Diego Praino Personal information: Place and date of birth: São


Diego Praino Personal information: Place and date of birth: São
Diego Praino
Personal information:
Place and date of birth: São Paulo (Brazil) – June 9, 1985
Nationality: Italian
Phone and email: +47 45447401 – [email protected]
- 2014: PhD in Law and Economics, Scuola Normale Superiore (Italian Institute of Human Sciences)
- 2010: Master’s Degree in Law, University of Naples Federico II
- 2008: Bachelor’s Degree in Juridical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II
Teaching activities:
- 2016-present: Supervisor of Bachelor’s thesis, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied
Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences (topic: the EEA Agreement and democracy in Norway)
- 2015-present: Lecturer of the course in European Labour Law, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences
- 2011-2014: Member of the examination board of the course in Constitutional Law, University of
Naples Federico II, Faculty of Law
- 2011-2014: Support teaching activities in Constitutional Law, University of Naples Federico II, Faculty of Law
- 2011-2013: Guest lectures within the course ‘Regime types and electoral systems’, University of
Naples Federico II, Faculty of Law (topics: presidentialism, the United States Electoral College, semipresidentialism, electoral rules in France)
- 2012: Guest lecture on the topic ‘Judicial Review’ within the course ‘Intro to Comparative Politics’,
University of Connecticut (November 27, 2012)
Research activities:
- 2015-present: ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo – guest researcher (topics:
EU form of government, European process of integration, federalism)
- 2011-2014: University of Naples Federico II, Department of Constitutional Law – PhD candidate
(topics: regime types, political parties, federalism, human right to water)
- 2013: The City College of New York – visiting scholar (topic: constitutional conventions)
- 2012: Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic, Research Department – internship (topics: civil
mediation, judicial review)
Research projects:
- 2011-present: ‘Water, a non-reproducible resource, a public good, a factor of development, a cause
of war’. PRIN (Program for research of national interest) funded by the Italian Ministry for Research –
elaboration of the proposal and research stage (future publication)
- 2011-2014: ‘Transformation of the party system, form of government, network analysis’. FARO
(Funding for the development of original research) funded by the University of Naples Federico II –
research stage and publication on the topic
- Praino, D. (2015) ‘The Structure of the EU System of Government’, ARENA Working Paper n. 5.
- Praino, D. (2014) ‘La definizione e il funzionamento della forma di governo nel contesto partitico’,
in S. Staiano (ed.) Nella rete dei partiti. Trasformazione politica, forma di governo, network analysis
(Napoli: Jovene): 3-32.
- Praino, D. (2014) Partiti politici, forme di governo, processi federativi, PhD Dissertation.
- Praino, D. (2014) ‘Delega legislativa e omogeneità dell’emendamento rispetto al decreto-legge. Nota
a Corte cost., sent. n. 237 del 2013’, Federalismi.it n. 12: 1-9.
- Pasetto, S. and Praino, D. (2012) ‘Stati Uniti’, in P. Passaglia (ed.) La mediazione nelle controversie
di diritto privato, Research book of the Italian Constitutional Court: 107-131.
Conference contributions:
- 2011: ‘The notion of federalism: the EU experience’. Conference XXIX Cattedra Sturzo ‘Federalism
and the Mediterranean’, Caltagirone (October 22, 2011)
- 2013-2014: Law Office ‘Fargiorgio-Manzi’ (Itri, Italy): writing of trial documents and contracts,
judicial hearings, research in civil procedure
- 2012: Constitutional Court of the Italian Republic (Rome, Italy): analysis of trial documents (Records Office), translation of legal documents, compilation of Court maxims
Language skills:
- Italian – native
- Portuguese – native
- English – fluent
- Spanish – good knowledge
- Norwegian – basic knowledge