Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Psychology
University of Milano-Bicocca
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1
Building U6 – Room 3170a
20126 – Milano (Italy)
Phone: +39 02 6448 3864 (office)
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
PhD Student in Clinical and Psychodynamic Psychology; University of
Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Advisor: prof. Laura Parolin
MSc in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Summa cum laude);
University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
BSc in Psychology; University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
November 2014 – Visiting PhD Student, University of Leiden (The Netherlands), Centre for
July 2015
Child and Family Studies, Advisors: Prof. dr. M. van IJzendoorn and M.J.
fMRI Data and Statistics. Prof. dr. S. Rombouts (Leiden Institute for Brain and
Cognition), dr. M. De Rover, Leiden University.
Attachment: State of the Art: Prof. dr. M.J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Leiden
European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) Methodological
Summer School - University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Italy). Using R
for personality research; professors: William Revelle, Northwestern
University, USA; Yves Roseel, Ghent University, Belgium; Felix Schönbrodt,
University of Munich, Germany; Ryne A. Sherman, Florida Atlantic
University, USA
Certification of Reliability, Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) by prof. Mary
Main and prof. Eric Hesse, from Adult Attachment Institute of University of
California, Berkeley.
Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) Methodological Summer School University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Italy). Workshop: Linear Mixed
Model and its applications: repeated measures, hierarchical and growth
models; prof. Marcello Gallucci, University of Milano Bicocca.
Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) Methodological Summer School –
Castello Aragonese di Ischia (Italy). Workshop: Mediation Models and Time
Series Analysis; prof. Marcello Gallucci, University of Milano Bicocca.
University of Milano-Bicocca. Workshop: Analysis of Social interactions, prof
Augusto Gnisci, Seconda Università di Napoli.
Adult Attachment Institute . Official Training Adult Attachment Interview;
prof. Nino. Dazzi and prof. Deborah. Jacobvitz.
Studio Associato di Psicologia Clinica (ARP). Training: Affect in Play Scale;
prof. Adriana Lis.
Studio Associato di Psicologia Clinica (ARP). Training: Rorschach Test with
Exner’s Coding System – Advanced; prof. Laura Parolin.
Studio Associato di Psicologia Clinica (ARP). Training: Rorschach Test with
Exner’s Coding System – Basic; prof. Laura Parolin.
Department of Neuroscience and Psychiatry at Fatebenefratelli Hospital:
assessment and treatment of severe psychiatric disorders.
University of Milano Bicocca, Counseling in adolescence. Supervison: Anna
Attachment Theory, Emotion Regulation, Psychotherapy process research, Performance-based
personality tests, Implicit Relational Knowledge in Psychotherapy.
Statistical software: R, SPSS, GSEQ, G*Power.
Programming Languages: R, Matlab.
fMRI Analysis: FSL.
Analysis of emotion in text software: The Discourse Attributes Analysis Program (DAAP).
Collection and analysis of observational data: The Observer XT.
Parolin, L., De Carli, P., Bonalda, V., and Santona, A. (under review) Emotion Regulation between
clinical and research studies: The case of Arturo.
De Carli, P., Parolin, L., Tagini, A., & Sarracino, D. (submitted). Adult attachment and implicit
social cognition of caregiving styles.
Locati, F., De Carli, P., Lang, M., & Parolin, L. (submitted).The flip side of collaborative alliance:
a single case study.
Santona, A. Tagini, A., Sarracino, D., De Carli, P., Pace, C.S., Parolin, L., & Terrone, G. (in press)
Maternal depression and attachment: the evaluation of mother-child interactions. Frontiers in
Parolin, L., Locati, F. De Carli, P. (2015) Manuale e validazione Italiana del test Roberts-2.
[Manual and Italian validation of the Roberts-2 test] Firenze: Hogrefe Editore
De Carli, P., Parolin, L., Tagini, A., Sarracino, D. (2014, September). Cognizione sociale delle
modalità di cura materne: una prospettiva sul “Transmission Gap” nella teoria dell'attaccamento.
[Social cognition of different care giving modalities: a perspective on the “Transmission Gap”.]
Talk given at the National Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology - Clinical Psychology
Section, Pisa (Italy).
Locati, F., De Carli, P. (2014, September) Test di Roberts-2: la validazione italiana. [Roberts-2:
Italia validation.] Talk given at the National Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology Clinical Psychology Section, Pisa (Italy).
Parolin, L., De Carli, P., Di Pierro, R. & Ciervo, S. (2014, September). Modelli di Psicoterapia.
[Therapeutic Models] Talk given at the Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research Italy
Area Group, Padova (Italy).
De Carli, P., Parolin, L., Colli, A., Condino, V., Gentile, D., Locati, F.; Ricci, R., Di Donato, V., &
Lingiardi, V. (2014, June). The impact of therapist interventions on in-session therapeutic alliance
shifts. Talk given at Society for Psychotherapy Research 45th International Annual Meeting,
Copenhagen (Denmark).
Locati, F., Parolin, L. De Carli, P., & Lang, M. (2014, June). Psychotherapy process in an
intersubjective interaction: a single case study. Talk given at Society for Psychotherapy Research
45th International Annual Meeting, Copenhagen (Denmark).
De Carli, P. (2014, January). Convergences and divergences between adult attachment and social
cognitions of caregiving-modalities. Talk given at Society for Psychotherapy Research Italy Area
Group: Arena for Psychotherapy Research, University of Milano-Bicocca.
Locati, F., Rivolta, L., & De Carli, P. (2013, September). Roberts-2: studio delle competenze
emotive in età evolutiva e comparazione tra italiani e stranieri. [Roberts-2: emotional competencies
from infancy to adolescence and ethnic differences], poster presented at the National Meeting of the
Italian Association of Psychology - Clinical Psychology Section, Napoli (Italy).
De Carli, P., Parolin, L., Tagini, A., & Sarracino, D. (2013, September). Convergenze e divergenze
tra attaccamento adulto e cognizione sociale della modalità di cure materne. [Convergences and
divergences between adult attachment and social cognitions of caregiving-modalities]. Poster
presented at the National Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology - Clinical Psychology
Section, Napoli (Italy).
Parolin, L., De Carli, P. Marogna, C., & Mariani, R. (2013, May). Avvicinarsi alle emozioni: la
regolazione degli affetti come chiave di lettura del processo terapeutico con un paziente schizoide.
[Approaching emotions: affect regulations as the key for the therapeutic process with a schizoid
patient]. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research Italy Area
Group, Urbino (Italy).
Parolin, L., De Carli, P., Marogna, C. & Mariani, R. (2012, September). La regolazione delle
emozioni tra clinica e ricerca: uno studio single case sul processo terapeutico. [Emotion Regulation
between clinical and research studies: a single case study of psychotherapy process]. Talk given at
the National Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology - Clinical Psychology Section, Chieti
Vigorelli M., De Carli P., De Crescente M. & Bruschetta S. (2012, September). Il progetto Visiting
per l’accreditamento tra pari delle Comunità Terapeutiche e residenziali. [The “Visiting project”: a
peer review accreditation programme for Therapeutic Communities]. Talk given at the Meeting of
the Society for Psychotherapy Research Italy Area Group, Salerno (Italy).

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