curriculum vitae


curriculum vitae
Surname : Rebolini
City and Date of birth: Chivasso (Torino) 26 Maggio 1952
Home Address:
Rome ,Via Lamberto Vignoli,90 Italy
Company TERNA SpA
Address : viale Egidio Galbani n.70
00155 Rome (Italy)
Telephone : +39 0683138981
Cell phone : +39 3403731619
Fax : +39 06 83138858
E-mail : [email protected]
Education and training:
Received PhD cum laude in Electrotechnical Engineering at La Sapienza
University of Rome in 1977 .
Mother tongue : Italian
Other Languages
Iscrizione ad Albi professionali:
Ordine degli ingegneri Roma
Short Description on Work Experience
Responsible for Development Technologies in Direction Engineering &
Development Grid in Terna.
He joined ITALTRAFO in 1978 and then served ENEL from 1980 to 2000
initially as expert in Electrical System following the design and construction
of electrical system of NPP mainly in the qualification class 1E of electrical
From 1988 to 1996 was appointed as Project Manager following the HVDC
Interconnection between Italy and Greece. Afterwards was appointed in 1997
as responsible of HV Sistems ( Substation and OHL ) in Enelpower
company until 2000 when enter in GRTN (Italian Independent System
Operator) .
He was appointed as Project Manager for Preliminary Project and Permitting
Procedures for interconnection 380 kVca between Italy and Switzerland ( S.
Fiorano – Robbia ) and for SAPEI Project ( new HVDC link between
Sardinia and Mainland Italy).
In 2006 was appointed as Head of Preliminary Projects in Terna Planning and
Grid Development Direction following all the main strategic works until 2009
when assumed the actual responsibility of Development Technologies.
Author of several national and international technical papers.
He is coordinator member of Electrical Energy Transmission WG and
advisor of AEE ( Associazione Energia Elettrica ) and Chairman of Italian
Main Publications ( author and co-author ):
" Cenni sulle centrali nucleari" Anno Accademico 1984/85 Dispense per il Corso di centrali
Elettriche; ("An outline on Nuclear Power Plants" ,Book for Power Plants Course
"Un esempio di innovazione tecnologica negli impianti di generazione:uso di Convertitori Statici di
frequenza per l'avviamento di macchine sincrone accoppiate a Turbine4 a gas destinate al
repowering di Gruppi unificati termoelettrici ed ai Cicli combinati di prossima costruzione" 90rd
Annual meeting of AEI (Association of Italian Elecytrical Engineers),Lecce (Italy) October
"Azionamenti elettrici a velocità variabile per ausiliari di unità termoelettriche. Possibili
applicazioni in ambito ENEL" 90rd Annual Meeting of AEI ,Lecce Italy 1989
"Criteria for designing and sizing of direct current systems and components in ENEL?s
standardized thermal Power plants" International Symposium on Electric Energy conversion in
power Systems" Capri, may 1989
"Performance Analysis of induction motor large variable speed drives" IEE Meeting ,London UK
"Protection diagnostic and control of electrical auxiliary Power Plants with programmable
controllers" Seminar in the University of Pavia, Italy, June 1990 and published in Tecnologie
Elettriche review n.6/91
"Static frequency converters for starting gas-turbine sets of Combined Cycle Plants or for
repowering" 1th International Conference IEEE on Application of Industrial Electronics
Systems, Jerusalem, Israel May 1990
"Utilization of Static frequency Converters for start up of Turbogas units" 33rd Session CIGRE'
1990 Paris
"Experimental application of Large Variable Speed drives in a typical Power Plant auxiliary
system" 4rd EPE (European Power Elecytronics ),Florence ,Italy September 1991.
"Use of generator breaker in new generating Power Plants"
Rivista L'Energia Elettrica n.7/8 1991
"HVDC Link between Italy and Greece Electrical networks" 95rd Annual Meeting of AEI
Bologna, Italy October 1994;
"Il convertitore statico di frequenza nell'avviamento di gruppi turbogas e di gruppi reversibili per
centrali di generazione e pompaggio" Convegno AEI Novembre 1994 Roma
“ Le interconnessioni con l’estero della RTN “ AEI Padova Novembre 2003
“Feasibility of a new long distance submarine HVDC link between Sardinia Island and Italian
Peninsula ( SAPEI) , CIGRE’ 2004 Paris
“Il nuovo elettrodotto a 380 kV S.Fiorano-Robbia “ Rivista L’Energia Elettrica- GennaioFebbraio 2005
“ Interconnessione HVDC in cavo sottomarino attraverso il Mediterraneo” Rivista L’Energia
Elettrica Maggio-Giugno 2005
“Private interconnectors to facilitate market through a regulated priority access:the GRTN’s
experience on the processo f implementation in italy “ PSCC august 2005 Liegi (B)
“ Feasibility Study of a new HVDC submarine link between Algeria and Italy “ Colloquium on role
of HVDC,FACTS and Emerging technologies in evolving Power Systems,17-24 September 2005
.Bangalore, India
“ Nuova interconnessione sottomarina tra Sardegna e Corsica ( SAR. CO) Rivista Energia
Elettrica Gennaio-Aprile 2006
“Environmental issued on the development of the new HVDC link Sardinia Island-Italian Peninsula
( SAPEI Project) Paris , CIGRE’ 2006 “
“ The new Turbigo-Rho 380 kV Transmission Line : an example of the use of underground XLPE
cables in a meshed transmission grid “ Paris ,CIGRE’ 2006
“Studi di Fattibilità per interconnessioni HVDC in cavo sottomarino tra il Nord Africa e
L’Italia”,Capri Convegno AEIT 16 Settembre-20 Settembre 2006
“Application of multi-criteria methodology for planning an electric transmission line” , CIGRE
2008 , Paris
“400 kV AC new submarine cable links between Sicily and the Italian mainland. Outline of project
and special electrical studies “CIGRE 2008 , Paris
“Linking Europe to Africa thrugh long distance HVDC submarine interconnectors: methodology
applied to the feasibility study and technical challenges to be overcome “ CIGRE 2008 Paris
“Il raddoppio del collegamento 380 kV tra Sicilia e Calabria: una sfida mondiale “ Rivista
L’Energia Elettrica luglio/agosto 2008 numero 4 volume 85
“Italian Legislative frame work on EMF: quality objectives and respect width:study of mutual
influence of parallel OHL in dimension and respect width” Colloquium Cigre Sarajevo2009
“Hvac submarine cable links between Italy and Malta. Feasibility of the project and system
electrical design studies “ B1-104 CIGRE 2010 , Paris
“Steady state and transients EHV AC cable shunt reactive compensation assessment “C4-109
CIGRE 2010 , Paris
“ EHV/HV Autotransformers modelling for electromagnetic transients simulation of power systems
“ XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines ( ICEM ) Rome September 2010
“Lo sviluppo della Rete Elettrica di Trasmissione Nazionale e il processo autorizzativo” Rivista
L’Energia Elettrica gennnaio/febbraio 2011
“Innovazione nelle linee elettriche aeree “ Rivista L’Energia Elettrica luglio/agosto 2011
“Stazioni di connessione e sostegni provvisori “ Rivista L’Energia Elettrica luglio/agosto 2011
”Technical challenges for a strategic development of the Italian trasmission network towards the
Mediterranean Basin” CIGRE Simposium Bologna Settembre2011
“ Evolution, reliability, safety and modelling of interconnecting transformer and shunt reactors in
the Italian transmission grid “A2-103 CIGRE 2012, Paris
“ Wet-snow accretion on conductors : the Italian approach to reduce risks on existing OHL “ B2204 CIGRE 2012, Paris
“ Compact substation for quick installation SCRI ( Stazioni Compatte a Rapida Installazione) “ B3102 CIGRE 2012 , Paris
“ The on line monitoring systems combined with decision support systems for the maintenance HV
and UHV Terna’s substation B3.202 Cigre 2012,Paris
” An integrated AC-DC Multiterminal grid in the western Mediterranean basin development ,
planning and design challenges B4-304 Cigre 2012,Paris
“Increased grid performance using synchronous condensers in multi infeed multiterminal HVDC
System “A1-112 Cigre 2014 Paris
“ New Phase Shifting Transformers in the Italian transmission
network.Design,manufacturing,testing and electromagnetic transients modelling” A2-207 CIGRE
2014 Paris
“Lessons Learnt from Permitting and Consent relevant to AC UGC Lines: the 150 kV Cagliari SudRumianca case “B1-107 CIGRE 2014 Paris
“Renewable energy sources integration for off grid electrification using Battery Energy Storage
Systems” Cape Town Symposium October 2015 CIGRE
“Mitigazione degli effetti climatici sul Sistema Elettrico “Rivista AEIT Giugno 2015