7th-10th 2015 - Olio Capitale


7th-10th 2015 - Olio Capitale
7 -10
Trieste, Italy
Join the exclusive
hosted buyer program 2015
Eventi Aries
you are invited to join the 2015 hosted buyer program
The 9th edition of Olio Capitale - top quality extra-virgin olive oil
expo will be held from 7th to 10th March 2015 along the seafront
of the beautiful city of Trieste, Italy.
The event is organized by Aries - Trieste Chamber of Commerce,
in cooperation with the Italian Association “Città dell’Olio” and
under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture.
Olio Capitale is a show case of the best evo oils, an emblem of
Made in Italy excellence. An exhibition designed to offer olive oil
buyers and professionals from all over the world the opportunity to
meet and start business relationships.
the event is the only professional exhibition in Italy
exclusively devoted to extra-virgin olive oil
Olio Capitale is not only the most exhaustive olive oil exhibition but also:
guided tasting sessions
to learn how to taste and choose the best olive oil
cooking shows
on olive oil / food matches and cooking demonstrations
a prestigious contest
of the best evo oils of the Mediterranean area
seminars and workshops
focused on olive oil markets
your Olio Capitale hosted buyer experience
Attend Olio Capitale - leading top quality extra-virgin olive
oil expo this March and you will meet face-to-face with the
best olive oil producers.
Decide which olive oil you prefer and find new suppliers
choosing among hundreds of labels from all Italian producing
regions. In a year which has seen a sizable olive oil shortage
make sure to attend the first event of the season to pick your
favourite evo oils.
Profit from the training program and learn from the experts how
to taste and choose an olive oil
Attend cooking classes to find the correct matching olive
If you are a food buyer, wholesaler, importer or distributor of food specialities, GDO buyer, restaurant
professional or fine food retailer, make the best decision and apply today for the exclusive
hosted buyer program.
Join our buyer program 2015 and be part of the
fine food business community
Your Olio Capitale Hosted Buyer experience
will include:
A personalized agenda of appointments with
exhibitors of your choice among hundreds of
Interpreting service during the exhibition
Networking opportunites
Tasting classes with evo oil sommeliers
Complimentary flight tickets
for extra European buyers only.
Arranged transfer from/to Trieste airport
Up to 4 night 4* hotel accommodation for 1
person (check in on March 6th)
Special rates for a post show guided tour
to the beautiful city of Venice
Attend Olio Capitale
Tailor made options for
your participation.
Find out more about the
benfits available on the
application form
facts & figures 2014
306 exhibitors
from all Italian producing areas,
Croatia and Greece
10.600 visitors
30 countries
one-to-one tailor made
business meetings
International buyers from
Austria, Brasil, Canada, Japan, Russia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Switzerland,
Poland, Great Britain, Slovenia, China, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, USA
business meetings | training classes | networking opportunities
2014 exhibitors
ACLI Racale Soc. Agr. Cooperativa; Adamo Piccini; AFROL - Associazione Friulana
Olivicoltori; Agrestis Soc. Coop Agricola; Agricola E. De Deo Soc. Coop.; Agricoltura
Progresso Soc. Coop. Arl di Termizzi; Agridè Srl Bitonto Frantoio Oleario; Agroprodukt doo; AIPO - Associazione Interregionale Produttori Olivicoli; APROL Abruzzo
Soc. Coop. Agric.; Aprol Foggia Soc. Coop. Aor. P.A.; Asproevo - Associazione
Olivicoltori Zona Collinare del FVG; Associazione Capol; Associazione Culturale
Olivicoltori Terra di Cicerone; Associazione Nazionale Donne dell'Olio; Associazione
Olivicoltori Tarcento; Az. Agr. "Sorelle Barnaba" SS; Az. Agr. Acquaviva snc; Az. Agr.
Adamo Sas; Az. Agr. Adriatica Vivai - Olio Profumi di Castro; Az. Agr. Alma Mater Bio;
Az. Agr. Arcaverde di Maria Grazia Barone; Az. Agr. Baglio Ingardia; Az. Agr. Biologica "La Castignola"; Az. Agr. Biologica "Lu Cavaliere"; Az. Agr. Biologica Quattrociocchi Americo; Az. Agr. Biologica Titone; Az. Agr. Bonanno Domenico; Az. Agr. Bova
Paolo; Az. Agr. Buonamici; Az. Agr. Caiati Giovanna; Az. Agr. Campetella; Az. Agr.
Cannarozzi Michele; Az. Agr. Cariglia Matteo; Az. Agr. Casa Montecucco; Az. Agr.
Ciliberti Matteo; Az. Agr. Coletta Filomena; Az. Agr. Colle Sant'Angelo; Az. Agr.
Colline di Marostica di Bertacco Maria Adelaide; Az. Agr. Costa Panera; Az. Agr.
Cristiano Antonio; Az. Agr. Cuonzo Franco; Az. Agr. De Lorenzo; Az. Agr. Dellorusso
Fancesca "Donna Francesca"; Az. Agr. Di Matteo Canzano; Az.Agr. DiRusso Cosmo;
Diana; Az. Agr. Doria Srl; Az. Agr. e Oleificio Bagni di Mozzicato G.; Az. Agr. Elvira De Leo; Az. Agr. F.lli Mangano; Az. Agr. Fanella Maurizio; Az. Agr. Fenucci Raffaele; Az. Agr. Fisicaro Sebastiana Premiati Frantoi Galioto; Az. Agr. Francesca De Leo Alberti; Az. Agr. Francesco Roperti; Az. Agr. Fusiello Nicola;
Az. Agr. Gabriella Stansfield; Az. Agr. Giacomo Grassi; Az. Agr. Grazia Caputi Iambrenghi; Az. Agr. Gregorio de Gregorio; Az. Agr. Il Colle di Flavia Paoletti;
Az. Agr. Italia Giuseppina; Az. Agr. La Montagnola di Marcello iraci Borgia; Az. Agr. La Pila; Az. Agr. La Tenuta dei Ricordi; Az. Agr. L'Arco Antico; Az. Agr.
Laura De Parri; Az. Agr. Le Vie Bianche di Daniela e Raffaella Spada; Az. Agr. Leone Sabino; Az. Agr. Ligorio Anna Maria; Az. Agr. Mandranova; Az. Agr.
Marco Licastro; Az. Agr. Margherita Carducci Artenisio; Az. Agr. Maria Cristina Leonardi; Az. Agr. Maria Eleonora Acton; Az. Agr. Maria Possenti Castelli
dal 1301; Az. Agr. Marino Maurizio; Az. Agr. Masseria Salamina SS; Az. Agr. Michelangelo Di Mauro; Az. Agr. Michele Murgolo La Macina del Murgolo; Az.
Agr. Milazzo; Az. Agr. Mitolo Nicola; Az. Agr. Moffa Salvatore; Az. Agr. Nicola Monterisi; Az. Agr. Pacini Laura e Pietro S.S.A.A.; Az. Agr. Pacioni Barbara;
Az. Agr. Palimodde Mariantonia; Az. Agr. Pannarale Mario; Az. Agr. Pignataro; Az. Agr. Pizzolorusso Emanuele; Az. Agr. Podere Le Olle di Marina Caldera;
Az. Agr. Posta Pastorella; Az. Agr. Prencipe Maria Rosa; Az. Agr. Ragameli di Pantano Paolo; Az. Agr. Ramundo Tonia; Az. Agr. Reto di Montisoni; Az. Agr.
Ricucci Alfredo; Az. Agr. Ritrovato Matteo; Az. Agr. Rizzi Pasquale; Az. Agr. San Leo di Boneghi L. & L. Snc; Az. Agr. Santa Tecla; Az. Agr. Sinatra Gaetano
Salvatore; Az. Agr. Sirolli Ezio; Az. Agr. Talente di Toschi Antonella Federica; Az. Agr. Tiziano Donatina; Az. Agr. Tocci Raffaele; Az. Agr. Tortora; Az. Agr.
Triolo Gaspare "Terre di Gratia"; Az. Agr. Vincenzo Brazzaventre; Az. Agr. Zorzettig di Zorzettig cav. Giuseppe s.s.a; Azienda Fontana di Pietra; Azienda
Maselli Giorgio; Azienda Persiani Sas di Tini Helvia; Azienda Speciale CCIAA Imperia "Riviera dei Fiori"; Azienda Tomei Claudio; Balliana Francesco;
Bilaja doo; Bujar Zeqo; Bursic; Calaciura Salvatore Srl; Caligiuri Pietro; Camera di Commercio di Catania; Camera di Commercio di Firenze; Camera di
Commercio di Frosinone; Camera di Commercio di Lecce; Camera di Commercio di Nuoro; Camera di Commercio di Siracusa; Caporale Sabino Antonio;
Castro Alfio; Cazzetta - Olio dal 1899 (Terra D'Otranto Srl); Cinque Colli; Città di Andria; Città di Fasano; Cocco Luigi; Col d'Orcia; Colture Olivicole Boris
Pangerc; Comune di Bisceglie; Comune di Bitetto; Comune di Bitonto; Comune di Canosa di Puglia; Comune di Castellana Grotte; Comune di Corato;
Comune di Giovinazzo; Comune di Minervino Murge; Comune di Monopoli; Comune di Terlizzi; Comune di Vieste; Consoli Pasquale & Fratelli Snc;
Consorzio di Tutela D.O.P. Cilento; Consorzio Mangiamoli; Consorzio Olio Tergeste DOP; Consorzio Olivicolo Colline del Gran Sasso; Consorzio Sapori
di Murgia; Consorzio Tutela Olio DOP Terra d’Otranto; Consorzio Volontario Fitosanitario Siena; Coop. Agricola Madonna del Rosario Scarl; Coop. Agricola Olearia Sannicolese; Coop. CO.P.A.PE.; Coopagricola Biscegliese Soc. Coop. Arl; Cooperativa Agricola Coppa Rossa; Cooperativa Agricola Sipias;
Cooperativa APOM Agricola Produttori Olivicoltori Messinesi; Corapuliae Srl; Croatian Chamber of Economy; Di Molfetta Pantaleo & C. Snc; Easysnap
Co-Packing - Easypack Solutions S.r.l.; Elois best Cooperation (Associazione Agricola); Ente Parco Nazionale del Gargano; ERSA - Agenzia Regionale
per lo Sviluppo Rurale; Factory Cap; Fanito; Fattoria della Campana di Giovanna Campana; Fattoria Ramerino; Fattorie Parri Soc. Agr.; Frantoio Acri;
Frantoio Bonamini; Frantoio Cacioli Srl; Frantoio Colle Verolani; Frantoio del Colle di Pichini Maria Grazia; Frantoio Ghiglione Sas; Frantoio Oleario
"Feudo dei Verita" di Lione Isabella Cristina & C. Snc; Frantoio Oleario Az. Agr. Paolella Marino; Frantoio Oleario dott. Rana Domenico PO; Frantoio
Oleario F.lli Gervasi Sas; Frantoio Oleario Farese Sas; Frantoio Oleario Fazio Antonio Snc; Frantoio Oleario Fazio Vincenzo; Frantoio Oleario Gabrielloni
E. & G.; Frantoio Oleario Gaspare Sarullo; Frantoio Oleario Marrone Nicola; Frantoio Oleario Scaringella Tiziano; Frantoio Oleario Somma Giovanni;
Frantoio Poggialto Sas di Tiberi Nazzareno; Frantoio Polizzi di Giangreco Luigi E C. Sas; Frantoio Pruneti Srl; Frantoio Stelio Sbaraglia - Olio L'Acropoli;
GAL "Le Città del Castel del Monte"; GAL Gargano - Gruppo Azione Locale G. Scarl; GAL Gruppo Azione Locale Sila Greca Basso Jonio Cosentino; Gal
I Sentieri del Buon Vivere Scarl; GAL Ponte Lama; GAL Serre Salentine Srl; Giuseppe Calvi & C. Srl; Grotte di Castellana Srl; Guido Veneziani Editore
-Vero Cucina; I.R.V.O.S. - Istituto Regionale Vini e Oli di Sicilia; Impero Biol Srl; Ipsa doo; ISI Food Srl; Kapronca doo; L & O sas di Ostuni Grazia; La Casa
dell'Olio di Sirena Alimentari Srl; La Mola di Annamaria Billi soc. agr. ss; Le Tre Colonne; Librandi Pasquale Soc. Agr.; Lima Giacomo; Loliva Giovanni;
Manghisi Pietro; Marina Colonna Soc. Agr. Srl; Masseria Erasmi; Masseria Il Capitolo Srl; Masseria Narducci di Narducci Gianfelice; Masseria Pezze
Galere di Alba Guarini; Massimo Mancini; Mediterranea Food; MSC Srl; Netti Maria Caterina; Oleificio Capogreco; Oleificio Casale Sas di Ingianni Angelo
& C.; Oleificio Cooperativo di Monopoli Soc. Coop. Agricola; Oleificio Cooperativo Di Venafro; Oleificio Cooperativo Produttori Agricoli arl; Oleificio Demuru
Paolo; Oleificio di Vito; Oleificio F.lli Vieste; Oleificio Garzo Pietro; Oleificio Renna Srl; Oleificio Rotondo; Oleificio San Giacomo di Di Carlo Maria; Oleificio
San Luca Srl; Oleificio Sociale Cooperativo A. Viterbo Srl; Oleificio Terrano Sas; Olio Cru Consorzio Srl; Olivarte Sas di Antonio Prisco; OPG Josko Veza;
OPG Vilim Belovic; Pace Leone; Paolo Donzella; Parovel Vigneti e Oliveti; Pasticceria Mastrangelo; Petruzzi Giovanni; Podere La Casa di Gindalia Daniela; PRIM.OL.JO Srl; Provincia di Bari; Provincia di Isernia; Provincia di Latina; PU.MA Snc di Pupillo & C.; Quoliter Srl; Rita Societa' Agricola; Romano
Vincenzo & C. Sas; Rotolo Antonio; Rucco Oronzo; S.S. Agricola Terre d'Olivi; Salvagno Giovanni Frantoio per Olive; Sgobba Srl; Sirio Agroindustria; Soc.
Agr. "De Albentiis"; Soc. Agr. Agricoltura Fanizza S.S.; Soc. Agr. Apuliense; Soc. Agr. Doria; Soc. Agr. F.lli Savoia; Soc. Agr. Fonte di Foiano SS; Soc. Agr.
Podere del Vescovo SS; Soc. Agr. Reine et Rose Srl; Soc. Agr. Rocca Pietro & Rita; Soc. Agr. Salentino Srl - Pietregiovani Puglia; Soc. Agricola Donna
Oleria srl; Soc. Consortile Extrapuglia; Soc. Consortile Leader Teramano; Soc. Consortile Oro di Andria; Soc. Coop. Agricola Olivicoltori Valle del Cedrino;
Soc. Coop. Agr. Produttori Valle di Comino; Soc. Coop. Etna Sapori arl; Soc. Coop. L'Agricola Montalbanese; Soc. Coop. Rinascita Agricola Srl; Società
F.lli Piccolo; Solidòr; Sommariva Tradizione Agricola; Tenuta Caselle di Giambattista Lucrezia; Tenuta Eleonora di Toledo Srl; Tenuta Iemolo Az. Agr.;
Tenuta Zuppini di Carlo Matone; Terre dell'Etruria - Coagri; Tesoro Vincenzo; Tipico di Puglia di Modugno Giuseppe; Turri Fratelli Srl;
Tutino Vittorio; Uliveto Caselle Di Nando di Nadia Fava; Uljara Baioco doo; UNASCO Scarl; Valente Vitantonio Snc; Viragì Sas
If you are a food buyer, wholesaler, importer or distributor of food specialities, GDO buyer,
restaurant professional or fine food retailer, apply to join the Olio Capitale hosted buyer
program and take andvantage of the exclusive benefits it provides.
Apply today or contact our Show Team to find out more:
Tel. +39. 040.6701240 - 335 | email: [email protected]
Download the application form: www.oliocapitale.it/eng/buyer
7-8-9 MARCH
10.00 - 19.00
10.00 - 14.00
Stazione Marittima
Molo Bersaglieri 3, 34124 Trieste- Italy
Aries - Camera di Commercio di Trieste | tel. +39 040 6701281 - 240 | Fax +39 040 365001
[email protected] - www.oliocapitale.it
2015 Dear Buyer,
thank you for your interest in Olio Capitale expo 2015. By sending us back this form you can apply for the inclusion in the Hosted
Buyer Program 2015 (March 7-10, 2015).
Applications are subject to previous approval by the Organizer, formal invitation will follow.
Please send us the application within February 18th, 2015.
Our Buyers’ Secretariat is at your disposal for any further info (tel. +39.040.6701 335 - 240 - [email protected]).
Please notice, fully hosted buyer package including flight is applicable only to hosted buyers coming from extra European countries.
Company :
Name and position of the participant:
Languages spoken:  ITALIAN ENGLISH  GERMAN  OTHER: ……………………………………………………………………
mobile n.:
COMPANY PROFILE brief description (mandatory):
Belonging to group or chain?: YES Specify: …………......………………………………………….. NO
ACTIVITY:  Importer
 Distributor
 Retailer…  HoReCa
 Other (Specify):…............................................................................
CLIENTS (%): Wholesalers:....... GDO:...... Retailers: ...... Ho.Re.Ca: …… End users: ...... Mail-order:……
AREA/Region covered:
Number of staff:
 1- 5  6-10  11- 50  51-100
 101-500
 >500
Already dealing with EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL?: YES NO
If yes from: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Are you also interested in meeting producers of olive oil based food products (olives, paté, in-oils, etc.)
Are you also interested in meeting balsamic vinegar producers YES NO
Are you also interested in meeting olive oil producers from: Croatia Greece Spain
Please specify if you are NOT interested in meeting olive oil producers from specific Italian regions:
Range of price you are interested in (mandatory information!): from € ...................../per litre
Place and Date
to € ...................../per litre
Stamp and Signature
_________________________ ________________________ Event Organizer: Aries ‐ Trieste Chamber of Commerce tel +39.040.6701281 ‐ fax +39.040.365001 ‐ [email protected] ‐ www.oliocapitale.it 1 BUYERS APPLICATION FORM ‐ Olio Capitale 2015 Company :
Name and position of the participant:
During your visit to Olio Capitale, are you mostly interested in meeting producers from which of the following Italian territories:
North West
(Liguria, Lombardia/Garda)
North East
(Veneto, Trentino, Friuli
Venezia Giulia)
(Tuscany, Lazio, Abruzzo,
Marche, Umbria)
(Calabria, Molise, Basilicata,
Campania, Puglia)
Sicily and Sardinia
no certifications
Small quantities
(< 3.000 l)
Medium quantities
(3.000 l - 15.000 l)
Big quantities
(>15.000 l)
Privacy policy: your data will be treated in accordance with “D.Lgs 196/03” by Azienda Speciale Aries - Trieste Chamber of Commerce.
Place and Date
Stamp and Signature
_________________________ ________________________ Fill in and send within Monday, February, 18h 2015 to: [email protected] – fax +39.040.365001
Event Organizer: Aries ‐ Trieste Chamber of Commerce tel +39.040.6701281 ‐ fax +39.040.365001 ‐ [email protected] ‐ www.oliocapitale.it 2 Olio Capitale Hosted Buyer Program Terms & Conditions 2015
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
Olio Capitale or “Exhibition” refers to the show which is owned and organised by Aries Azienda Speciale della Camera di
Commercio di Trieste (henceforth referred to as Aries) to be held at the Stazione Marittima in Trieste 7 March - 10 March 2015.
“Show Team” refers to the Olio Capitale Team for the Exhibition at Aries, P.zza della Borsa 14, 34121 Trieste, Italy.
"Exhibitors" refers to the exhibitors who have purchased a stand space from Aries at Olio Capitale.
“Hosted Buyer” refers to the food professional who has applied to be a Hosted Buyer and has agreed to these Terms and
Conditions and has been accepted by Aries to attend the Exhibition as a buyer where complimentary accommodation, transfers
and flights are provided by Aries according to the hosted buyer packages.
“Pre-Scheduled Meeting Agenda” refers to the appointment program between Buyers and Exhibitors scheduled by Aries
according to the buyers’ choice stated in the application form (subject to the availability of the counterpart). Pre-Scheduled
meetings will take place at exhibitors’ booth during the Exhibition.
“Speed Matching Sessions” refers to the 2-hour-session of 15-minute meetings between hosted buyers and exhibitors (1
session per each day of attendance). The speed matching sessions are arranged by the Show team and cannot take into
consideration the hosted buyers’ preferences.
“No Show” refers to a Hosted Buyer who does not take part to the required number of appointments and Speed Matching
Sessions and is reported by exhibitors or Show Team as a “No Show”, or a Hosted Buyer who does not inform the Show Team of
a cancellation prior to February 26th 2015.
2. Hosted Buyer Complimentary Packages
2.1 Hosted Buyers (Fully Hosted with flight) reserved to new buyers coming from extra European countries
Hosted Buyers (Fully Hosted Buyers with flight) will receive from Aries complimentary:
 Round-trip economy flight ticket from selected points of departure.
 Round-trip transfers from/to Trieste Airport to downtown Trieste. For arrivals to Venice airport transfer possibility will be
evaluated case by case.
 Up to 4 nights accommodation (room only), in one of the official 4 star hotels.
 Entry to Olio Capitale.
 Pre-scheduled appointments with exhibitors of buyers’ choice (subject to availability) and speed matching sessions in a
personalised agenda.
 Welcome drink.
 Refreshments in the Olio Capitale Hosted Buyer lounge.
2.2 Hosted Buyers (Semi Hosted without flight) for buyers coming from European countries
Hosted Buyers (Semi Hosted without travel) will receive from Aries complimentary:
Up to 4 nights accommodation (room only), in one of the official 4 star hotels.
Entry to Olio Capitale
Pre-scheduled appointments with exhibitors of buyers’ choice (subject to availability) and speed matching sessions in a
personalised agenda.
Welcome drink
Refreshments in the Olio Capitale Hosted Buyer lounge.
As a condition for receiving the complimentary services from the Show Team, Hosted Buyers will be required to:
select a number of appointment preferences by submitting the buyer application form no later than February 18th 2015.
Take part to the 2 hours speed matching sessions scheduled in their agenda (1 session per day).
Take part to the required number of appointments scheduled in their agenda.
Rearrange directly with the exhibitor if an appointment is missed, and report any change to the Show Team.
Event Organizer: Aries ‐ Trieste Chamber of Commerce tel +39.040.6701281 ‐ fax +39.040.365001 ‐ [email protected] ‐ www.oliocapitale.it 3 2.3 Failure by the Hosted Buyer to comply with the requirements stated above may result in a review of the person’s Hosted Buyer
status and / or exclusion from the Olio Capitale Hosted Buyer Program and will be required to refund the accommodation costs.
A significant shortfall by the Hosted Buyer on the minimum commitment with respect to attending appointments and Speed
matching sessions shall be treated by the Show Team as a cancellation. Attendance at the above will be monitored on site by
the Show Team.
3. Travel and Accommodation for Hosted Buyers
3.1 The Show Team will supply the Hosted Buyer (new buyer Fully Hosted with flight) with a return/roundtrip flight ticket from
designated point(s) of departure to Trieste or Venice airport either directly or connecting through appropriate ports.
Flight schedule for Fully hosted buyer will be arranged by the Show Team on dates suitable for attendance at the show. Please
note that these arrangements are non-transferable. The travel times will be allocated to ensure maximum time at the Exhibition.
Any additional costs in reaching the agreed point of departure will be the responsibility of the Hosted Buyer. All flight tickets
provided by the Show Team shall be standard economy fare. No upgrades will be available.
3.2 The Show Team will provide the Hosted Buyer with return transfers from Trieste international airport to downtown Trieste
(booked by the Show Team) according to the flight schedule.
3.3 The Show Team will provide the Hosted Buyer with the offered number of nights’ accommodation in Trieste (depending on the
package offered) during the show. This will be on a room only basis (breakfast included). The Show Team will not be
responsible for extra room costs incurred during the stay.
4. Cancellation by the Hosted Buyer
4.1 All cancellations must be received by the Show Team by email ([email protected]) and must be acknowledged by the show
team to be effective no later than February 26th 2015.
4.2 A significant shortfall by the Hosted Buyer on their minimum commitment with respect to attending appointments and Speed
Matching sessions shall be treated by the Show Team as a No Show.
5. Exclusion of Liability
5.1 The Show Team takes no responsibility for:
Individual visa requirements, travel permits, other licences will be the sole responsibility of the Hosted Buyer including any
necessary cost incurred.
6. General - Hosted Buyers
6.1 Completion of the application form to become a Hosted Buyer at the Exhibition does not automatically guarantee a place on the
Hosted Buyer Program.
Applicants will be notified by the Show Team if their application is successfully accepted. The Show Team's decision is final.
6.2 Successful applicants will only be accepted as Hosted Buyers if they have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions and
have ticked the relevant boxes on the application form.
6.3 All sections of the application form must be completed. Failure to do so will result in the application not being processed.
6.4 Persons accompanying the Hosted Buyer are not included in any offers regarding the Hosted Buyer Program.
Event Organizer: Aries ‐ Trieste Chamber of Commerce tel +39.040.6701281 ‐ fax +39.040.365001 ‐ [email protected] ‐ www.oliocapitale.it 4