
Personal data
Address: Corso gran Priorato di Malta, 1, 81043, Capua (CE)
Via S.S. 17, n.c. 32, 86170, Isernia (IS)
Telephone: 0823/274063
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
personal research's web site: https://unina2.academia.edu/CamilloPatriarca
(official account of Naples’s “Seconda Università degli
Place and date of birth: April, the 4th 1977, Modena (Mo), Italy
Nationality: Italian
Fiscal code: PTRCLL77D04F257P
Learning and training
Dr. Camillo Patriarca has graduated in scolastic year 1995/1996 with the score 60/60 at
Gymnasium / High School “O. FASCITELLI” of Isernia (IS).
Dr. Camillo Patriarca has graduated in Law, on 20th November 2001, at Naples’s
University “FEDERICO II”, with full marks and honours, disputing the thesis in
Corporation Law “L’abuso di minoranza” (english: “Minority’s Shareholders' Unfair
Conducts”), with Professor Gian Franco Campobasso.
He has been proclaimed victor of competition for the research’s doctorate upon “Diritto
commerciale interno ed internazionale” (english: “Italian and International Commercial
and Corporate Law”), with administrative seat at Milan’s “Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore”, as second candidate, with points 98/120, on 26th April 2004.
He has taken the doctorate at Milan’s “Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, on 4th
April 2008, with thesis upon “La distribuzione degli utili in natura” (english: “The
dividend in kind”).
Working experience
He worked together on didactics of Prof. G. F. CAMPOBASSO in Commercial and
Corporate Law at Law’s Faculty of Naples’s University “FEDERICO II”, since 2001 to
He worked together on didactics of Prof. M. CAMPOBASSO in Commercial and Corporate
Law at Law’s Faculty of Naples’s “Seconda Università degli Studi” since 2004 to 2008.
He worked together on didactics of Prof. Prof. G. PALMIERI in Commercial and
Corporate Law at Law’s Faculty of “Università degli Studi del Molise” since 2002 to
Since 2008, He works together on didactics of Prof. L. PISANI in Commercial and
Corporate Law at the same Faculty.
He has worked by post doc contract in the context of PRIN 2005/2007 (english: Italian
Program of National Interest Research) – Director Prof. G. PALMIERI – at at Law’s
Faculty of “Università degli Studi del Molise” since February 15th 2007 to June 15th
He has been Professor by contract of “Securities Regulation” at Economy’s Faculty of
Naples’s “Seconda Università degli Studi” in the academic year 2007/2008.
He has worked, as Assistant Professor under trial period, at Economy’s Faculty of
Naples’s “Seconda Università degli Studi” between December 15th 2008 - December
15th 2011 and, since December 16th 2011, he works at same Faculty as full Assistant
Professor of “Commercial and Corporate Law” and “Securities Regulations”.
He has been Lecturer of "Securities Regulations" at Economy’s Faculty of Naples’s
“Seconda Università degli Studi” in the academic years 2008/2009, 2010/2011 and
2011/2012, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.
He has been Lecturer of "Commercial and Corporate Law" at Economy’s Faculty of
Naples’s “Seconda Università degli Studi” in the academic years 2009/2010 and, as
temporary deputy, 2013/2014.
He is Lecturer of "Securities Regulations" at Economy’s Faculty of Naples’s “Seconda
Università degli Studi” in the academic year 2013/2014.
He has been Lecturer of "Copyright and Antitrust Law" at Economy’s Faculty of
Naples’s “Seconda Università degli Studi” in the academic year 2012/2013 and
He is Lecturer of "Copyright and Antitrust Law" at Economy’s Faculty of Naples’s
“Seconda Università degli Studi” in the academic year 2014/2015.
He has won the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor, for the subjects
“Commercial and Corporation Law” by National Qualification Exam Commission since
December 4th 2013.
Abilities and personal Knowledges
Known Languages:
English: drafting and reading: excellent; speaking: good.
France : drafting and reading: good; speaking: sufficient.
German: elementary knowledge.
Scientific Papers
Dr. Camillo Patriarca has written the following papers:
1) Nota di commento alla sentenza del Trib. Catania, 8 novembre 2001, pubblicata in
Banca e borsa, 2003, II, 668 ss.
2) Nota di commento alla sentenza del della Corte di Cassazione, 20 settembre 2002, n.
13758, pubblicata in Banca e borsa, 2004, II, 126 ss.
3) Nota “Promotore finanziario e qualità di imprenditore” di commento alla sentenza
della Corte di Cassazione, 20 dicembre 2002, n. 18135, pubblicata in Banca e borsa,
2004, II, 141 ss., di cui si allega copia. [English: “Financial Adviser as Entrepreneur”]
4) Nota di commento alla sentenza del Trib. Napoli, 11 settembre 2003, pubblicata in
Banca e borsa, 2004, II, 480 ss.
5) Articolo “Il trasferimento trasferimento della sede all'estero”, pubblicato in Annali
dell'Università del Molise, 2005, 410 ss., di cui si allega copia. [English: “Transfer of
company's seat to Foreign Countries in Italian and European Law”]
6) Nota di commento alla sentenza del Trib. Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 25 maggio
2005, pubblicata in Banca e borsa, 2007, II, 117 ss.
7) Articolo “Le delibere consiliari viziate”, pubblicato in AA. VV., Annali
dell'Università del Molise, fascicolo 7/2005, 2006, 675 ss., di cui si allega copia
[English: “Company Board of Directors' avoidable Resolutions in Italian and European
8) Nota “Effetti del trasferimento della sede sociale all'estero sullo statuto personale
della società e fallimento” di commento alla sentenza delle Sezioni Unite della Corte di
Cassazione, 23 gennaio 2004, n. 1244, pubblicata in Banca, borsa e titoli di credito,
2006, II, 549 ss. [English: “Legal consequences of transfer of company's seat to Foreign
Countries on Company law and Bankruptcy in Italian and European Law”]
9) Monografia “La distribuzione degli utili in natura”, Napoli, ES, 2008. [English: “The
dividend in kind in Italian and European Law”]
10) Contributo “I requisiti del curatore fallimentare”, in A. PENTA, Gli organi della
procedura fallimentare. Soluzioni giudiziali e prime prassi applicative, Cedam, Padova,
2009, pp. 173-194. [English: “Bankruptcy Administrator's Requirements in Italian
11) Commenti agli artt. 2293, 2297, 2299, 2315, 2316 e 2317, in AA. VV., Codice civile
annotato con la dottrina e la giurisprudenza, diretto da G. Perlingieri, vol. V, Del
Lavoro (artt. 2060 - 2642), t. 2, Artt. 2060 - 2361, Napoli, ESI, 2010 [English:
“Commentary on Italian Civil Code”, rules relating to partnerships].
12) “La costituzione delle reti tra imprese”, in AA. VV., Reti di impresa: profili,
giuridici, finanziamento e rating, Milano, ilSole24Ore, 2011, 89 ss. [English: “The
Formation of Network Contract in Italian Law”]
13) nota “Filiale di banca e rappresentanza commerciale”, in Banca e borsa, 2012, II,
269 ss. [English: “Secondary seat of bank and commercial agency in Italian”]
14) Relazione a convegno (2010) “La responsabilità dell'ente pubblico da direzione e
coordinamento”, in "Diritto & Diritti – Rivista giuridica elettronica pubblicata su
Internet", 2012, ISSN: 1127-8579, p. 1-16 [English: “Liability of public bodies as
companies holding in Italian Law”]
15) Relazione a convegno (2011), <<Le "nuove" società tra professionisti>> in "Diritto
& Diritti – Rivista giuridica elettronica pubblicata su Internet", 2012, ISSN: 1127-8579,
p. 1-9 [English: “The new professional corporations in Italian Law”]
16) Relazione a convegno (2012), <<I “profili soggettivi" del contratto di rete tra
imprese>>, in "Diritto & Diritti – Rivista giuridica elettronica pubblicata su Internet",
2012, ISSN: 1127-8579, p. 1-18 [English: “The Limited Partnership of Network contract
in Italian Law”]
17) nota “Anticipazioni del tesoriere di enti pubblici ed apertura di credito”, in Il foro
napoletano, 2013, 317 ss. [English: “Public Treasures' “cash advances” as “arranged
overdraft” in Italian Law”]
18) Articolo “Il trattamento fallimentare del leasing tra tutela del credito del concedente
e rispetto della par condicio creditorum”, in Banca e borsa, 2013, I, 426 ss. [English:
“The Bankruptcy Law of Leasing in Italian Law”]
19) Contributo “Scioglimento della società e quota di liquidazione in natura”, in AA.
VV., Società, banche e crisi dell'impresa – Liber amicorum Pietro Abbadessa, diretto da
in kind Distribution on Company's Winding Up, in Italian and European Law”]
20) “Commenti agli artt. 72, 72 bis, 72 quater, 73, 104, 104 bis e 146”, in corso di
pubblicazione nel Commentario alla legge fallimentare, a cura di OLIVIERI e
PISCITELLO, UTET, Torino, 2015 [English: “Commentary on Italian Bankruptcy Law”,
rules relating to effects of bankruptcy on pending contracts, authorization for act and
doing business, liability of directors in case of bankruptcy]
21) “Commento all'art. 2377”, in corso di pubblicazione in AA. VV., Le fonti del diritto
italiano. Codice delle società per azioni, a cura di PIETRO ABBADESSA e GIUSEPPE B.
PORTALE e con il coordinamento di VINCENZO CARIELLO e UMBERTO TOMBARI, Giuffré,
Milano, 2015 [English: “Commentary on Italian Company Law”, rule relating to
avoidable resolutions of general meetings of shareholders].
22) with Prof. G. PALMIERI (first Author), “Commento all'art. 2379”, in corso di
pubblicazione in AA. VV., Le fonti del diritto italiano. Codice delle società per azioni, a
cura di PIETRO ABBADESSA e GIUSEPPE B. PORTALE e con il coordinamento di
VINCENZO CARIELLO e UMBERTO TOMBARI, Giuffré, Milano, 2015. [English:
“Commentary on Italian Company Law”, rule relating to void resolutions of general
meetings of shareholders].
Isernia, December 31st 2014