comparative Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech, Cultural Rights, Minority
Rights, Multiculturalism, Linguistic Rights, Women rights.
English, advanced
Spanish, advanced
French, intermediate
Italian, mother tongue
Sardinian, mother tongue