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inTernaTional meeTing 2nd ediTion
From bench to bedside
Friday, may 27th, 2011
Online registration:
Personal data / Dati personali
Surname / Cognome*
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date of Birth / data di nascita* __________________________________________________
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Profession / Professione
address / indirizzo
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Postal Code / C.a.P.*
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City / Città*
(Milano, Italy)
MassIMo FranChI
(Verona, Italy)
nICola FratellI
(negrar, Italy)
Pantaleo GreCo
(Foggia, Italy)
Berthold F. huPPertz
(Graz, austria)
ananth KaruManChI
(Boston, usa)
andrea lojaCono
(Brescia, Italy)
FIona lyall
(Glasgow, uK)
luCa MarozIo
(torino, Italy)
FelICe PetraGlIa
(siena, Italy)
FederICo PreFuMo
(Brescia, Italy)
thoMas W. radeMaCher
(london, uK)
ChrIstoPher W. redMan
(oxford, uK)
PIerre-yVes roBIllard
(réunion, France)
Ian l. sarGent
(oxford, uK)
MarCo sCIosCIa
(negrar, Italy)
sICCo a. sCherjon
(leiden, the netherlands)
BasKy thIlaGanathan
(london, uK)
andrea tranquIllI
(ancona, Italy)
herBert ValensIse
(roma, Italy)
e-mail* ____________________________________________________________________________
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Date / Data _____________
Irene CetIn
Signature / Firma _____________________________________
cOurSe aPPrOval
Paolo VolPe
(Bari, Italy)
jaMes j. WalKer
(leeds, uK)
ScientiFic Secretariat
Segreteria ScientiFica
Tipolitografia don Calabria - VERONA
Registration Form / Scheda di iscrizione
Ospedale “Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria”
U.O. di Ostetricia e Ginecologia
MarCo sCIosCIa (e-mail [email protected])
nICola FratellI (e-mail [email protected])
InternatIonal MeetInG 2nd edItIon
Organizing Secretariat
cOOrdinamentO OrganizzativO
uFFICIo ForMazIone
ospedale “sacro Cuore - don Calabria”
Via don a. sempreboni, 5 - 37024 negrar (Verona) - Italy
tel. +39.045.6013208 - Fax +39.045.7500480
e-mail [email protected]
From bench to bedside
cme / ecm
CMe credits were requested to the Italian Ministry of health.
È stata inoltrata al Ministero della salute la richiesta di
accreditamento eCM per medici, ostetriche e infermieri.
language / lingua
english (simultaneous translation in Italian available).
Inglese (disponibile traduzione simultanea in italiano).
FrIday, May 27th, 2011
Venerdì 27 MaGGIo 2011
approved by the
international Society of ultrasound in Obstetrics
and gynecology
Palazzo della ragione
regiStratiOn FeeS / taSSe di iScriziOne
registration fee includes vat 20%
le quote si intendono iva 20% inclusa
consultants / medici
• € 180,00 until 31st March 2011 (fino al 31 Marzo
Via della Costa, 1
Verona - Italy
approved by the
international Society for the Study of Hypertension in
aiPe - associazione italiana Preeclampsia
• € 240,00 onwards and for on site registration (oltre
il 31 Marzo 2011 e per registrazione in loco)
trainees/Fellows, Sonographers, midwives, nurses
medici specializzandi, Ostetriche, infermieri
• € 120,00 until 31st March 2011 (fino al 31 Marzo
Società italiana di ecografia Ostetrica e ginecologica
e metodologie Biofisiche correlate
• € 180,00 onwards and for on site registration (oltre
il 31 Marzo 2011 e per registrazione in loco)
associazione Ostetrici ginecologi Ospedalieri italiani
Objective / Scopo del congresso
the meeting will explore physiopathological
modifications that occur in preeclampsia and
that may lead possibly to early screening and
diagnosis of this syndrome.
Moreover the second section will cover clinical
aspects of this disorder. this course is expected
to be attended by clinicians and researcher with
interest in the field but also by fellows/trainees
in ob/gyn, midwives and nurses.
9.25 a.m.
Welcome and introduction
marCo SCioSCia, niCola FraTelli
Chair: greCo P. - Tranquilli a.
9.30 a.m.
12.00 p.m.
Fiona lYall
12.20 p.m.
Preeclampsia, a view from the southern
Preeclampsia and the maternal
inflammatory response
1.00 p.m.
Clinical management
Chair: FranCHi m. - THilaganaTHan B.
4.40 p.m.
Common mechanisms in the
pathogenesis of preeclampsia and
preterm delivery
FeliCe PeTraglia
Pierre-YVeS roBillard
9.50 a.m.
Trophoblast invasion & spiral artery
transformation in preeclampsia & fetal
growth restriction: facts and myths
HerBerT ValenSiSe
5.00 p.m.
10.10 a.m.
Failure in syncytiotrophoblast
differentiation as the origin of
BerTHold F. HuPPerTz
10.30 a.m.
utero-placental oxygenation in iugr
and preeclampsia
irene CeTin
5.20 p.m.
Coffee break
Biological and ultrasound markers
“How can this all be acceptable for the
mother”. Tolerance induction before
conception and regulation of the
maternal fetal immune response
during human pregnancy
SiCCo a. SCHerJon
11.40 a.m.
il-33/ST2 and preeclampsia:
the new kids on the block
ian l. SargenT
What we know and what we don’t know
about preeclampsia.
The future research imperatives
JameS J. Walker
2.30 p.m.
angiogenetic factors in preeclampsia
ananTH karumanCHi
2.50 p.m.
inositol phosphoglycans in
marCo SCioSCia
3.10 p.m.
Biochemical markers
FederiCo PreFumo
11.20 a.m.
5.40 p.m.
Chair: VolPe P. - rademaCHer T.W.
3.30 p.m.
Chair: Walker J.J. - ValenSiSe H.
management of severe early onset
luCa marozio
11.00 a.m.
Thrombophilia and preeclampsia
andrea loJaCono
CHriSToPHer W. redman
Il meeting ha lo scopo di esplorare le
modificazioni fisio-patologiche che si verificano
nella preeclampsia e che possono portare allo
sviluppo di test di screening.
Inoltre la seconda parte tratterà gli aspetti clinici
della preeclampsia. Il corso è rivolto a medici e
ricercatori con interesse nel campo della
preeclampsia, ma anche a specializzandi,
medici in formazione, ostetriche ed infermieri.
Total vascular resistances and
antihypertensive therapy.
Should we move to a different target?
uterine artery doppler and
niCola FraTelli
3.50 p.m.
maternal cardiac function in
BaSkY THilaganaTHan
4.20 p.m.
Coffee break
6.00 p.m.
CHriSToPHer W. redman
or sending the enclosed registration form to:
oppure spedendo la scheda di iscrizione allegata a:
Soluzioni omnia media
Tel. 0039 45 80 34 553 - Fax 0039 45 21 09 966
e-mail [email protected]
PaymenT / PagamenTo
Your registration will be confirmed only after payment by
bank transfer or by online registration.
la registrazione verrà confermata solo dopo l’avvenuto
accredito bancario o la registrazione online.
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Soluzioni omnia media Srl
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To confirm your registration, please send copy of your
payment to the fax number 0039 045 21 09 966 or to the
mail address: [email protected]
Spese bancarie a carico del pagante
Per confermare la registrazione, si prega di inviare copia
del pagamento al numero di fax 0039 045 21 09 966 o
all’indirizzo e-mail [email protected]
2. By credit card with online registration
Registrazione online con carta di credito
organizing Secretariat will send you all documents to your
address above mentioned.
la Segreteria organizzativa le spedirà tutti i documenti al
suo indirizzo sopra indicato.
aCCommoDaTIon / SoggIoRno
For any information about hotel accommodation and congress
fees please contact:
Per qualsiasi informazione sulle iscrizioni e sulle
sistemazioni alberghiere Vi preghiamo di contattare:
Soluzioni omnia media
Tel. 0039 45 80 34 553 - Fax 0039 45 21 09 966
e-mail [email protected]