Etwinning Project Christmas traditions in Italy


Etwinning Project Christmas traditions in Italy
Istituto Comprensivo I.C. Settino
San Pietro in Guarano
Alunni Scuola Secondaria di 1°
Classe 2^ D – Castiglione Cosentino
Docente Prof. Cinzia De Bartolo
We decorate our houses with holly, we make the crib
with the Star on the top and the Christmas tree full of
lights,ribbons, balls and presents.
Maria Chiara Gaudio
Preziosa and Ernesto Preite
Children put the Baby Jesus in the crib at 9pm singing
carols. They wait for Father Christmas and his presents
Andrea Siciliano
Giovanni Patitucci
We write letters and Christmas cards to our relatives and
friends, some cards are beautifully decorated by ourselves
Ines Lio
Silvana Argento
This picture sums up tradidional food and decoration
in our country – M. Rosaria D’Onghia and Elisabetta Buttafuoco