Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly


Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly
Fr. Vito’s Installation
We will celebrating the installation of Fr. Vito as Pastor of St. Clare &
St. Nicholas Parishes on Saturday, October 9th at the 5 p.m. Mass at
St. Clare’s Church. Fr. Vito will be installed by Bishop McGratten.
Please join us for this joyous occasion as we come together to pray
for and celebrate with Fr. Vito. Refreshments will be served in the
Hall right after the ceremony.
Parish Bazaar
We will be holding a Parish Bazaar on Saturday, November 13th. If
you have any items that are in ex cellent condition, that you no
longer need, please consider donating them to our bazaar. We ask
that you start putting those items aside for now and we will let you
know when we will be ready to receive your donations (no clothing
can be accepted).
I f you are interested in helping out w ith our Bazaar, please
attend a m eeting in our m eeting room on Thursday,
September 21st at 8:30 p.m .
Marriage Preparation
If you are getting married in the near future, you will be required to
take a Marriage Preparation Course here at St. Clare’s. We usually
offer two sessions a year to choose from – one in the Spring and one
in the Fall. Our next session begins next Tuesday, September 21st
and runs for 6 weeks – every Tuesday night from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. –
until October 26th inclusive. Cost for this course is $100 per couple.
Please call the office to register as soon as you can.
First Communion Meeting
There will be a First Communion Meeting for parents of children who
wish to receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion this year.
Please come to the church on Wednesday, September 22nd at 7 p.m.
Anyone planning to receive this sacrament at St. Clare’s this coming
year must be present!
Monthly Parish Memorial Mass
On Friday, September 24th at 7:30 p.m., we will celebrate a Memorial
Mass in honour of our loved ones. If you have a friend or family
member whose birthday, anniversary or anniversary of death took
place during this month, we invite you to attend this special Mass in
their honour. Please call the office with the name you wish to have
Bishops’ Collection for the Needs of the
Canadian Church in Canada
This annual collection will be taken up next weekend. The monies
raised are sent to our diocese, which goes to pay its annual
contribution to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. This
contribution is determined according to a per capita calculation that
takes into account the number of Catholics in each diocese of
Canada. The CCCB offices are located in Ottawa. A staff of
approximately 40 work in different services, supporting the pastoral
work of the Bishops, both nationally and internationally.
Evangelization, faith education, ecumenism, social justice liturgy,
theology, the Marriage Tribunal… these are some of the areas where
the Bishops are specially involved.
Meeting for all Catechists
If you are or would like to be a Catechist for Sacramental Preparation
or Children’s Liturgy, please attend a meeting on Thursday September
30th at 6 p.m. in the Parish meeting room.
Is your child (7 years old or older) not baptized? Is your child
baptized in another Christian tradition, but you would like him or her
to receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation in Full
Communion with the Catholic Church?
The R.C.I.C. for children is the process that prepares older children
for full “sacramental” life in the Catholic Church. For information or
to register your child, call Mary Benincasa at the Parish Office asap.
Are you not yet baptized and recognize a need for spirituality in your
life within the Catholic Church? Are you Baptized but have never
received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation or
Confirmation? Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but
don’t know what the next step is to becoming Roman Catholic?
R.C.I.A. is the process that prepares adults for full “sacramental” life
in the Catholic Church. For information, call Mary Benincasa at the
Parish Office asap.
Join us for a year-long celebration
of this auspicious occasion:
9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
~ Open House at St. Clare School, 124 Northcliffe Blvd. Members of
the community are welcome to visit anytime during the day. Parents,
neighbours and alumni will be able to see what a regular school day
is like. A wide variety of student activities will be showcased.
7:00 p.m.
~ Mass at St. Clare Church, 1118 St. Clair Ave. West. Mass is to be
celebrated by His Grace, Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, at
St. Clare Church. Followed by a procession back to the school for the
official blessing and where a new statue of St. Clare is to be unveiled.
Light refreshments will be served in the school gym.
OPEN HOUSE ~ 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Alumni Reunion and Open House at St. Clare School. Alumni from
every decade are encouraged to visit your old stomping grounds and
catch up with long lost classmates and associates. A captivating visual
exhibit depicting the rich history of St. Clare Catholic School will be on
display. A selection of souvenir items will be available for purchase.
COCKTAIL PARTY ~ 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Clare’s Church
Hall. Tickets are $20 each. Now available at the school office or buy
your ticket online.
Get involved - share your memories, volunteer your time, donate
services, as well as give to the "St. Clare School Centenary
Help Needed
Liturgical Publications, the company that prints your parish
bulletin is looking for a delivery driver and shipper 3 days per
week. Fax resume to 905-624-2394.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, September 18
5:00 – Vincenzo Iannetta
Sunday, September 19
8:00 – Giuseppe Cugliari e Teresa Defina
9:15 – Antonio & Eufemia Coletta
10:30 – Donato Buccio e Natalina Gesa, Salvatore, Vittoria
e Thomas Trotto, Carmela Risi, Guglielma Iaboni,
Elena e Giuseppe Ricci, Michele Tarantino, Vito
Carrado, Bill Zaperankos, Francesco, Maria,
Raffaela e Vito Cialia, Vincenzina Barbuto e Antonio
12:00 – Pro Populo
5:00 – Mass for the Maierato Club
Monday, September 20
9:00 – Laura Sorbara
7:30 – Lucia Serrago († died in France)
Tuesday, September 21
9:00 – Giovanna Franzone e defunti della famiglia
10:00 – Stella Maris School Mass
1:00 – St. Clare School Mass
Wednesday, September 22
9:00 – Giovanna Sansone e i defunti della famiglia
Thursday, September 23
9:00 – Luigi Carbone
10:00 – Loretto High School Mass
Friday, September 24
9:00 – Nicola Vecchiarelli
Saturday, September 25
9:00 – Giuseppe Ienco e defunti della famiglia
11:30 – WEDDING – Lamberto Alberto Boni &
Maria Concetta Iozzo
5:00 – Frances Pajk & deceased friends, relatives &
benefactors of Frank Pajk
Upcoming Weddings
The following couples are planning to be
married in the next couple of weeks:
Marcos Areco & Sonia Biagioni
Michael Costa & Maria Fava
Sime Marusic & Christine Vidal
Peter Grozdanovski & Beverly Garcia
Insediamento di P. Vito
Sabato, 9 ottobre si terrà qui a S. Chiara l’insediamento di P.
Vito come parroco della chiesa di S. Chiara così come quella di
S. Nicola di Bari. Il nostro Vescovo McGratten sarà qui per la
ceremonia che avrà luogo durante la Messa delle 5 p.m.
Venite a pregare e festeggiare con noi in questa lietissima
occasione. Rinfreschi saranno serviti in sala subito dopo la
La nostra parrocchia terrà un Bazaar sabato, 13 novembre.
Se avete articoli che sono in ottim a condizione, ma che non
vi sono più utili, considerate donarli per il nostro bazaar. Per
adesso vi chiediamo di metterli da parte e appena siamo
pronti per accettarli, ve lo comunicheremo (non si accettono
Se siete interessati e potete aiutare con il nostro
Bazaar, siete invitati a una riunione che avrà luogo
nella saletta parrocchiale, giovedì, 21 settem bre alle
8:30 p.m .
Colletta Annuale per le Necessità
della Chiesa Canadese
Questa colletta avrà luogo domenica prossima, ed è per
l’appoggio della Conferenza Cattolica dei Vescovi, la quale
organizzazione è stata creata da e per i nostri vescovi Canadesi.
Questa colletta è devoluta ai progetti nazionale ed internazionale,
e per le responsabilità pastorale riguardo la società Canadese e la
chiesa. Le buste apposite sono disponibili all’entrata della chiesa.
Per maggior informazioni, andate al sito oppure
[email protected].
Il RCIA è il Rito dell’iniziazione Cristiana degli adulti. RCIA è un
percorso di ricerca per adulti che si avvicinano all chiesa Cattolica
e chiedono il Battesimo, oppure per coloro che sono battezzati e
desiderano risvegliare la loro fede in Cristo nella Chiesa Cattolica.
Per informazioni parlate con Maria Benincasa.
Messa Mensile in Memoria
dei nostri cari defunti
Venerdì, 24 settembre alle 7:30 p.m. e ogni ultimo venerdì del
mese allo stesso orario, celebreremo una Santa Messa in memoria
dei nostri cari defunti. Se avete parenti o amici che in questo
mese avranno celebrato un compleanno oppure qualche
anniversario particolare, siete invitati a partecipare a questa
Messa commemorativa, e così come per i mesi seguenti. Vi
chiediamo di telefonare l’ufficio appena possibile.
Festa di San Michele Arcangelo
Domenica prossima, 26 settembre alle ore 1:30 p.m. celebriamo
la Festa di San Michele Arcangelo. Iniziamo con processione in
chiesa, seguita dalla Santa Messa. Per maggior informazione,
parlate con Michele Stanco.
Giornata Annuale di Radio Maria
Domenica 3 ottobre, precedente la Festa della Madonna del
Rosario, è la “Giornata Annuale di Preghiera per Radio Maria”.
Radio Maria è una radio che porta in ogni casa la Parola di Dio e
l’invito alla preghiera ed alla testimonianza Cristiana.
Ringraziamo il Signore per questo aiuto prezioso dato alle nostre
famiglie. Facciamo conoscere Radio Maria a chi non la conosce
ancora e sosteniamola con generosità.
Per informazioni,
chiamate al 416-245-7117.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
On the Thanksgiving weekend, (October 9/10th), we will be
collecting donations of non-perishable food items during the
Masses. It will, then be picked up by the Good Shepherd Refuge
and distributed among the neediest in our community.