Golfo di Trieste: possibili inquinanti e patologie correlate


Golfo di Trieste: possibili inquinanti e patologie correlate
Golfo di Trieste: possibili inquinanti
e patologie correlate
Prof. Mariano Cherubini
International Society of Doctors for
docente nell’ Università di Trieste,
(Semeiotica e Metodologia Chirurgica,
Chirurgia Geriatrica)
The distribution of chemicals does not depend only on pollution sources
situated inside the considered area, but can also be affected by
meteorological factors as rain and wind. “Bora” is a very strong,
persistent, and well-directioned wind. (P. Barbieri, 1998)
The Bora wind (mean velocity of 6 m/s) is the main agent for renewal
of the furface water in this area, intensifying the counterclockwise
circulation at all depths. (F.Stravisi, 1983)
The Bora wind from ENE, promote the circulation of surface layers
towards the open sea and recall clearer water from the Istrian coast
(E. Reisenhofer, 1996)
From : V. Malacic, National Institute of Biology, Piran, Slo
(pers. comm.)
A sn: circolazione ciclonica (L), a ds. circolazione anticiclonica (H)
Arenile marino: caratteristiche chimiche (Arpa 28.2.2006)
Arsenico, cromo, zinco risultano più elevati rispetto a dati precedenti.
Da P.Sottile a P. Sdobba l’ Alluminio supera la concentrazione del 4.5%.
Da P. Sdobba alla Foce Tagliamento le concentrazioni sono inferiori.
Mercurio più elevato nell’area occidentale. Cadmio ha valori costanti.
Nichel e Piombo hanno valori talora sopra i valori guida (DM 367/2003).
Idrocarburi policiclici aromatici e diossine, nella zona Punta Sottile-Miramare
superano le concentrazioni del DM, specie nell’area portuale di Trieste.
O. Bajt, 2003…evident impact of maritime traffic on pollution of the
sea. The concentration of hydrocarbons (in sediment samples, as
perylene, pyrene, anthracene, chrysene, etc.) were much higher …in
the middle of the Gulf and in the surrounding area under their
P. Barbieri, 1998: A chemometric survey of 3 sites in Muggia Bay.
Methods voltammetrically. Examined: Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn. Conclusion:
diffuse source for Pb, probably atmospheric deposition.
Sedimentary record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Trieste
(northen Adriatic sea).
E. Heath, N. Ogrinc, J Faganeli, S.Covelli
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution:Focus (2006) 6:241
We observe an increasing input of PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
hydrocarbons) since the beginning
of the 20th century…
century…coinciding with increasing industrialization and urbanization of the
region.This is…
is…an indication of combustion processes and represent a marker for anthropogenic
• G. Adami, P. Barbieri, S. Piselli, S. Predonzani, E. Reisenhofer.: Persistent
organic pollutants (PAHs and PCBs)in surface sediments of an industrialized
area (Harbour of Trieste) J. Environ Monit.
Monit. 2000: industrial origin of PAHs detected
here….The activities of the steelmaking factory, involving foundry coke uses,
uses, could be the main
cause of the diffusion of PAHs.
PAHs. The pipeline terminal should not have implied significant
spillage of petrolium here
• Heavy Metals and nutrients in coastal, surface seawaters (Gulf of Trieste,
Northen Adriatic Sea): an environmental study by factor analysis
E. Reisenhofer,
Reisenhofer, G.Adami,
G.Adami, A.Favretto
Fresenius J Anal Chem (1996),354:729
Trace metals and nutrients were monitored voltammetrically and spectrophotometrically during a
1 year period…
period…at 6 different sites in the Gulf…
The coastal waters seem to be comparable to,
to, or better than,
than, waters of analogous areas in the
Mediterrean Sea.
A. Piacenti*,
Metallurgical Engineering
Piacenti*, M. Ferrini*,
Ferrini*, F. La Marca*,
Marca*, Department of Chemical, Materials, Raw Materials and Metallurgical
University Rome“
Rome“La Sapienza”
Sapienza”, Rome,
Rome, Itally°
National Research Council, Rome, Italy, 2000
As a consequence of industrial and natural pollution from near mercury bearing region of Idria,
Idria, a very high level of heavy metals content has
been revealed. Samples have been taken concerning sediments, water and lagoon vegetation.
vegetation. Chemical analyses have shown the existence
of diffused mercury and chromium pollution.
pollution. It has been demonstrated that mercury is transferring from sediments to the trophic chain,
chain, until
fish and at least to the men.
men. The distribution of pollution agents in the lagoon is pointed out utilizing geostatistical methods in order to localize
sediments to be removed for remediation purpose of sea roads into
into the lagoon.
A strategy for sediments removal by selective drainage of the lagoon has been pointed
pointed out.
Past and present samplings (sediments,
(sediments, water, plants)
plants) and related chemical analyses indicate a diffuse pollution from mercury and
chromium in sediments of the MaranoMarano-Grado lagoons,
lagoons, coherent with the previous data reported in literature.
literature. Geostatistical
analysis allows to distribute contamination on a risk map of the lagoon. Contamination due to mercury is particularly interesting, since
transferred to feed chain,involving human health.
Polluted areas are mainly close to industrial settlements on Cormor river mouth (chromium) and on
AussaAussa-Corno river mouth (mercury).
A high concentration in mercury has been found also close to Isonzo river mouth,
still transporting mercury tailings of ceased mining and metallurgical activities located in the high
basin of the river.
Metalli Pesanti nelle lagune di Marano e Grado
Prof. Antonio Brambati
Regione Autonoma FVG, dic 96
Acque, sedimenti, flora e fauna possono
presentare valori di mercurio superiori
a quelli considerati “di fondo”…
Il pesce rappresenta la via di assunzione
di gran lunga superiore agli altri alimenti…
L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità
dose massima di Hg ingeribile/settimana=
300 ug di metilmercurio/persona
(di 70 kg.).
Ev. effetti neg.
neg. Hg:
Hg: turbe neurologiche e
ritardo mentale.
L’accumulo di Hg appare reversibile,
con rilascio lento (Renzoni
(Renzoni,, Bacci 78).
Possono associarsi metalli pesanti:
Pb, Fe,
Fe, Cr,
Cr, Cu, Ni,
Ni, Zn,
Zn, Mn
con Al (Covelli
(Covelli S.,2006)
Mercury contamination of coastal sediments as the result of long-term cinnabar
mining activity (Gulf of Trieste, northen Adriatic sea).
S.Covelli, J. Faganeli, M. Horvat, A. Brambati (Applied Geochemistry, 2001
Mercury contents are very high along the littoral zone of the northen (Italian)
Italian) sector where this metal is present
in detrital form (cinnabar)
cinnabar) in sandysandy-silty sediments near the river mouth (Isonzo) and the surrounding beaches.
• Mercury Transport and Transformations in the Wider Idrija Region and the
Gulf of Trieste.
M.Horvat, M. Hines, J Faganeli et Coll., American Geophysical Union, 2001
The Idrija mercury mine in Slovenia is the II largest Hg mine in the world, which was in operation continually for
500 years until about 20 years ago.
73% of the Hg mined was recovered,
recovered, and the remaining 17% dissipated into the environment.
Hg in the terrestrial environment of the region is effectively transferred from soil (and air) to
vegetation, herbivores and carnivores…
carnivores… and through the Soca river (Isonzo) to the marine
environment. The contaminated soils in the Idrjia region are continuously eroded and serve as a continuous
source for the river,
river, the flood plains,
plains, and the Gulf of Trieste.
The main source of MeHg is the bottom sediment of the coastal region leading to increased levels of Hg in marine
Inquinanti marini
La flotta navale mondiale (70.000 navi) brucia 200-350 milioni di tonnellate di
idrocarburi (D.Gregory, British Petrolium Marine, 2007), parte sversati in
Il traffico marittimo produce il 4%
delle emissioni totali di CO2,
oltre 600 milioni di tonellate/anno
(corrispondente al doppio di
quanto rilasciato dall’aviazione
civile), brucia diesel,
catrame, oli pesanti,
carbone… aumentando il gas
serra e contribuendo
al riscaldamento del pianeta.
Commercial ships spew half as
much particulate pollution as
world’s cars (AGU 2009)
Andrà attribuito un tetto alle
emissioni? (V. Ferrara,
Conferenza nazionale
sul Clima, 2007)
From Municipality of Koper
Sea pollution.
Slovenian sea surface: only 200 km2 (1/3 of the Gulf of Trieste), depth from 20 to 30 m
Main problems:
→ inadequate wastewater treatment plan and obsolete sewage system
weak sea currents
exchange of water less intensive
pollution from the coast, hinterland and on the sea (localised and generalised
→ transport (3 large Ports in the North Adriatic)
→ tourism (coastal line overburdening)
Other polluters: industry (Kemiplas, Lama, Group Tomos Promo, Cimos),
marina, agriculture,...
“cross-border” pollution
Mercury exposure and
Mercury and its compounds are highly toxic
to humans, ecosystems and wildlife.
Possible harmful effects on the cardiovascular,
immune and reproductive systems.
Large predatory fish have much higher levels
of methylmercury in their bodies than
non-predatory fish.
Dental amalgam. Skin-lightening creams
and soaps
Methilmercury is a well documented neurotoxicant
and with clear neurodevelopmental effect.
Carcinogenic effect
Inhalation of the vapours: tremors, emotional lability, insomnia, memory loss,
neuromuscolar changes, headaches. Effects on kidney (reversible) and thyroid.
Minamata disease (Industrial disaster:pollution 1932-1968
Effetti sulla salute 1
• Cromo
Allergie, rash cutanei, irritazioni
Ulcere gastro-duodenali
Depressione immunitaria
Insuff. renale ed epatica
Alterazioni genetiche, Ca.polmonare
• Idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (benzoapirene, ecc.)
Broncopatia cronica
Effetti sul sistema riproduttivo
Danni cutanei, epatici, renali
Neoplasie (Effetti mutageni)
Effetti sulla salute 2
(Saturnismo = avvelenamento cronico da Pb.)
(Pioggie acide)
Ritardo mentale (Turbe nella conduzione SNC)
Danni renali, danni cardiovascolari, danni al sistema riproduttivo
– Dolori addominali
– Vomito, sete, disidratazione, cefalea
– Diarrea, tenesmo, cistiti
Effetti sulla salute 3
Insufficienza epatica, renale
Modificazioni glicemiche
“Disruption of the endocrine system”
Depressione immunitaria
Modifiche del sistema riproduttivo
Deformità scheletriche
Monossido di carbonio
Compromissione del sistema cardio-vascolare
< attenzione (compromissione SNC)
Ossido e biossido di azoto, ossido di zolfo
Effetti irritativi, broncopatia cronica, aterosclerosi, ipertensione
Effetti sulla salute 4
(Da fibre asbestiformi nei porti, arsenali, navi)
Mesoteliomi pleurici, tumori polmonari
• Ozono
• Indice di inquinamento fotochimico
• < acuità visiva e visione notturna
• Secchezza ed irritazione delle mucose
• Irritazione delle vie respiratorie, asma
• Benzene:
• leucemia
Discariche, interramenti, aree
coinvolte, parte in corso di
bonifica (18.5.08), Trieste.
1. Terrapieno di Barcola (Cu,Pb,
idrocarburi, diossina)
2. Discarica scalo legnami
3. Deposito Ferriera
4. Area Ezit
5. Rio Ospo
6. Spiaggia oltre porto S.Rocco
7. Interramento Acquario
(P.Olmi-P.Sottile, Pb, Hg,
La fonderia
L’inquinamento (grave) del suolo e del mare…
è stato giustificato attraverso i dati del Ministero
dell’Ambiente (G. Palladini 20.6.07).
2005 Emissioni di diossina dal camino E5.
L’irrorazione con urea permise il ripristino
2006 Le PM 10 hanno sforato per 50 e 47 gg
vs. 35 gg/anno consentiti (in via Sv. e Carp.).
2007 (20.6) Le PM 10 sono costituite da carbone (65%),
Fe (25%), inerti (10%).
Episodiche emissioni di anidride
solforosa, di benzene (12.8 vs.8 microgr.),
di benzoapirene (5.6 vs. 1 ng/rc).
2008 Sforamenti per 102 gg. di PM10 (No smog, riportato l’ 11.9.08)
Waste incineration = inceneritore con recupero energetico
Presupposto 1: Non discariche
Presupposto 2: Razionalizzazione, Raccolta differenziata
Politica delle R (riduzione della produzione,
recupero, riutilizzo, riciclaggio, riuso, riparazione)
Termovalorizzatore E. 3: produce 90 GWh di energia elettrica.
Utilizza come combustibile 160.000 tonnellate di rifiuti.
Ricavato: 41% di scorie ( sabbia, ghiaietta,
ghiaietta, ghiaia,
rifiuti non triturati –FeFe-)
Temperatura dei forni: 985°
Rifiuti riciclabili: consorzio per Fe alluminio;
olio vegetale; inerti; elettrodomestici,
imballaggi di carta, plastica e vetro;
sostanze biodegradabili, batterie, legno.
Produzione di vapore acqueo.
Produzione di corrente elettrica.
Depurazione dei fumi di emissione.
Le emissioni in atmosfera vengono misurate.
Adverse effects on health attributable to air pollution:
Proportion of population affected
Early mortality
Cardiorespiratory disease
Hospital admission
Asthma exacerbation
Doctor consultancy
Impaired physical condition
Pharmaceuticals use
Symptoms, discomfort
Reduced lung function
Sub-clinical effects
Esempio: A Trieste, usando i dati 2002, sono attribuibili all’esposizione
PM 10 superiori a 20 ng/m3, 1.8% decessi per cause naturali, 2.2%
cardiovascolari, 2.5% respiratorie
(R.Tominz,B.Mazzoleni, F.Daris, A.Piscanz 2007)
Fig.: Massa, superficie e numero delle polveri
in base al diametro.
Da Oberdoster,environmental Health,
in mal’aria, Legambiente 2008
In ambiente urbano PM 2.5 rappresenta
il 60-80% delle PM 10.
(Martuzzi M., 2006)
Da dove proviene il particolato urbano?
Da automezzi, centrali termiche,
emissioni industriali, camini,
fabbriche, venti…
Considerare l’esistenza di particolato ultrafine,
fine (PM 0.1-2.5), grossolano (PM 2.5-10).”Air pollution particles,in
susceptible individuals, increase severity of inflammatory (citokine induction,
macrophages…) and infectious disease. (S. Becker 2003)
N° Giorni PM10 > 50ug/m3 nelle Prov. della
Regione F.V.G., sec. ISTAT (2008)
Fisiopatologia (in parte da P.M.Mannucci 2008 e integrata)
Polveri da combustione
Alterato controllo cardiaco del S.N.A.- modif. FC
Nanop. penetrazione alveolo-polm.->
Aritmia-morte improvvisa <--- modif.riflessi neuronali polmonari
disionia- flogosi-vasocostrizioneARS.-trombosi (<t.protr.,>PCR
>fibrinogeno,>adesione endot.)
>SO2 + CO - >FC (studio Monica)
PM 10 o PM 2.5 -> PA, <FC (in poche ore)
• Link carcinogenetico (tumori del polmone, encefalo,…)
Osservazioni precedenti (controlli minori, maggiore industrializzazione)
• Occupational exposure and lung cancer risk in a coastal area of Northeastern Italy
• M.Bovenzi, G.Stanta, G.Antiga, P.Peruzzo, F.Cavalieri, 1993
• (A significant excess risk for lung cancer was observed in iron and metalware
• Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Trieste; F.Barbone,M.Bovenzi, F.Cavallieri, G.Stanta,
1995. (The risk of lung cancer increased with increasing level of air pollution for all
types of lung cancer)
• Air pollution and Lung Cancer in Trieste, Italy: Spatial analysis of risk as a function of
distance from sources. A. Biggeri, F.Barbone, C. Lagazio, M.Bovenzi, G.Stanta, 1996.
(The risk of lung cancer was highly related to the city center and to the incinerator.
…The iron foundry lie on the same line along a north-south direction.)
Distretti sanitari e incidenza tumori.
• Un’analisi epidemiologica è stata condotta sulla popolazione
triestina, divisa per distretti sanitari nell’epoca 95-03.
• Risultati: Non vi é eccesso di rischio globale, né correlabile ad
esposizioni a diossine o idrocarburi policliclici aromatici.
• Trieste, nel suo complesso ha un superiore rischio medio del 14%
(per i tu.), rispetto al resto della Regione.
• L’incidenza del mesotelioma e ca. esofageo incrementata, potrebbe
legarsi ad antichi cantieri navali, ferrovie, inquinamento indoor.
• Dati riportati da R.Tominz, D. Germano, M. Bovenzi, G. Mustacchi 26. 7.
Incidenza di tumori (M,F) nel FVG nel periodo
2003-2007 (dal Centro Nazionale di Epidemiologia,
Sorveglianza e Promozione della salute. I.S.S.)
2003-2007 M
F(pop. -17.567)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Prevalenza di tumori maligni, nelle donne, nel
periodo 2003-2007 (da Banca Dati Tumori)
Prevalenza di tumori maligni, negli uomini, nel
periodo 2003-2007 (da Banca Dati dei Tumori)
Importanza della “Qualità della vita”
U.Veronesi 17.9.08
• I tumori sono conseguenti
a mutazioni indotte da
agenti ambientali posti nell’aria,
nelle radiazioni, nel cibo,
nell’acqua e conseguono
alle abitudini di vita
(es. fumo, alcool),…
Dove non arriva la prevenzione
primaria, arriva la prevenzione
secondaria (diagnosi precoce,
ricerca di tumori occulti,
apporto dell’imaging, screening ecc.)
The New England Journal of Medicine 2009;360:376-86
C.Arden Pope III et Al.: Fine-Particulate Air Pollution and
Life Expectancy in the U.S.A.
• Results
• A decrease of 10 µg per cubic meter in the concentration of fine
particulate matter was associated with an estimated increase in
mean (±SE) life expectancy of 0.61±0.20 year (P = 0.004). The
estimated effect of reduced exposure to pollution on life expectancy
was not highly sensitive to adjustment for changes in
socioeconomic, demographic, or proxy variables for the prevalence
of smoking or to the restriction of observations to relatively large
counties. Reductions in air pollution accounted for as much as 15%
of the overall increase in life expectancy in the study areas.
• Conclusions
• A reduction in exposure to ambient fine-particulate air pollution
contributed to significant and measurable improvements in life
expectancy in the United States.
Thank you
Prof. M.Cherubini