Il Cialis Si Puo Prendere Tutti I Giorni. Official Canadian Pharmacy


Il Cialis Si Puo Prendere Tutti I Giorni. Official Canadian Pharmacy
Pirate’s Hook for Your Hand
Sailing is something that pirates often do. Sometimes they have
hooks for hands. Here’s how to make a hook for your hand so you
can sail in your closet as a pirate might. (Ask an adult to help you.)
You will need ---1. A Styrofoam 8 ounce (or larger) cup
2. A small sized (81/2 X 11 inches) piece of cardboard or heavy cardstock.
3. A pair of Scissors
4. The hook pattern (found on next page)
Let’s Get Started---1. Begin this project by making some space for this craft. The floor will
do nicely.
2. Print instructions and hook pattern. Trace the hook pattern onto the
3. Cut the hook out. Be sure to have an adult help you with the scissors.
4. Make a small slit in the bottom of the cup—just large enough to slip
the end with the X on the hook into the bottom of the cup. Slip the
hook through the slit in the cup up to the line on the hook (about an
5. Now, slip your hand into the cup and hold the end of the hook.
There---you have a pirate’s hook!