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II Edizione delle
Giornate di Studio sulle Nanotecnologie
GioNa 2016
Roma, 22-23 giugno 2016
Editor: Filiberto Bilotti
GioNa - Giornate di Studio sulle Nanotecnologie
Le giornate di studio sulle nanotecnologie si propongono di costituire un foro per i
ricercatori che in Ateneo hanno interessi rivolti ai vari aspetti dell'aggregazione della
materia su scale di dimensionalità ridotta. Le giornate sono volte a stimolare la
discussione ed il confronto tra gruppi di ricerca provenienti da diversi Dipartimenti
con l'obbiettivo di facilitare le collaborazioni scientifiche interdipartimentali e creare
un portafoglio di competenze complementari che Roma Tre potrà utilizzare nella
creazione di partnership nazionali ed internazionali per partecipare a progetti di
ricerca competitivi.
Eventi precedenti
I Edizione delle Giornate di Studio sulle Nanotecnologie
GioNa 2015 - 28-29 Gennaio 2015
GioNa 2016
La II Edizione delle Giornate di Studio sulle Nanotecnologie - GioNa 2016 promossa dai Dipartimenti di Ingegneria, Scienze e Matematica&Fisica, si è svolta
nei giorni 22-23 giugno 2016 presso l'Aula delle Conferenze del Dipartimento di
Ingegneria (Via Volterra 62 - Nuova Vasca Navale, Corpo B).
GioNa 2016 ha visto la presentazione di contributi sia orali che poster. Il Comitato
Scientifico ha selezionato per la presentazione orale i contributi da parte di gruppi che
non hanno presentato le proprie attività nell'edizione 2015 ed i contributi con spiccato
carattere formativo-divulgativo (ad es. presentazione degli strumenti teorici,
modellistici, numerici e sperimentali che i singoli gruppi possono mettere a
disposizione dei dottorandi dei dipartimenti coinvolti) ed informativo-collaborativo
(ad es. presentazione delle attività di ricerca correnti con particolare riferimento agli
aspetti sui quali è necessario estendere le competenze del gruppo avvalendosi delle
collaborazioni con altri gruppi). Per i contributi a carattere marcatamente disciplinare
e che riguardano lo sviluppo di ricerche già presentate nell'edizione 2015 il Comitato
ha proposto la presentazione in modalità poster.
Comitato Scientifico di GioNa 2016
Filiberto Bilotti (chair)
Francesco Asdrubali
Edoardo Bemporad
Fabio Bruni
Gabriella Cincotti
Roberto Raimondi
Giuseppe Schettini
Enrico Silva
Giovanni Sotgiu
Gianni Stefani
Daniela Tofani
Paolo Visca
10:30 12:00"
M." Vittori" Antisari," “Strategie#di#sviluppo#di#materiali#e#nanomateriali#in#
ambito# europeo;# opportunità# di# collaborazione# nell’# ambito# di# Horizon#
G.! Capellini,! G.! Niu,! Y.! Yamamoto,! P.! Zaumseil,! M.! A.! Schubert,! T.!
Schroeder,! B.! Tillack,! “Nanoheteroepitaxy# of# defectFfree# Ge# islands# on#
• A.!Verna,!F.!Offi,!A.!Y.!Petrov,!A.!Giglia,!B.!A.!Davidson,!S.!Nannarone,!G.!
Stefani,! “Resonant#XFray#reflectivity#study#of#the#Fe/CoO#exchange#bias#
• S.! Concolato,! G.! Sotgiu,! M.! Urbini,! M.! Orsini,! “Activation# of# titanium#
• L.! Mancino,! E.! Roccia,! M.! Sbroscia,! I.! Gianani,! M.! Paternostro,! M.!
Barbieri,! “InformationFthermodynamics# perspectives# on# quantum#
• E.! Roccia,! I.! Gianani,! L.! Mancino,! M.! Sbroscia,! F.! Somma,! M.! Barbieri,!
• V.!Nigro,!R.!Angelini,!F.!Bruni,!M.!A.!Ricci,!B.!Ruzicka,!“Phase#transitions#
• D.! Ramaccia,! A.! Toscano,! F.! Bilotti,! “SuperFspherical# coreFshell#
nanoparticles:# Nanostructured# materials# enabling# applications# in# the#
• I.!Luisetto,!S.!Tuti,!C.!Sarno,!D.!De!Felicis,!S.!Licoccia,!E.!Di!Bartolomeo,!
“Ni# nanoparticles# supported# on# γFAl2O3# promoted# by# Ru# as# efficient#
catalyst# for# the# dry# reforming# of# methane:# packed# and# monolithic#
• A.! Monti,! A.! Toscano,! F.! Bilotti,! “Optical# metasurfaces# based# on#
• F.!Asdrubali,!P.!Gori,!C.!Guattari,!L.!Evangelisti,!G.!Grazieschi,!“A#review#
of# the# thermal# properties# of# superFinsulating# materials:# NIM,# VIP# and#
• P.!Baccarelli,!S.!Ceccuzzi,!C.!Ponti,!G.!Schettini,!“Electromagnetic#bandF
gap# structures# and# technologies# in# the# millimeterFwave# and# THz#
• G.!De!Simone,!P.!Ascenzi,!F.!Polticelli,!“Nitrobindin:#an#ubiquitous#family#
• M.! Renzelli,! M.! Z.! Mughal,! M.Sebastiani,! E.Bemporad,! “Design# of#
• M.! Z.! Mughal,! R.! Moscatelli,! M.! Sebastiani,! E.! Bemporad! “Effect# of#
• R.! Moscatelli,! M.! Sebastiani,! D.! De! Felicis,! E.! Bemporad,! “HighFspeed#
nanoindentation:# a# novel# tool# for# mechanical# characterization# of# high#
• M.! Ghidelli,! M.! Sebastiani,! C.A.! Charitidis,! E.! Bemporad,! “Mechanical#
behavior# of# vertically# aligned# carbon# nanotubes# carpets# by#
• L.!Carlini,!G.!Testa,!C.!Fasolato,!I.!Fratoddi,!I.!Venditti,!P.!Postorino,!C.!
Battocchio,! G.! Polzonetti,! “Characterization# of# noble# metal#
nanoparticles# functionalized# by# moleculeFcapping# method# with# mixed#
• F.!D'Angelo,!A.!Zennaro,!M.!Messina,!D.!Tofani,!Y.!Kuruma,!L.!Leoni,!P.!
Stano,! G.! Rampioni! “Generation# of# synthetic# cells# interfacing# with#
• S.! Franchi,! V.! Secchi,! M.! Dettin,! B.! Bochicchio,! A.! Vladescu,! C.!
Battocchio,! G.! Polzonetti,! G.! Iucci,! “Characterization#of#nanostructured#
• G.! Lanzara,! K.! Samadikhah,! Y.! Chen,! A.! Casalotti,! M.! Di! Caprio,! E.!
Barresi,! M.! Talò,! L.! Basiricò,! E.! Bemporad,! F.! Carassiti,! “2D# and# 3D#
• M.! Sebastiani,! D.! De! Felicis,! E.! Bemporad! “Progress# towards#
R." Pini," “Opportunities# with# lightFactivated# plasmonic# nanoparticles# for#
G.! Longo,! S.! Kasas,! S.! Dinarelli,! M.! Girasole,! “Atomic# force# microscopy#
G.! Iucci,! S.! Franchi,! V.! Secchi,! M.! Santi,! C.! Battocchio,! M.! Dettin,! B.!
Bochicchio,! L.! Cipolla,! G.! Polzonetti,! “SelfFassembling# peptides# for# tissue#
Tavola" Rotonda" “Ricerca' accademica' e' ricerca' industriale:' un'
C." Calandra," “Ricercatori# (universitari# o# di# enti)# e# progetti# di# ricerca#
F.! Offi,! “High#energy#photoemission:#a#new#bulk#sensitive#spectroscopy#for#
L.! Colace,! A.! De! Iacovo,! L.! Scopa,! S.! Foglia,! “Colloidal# quantum# dot#
R.! Loria,! C.! Meneghini,! E.! Silva,! G.! De! Marzi,! S.! Anzellini,! “The# effect# of#
hydrostatic# pressure# on# the# structural# properties# of# Nb3Sn:# ab# initio#
L.! Piperno,! V.! Pinto,! A.! Angrisani! Armenio,! G.! De! Marzi,! A.! Mancini,! F.!
Rizzo,! A.! Vannozzi,! A.! Rufoloni,! A.! Augieri,! V.! Galluzzi,! A.! Frolova,!
N.Pompeo,! E.! Silva,! G.! Sotgiu,! K.! Torokhtii,! F.! Fabbri,! R.! Lamanna,! R.! B.!
G.! Celentano,! “Study# of# two# different# Artificial# Pinning# strategies# in#
F.! Bilotti,! A.! Toscano,! M.! Barbuto,! A.! Monti,! D.! Ramaccia,! A.! Tobia,! F.!
Trotta,! S.! Vellucci,! “Metamaterials# and# related# applications# at# visible#
Pea,! M.! De! Seta,! “Layer# by# layer# growth# of# CVD# graphene# on# Ge(100)#
Marco Vittori Antisari - Nato a Roma il 17/5/1950. Diploma di Maturità Classica presso il
Liceo Classico M.Minghetti di Bologna nell'anno scolastico 1967/68. Laurea in Fisica presso
l'Università di Bologna il 3/4/1973 con votazione di 110/110 e Lode. 1973-1978 titolare di
assegno di ricerca presso il Laboratorio di Microscopia Elettronica dell'Istituto di Fisica
dell'Università di Bologna. 1978-2015 ricercatore presso ENEA (CNEN). L’attività di ricerca
principalmente incentrata sull’utilizzo di tecniche di microscopia elettronica in problematiche
di scienza dei materiali. Da 1998 a 2001 Ricercatore senior responsabile per le attività di
caratterizzazione microstrutturale. Da 2002 a 2010 responsabile della Sezione “Materiali
Compositi e Nanostrutturati” del Dipartimento “Tecnologie Fisiche e Nuovi Materiali” Da
Aprile 2010 a marzo 2015 Responsabile della “Unità Tecnica Tecnologie dei Materiali” Da
maggio 2015 Presidente della Associazione Nanoitaly. Editore di tre volumi a stampa, autore
di più di centocinquanta pubblicazioni su riviste a diffusione internazionale con referee, e di
più di cento comunicazioni a Congressi nazionali ed internazionali. Relatore ad invito in
diversi Congressi nazionali ed internazionali. Ulteriori attività. Attività di docenza in più di
una ventina fra corsi sia di aggiornamento professionale e Scuole Estive su Microscopia
Elettronica e Scienza dei Materiali. Di tali Scuole é stato invitato ad assumere la Direzione in
diverse occasioni. Professore a contratto presso l'Università di Ancona (Facoltà di Ingegneria,
Corso di Metallurgia)
su Tecniche di Caratterizzazione Microstrutturale nell'anno
accademico 1989-1990. Professore a contratto presso l'Università di Viterbo, Scuola di
Specializzazione in “Tutela e Valorizzazione dei beni Storico-Artistici” negli anni accademici
dal 1998-2004. Membro dell’Advisory Board del Master su “Microscopia elettronica: uno
strumento per la salvaguardia ambientale e la qualità industriale” svolto dall’ ISUFI dell’
Università di Lecce nell’anno accademico 1999-2000. Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della
Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica dal 1986 al 1995. Presidente della Società Italiana
di Microscopia Elettronica dal 1996 al 2001. Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della Società
Europea di Microscopia dal 2001. Membro del consiglio scientifico di diversi Congressi di
Microscopia Elettronica e di Scienza dei Materiali, nazionali ed internazionali. Editore
Associato per l'Italia delle riviste: "Acta Metallurgica et Materialia" e "Scripta Metallurgica et
Materialia" dal 1990 al 1996. Socio Onorario della Società Italiana di Scienze Microscopiche
(già Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica) dal 2003. Membro del Consiglio Direttivo di dal 2002 al 2005 e dal 2012 al 2015. Membro del Consiglio Scientifico del
Centro di Microscopia Elettronica dell’ Area della Ricerca di Firenze del CNR. Membro
dell’albo degli esperti del MIUR, del MAP, della Regione Emilia-Romagna e della Regione
Piemonte. Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione del Distretto Tecnologico
Aerospaziale-Brindisi da 2009 a 2015. Membro del Consiglio Scientifico del Consorzio
CETMA (Br) da 2009.
Roberto Pini, physicist, is the Director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Italian
National Research Council (IFAC-CNR) in Florence, where he is leading the Biophotonics
and Nanomedicine Lab (BNLab). He is also a contract professor at the University of
Florence, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery and Dept of Physics. His main research interests are
related to studies on light propagation in biological tissues, development and applications of
laser-activated gold nanoparticles and nanostructured chromophores for medical use,
microscopic analyses on photothermal modifications of proteins, development of new medical
laser devices, preclinical and clinical studies on the use of laser and other optoelectronics
devices for minimally invasive surgery. He is carrying out these studies with a focus on
translational research, acting as a coordinator and partner in several projects and networks at
European, Italian and Regional (Tuscany) levels, as well as responsible of research contracts
with enterprises, private research centers and hospitals. He is a co-author of more than 200
scientific publications, including 6 books, and of 22 patents.
Carlo Calandra Laurea in Fisica summa cum laude (1967). Borsa di addestramento e ricerca
presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR (1968-1970). Ufficiale meteo
dell’Aeronautica Militare (1971-1972).Assistente presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell’Università
di Modena (1973-1974). Lettore di “Surface Physics”, presso il Dipartimento di Fisica
Teorica, Freie Universitaet, Berlino Ovest - Repubblica Federale Tedesca (1975-1976).
Visiting Researcher, presso il Dipartimento di Fisica Applicata, Università di Stanford, USA
(1977). Professore Associato di Struttura della Materia, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di
Modena (1978-1986). Responsabile per l’Italia dell’accordo CNR- Univesità di Stanford
sull’utilizzo della sorgente di sincrotrone SSRL (1978-1980). Lettore di “Surface and
Interface Physics” alla International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS), Trieste (19791989). Visiting Professor al Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA (1980). Direttore del Centro Interdipartimentale di Calcolo dell’Università di
Modena (1980-1984). Membro del Comitato Tecnico-Scientifico del CINECA (1981-1983).
Responsabile Scientifico del programma di Collaborazione Italia-Usa del CNR per la
radiazione di sincrotrone (1982-1986). Lettore presso ICTP Diploma Course, International
Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (1987-1988). Professore ordinario di Struttura della
Materia, Università di Modena (1989). Direttore del Laboratorio Nazionale TASC-INFM
presso l’Area di Ricerca di Trieste (1987-1989). Membro del Council della European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility, (ESRF), Grenoble, Francia (1989-1994). Presidente
dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia – INFM (1995-2001). Membro del
International Review Panel for Surface and Interface Physics presso ESRF, Grenoble, Francia
(1996-1997). Membro del Board Editoriale della Rivista Internazionale Solid State
Comunications (1996-2000). Presidente del Comitato dei Garanti del MIUR per la
Valutazione dei Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevanza Nazionale (1997-1999).
Membro del
Consiglio di Amministrazione del Sincrotrone Elettra, Trieste (1999-2001). Membro del
Comitato Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema
Universitario (CNVSU) presso il
MIUR (2000-2010). Membro del Comitato per la Valutazione della Ricerca della Provincia
Autonoma di Trento (2001-2005). Membro della Commissione per la valutazione dei progetti
finanziati tramite il Fondo per la Ricerca di Base (FIRB) presso il MIUR (20012004).Presidente del Comitato di Esperti del Piano Regionale di Innovazione e Ricerca
Industriale della Regione Emilia-Romagna (2004-2008). Docente presso il MIP del
Politecnico di Milano (2004-2010). Membro della Commissione di esperti della Fondazione
Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo per la selezione di Progetti Scientifici di Eccellenza
(2004-2007). Membro del Panel Internazionale “Material Science and Technology” per la
valutazione degli Istituti del CNR (2009-2010). Presidente del Comitato APIAE della
Provincia Autonoma di Trento per l’erogazione di incentivi alle imprese (2012-2015).
Presidente del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico per la Ricerca della Provincia Autonoma di
Trento (2005-2015).
Andrea Alù is the Temple Foundation Endowed Professor in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his PhD from
the University of Roma Tre, Italy, in 2007 and, after a postdoc at the University of
Pennsylvania, he joined the faculty of the University of Texas at Austin in 2009. His current
research interests span over a broad range of areas, including metamaterials and plasmonics,
electromagnetics, nano-optics, photonics and acoustics. Dr. Alù is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA,
and APS, and has received several prestigious scientific awards, including the NSF Alan T.
Waterman award (2015), the OSA Adolph Lomb Medal (2013), and the URSI Issac Koga
Gold Medal (2011).
M. Vittori Antisari
Associazione Nanoitaly
I materiali e le nanotecnologie rappresentano due delle così-dette tecnologie
abilitanti individuate dalla programmazione europea della ricerca. Si tratta infatti di
tecnologie pervasive il cui sviluppo rappresenta una esigenza per la realizzazione dei
maggiori obiettivi della programmazione in un vasto ambito di settori.
Pur non essendo oggetto di programmi specifici, almeno nella programmazione
inerente i pilastri di Horizon 2020 relativi alla leadership industriale ed alle sfide
sociali, le implicazioni e le ricadute dello sviluppo di materiali e nanomateriali sono
critiche per un ampio spettro di settori che spaziano dall’ energia alla mobilità, dall’
aerospazio alle tecniche avanzate di manifattura.
L’intervento si propone di fornire una visione completa e integrata delle priorità di
sviluppo di materiali e nanomateriali nell’ ambito delle diverse sfide tecnologiche
come risultano dalla pianificazione di Horizon 2020 e dalle roadmaps elaborate delle
strutture e dalle piattaforme di coordinamento presenti a livello continentale
R. Pini, F. Ratto, F. Rossi, P. Matteini, F. Tatini, M. de Angelis, L. Cavigli, S.
Biophotonics and Nanomedicine Lab, Institute of Applied Physics - CNR, Sesto
Fiorentino, Italy
We review experimental, preclinical and clinical activities on the exploitation of a
light stimulation produced by a laser source to “activate” suitable photothermal
tranducers like plasmonic nanoparticles for applications in bonding and repair of
biotissues, in cancer diagnostics and therapy and to set up implantable devices for
drug release.
Laser-assisted tissue repair or laser welding has been proposed to close chronic
accidental and surgical wounds. An exemplary application is in micro-vascular
surgery for the repair of arterial wounds. To this aim we have engineered a hybrid
bioadhesive consisting in a chitosan film doped with gold nanorods (GNRs) that can
be activated by NIR laser light to induce a well-localized photothermal effect leading
to the adhesion of the film with the arterial wall. The effectiveness of the patches to
close arterial wounds, has been tested in vivo in preclinical studies in rabbits.
Moreover, the combination of pulsed and CW near-infrared laser light with
plasmonic particles is gaining relevance for the photoacoustic imaging and
photothermal ablation of cancer. Selective targeting of malignant cells with these
contrast agents may rely on complementary biochemical and biological strategies,
including the use of specific probes or the exploitation of cellular vehicles. Here we
moved from a platform of PEGylated GNRs with plasmonic NIR bands and we
implemented different approaches for active delivery by functionalization with (i)
antibodies against cancer antigen 125 (CA125), which is a common biomarker for
ovarian lesions; (ii) inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase 9 (CAIX), which are expressed
by hypoxic cells such as those found in solid tumors; and (iii) by introducing
macrophages as a versatile model of cellular vehicles that would phagocytose the
particles and home to inflammatory lesions. In vitro studies on cell cultures on those
different approaches will be presented and discussed.
For drug release, nano-gold and other light-responsive nanometarials can be
employed for the development of an implantable device for on demand chemical
release in the form of a light-activated sponge-like scaffold. The photothermal
response of the gold nanoparticles contained inside the sponge triggers a contraction
in proximal drug-loaded thermosensitive micelles, thus promoting the expulsion of the
drug from the sponge. An advanced version of this device consists in a dispersion of
graphene nanosheets in a biopolymer matrix, which is activated by millisecond-long
light pulses for confined and precisely dosed drug release.
C. Calandra
Da circa due decenni diversi enti locali (regioni, provincie, fondazioni bancarie)
hanno messo in opera sistemi per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca industriale
proposti da aziende a seguito di specifici bandi. Anche se non esiste a tutt’oggi
alcuna analisi completa dell’efficacia di questi strumenti di finanziamento, in modo
particolare al loro contributo allo sviluppo delle conoscenze, all’economia e
all’occupazione , non vi è dubbio che migliaia di aziende ne abbiano fatto , e
continuino a farne uso.
Gli obiettivi che gli enti locali si propongono attraverso queste erogazioni, che
devono essere compatibili con la disciplina europea degli aiuti di stato, sono
molteplici. In particolare:
migliorare la qualità della produzione di beni e servizi nel territorio di
diffondere le nuove tecnologie;
favorire insediamenti industriali ad alto contenuto tecnologico;
contribuire all’internazionalizzazione del sistema economico.
Viene riportata l’analisi delle esperienze svolte presso alcuni enti, che ha riguardato
circa un migliaio di progetti, con l’obbiettivo di chiarire il ruolo dei ricercatori di
università ed enti di ricerca. Questo si esplica in tre fasi dondamentali della messa in
opera di questi strumenti:
la fase di elaborazione delle modalità per l’erogazione dei finanziamenti,
la fase di stesura delle proposte in collaborazione con le imprese,
la fase di valutazione ex-ante, monitoraggio e verifica della realizzazione dei
progetti approvati.
L’esperienza fornisce diversi spunti che possono essere utili al fine di definire le
modalità con cui le strutture di ricerca possono organizzarsi, per svolgere
efficacemente tale ruolo.
A. Alù
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at
Austin - 1 University Station C0803, Austin, TX 78712, USA
[email protected],
Metamaterials and plasmonics offer unprecedented opportunities to tailor and
enhance the interaction of waves with materials. In this talk, I discuss our recent
research activity in electromagnetics, nano-optics and acoustics, showing how
suitably tailored meta-atoms and suitable arrangements of them open exciting venues
to manipulate and control waves in unprecedented ways. I will discuss our most
recent theoretical and experimental results, including nanostructures and
metasurfaces to control wave propagation and radiation, large nonreciprocity
without magnetism, giant nonlinearities in properly tailored metamaterials, and
parity-time symmetric meta-atoms and metasurfaces. Physical insights into these
exotic phenomena, new devices based on these concepts, and their impact on
technology will be discussed during the talk.
D. De Felicis, E. Bemporad
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
Nowadays the surface patterning is very common to produce devices in microelectronic,
microfluidic and sensor fields. Furthermore, the extensive diffusion of several
metamaterial classes needs multiscale patterning capability.
Several technologies are commonly used for surface decoration, in particular the
lithography (masking, photo-resist, etc.) and, for large scale, laser technics and
An alternative is the application of direct lithography using a focused ion or electron
beam. The possibility to control the dwell time allows to realize more complex
geometries as slopes. Nevertheless, this technic suffers of several drawbacks as long
process time, drift and low penetration in case of electron beam lithography,
In particular, ion lithography enables to reduce typical electron and photolithography
limitations as small depth, surface sample preparation (photoresist), use of a mask and
However, this technique have some drawbacks because it is time consuming, the
patterned area is limited to few thousands of square microns and, after tens of minutes,
the beam drift produces stitching mismatch. These limitations can be reduced, or even
eliminated (on some materials), thanks to a proper milling strategy and beam control.
This work presents a possible solution based on a multiparametric scripting to control
beam drift and movement to obtain complex 2.5D pattern directly on the substrate
surface or producing an head-print to use as a master in the Indentation lithography
(indL) where large patterned areas are required, “simply” starting from its CAD
Recent FIBs, with Dual Beam system, allow to realize micro and sub-micropattern
using script language (not attended modality) and to use stream file to design the
milling pattern. The complete control of the ion beam needs to consider most of the
parameters involved in the process as energy, ion current, ion beam diameter, beam
overlap, sample material (sputter rate) and scan strategy. As the milling process is time
consuming (several hours), it is essential to consider a methodology to periodically
control and correct the stage and beam drift. A sw interface has been developed to write
a stream file (containing hundreds of thousands of rows) considering the abovementioned parameters and to simulate the FIB operation with the advantage to reduce
the instrument testing time). When large areas to pattern are required, the method could
be implemented to realize the negative of the pattern on an indentation diamond tip
generally used in the nanoindentation applications. A new method called Express Test
allow to realize very fast indentations with nanometric accuracy reducing the process
time of several hours.
As first result of this research, a demo with a micro-nano pattern has been produced on
a diamond nanoindenter tip obtaining a series of micrometric truncated cones with a
nanometric Fresnel lens milled on the top surface (see fig.1). Afterwards a pattern on a
large area has been performed (using the patterned tip) by means of indentation
lithography on two different materials: PMMA and amorphous metal (BMG) as shown
in figure 2.
Fig.1 Electron image of a patterned tip where a
series of truncated cones with a Fresnel lens
milled on the top is shown
Fig.2 Electron image of the patterned BMG
surface using indentation lithography
[1] M. Rommel, J.D. Jambreck, C. Ebm, E. Platzgummer, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey; Influence of FIB patterning
strategies on the shape of 3D structures: Comparison of experiments with simulations, Microelectronic
Engineering 87 (2010) 1566–1568; doi:10.1016/j.mee.2009.10.054
[2] Wico C L Hopman, Feridun Ay, Wenbin Hu, Vishwas J Gadgil, Laurens Kuipers, Markus Pollnau and
Ren´e M de Ridder, Focused ion beam scan routine, dwell time and dose optimizations for submicrometre
period planar photonic crystal components and stamps in silicon, Nanotechnology 18 (2007),
[3] Ampere A Tseng, Recent developments in micromilling using focused ion beam technology, J. Micromech.
Microeng. 14 (2004) R15–R34; DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/14/4/R01)
[4] M. Rommel a, A.J. Bauer, L. Frey, Simple and efficient method to fabricate nano cone arrays by FIB
milling demonstrated on planar substrates and on protruded structures, Microelectronic Engineering 98 (2012)
242–245, doi:10.1016/j.mee.2012.07.009
[5] Alexandra Joshi-Imre and Sven Bauerdick, Direct-Write Ion Beam Lithography, Journal of
Nanotechnology Volume 2014, Article ID 170415, 26 pages,
[6] Leonidas E. Ocola , Chad Rue , and Diederik Maas, High-resolution direct-write patterning using focused
ion beams, MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 39 • APRIL 2014
[7] Vittoria Raffa, Orazio Vittorio, Virginia Pensabene, Arianna Menciassi and Paolo Dario, FIBNanostructured Surfaces and Investigation of Bio/Nonbio Interactions at the Nanoscale, IEEE
Marzio Lembo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
The recent development of nanotechnology has led to a great effort to model the mechanical behavior of nanostructures, whose material properties are size dependent
and require that small scale effects be taken into account. In particular, onedimensional nanostructures, like wires, beams, belts and tubes, have become the object of intensive research for their promising applications in fabrication of nanoscale
devices. Various proposed mechanical models of nanobeams assume that stress resultants of usual beam theories be given by constitutive equations that detect small scale
effects, like those of Eringen's nonlocal materials, nonsimple materials, and materials
with microstructure. After the pioneering work of Peddison, Buchanan, and McNitt
(2003), who constructed a continuum model of nanobeams using the constitutive
equation of an Eringen’s material to express the stress resultants in the EulerBernuolli beam theory, Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity has been largely employed to
study deformations, vibrations and buckling of nanobeams (cf. e.g., the review paper
of Eltaher et al. 2016).
In Eringen’s theory, the motion equations are integro-differential, since the stress is
given by an integral extended all over the body (cf., e.g., Eringen, 2002); this integral
includes a kernel function that accounts for the reduction with the distance of the influence that the strain at a particle has on the stress at another particle. To avoid the
difficulties of solving integro-differential problems, in applications an approximate
version of the theory is employed, in which governing equations are differential and
are obtained by taking the Green’s function of a linear differential operator as kernel
function in the constitutive equation. In the resulting models, the nonlocal effects depend on the value of a “nonlocal parameter”, according to a law such that, when the
parameter vanishes, motion equations reduce to those of a usual elastic body.
Nonlinear deformation is an important issue in the behavior of nanostructures, in
particular of carbon nanotubes, because these structures possess a great flexibility
and can undergo large reversible deformations (cf., e.g., Falvo et al. 1997). Usual
approach to the study of nonlinear mechanics of nanobeams is that of replacing the
linear strains of a beam theory, like that of Euler-Bernoulli or Timoshenko, with the
nonlinear von-Karman’s strains corresponding to the displacement field of the considered theory. However, the results that follow from this approach do not appear satisfactory because, for instance, the produced post-buckling deformed axial curves of
nonlocal beams are qualitatively different from and, for values of the nonlocal parameter going to zero, do not tend to the corresponding curves of usual elastic beams,
described by the classic solutions in terms of elliptic functions. These considerations
motivates the recourse to a different approach based on the extension of Kirchhoff
and Clebsch theory to rods made of nonlocal materials.
The nonlinear theory of elastic rods due to Kirchhoff and Clebsch is complete to within an error of order two in an appropriate dimensionless measure of thickness, curvature, twist, and extension, and is applicable to motions in which strains are small and
rotations can be large (cf., e.g., Coleman et al. 1993). In (Lembo, 2016) the theory
has been extended to nonlocal rods by assuming that the material comprising the rod
obeys the constitutive equation of an Eringen’s material. An important feature of the
theory of Kirchhoff and Clebsch is that the equilibrium equations can be solved
exactly in terms of elliptic functions; these solutions are usually employed to describe
the configurations assumed by a rod that experiences large deformations and, in particular, post-buckling configurations of a rod. The equilibrium equations found in the
extension of the theory to nonlocal rods are more complex than those of classic rods
for the presence of terms that account for the nonlocal effects, but it is still possible to
solve them by means of elliptic functions. Thus, it is possible to obtain, for nonlinear
equilibrium problems of nonlocal rods, solutions qualitatively analogous to and consistent with those given by the classic theory of Kirchhoff and Clebsch for usual elastic rods.
The following Figures refer to some problems studied by means of the nonlinear theory of nonlocal rods presented in (Lembo, 2016); clockwise from top left: inflexional
and non-inflexional nonlocal elastica, discussion on the behavior of cantilevers
loaded by a terminal force, post-buckling deformation of a simply-supported rod, bifurcation diagrams.
Ψ " 0°
Τ " 0.032
Ψ " 75°
Τ " 0.045
m! 1.05
m! 1.20
m! 1.35
m! 1.50
m! 1.65
m! 1.80
m! 1.95
m! 2.10
m Fcr
y s!0
- Coleman B.C., Dill E.H., Lembo M., Lu Z., Tobias I., 1993, On the Dynamics of Rods in
the Theory of Kirchhoff and Clebsch, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 121, 339-359.
- Eltaher M.A., Khater M.E., Emam S.A., 2016, A review on nonlocal elastic models for
bending, buckling, vibrations, and wave propagation of nanoscale beams, Appl. Math. Model.
40, 4109-4128.
- Eringen A.C., 2002, Nonlocal Continuum Field Theories, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Falvo M.R., Clary G.J., Taylor R.M., Chi V., Brooks F.P., Washburn S., Superfine R., 1997,
Bending and buckling of carbon nanotubes under large strain, Nature 389, 582-584.
- Lembo M., 2016, On nonlinear deformations of nonlocal elastic rods, Int. J. Solids Struct.
90, 215-227.
- Peddison J., Buchanan G.R., McNitt R.P., 2003, Application of nonlocal continuum models
to nanotechnology, Int. J. Engng. Sci. 41, 305-312.
G.Capellini,a,b G. Niu b,c, Y. Yamamoto b, P. Zaumseilb, M. A. Schubertb,
T. Schroederb,d, and B. Tillackb,e
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, I-00146 Roma, Italy
IHP, Im technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
c Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an
10049, China.
d BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Konrad Zuse Straße 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
e Technische Universität Berlin, HFT4, Einsteinufer 25, 10587, Berlin, Germany
Nanoheteroepitaxy offers, through the compliance effect, an alternate way towards
plastic strain relaxation in mismatched semiconductor heterostructures and can
therefore be exploited to prevent the formation of extended defects at the junction
between epi-layer and substrate.
In this talk we shall review our recent results in the field of the heteroepitaxy of Ge/Si
nanostructures, in view of their possible use in optoelectronic device integration into
Si-based CMOS technology.
We will discuss two different approaches based on the Ge selective growth, carried
out either by CVD or MBE, on suitably designed substrates featuring patterns made
of Si nanometric tips, mesas, and pillars embedded in a SiO2 matrix. Both deposition
techniques enabled us to obtain fully coherent germanium islands, showing no
dislocations and with a very limited intermixing with the Si substrate. The strain
relaxation occurring during the growth will be discussed with the help of a detailed
theoretical modeling of the system mechanical properties and thanks to state-of-the
art experimental techniques, such as synchrotron-based HR-XRD and HR-TEM with
nano-beam diffraction and nm-resolved EDX. The two deposition techniques will be
benchmarked against each other and the different mechanisms leading to the growth
selectivity will be discussed in a nucleation theory framework.
As first use of the nanostructures in an innovative optoelectronic device, we will show
a VIS photodetector based on graphene/(Ge/Si nanoclusters).
[1] “Dislocation-free Ge Nano-crystals via Pattern Independent Selective Ge Heteroepitaxy on Si
Nano-Tip Wafers”. G. Niu et al., Scientific Report 6, 22709 (2016)
[2] “Photodetection in Hybrid Single-Layer Graphene/Fully Coherent Germanium Island
Nanostructures Selectively Grown on Silicon Nanotip Patterns”. G. Niu, et al. ACS Applied Materials
& Interfaces 8, 2017 (2016)
[3] “Tailoring the strain in Si nano-structures for defect-free epitaxial Ge over growth”. P. Zaumseil, et
al., Nanotechnology 26, 355707 (2015)
[4] “Fully coherent growth of Ge on free-standing Si(001) nano-mesas”. F. Montalenti et. al Physical
Review B 89, 014101 (2014)
M. Sebastiani, D. De Felicis, E. Bemporad
Roma TRE University, Engineering Department, via vito Volterra 62, 00146, Italy
Analysis and control of residual stresses in advanced engineering materials are
important issues for reliability assessment at small scales, e.g. for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nano-crystalline and amorphous bulk and
thin film materials. This presentation gives an overview of the recent advances in the
field of sub-micron scale residual stress assessment by the use of focused ion beam
(FIB)-controlled material removal techniques.
The two step method consists of
incremental FIB ring-core milling
combined with high-resolution insitu SEM-FEG imaging of the
relaxing surface and a full field
strain analysis by digital image
correlation (DIC). The throughthickness profile of the residual
stress can be also obtained by
comparison of the experimentally
measured surface strain with finite
element modelling using Schajer’s
integral method.
The European project ISTRESS,
grant agreement n. 604646, is
Fig.1 Example of a ring-core FIB-DIC experiment on
a titanium nitride (TiN) thin film synthesized by
physical vapour deposition
standardization of the FIB-DIC
methods for residual stress
assessment at the micro and nano
scales with efforts dedicated to the development of automated procedures for local
residual stress analysis of (i) thin films, (ii) microelectronics devices and (iii)
polycrystalline and amorphous bulk materials.
Practical applications from this project, including examples from the industry
partners, and validation of the method on several systems are described and
discussed. In particular, the issues of residual stress assessment on very thin films and
micro-devices, stress depth profiling, stress measurement on amorphous materials
and the effects of ion induced damage and elastic anisotropy on the relaxation strains
are analysed.
I. Salvatori
Nanotechnologies and advanced materials are key areas for Europe’s position in the
global market. They are characterized by a strong cross-disciplinary, both with
respect to the various disciplines of science that govern them, both with respect to
their intended applications.
In a general sense, nanotechnology is the ability to create and manipulate matter at
the molecular level that makes it possible to create materials with altered properties,
such as being both lightweight and having ultrahigh strength, and greater capabilities
such as in electrical and heat conductivity.
In this presentation a general picture of how nanostructured and advanced materials
and related technologies can impact on major industries (e.g. oil and gas, aerospace
and defense, iron and steel, power generation and environment), providing examples
of how the new properties resulting from a nanostructuration of bulk or by nanoengineering the surfaces are contributing to the technological development.
Giovanni Longoa,b, Sandor Kasasb,c, Simone Dinarellia, Marco Girasolea
Istituto di Struttura della Materia – CNR, Roma, 00133, Italy.
Ecole Polytechnioque Federale Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, CH.
Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, CH.
Email: [email protected]
The importance of the characterization of movement in biological samples ranges
from the fields of biology and microbiology to pharmaceuticals and drug
development. For instance, the movement of living systems can deliver useful
information regarding the metabolism of microbial and cellular specimens and can
be used to define their response to external stimuli.
We will show how nanomotion sensors can be used to characterize the nano-sized
movements of specimens of interest in the fields of biology, microbiology and
pharmacology. This sensor exploits the sensitivity of the atomic force microscopy
cantilever and combines it with the innate correlation between life and movement.
When we induce the adhesion of living systems on cantilevers, their metabolic activity
induces fluctuations of these sensors. If the exposure to a particular drug will cause
the death or metabolic inactivation of the specimens, the fluctuations will be reduced
in amplitude and this will indicate, in minutes, the effectiveness of the drug.
We will show how the nanomotion sensor can gain important insights into the
movements of different bacterial species [1, 2], of yeasts and fungi when exposed to
various external stimuli. Furthermore, we will discuss how the extremely high
sensitivity of this system can be applied to study conformational changes in proteins
and protein complexes [3].
In the case of the study of bacteria we will show how the fast response of the sensor,
which is independent of bacterial replication rate, will have many applications in
research and applied fields and in particular on the medical practice, with evident
advantages for patients care. For instance, by combining it with protocols to achieve
rapid isolation of bacteria from clinical samples, we have obtained a rapid and
complete characterization of a bacterial infection directly from a clinical source. [4]
The sensitivity and time resolution of the sensor opens the way to many important
applications in many medically relevant fields. For example, we have exploited the
nanomotion sensor to characterize of the effect of alfa-synuclein on neurons. This
study could have wide impact in the study of neurodegenerative diseases,
demonstrating at the single cell level the effect of the different protein aggregation
forms. [5]
We have also applied this technique to achieve a rapid, accurate and cost-effective
characterization of the response of cancer cells to anti-tumoral drugs, with evident
impact in the field of oncology. In fact, just as in the case of the characterization of
bacteria, by using the nanomotion detector we can determine the most appropriate
therapeutic option for a given cancer in a time-range of hours.
In very general terms, all these pioneering results indicate that there is a close
correlation between movement and life and that a sensor capable of transducing
these movements can deliver a new point of view in the analysis of living systems and
allow a new means to characterize the metabolic activity. This has also led us to
propose this nanomotion sensor as an innovative technique to detect life in extreme
environments. [6]
These studies define how a nanomotion investigation can be used to characterize
biological samples and how this information can be used to understand better their
metabolic pathways. The speed and sensitivity of the sensor as well as its versatility,
will have a massive impact, with applications in general and molecular biology,
microbiology, drug development and medicine.
Figure 1. Left panel: AFM nanomechanical analysis of living E.coli exposed to ampicillin. In minutes,
the cytoplasm can be seen pouring out of the bacteria. Right panel: Schematics of a nanomotion
experiment and images of different specimens attached to a sensor.
[1] Longo et al., Nat. Nanotech., 8, 522-526, (2013)
[2] Aghayee et al. J. Mol. Rec. 26, 590-595 (2013)
[3] Alonso-Sarduy et al. PLoS ONE 9, e103674 (2014)
[4] Longo et al. Clin. Microbiol. Infect., Submitted
[5] Ruggeri et al. in preparation
[6] Kasas et al., PNAS, 112 (2), 378–381 (2015).
Alberto Rainer, PhD
Tissue Engineering Unit, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
[email protected]
Electrospinning technique represents one of the most effective and functional approaches
for scaffold fabrication, with the possibility to be combined to the newest methodologies
of cell seeding. The process is compatible with a wide variety of polymers, and good
control over fibers morphology can be achieved by properly tuning process parameters.
The small-dimeter fibers produced by electrospinning have the advantage of a large
surface-to-volume ratio, as well as a high permeability and interconnecting pore
structure, all of which are desirable in a biological setting. Further, electrospun
materials can be functionalized or surface-decorated with compounds promoting cell
survival, proliferation and differentiation. Additionally, nano- and micro-fibrous
electrospun scaffolds, mimicking the arrangement of connective tissue fibrillar proteins,
have been shown to positively affect remodeling of engineered tissues in both cellular and
extracellular content. The presentation will briefly introduce the electrospinning process,
detailing a number of tissue engineering applications.
Giovanna Iuccia, Stefano Franchia, Valeria Secchi, Marta Santia,
Chiara Battocchioa, Monica Dettinb, Brigida Bochicchioc, Laura Cipollad,
Giovanni Polzonettia
a Dipartimento
di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Padova,
Padova, Italia.
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italia.
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano
Bicocca, Milano, Italia
The main aim of regenerative medicine is to design a biomimetic and well-defined
matrix capable of promoting specific interactions with the cells in order to control
and guide their behavior by mimicking their native environment. The ideal matrix
must have a 3D geometry similar to the extracellular matrix and must be able to
promote cell adhesion, proliferation, infiltration and differentiation aimed at new
tissue formation. A very promising approach consists in the exploitation of selfassembling properties: self-organization provides molecular nanotechnology with a
powerful alternative to both top-down miniaturization and bottom-up nanofabrication
methods. In this context, ionic-complementary self-assembling peptides (SAPs) [1-5]
appear as ideally suited molecules for the preparation of 3D nanostructured bioactive
scaffolds. These simple peptides, consisting of a regular sequence of positively and
negatively charged residues separated by hydrophobic amino acids, can generate an
extended ordered structure by self-assembling from aqueous solution, a property that
makes them promising materials for the preparation of synthetic scaffolds;
interactions between the side chains play a major role in the process.
In this context, our research deals with the anchoring of self-assembling peptides on
biocompatible surfaces, such as titanium, a material widely used in orthopedic/dental
medicine that was chosen as a substrate for its ability to promote osseointegration.
Functionalized surfaces were investigated by surface-sensitive spectroscopic
techniques such as XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and RAIRS (Reflection
Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy) and by state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation
methodologies such as angle dependent NEXAFS (Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine
Structure), with the aim of determining the structure of the immobilized peptide
overlayer. XPS analysis allows to check the chemical structure of the peptide and to
determine the overlayer thickness. RAIRS investigations yield information on the
peptide secondary structure. Polarization dependent NEXAFS measurements can be
used to determine molecular order and orientation of the peptide backbone on the
overlayer [6-7].
[1] A. Lakshmanan, S. Zhang, C. A. E. Hauser, Short self-assembling peptides as building blocks for
J. M. Lehn, Toward self-organization and complex matter, Science 295 (2002) 2400 – 2403,
S. Zhang, T. Holmes, C. Lockshin, A. Rich, Spontaneous assembly of a self-complementary
oligopeptide to form a stable macroscopic membrane, PNAS USA 90 (1993) 3334-3338,
S. Zhang, Emerging biological materials through molecular self-assembly, Biotech Adv. 20
(2002) 321-339, 10.1016/S0734-9750(02)00026-5
F. Gelain, A. Horii, S. Zhang, Designer self-assembling peptide scaffolds for 3-D tissue cell
G. Iucci, C. Battocchio, M. Dettin, R. Gambaretto, G. Polzonetti, A NEXAFS and XPS study of
the adsorption of self-assembling peptides on TiO2: the influence of the side chains, Surf. Interf.
Anal. 40 (2008) 210-214,
C. Battocchio, G. Iucci, M. Dettin, V. Carravetta, S. Monti, G. Polzonetti, Self-assembling
behaviour of self-complementary oligopeptides on biocompatible substrates, Mat. Sci. Eng.C 169
(2010) 36-42
F. Offi
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia
Photoemission spectroscopy (PES) is a unique technique to investigate the electronic
properties of materials, whose applicability has been up to now limited to the first
atomic layers of solid samples, due to the inherent surface sensitivity of the technique.
The development of high energy photoemission finally opened the applicability of PES
to bulk materials properties, allowing to investigate the large class of systems
possessing a surface structure different from the bulk one, such as strongly correlated
electronic systems, as grown materials and multilayered samples.
As an example, in this talk I will show the use of this so-called hard X-ray
photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) to understand resistive switching phenomena
at the interface of oxide based electrical devices. In particular, the electronic
structure of the Ti/PrCaMnO3 (PCMO) interface, buried within a
Pt/Ti/PrCaMnO3/SrRuO3 devices exhibiting electrical induced resistance change will
be investigated. The modifications of the spectral features for samples promoted in
different resistive states by electroforming treatment will be correlated to changes in
chemical state, suggesting the formation of a thicker oxide layer at the interface
thorough migration of oxygen ions from the PCMO inside the Ti layer.
L. Mancinoa, M.A. Ciampinib, A. Orieuxc, E. Rocciaa, I. Gianania, M. Sbrosciaa,
F. Sommaa, M. Paternostrod, P. Matalonib, M. Barbieria
di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Rome, Italy.
di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
cLTCI, CNRS, Télécom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, 75013, Paris, France
dSchool of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
Thermodynamics has sprung from the need of understanding and optimising work
extraction in classical processes. The recent achievements in the control of
microscopic systems now demand extending of this paradigm to the fully quantum
realm, where quantum thermal machines are expected to become available. In this
domain, there exists a strong connection between non-classical features, especially
quantum correlations, and the thermodynamic state of the system; such correlations
can, in turn, influence relevant thermodynamic quantities [1]. Work offers the most
natural example for looking at the link between quantum correlations and the
efficiency of quantum thermal machines.
Before engaging in such a stimulating challenge, it is beneficial to develop and
perfection experimental methods in a controllable platform, which then acts as a
simulator [2]. In this respect, the use of single photons for producing quantumcorrelated states is a well-established approach, allowing for accurate control and
measurement of the system under investigation.
In this talk we will review the recent efforts undertaken in this direction at the
Department of Science, Roma Tre, within an international collaboration. In detail, we
will discuss how the presence of quantum entanglement – a distinctive signature of
quantum behaviour – can effect more efficient work extraction protocols; this implies
that, if entanglement is considered as the relevant resource, a measurement of
efficiency can act as a ‘witness’, reliably signalling its presence in the working
medium [3].
Attention will be devoted to illustrate the technology underlying our photonic
simulator, discussing both its state of the art, as well as the most advanced solutions
undertaken for extending the capabilities of this experimental platform.
[1] K. Maruyama, F. Nori, and V. Verdal, Colloquium: The physics of Maxwell’s demon and
information. Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 1 (2009).
[2] J.I. Cirac and P. Zoller, Goals and opportunities in quantum simulation. Nature Physics 8, 264
[3] M.A. Ciampini et al., Experimental entanglement-enhanced work extraction based on a Maxwell’s
demon. Preprint arXiv:1601.06796 (2016).
A. Pietropaoloa, F. Brunib
Research Centre, Department of Fusion and Technology for
Nuclear Safety and Security, Frascati, (RM), Italia.
bDipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
The importance of the design for the realization of an intense 14 MeV neutron facility
devoted to test and validate materials suitable for harsh neutron environments, such
as a fusion reactor, is well established. The “New Sorgentina” Fusion Source (NSFS)
is a project that proposes an intense D–T 14 MeV neutron source achievable with T
and D ion beams
impinging ontecniche
2 m radiusdella
targets. NSFS may produce about
1015 n/s at the target and has to be intended as an European facility that maybe
realized in a few years, once provided a preliminary technological program devoted
to the operation of the ion source in continuous mode, target heat loading/removal,
è una
di neutroni
a 14asMeV
istanza, per the
target and tritium
as well
site pensata,
this contribution,
main characteristics of NSFS project will be presented and its possible use as a
outlined.trovare alcune caratteristiche tecniche, le quali sono
referenze [1,2]
si possono
riportate brevemente in tabella I.
La figura 1 mostra una vista 3D della zona del target, mentre figura 2 mostra l’andamento
del tasso di fluenza nella regione tra le due ruote, dove sono previsti irraggiamenti di
campioni di materiali strutturali per le macchine a fusione.
Figura 1: Disegno 3D schematico della target station di SORGENTINA
[1] Pietropaolo A., et al. Proccedings of the ECNS2015 (European Conference on Neutron Scattering),
in press (2016).
L. Colacea, A. De Iacovoa, L. Scopab and S. Fogliab
a Dipartimento
b CNR-Istituto
di Ingegneria, Università Roma Tre, Roma, Italia.
dei Materiali per l'Elettronica ed il Magnetismo, Roma, Italia.
Colloidal quantum dots (CQD) are semiconductor nanoparticles that can be
chemically synthesized and suspended in solutions. Their relevant application
potentialities were understood at the beginning of the eighties after the pioneering
work of Ekimov [1] and Brus [2] on CQD band-gap engineering associated to
quantum confinement. In the last two decades CQD, as a completely new class of
materials, have attracted increasing interest due to their unique optical and electronic
properties and begun to be effectively employed in several emerging fields, including
bio imaging [3], light emitting diodes [4], laser [5], optical modulators [6], solar
cells [7] and photodetectors [8]. Like other quantum confined structures, CQD
exhibit enhanced light matter interactions. Zero dimensional quantum confinement
produced in quantum dots dramatically enhances the optical absorption thus
providing ideal optical materials for thin film photodetectors, moreover, absorption
spectra exhibit peaks and wide tunability through the quantum size effect. The impact
of such characteristics on photodetectors is manifold: tunability avoids the needs for
optical filters to address the spectral range of interest and absorption of photons at
longer wavelengths are prevented thus reducing excess thermal noise.
Moreover, due to their solution processability, CQD accept a wide variety of
substrates, allowing their integration with other microelectronic technologies with
simple, flexible, low cost, low temperature and scalable techniques.
The scientific impact of the research on CQD is manifold: first of all, chemical
sciences are involved in order to optimize the QD synthesis process also aiming to the
material compatibility with standard electronic processes. Material science plays a
key role in the assessment of the composition, morphology and optical properties of
the quantum dots. Eventually, electronic technologies and solid state physics are
involved in the fabrication, characterization, modeling and optimization of CQD
The first part of the presentation provides a short review of the fabrication (synthesis
of building blocks) and assembly (from solution to solid state) as well as optical and
electronic properties. Then we review the most relevant results in the area of the
optoelectronic devices, with emphasis on photodetectors, in particular those based on
PbS and HgTe, for the near and middle infrared, respectively.
The second part describes our project, a collaboration between the Semiconductor
Device Laboratory, (Department of Engineering), CNR-IMEM and Sensichips, a
company focused on the development of microsensors for health and security. The
goal of the project is the realization of CMOS integrated circuits provided with near
infrared photodetectors, relevant for optical communications and other applications
including security, remote environmental sensing, monitoring of industrial processes,
pollution sensing, automotive and medicine.
The project is divided into three phases. The first concerns material processing,
functionalization and characterization. Commercially available PbS CQD will be
used and the ligands exchange will be studied, testing different reagents and methods,
in order to optimize the carrier transport in terms of both mobility, lifetime and
CQDs will be characterized by means of optical, electron and atomic force
microscopy and absorption spectroscopy. Results will provide useful information for
both fabrication feedback and CQD numerical models.
Discrete photodetectors will be realized employing different CQD deposition
techniques including drop casting and spin coating in order to identify a reliable and
reproducible deposition protocol. The devices will be tested in terms of currentvoltage characteristics, spectral response, responsivity, detectivity and overall
performances relevant for gas detectors.
The last phase of the project is dedicated to the integration of CQD devices on
readout integrated circuits developed by Sensichips.
In conclusion, we will present and discuss the results of the first year of research
[1] A.I. Ekimov, A.A. Onushchenko, JETP Lett. 34, 345 (1981).
[2] R. Rossetti, B.M. Beck, L.E. Brus, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 1086–1088 (1983).
[3] X. Michalet , F.F. Pinaud , L.A. Bentolila, J.M. Tsay , S. Doose , J.J. Li , G. Sundaresan , A.M. Wu,
S.S. Gambhir, S. Weiss, Science, 307, 538 (2005).
[4] G. Konstantatos, C. Huang, L. Levina, Z. Lu, and E. H. Sargent, Adv. Funct. Mater. 15, 1865
[5] S. Hoogland, V. Sukhovatkin, I. Howard, S. Cauchi, L. Levina, and E. H. Sargent, Opt. Express, 14,
3273 (2006).
[6] E. J. D. Klem, L. Levina, and E. H. Sargent, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 053101 (2005).
[7] S.A. McDonald, G. Konstantatos, S. Zhang, P.W. Cyr, E.J. Klem, L. Levina, and E.H. Sargent,
Nature Mater. 4, 138 (2005).
[8] G. Konstantatos and E.H. Sargent, Proc. IEEE, 97, 1666, (2009).
The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the structural properties of Nb3Sn: abSTRUCTURED
initio modelling and SR-XRD investigation
R. Loriaa, C. Meneghinia, E. Silvab, G. De Marzic, S. Anzellinid
di Scienze,
Tre”, Roma,
Dipartimento di Scienze,
Studi degli
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma,
ENEA, Frascati,
Rome, Italy.
Diamond Light Source, Didcot,
UK Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom.
A-15 superconductors are relatively high transition temperature (T c) type II materials. They
exhibit high critical current density Jc and critical magnetic field values Hc2. For these reasons they
are widely used in science and industrial applications. In particular, Nb3Sn [1] holds the record for
the highest in-field critical current in practical uses. Thus, it is extensively used in a variety of
large-scale scientific projects employing high-field superconducting magnets, including the
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and the CERN LHC Luminosity
Upgrade [2-4], where it represents a unique technology (no alternatives exist) for the high
magnetic field required in large volumes. In such applications, the high-field magnets made of
superconductors are subject to large mechanical loads caused by the thermal contractions during
the cooling down and the Lorentz forces due to the electromagnetic field. The new, exceptional
requirements of the above-mentioned, immense magnet-based projects revamped the interest in
this supposedly well-known compound, leading to a new interest in the study of the dependence of
the superconducting properties on the mechanical stress. It should be noted that the relevant
superconducting properties, Tc, Hc2 and Jc, as well as their mechanical stress dependence, are
directly linked to the nano and sub-nano scale ordering in the compound under study: variations of
the phonon spectrum and/or the electronic band structure can change very significantly the
superconducting parameters. For applications it is desirable to tune such parameters or, at least,
develop a complete understanding of the microscopic variables on the superconducting properties.
Pressure is an essential thermodynamic variable: squeezing the structure modifies the interatomic
distances and their interactions having definitive influence on mechanic and superconducting
properties of the material. Surprisingly, little is known about Nb 3Sn in this area, in particular when
one has to resort to the basic properties (e.g., cell
distortion under pressure) to build a predictive
model for the superconducting properties (T c, Jc)
in critical conditions (high fields, high currents,
high pressures, etc…).
The aim of our research is to study the influence
of a high hydrostatic pressure on the structural,
electronic and vibrational properties of Nb3Sn
from both an experimental and theoretical point of
view. We are using ab-initio calculations based on
Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate
the electronic and vibrational properties of Nb3Sn
as a function of external pressure, up to 50 GPa.
The lattice constants from the simulations have to
be compared with experimental results (XRD
crystallographic structure and Tc) and will be used
as inputs for the calculations of the phonon
dispersion curves and the electronic band
directions in the Brillouin zone [8,9].
To compare our theoretical calculations to
experimental data, we will exploit state of the art
Fig. 1: P-V plot of two set of measurements (ST3, ST7) fitted
with the Vinet equation of state and the comparison between the
measured and the fitted volume, respectively Vm and Vf
synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction technique (SR-XRD) to explore the high pressure/low
temperature phase diagram of Nb3Sn. Preliminary SR-XRD experiments were carried out to
explore the equation of state (EoS) at room temperature on Nb3Sn at the I15 beamline of the
Diamond Light Source using a membrane diamond anvil cell and angle dispersed set-up. The unit
cell volumes were fitted to a Rydberg-Vinet EoS and the results are presented in figure 1.
We notice an anomalous behaviour comparing the experimental data (V m) with theory (Vf) in the
5-10 GPa pressure region. Recent investigations on other A15 superconductors (Nb3Al and
Nb3Ga) have pointed out the presence of pressure-induced anomalies in the EoS around 19 and 15
GPa respectively [5,6,7]. Likely our finding suggests a similar but weaker effect also for Nb 3Sn.
In figure 2 we compare the
positions of [321] and [400] Nb 3Sn
diffraction peaks: D2q=2q400-2q321
We found an evident anomaly on
D2q around 5 GPa which seems to
be the fingerprint of a weak
distortion. Noticeably the Nb3Sn
has cubic symmetry at room
temperature and ambient pressure
but undergoes to a tetragonal
distortion transition on cooling
below 43 K . Our findings suggest
Fig. 2: differences between the diffraction peaks:
angles at direction 400 and 321.
that rising the pressure could act as
the temperature cooling because both provokes the squeezing of the lattice modifying the local
interactions among the atoms.
[1] A. Godeke, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19, R68 (2006).
[2] B.M. Klein, L.L. Boyer and D.A. Papaconstantopoulos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 530 (1979).
[3] A. Vostner and E. Salpietro, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19, S90 (2006).
[4] L. Bottura, G.D. Rijik, L. Rossi and E. Todesco, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 22, 4002008 (2012).
[5] V. Mkrtcheyan at al., Physica B 459, 21 (2015)
[6] Z. H. Yu, C. Y. Li, H. Z. Liu, Physica B 407, 3635 (2012)
[7] M. Rajagopalan, Physica B 413, 1 (2013)
[8] H. M. Tütüncü, G. P. Srivastava, S. Bağcı, and S. Duman, Phys. Rev. B 74, 212506 (2006)
[9] I. Papadimitriou, C. Utton, A. Scott, P. Tsakiropoulos, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46A, 566
L. Pipernoa, V. Pintob, A. Angrisani Armeniob, G. De Marzib, A. Mancinib, F.
Rizzo2, A. Vannozzib, A. Rufolonib, A. Augierib, V. Galluzzib, A. Frolovac,
N.Pompeoc, E. Silvac, G. Sotgiuc, K. Torokhtiic, F. Fabbrib, R. Lamannad, R. B.
Mose, L. Cionteae, M. Nasuie, T. Petrisore, A. Santonie, F. Rondinob, S.Rubanovf,
G. Celentanob
ICAS S.C.r.l. c/o ENEA Frascati Research Centre
! Superconductivity Laboratory, ENEA, Frascati (Rome), Italy
! Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
! ENEA, Rotondella, (Matera), Italy!
Centre for Superconductivity, Spintronics and Surface Science, Technical University of
Cluj, Romania
! f Melbourne Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) film grown by metal organic decomposition (MOD) is a
promising candidate for high performance HTS wires. Moreover, artificial pinning
centres (APC) inclusions improve the current transport performance of the films both
in high magnetic fields and temperatures.!In this work we investigate two different
pinning strategies: BaZrO3 (BZO) nanoinclusions grown via MOD together with the
superconducting film, and La0,67Sr0,33MnO3 (LSMO) nanoislands grown in a
preliminary step via polymer assisted deposition (PAD) and then used as substrate for
the deposition of YBCO via MOD.
We thoroughly analyze the properties of YBCO thin films with different BZO mol.
percentage deposited on SrTiO3 single crystals obtained from a low fluorine 0.2M
coating solution. Morphology and crystalline structure of superconductor films were
deeply investigated by using scanning electron transmission, and atomic force
microscopies, X-ray and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Superconducting properties, assessed through electrical and magnetic analyses, were
evaluated at different temperatures (from 10 K to 85 K), magnetic field directions and
intensities (0-12 T). LSMO solutions were prepared with different concentration and
deposited on different substrates (SrTiO3, Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2, MgO) via PAD. The
as obtained samples were characterized via AFM and XRD. Selected samples then
acted as substrate for the growth of the superconducting film of YBCO via pulsed
laser deposition (PLD). Preliminary results revealed good YBCO structural and
superconductive properties defining this method as promising for the realization of
YBCO films with improved vortex pinning properties.
F. Bilotti , A. Toscano
M. Barbuto , A. Monti , D. Ramaccia , A. Tobia , F. Trotta , S. Vellucci
di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia
“Niccolò Cusano”, Roma, Italia
Natural materials, due to their inherent structure, typically interact with
electromagnetic fields at optical frequencies, resulting in a number of interesting
properties that are used in many optical devices. Starting from 1930, within the
engineering community, there was a strong interest in realizing artificial
electromagnetic materials mimicking the structure of natural materials at different
(larger) scales to make the same interesting properties available at lower frequencies,
such as microwave or radio frequencies. Artificial electromagnetic materials are
typically made by natural materials, arranged as artificial atoms or molecules. At the
end of the XX century, engineers and scientists exploited the high number of the
available degrees of freedom (shape, geometry, symmetry, arrangement, alignment,
constituent materials of the artificial atoms/molecules; matrix material) to fabricate
artificial electromagnetic materials exhibiting properties that cannot be found in
natural materials due to the anomalous interaction between the electromagnetic field
and the structured engineered materials. Since then, such special electromagnetic
materials have been referred to as metamaterials. Metamaterials have been used to
both improve in an unprecedented way the performances of existing electromagnetic
components (antennas, lenses, imaging devices, filters, etc.) and discover
conceptually new electromagnetic components, such as invisibility cloaks and
super/hyper lenses. Discovered at microwave frequencies, metamaterials have rapidly
impacted electromagnetic applications at also THz, near-IR, and visible frequencies.
This stage has been supported and boosted by the contemporary rapid development of
nanotechnologies, which allow fabricating artificial atoms and molecules at the
nanoscale, making thus possible a fine structuring of the artificial materials. Recently,
the concept of metamaterials, as engineered materials exhibiting ad hoc properties
not readily available in natural materials, has been extended from electromagnetics
to many other scientific fields. Quantum, acoustic, seismic, mechanical, structural,
thermal metamaterials, in fact, are currently under investigation and are already
having a dramatic impact in many applications. The talk will focus on the most recent
activities developed by our research group about nano-structured metamaterials for
cloaking, sensing, and absorbing components working at optical frequencies.
[1] A. Monti, A. Alù, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti, “Optical invisibility through metasurfaces made
of plasmonic nanoparticles,” J. App. Phys., 117, 123103, 2015
[2] A. Monti, A. Alù, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti, “Optical scattering cancellation through arrays
of plasmonic nanoparticles: a review,” Photon., 2, pp. 540-552, 2015.
[3] D. Ramaccia, S. Arcieri, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti, “Super-spherical core-shell nanoparticles:
Nanostructured materials enabling applications in the visible regime,” Int. Congress on
Advanced Electromagnetic Materials – Metamaterials 2016.
[4] A. Monti, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti, “Low-loss and lossy optical metasurfaces based on
ellipsoidal nanoparticles,” Int. Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials –
Metamaterials 2016.
R. Raimondia,
di Matematica e Fisica, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”,
Roma, Italia.
My aim in this talk is to give an overview of what is spintronics, how is developing
now and what is the focus of the research being carried out at Roma Tre.
Accordingly, the talk is divided in three parts. In the first part, I introduce the basic
concepts of spin current and spin accumulation, which are the key elements to
understand the mechanism of the GMR (giant magnetoresistance) effect. The latter
effect, for which Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in
2007, together with its application in today memory devices, marks the emergence of
spintronics as a mature discipline.
In the second part, I review some recent experiments, where spin-charge conversion
has been observed. Such a conversion occurs thank to the spin-orbit coupling, a
relativistic effect, which in solid state systems can be suitably tailored to achieve
specific ways of manipulating the electron spin by purely electrical means. This
occurs, for instance in semiconducting two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) or at
ferromagnet-metal interfaces.
In the last part, I concentrate on the theoretical work done at Roma Tre, mostly
devoted to the development of a microscopic theory of coupled spin and charge
transport in a disordered 2DEG in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. By exploiting
the fact that spin-orbit coupling can be described as a spin-dependent vector
potential, a transport theory can be formulated in terms of a generalized Boltzmann
equation, which is SU(2) gauge covariant. Finally, I comment on the interdisciplinary
aspects of spintronics and the reciprocal cross-fertilization with the field of quantum
S. A. Wolf et al., Science 294, 1488 (2001).
Zutíc, J. Fabian and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 323 (2004).
A. Brataas, G. E. W. Bauer and P. J. Kelly, Phys. Reps. 427, 157 (2006).
D. Pesin and A. H. MacDonald, Nat. Materials 11, 409 (2012).
Ka Shen, G. Vignale, R. Raimondi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 096601 (2014).
C. Gorini, R. Raimondi, P. Schwab, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 246604 (2012).
R. Raimondi, P. Schwab, C. Gorini, and G. Vignale, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 524, 153 (2012).
C. Gorini, P. Schwab, R. Raimondi, A. L. Shelankov, Phys. Rev. B 82, 195316 (2010).
L. Di Gasparea, A.M. Scaparroa, , V. Miseikisb, C. Colettib, A. Notargiacomoc, M.
Peac, M. De Setaa
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Viale G. Marconi 446,
00146 Rome, Italy
Center for Nanotechnology Innovation @NEST, IIT, Piazza San Silvestro 12, 56127
Pisa, Italy
Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnology, Via Cineto Romano 42, 00156, CNRRome, Italy
Germanium is emerging as the ideal candidate to directly grow graphene on CMOS
compatible semiconductors [1-4]. A comprehensive understanding of the CVD growth
process of graphene on Ge is still lacking although fundamental for the accurate
control and optimization of the graphene synthesis needed for obtaining high quality
graphene with suitable properties.
In this work we present a study of the CVD growth of graphene on Ge(100) as a
function of the CH4 flux and H2:CH4 ratio. We propose a characterization route of the
“as grown” samples based on the joint use of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron
microscopy to establish with high accuracy the quality and morphology of the
deposited graphene. Thanks to this overall sample characterization, the mechanisms
bringing to the formation of graphene on Ge(100) and their role in the different growth
conditions are established. The control over these growth mechanisms allows us the
tuning of different growth regimes spanning from nanoribbon development, layer by
layer growth and multi-layer graphene synthesis and the achievement of a single layer
graphene with an intensity ratio of 2D and G bands in the Raman spectrum larger than
[1] Kim, K., Choi, J-K., Kim, T., Cho S-H., Chung, H-J. A role for graphene in silicon-based
semiconductor devices. Nature 479, 338-344 (2011)
[2] Lee, J-H., Wafer-scale growth of single-crystal monolayer graphene on reusable hydrogenterminated germanium. Science 344, 286-289 (2014)
[3] Wang, G. et al. Direct Growth of Graphene Film on Germanium Substrate. Scientific Reports 3, 2465
[4] Pasternak, I. et al. Graphene growth on Ge(199)/Si(100) substrates by CVD method. Scientific
Reports 6, 21773 (2016)
Adriano Vernaa*, Francesco Offia , Aleksandr Yu. Petrovb , Angelo Gigliab,
Bruce A. Davidsonb, Stefano Nannaroneb and Giovanni Stefania
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Roma, Italy
CNR -Istituto Officina dei Materiali (CNR-IOM), Area Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste
Resonant soft X-ray Reflectivity is a novel synchrotron-based technique which is
attracting a considerable interest for the investigation of the structural and electronic
properties of stratified nanomaterials. It combines the spectroscopic analysis of the
near-edge X-ray absorption with the spatial resolution provided by the interference
effects in the radiation scattered at different depth in the sample [1]. Examples of its
applications are the depth profiling of the elemental concentrations in a sample [2],
the investigation of the electronic properties of the interfaces [3], the distribution of
magnetic moments at surfaces and interfaces [4-6], the charge and orbital ordering
in ultra-thin films [7].
An antiferromagnetic (AFM) material below its critical (Néel ) temperature can
induce in an adjacent ferromagnetic (FM) structure a shift of the magnetic hysteresis
loop and an increase in the coercive field. This phenomenon is known as exchange
bias (or exchange anisotropy) and it is used to stabilize the magnetization of readback
heads in magnetic recording systems [8]. Despite its pivotal role in the development
of spintronic devices the origin of the exchange bias is not yet completely understood.
Uncompensated magnetic moments which are usually present in the AFM layer at the
interface with the FM film are usually considered as the main responsible for this
effect [9].
We used resonant X-ray reflectivity to study the structural and magnetic properties of
a typical Fe/CoO exchange-bias bilayer. A Fe (30 Å)/CoO (100 Å) bilayer was grown
on a MgO (001) substrate using oxygen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy and capped
with a Au film to prevent Fe oxidation. Reflectivity measurements were performed at
the BEAR beamline at the Elettra synchrotron (Trieste) using linear and circularly
polarized radiation across the Fe L2,3 and the Co L2,3 edges. A magnetic coil was used
to switch the magnetization of the Fe layer during the measurements and for cooling
the sample below the CoO Néel temperature (293 K) in a moderate magnetic field
(0.02 T). The presence of uncompensated Co moments is clearly revealed by the
reflectivity spectra using circularly polarized radiation. The methodology to obtain
the structural information, the magnetic characteristics of the Fe layer and the
distribution of uncompensated Co moments from the reflectivity measurements is
described in detail.
[1] J. Fink et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 056502 (2013).
[2] S. Macke et al., Adv. Mater. 26, 6554 (2014)
[3] Y. Z. Chen et al. Nat. Mater. 14, 801 (2015).
[4] S. Macke and E. Goering, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 363201 (2014).
[5] J. M. Tonnerre et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 100, 157202 (2008).
[6] A. Verna et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 322, 1212 (2010).
[7] E. Benckiser et al., Nat. Mater. 10, 189 (2011).
[8] For review papers see: J. Nogués et al., Phys. Rep., 422, 65 (2005); M. Kiwi, J. Magn. Magn. Mat
234, 584 (2001).
[9] F. Nolting et al., Nature, 405, 767 (2000).
S. Concolatoa, G. Sotgiua, M. Urbinib, M. Orsinia
Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, via Vito Volterra 62, 00146
Rome, Italy
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via
del Politecnico 1,00133, Roma, Italy
Titanium and its alloys are the most utilized bone and dental implant materials due to
their excellent physical, chemical and biocompatible properties [1], [2].
However, titanium-based implant materials have specific complications associated
with their applications, such as the loosening of implant-host interface owing to
unsatisfactory cell adhesion and the susceptibility of the implants to bacterial
infections [3]. Hence, it is fundamental to modify the titanium surface with bioactive
molecules that enhance beneficial host cell responses, and in some cases inhibit
pathogenic microbial adhesion [4].
The surface modification can be obtained via adsorption or covalent immobilization
of bioactive molecules. Although adsorption is a simple procedure, it often requires a
large quantity of reagents and suffers from a gradual loss of the adsorbed molecules
from the implant site. On the other hand, the covalent functionalization results more
stable than adsorption and the surface density and orientation of the immobilized
molecules for specific physiological responses can be controlled [5].
The titanium surface becomes spontaneously covered by a 2−6 nm thick layer of TiO2.
This surface of oxide is often activated by –OH groups that work as anchoring point
to bond bioactive molecules.
Recently we described the functionalization of poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) via
hydrolysis and subsequent lactose-modified chitosan (chitlac) attachment [6].
In this study we investigated the chemical modification of titanium oxide surface by
the carboxyl groups (-COOH) to immobilize later some bioactive molecules such as
[1] S. Bauer, P. Schmuki, K. von der Mark, J. Park “Engineering biocompatible implant surfaces: Part
I and Systems”, Prog. Mater. Sci vol. 58, pp. 261-326, 2013.
[2] M. Geetha, A. K. Singh, R. Asokamani, A. K. Gorgia, “Ti based biomaterials, the ultimate choice
for orthopaedic implants”, Prog. Mater. Sci vol. 54, pp. 397-425, 2009.
[3] J. M. Schierholz, J. Beuth, “Implant infections: a haven for opportunistic bacteria” J. Hosp. Infect.
Vol. 49, pp. 87-93, 2001.
[4] D. Zheng, K. G. Neoh, E.-T. Kang “Bifunctional coating based on carboxymethyl chitosan with
stableconjugated alkaline phosphatase for inhibiting bacterial adhesion andpromoting osteogenic
differentiation on titanium”, Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 360, pp. 86-97, 2016.
[5] S. P. Pujari, L. Scheres, A. T. M. Marcelis, H. Zuilhof “Covalent surface modification of oxide
surfaces” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Vol. 53, pp 6322-6356, 2014.
[6] L. Tortora, S. Concolato, M. Urbini, S. M. Giannitelli, F. Basoli, A. Rainer, M. Trombetta, M.
Orsini, P. Mozetic “Functionalization of poly(ε-caprolactone) surface with lactose-modified chitosan
via alkaline hydrolysis: ToF-SIMS characterization” Biointerphases, [online] doi: 10.1116/1.4942498,
Jun. 2016.
L. Mancinoa, E. Rocciaa, M. Sbrosciaa, I. Gianania, M. Paternostrob M. Barbieria
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca
Navale 84, 00146, Rome, Italy
Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, School of
Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 INN, UK
Quantum thermodynamics has recently permitted a different and innovative
interpretation scheme for quantum information tasks. The flow of information in
physical setups has allowed to gain insights in puzzling examples such as Maxwell’s
demon, which has shown how deeply information and work extraction from a
quantum system are interlinked. This connection becomes particularly relevant within
the context of quantum measurements in which the extraction of information from a
system plays a predominant role. As for any other physical process, there is
an associated cost in performing a measurement that is ultimately related to the
amount of information that can be extracted. Similarly, a cost is also associated to the
act of erasing the effects of such measurement. Quantum measurements can be
generalised from standard projective ones, resulting in maximal disturbance for the
system, to weak measurements allowing for a trade-off between information and
disturbance. While the wavefunction collapse induced by a standard measurement is
easily understood as an event, the situation with weak measurements presents
more subtleties. Quantum thermodynamics permits to link information extraction
with entropic and thermodynamic potential quantities, allowing a more physical
interpretation of generalised measurements. The fundamental lower bounds on the
thermodynamic energy cost of measurement and information erasure are determined.
The theoretical results obtained can be considered as a second law of “informationthermodynamics” in which information content and thermodynamic variables are
treated on an equal footing. Within the same scheme, quantum thermodynamics
permits to quantify the extent to which two completely positive dynamical maps can
be distinguished by using a single-qubit thermometer, showing that the thermometer
performance varies according to the interaction time with the thermal reservoir. The
link between information flow and von Neumann entropy is considered and used to
exploit Markovian dynamics in the system.
[1] M. A. Ciampini, L. Mancino, A. Orieux, C. Vigliar, P. Mataloni, M. Paternostro and M. Barbieri,
Experimental entanglement-enhanced work extraction based on a Maxwell’s demon, arXiv:1601.06796
[2] T. Sagawa and M. Ueda, Minimal energy cost for thermodynamic information processing:
measurement and information erasure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 250602
[3] P. Faist, F. Dupuis, J. Oppenheim and R. Renner, The minimal work cost of information processing,
Nature Communication 6, a.n. 7669, DOI:10/1038/ncomms8669
[4] J. Goold, M. Huber, A. Riera, L. del Rio and P. Skrzypczyk, The role of quantum information in
thermodynamics: a topical review, arXiv:1505.07835
[5] J. Oppenheim, M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki and R. Horodecki, Thermodynamical approach to
quantifying quantum correlation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, Number 18
[6] T.C. Ralph, S.D. Bartlett, J.L. O’Brien, G.J. Pryde and H.M. Wiseman, Quantum nondemolition
measurements for quantum information, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012113
[7] S. Jevtic, D. Newman, T. Rudolph T.M. Stace, Single-Qubit Thermometry, Phys. Rev.A 91, 012331
E. Roccia a, I. Gianani a, L. Mancino a, M. Sbroscia a, F. Somma a and M.
Barbieri a
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
Entanglement is undoubtedly one of the most useful tools in quantum information
processes. It is a widely used resource which enables many tasks like quantum
cryptography and quantum teleportation, allowing for a higher extractable work
compared to purely classical systems.
Several experiments have confirmed that different kinds of entanglement are possible
using photons, ion traps, superconductive mediums, and many other systems. A new
and innovative perspective is represented by the analysis of entanglement in both
classical and quantum hybrid systems. This approach provides for significant impetus
to the emerging area of research on “classical entanglement” or non-separability
between degrees of freedom in optical beams for classical light fields. By using the
high flexibility of the Hilbert formulation of quantum mechanics, it is possible to
define mathematically an entangled state between the polarisation and the spatial
mode of light. One of the most difficult and at the same time fundamental questions in
entanglement theory is quantifying it. In this work we have experimentally evaluated
the degree of entanglement using the method introduced by Peres and Horodecki
called Negative Partial Transpose (NPT) acting on the density matrix of the state.
Unlike previous studies which confirm this type of correlation by using specific
spatial modes of classical light, our experiment allow us to obtain the same
considerations for arbitrary spatial modes. This is possible by using a Spatial Light
Modulator (SLM). The increasing popularity of this device is mainly due to its
versatility: SLMs have been used to produce different orbital angular momentum
(OAM) states of light and they can act as digital lenses or holograms, tunable filters,
among other applications. Once it has been calibrated for phase and amplitude
modulation of a monochromatic light beam, the SLM constitutes an automated high
resolution mask that can easily be programmed. Analysing the coherence and the
phase, a degree of entanglement within the polarisation and spatial-mode framework
has been characterized.
[1] Jinhyoung Lee and M. S. Kim and Y. J. Park and S. Lee, Journal of Modern
Optics 12, vol. 47, 2151-2164 (2000).
[2] Hyunseok Jeong and Alessandro Zavatta and Minsu Kang and Seung-Woo Lee
and Luca S. Costanzo and Samuele Grandi and Timothy C. Ralph and Marco Bellini,
Nature Photonics 7, vol. 8, 564-569 (2014).
[3] C.T. Samlan and Nirmal K. Viswanathan, Quantifying classical entanglement
using polarimetry: Spatially-inhomogeneously polarized beams, arXiv: 1506.07112
[4] Ryszard Horodecki, Paweł Horodecki, Michał Horodecki, and Karol Horodecki
Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 865 (2009)
Valentina Nigro 1,2 *, Roberta Angelini2,1, Fabio Bruni3, Maria Antonietta Ricci3
and Barbara Ruzicka2,1
di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185
Roma, Italy
2Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISCCNR), UOS Sapienza, Pz.le Aldo
Moro 5, I-00185 Roma, Italy
3Dipartimento di Scienze, Sezione di Nanoscienze, Università degli Studi Roma
Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84, I-00146 Roma, Italy
Microgels are very attractive soft colloidal systems which exhibits a high sensitivity to
external stimuli and the possibility to modulate their interaction potential through
temperature and/or pH [1].
The temperature, concentration and pH dependence of the dynamics and local intraparticle structure of colloidal microgel particles, composed of Interpenetrated
Polymer Networks (IPN) of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and poly
(acrylic acid) (PAAc), has been investigated through Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), respectively.
A volume phase transition (VPT) from a swollen hydrated state to a shrunken
dehydrated one, strongly dependent on temperature and pH, has been observed
through DLS [2]. This behavior is strictly related to the change of the local structure
across the VPT, from a water-rich open inhomogeneous interpenetrated polymer
network to a homogeneous porous solid-like structure, which has been observed
through SANS [3].
Our findings demonstrate that a fine control of pH allows to tune the sharpness of the
volume phase transition and thus to control the complex phase behaviors at high
concentrations, where a transition from an ergodic to a non-ergodic state is observed.
[1] Z. Meng, J. K. Cho, S. Debord, V. Breedveld, and L. A. Lyon, J. Phys. Chem. B,
111:6992-6997, 2007.
[2] V. Nigro, R. Angelini, M. Bertoldo, V. Castelvetro, G. Ruocco, and B. Ruzicka. J. NonCryst. Solids, 407:361 - 366, 2015.
[3] V. Nigro, R. Angelini, M. Bertoldo, F. Bruni, M.A. Ricci, and B. Ruzicka. J. Chem. Phys.,
143:114904, 2015.
D. Ramaccia, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
Due to the rapid development of nanotechnologies over the past few decades, core–
shell nanoparticles (CSNs) have recently attracted an increased attention for their
interesting properties as building blocks for nanostructured materials and their
related applications [1]. Electromagnetic properties of CSNs can be tailored by
judiciously tuning the core radius (typically made of a dielectric material) and the
shell thickness (consisting of a noble metal, i.e. silver or gold) to implement optical
metamaterials working in the blue-violet region [2]. To push CSNs to have an
appreciable response at lower visible frequencies, unfeasible ultrathin shells would
be required, limiting, thus, the CSN application in metamaterial-based optical
devices. However, it has been recently demonstrated that the shape (and not only the
core radius and the shell thickness) can be used for controlling the electromagnetic
properties of the nanoparticles (see [3] and references within).
In this contribution, we report on our preliminary results on the use of a novel CSN,
named supersphere [4], for realizing different devices whose performances cannot be
easily achieved with conventional core-shell spheres. A supersphere is a solid whose
boundaries are described by the Lamè surface equation [4]: x p + y p + z p = R p ,
where R is the supersphere radius. The shape of the nanoparticle can be nicely
controlled by changing the parameter p, which represents a conventional sphere with
radius R when p = 2 and a cube with edges 2R as p → ∞ , as shown in Fig. 1a.
Fig. 1: (a) Geometrical sketch of superspheres with different values of the parameter p. (b) Normalized
scattering cross sections as a function of wavelength of four superspheres with different values of p.
In Fig. 1b, we have numerically evaluated the normalized scattering cross section
of different superspheres whose parameter p ranges from 2 (sphere) to 5 (a cube with
rounded edges) [5]. It is worth noticing that, without changing the physical
dimensions of the inclusion and the shell thickness, the resonant frequency
experiences a red-shift as the parameter p increased. As discussed above, such a
characteristic relaxes the fabrication constrains when the core-shell nanoparticle has
to operate in the visible regime. Although the same performances can be achieved by
using core-shell ellipsoids [2], they require a particular polarization of the incident
electromagnetic field. On the contrary, thanks to its isotropy, a supersphere operates
regardless the polarization of the excitation field.
Here, some applications of core-shell superspheres operating in the visible regime
are reported. In Fig. 2a three different CSNs, operating at the red, green, and blue
frequency, have been used for implementing the pixel of a transparent display screen.
The inclusions are arranged according to the Bayer pattern and the corresponding
reflection coefficient is reported showing the ability of the supersphere to operate at
lower visible frequencies. In Fig. 2b, the supersphere has been used as an element for
a biosensor. The resonant wavelength shifts depend on the nanoparticle sensitivity to
the changes of the environment refractive index. The superphere exhibits a higher
resonant wavelength shift than the conventional sphere for the same variation of the
refractive index. Finally, in Fig. 2c the superspheres can be successfully used also for
obtaining mantle cloaking operating in the visible regime. All the proposed
applications and the analytical models will be discussed with more details at the
Fig. 2: (a-left panel) Array of nanoparticles operating at R-G-B frequencies; (a- right panel) Reflection
coefficient of the array. (b) Sensitivity of a biosensor made of core-shell superspheres (green line) and
core-shell spheres (red line); (c) Optical mantle cloak for a dielectric cylinder made of an array of
[1] M.B. Gawande, A. Goswami, T. Asefa, H. Guo, A. V. Biradar, D. Peng, R. Zboril, and R.S.
Varma, “Core-shell nanoparticles: synthesis and applications in catalysis and electrocatalysis”,
Chem. Soc. Rev., (44):7540, 2015.
[2] A.H. Sihvola, Electromagnetic mixing formulas and applications, IEE, 1999.
[3] S.H. Im, Y.T. Lee, B. Wiley, and Y. Xia, “Large-Scale Synthesis of Silver Nanocubes: The Role
of HCl in Promoting Cube Perfection and Monodispersity”, Angew. Chem. Int,.(44): 2154, 2005.
[4] S. Onaka, “Suprspheres: Intermediate shapes between spheres and Polyhedra”, Symmetry (4):
336, 2012.
[5] CST 2015, Computer Simulation Technology,
Igor Luisetto1, Simonetta Tuti1, Caterina Sarno2, Daniele De Felicis3, Silvia
Licoccia2, Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo2
Department of Sciences, University of Rome “Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca
Navale 79, 00146 Rome, Italy
Department of Chemical Science and Technologies, University of Rome Tor
Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
Deptartment of Engineering, University of Rome “Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca
Navale 79, 00146 Rome, Italy
The CO2 reforming of CH4 or dry reforming (DRM) is as an efficient way for the CH4
and CO2 valorisation:
ΔH 298
CH 4 + CO2 → 2H2 + 2CO
K = 247 kJmol
The produced syn-gas (H2 + CO) has H2/CO ratio equal to 1, suitable for the
synthesis of oxygenated hydrocarbons and synthetic fuels. The feedstock for the DRM
ranges from CO2–rich natural gas reserves to renewable biogas produced by
anaerobic fermentation of waste sludge (mainly composed by CH4 and CO2), offering
thus the possibility to enlarge their utilization and to avoid CO2 release in the
The DRM plays also an important role on the electrochemical performances and the
long-term stability of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) fed by CH4 or biogas.
The industrial implementation of the DRM is mainly impeded by the co-occurrence of
other reactions:(i) the reverse water gas shift reaction (equation 2) that, consuming
H2, lowers the H2/CO ratio, (ii) the methane cracking (equation 3) and the Boudouard
reaction (equation 4) that form coke deposits causing the catalyst deactivation and/or
the reactor plugging:
ΔH 298
H2 + CO2 → CO + H2O
K = 41kJmol
CH 4 → C + 2H2
2CO → C + CO2
ΔH 298
K = 75 kJmol
ΔH 298
K = −172 kJmol
Nickel is so far the most active catalyst for the DRM, but also highly prone to carbon
formation, because, together with the ability to activate the C-H bond, Ni has high
affinity to carbon. The Ni particle size has a strong effect on the carbon tolerance of
the catalyst, therefore, the stabilization of small Ni nanoparticles at high
temperatures is a promising way for the lifetime increase [1, 2]. Another strategy is
the addition of a second metal (i.e Ru, Pt, Cu, Co) resulting in the formation of less Csensitive alloys or in the increase of Ni dispersion.
The development of structured and unstructured catalysts for DRM based on Ni
nanoparticles (10 wt%) supported on γ-Al2O3 promoted by a small amount of Ru
(0.05 wt%), has been investigated. Unstructured catalysts (packed powder) were
prepared by wet impregnation method and a combination of wash coating-wet
impregnation methods was used for structured catalysts (cordierite monoliths).
Samples were characterized by XRD, BET, H2-TPR, TEM and FE-SEM techniques
and the catalytic activity for DRM was studied at 800 °C during time on stream with a
mixture of CH4:CO2:Ar=45:45:10 vol.% and a gas space hourly velocity
GHSV=11400 h-1 (150 cm3 min-1)
After calcination Ni2+ formed species in low (Ni-α) and strong (Ni-β) interaction with
the γ-Al2O3. Ni0 nanoparticles of about 15-24 nm were formed after reduction at 800°.
Chloride impurities deriving from the RuCl3 precursor negatively affected the
catalytic activity of Ni-Ru unstructured catalysts. Indeed Cl-adatoms suppress the
chemisorption of CH4 and its dehydrogenation on metallic surface, being the rate
determining step for the DRM reaction [3, 4].
Ru promoted catalyst, free from chloride, was remarkable active and stable whereas
Ni catalyst deactivated at high GHSV due to the formation of Ni2+-containing inactive
phases. Ni-Ru monolith (Ni-Ru-M) was initially much more active than monometallic
Ni stating the positive effect of Ru on maintaining Ni reduced. Reaching steady state
condition, Ni rapidly deactivated due to carbon formation, whereas Ni-Ru monolith
remained stable confirming that Ru behaves as an efficient and cheap promoter of Ni
for DRM.
Morphological analysis confirmed that a large amount of carbon filament was
deposited on Ni catalyst mainly by a tip growth mechanism, whereas on Ni-Ru, few
carbon filaments were deposited with a base growth mechanism mainly in the inlet
Moreover, the comparison between structured and unstructured catalyst underlined
the advantages of structured catalysts over conventional packed bed reactors such as:
increased mass and heat transfer, lower pressure drop, larger surface to-volume ratio
and compact reactor design.
Ni and Ni-Ru/γ-Al2O3
Wash Coating
[1] K. Mette, S. Kühl, H. Düdder, K. Kähler, A. Tarasov, M. Muhler, M. Behrens,
ChemCatChem 6 (2014) 100-104.
[2] Z. Li, L. Mo, Y. Kathiraser, S. Kawi, ACS Catalysis 4 (2014) 1526-1536.
[3] I. Luisetto, S. Tuti, C. Battocchio, S. Lo Mastro, A. Sodo, Appl. Catal. A 500 (2015) 12–22.
[4] Y. J. Bang, S. Park, S. J. Han, J. Yoo, J. Song, J.H. Choi, K. Kang, I. K. Song, Appl. Catal. B:
Environmental 180 (2016) 179–188.
A. Montia, A. Toscanob and F. Bilottib
Niccolò Cusano, Roma, Italia
di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
Electrically small metallic nanoparticles (NPs) have captured the attention of the
scientific community in the last years due to their exotic properties and huge
potentialities [1]. When arranged in a bi-dimensional array, i.e., a metasurface, NPs
enable a plethora of unprecedented applications, such as the design of functional
surfaces for electronics and sensors and flat optical components [2]-[3].
From a macroscopic point of view, an array of NPs can be characterized recurring to
two different approaches, a volumetric one based on the Clausius-Mosotti
homogenization, and a metasurface model based on the definition of an average
surface impedance. This second approach has proven to be more appropriate for
arrays of NPs consisting in a single layer that, due to their reduced electrical size,
cannot be strictly considered as a bulk composite.
In particular, we considered here the 2D array of ellipsoidal NPs shown in Fig. 1(a).
We denote with rx, ry, and rz the axes of the ellipsoids and assume that the array is
illuminated by an external plane wave with the electric field parallel to the y-axis. As
discussed in [3]-[4], this structure can be characterized with an average tensorial
surface impedance whose y-component is equal to:
Z sy = − j
d 2 −1
α −β ,
with α =
Ly +
, β=
ε NP − ε h
(1 − jkR0 )
4d 2 R0
being α, V, and εNP the individual polarizability, the volume and the relative
permittivity of the NPs, β the interaction constant among NPs, d the distance between
two adjacent NPs, k and εh the wavenumber and the relative permittivity of the
medium hosting the NPs, Ly the y-component of the depolarization factor and, finally,
R0 = d / 1.438.
Assuming that the NPs are made of silver, εNP can be placed in the following form [5]:
ε NP (ω, ri ) = 1 −
ω 2p
ω (ω − jγ ( ri ))
f ωL2
ωL2 − ω 2 + jΓ Lω
i = x, y, z,
where the equivalent loss-factor γ(ri) takes into account both the bulk losses of silver
and the additional size-dependent losses due to the surface dispersion effect.
The optical metasurfaces described above may be useful in different applications,
such as the design of invisibility devices, transparent screens, color filters, Salisbury
absorbers, etc. Here, we focus our attention on three different cases (shown in Fig.1):
in the first case, we propose the design of a realistic NPs-based transparent screen. In
the second scenario, we discuss the possibility to design an optical Salisbury absorber
able to absorb almost perfectly the impinging light in a given frequency range.
Finally, in third case we discuss the implementation of an optical invisibility device
for sub-wavelength objects.
We emphasize that these three challenging cases are quite different among them and
confirm the versatility of the ellipsoidal NPs-based metasurfaces: for optical
invisibility, in fact, we need non-resonant low-loss particles able to exhibit a non-zero
value of the surface reactance within a wide frequency range. For the design of
transparent screens, instead, selective particles resonating in correspondence of the
three additive primary colors are needed. Finally, for the design of Salisbury
absorber, resonant nanoparticles with an engineered surface resistance are required.
Fig. 1. (a) Geometry of an optical metasurface consisting of an array of silver ellipsoidal nanoparticles illuminated
by an external TE-plane wave. (b) Scattering and absorption cross-section of a partially transparent-screen
composed by three NPs designed to resonate at the central frequencies of the three additive primary colors. (c)
Optical Salisbury absorber able to almost completely absorber the impinging light within a desired optical
frequency range. (d) Invisibility cloak for subwavelength object working at operative frequency of a He-Ne laser.
[1] M.I. Stockman, “Nanoplasmonics: past, present, and glimpse into future,” Opt. Expr., vol. 19, pp.
22029-22106, 2011.
[2] N. Yu, and F. Capasso, “Optical metasurfaces and prospect of their applications including fiber
optics,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 33, pp. 2344-2358, 2015.
[3] A. Monti, A. Alù, A. Toscano, and F. Bilotti, “Optical Scattering Cancellation through Arrays of
Plasmonic Nanoparticles: A Review,” Photonics, vol. 2, pp. 540-552, 2015.
[4] C. Saeidi, D. van der Weide, “Nanoparticle array based optical frequency selective surfaces: theory
and design,” Opt. Expr., vol. 21, pp. 16170-16180, 2013.
[5] V.P. Drachev, U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev, H-K. Yuan, W. Cai, and V.M. Shalaev, “The Ag
dielectric function in plasmonic metamaterials,” Opt. Expr., vol. 16, 1186, 2008.
F. Asdrubali1, P.Gori1, C. Guattari1, L. Evangelisti2, G. Grazieschi2
Department of Engineering, University Roma Tre, Via V. Volterra, 62, Roma,
Department of Engineering, Niccoló Cusano University, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi
3, Roma, Italy
Email: [email protected]
Thermal super-insulating materials represent a significant innovation in the field of
smart building materials. These materials, such as NIM (Nano Insulating Materials),
VIP (Vacuum Insulating Materials) and Aerogel can reach very low values of the
thermal conductivity, up to 10 times lower of the ones of conventional thermal
insulating materials (rock wool, expanded polystyrene). As a result, very low thermal
transmittances of building envelopes may be reached with a reduced thickness, thus
contributing to the achievement of the standard of NZEB (Nearly-Zero Energy
The work presents first of all a classification of the various super-insulating
materials, a description of the working principle (based on nanopores) and of the
main production processes (based on nanotechnologies).
The thermal properties of the various super-insulating materials are then discussed,
correlated with various parameters such as pores dimension, operating temperature
and pressure and compared with the ones of conventional solutions. Finally, other
important aspects such as durability, costs, acoustical and optical properties are
presented, as well as LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) data of the various materials.
P. Baccarellia, S. Ceccuzzib, C. Pontib, and G. Schettinib
di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni,
Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italia.
bDipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
The research group is very active on advanced topics involving the analysis and
characterization of Electromagnetic-Band-Gap (EBG) materials, which are periodic
structures in one, two, or three dimensions able to filter radiations both in frequency
and space.
In the antenna field, EBGs have been successfully employed to implement resonator
antennas [1]-[4]. EBG resonator antennas are radiators that received wide attention
due to the main feature to achieve a high gain keeping a simple antenna architecture
and low-gain sources. Several layouts of EBG structures have been designed to be
used as superstrates of primary radiators, i.e., planar antennas with low gain (see
Fig. 1). Their use has been widely explored in the microwave frequency range. At
these frequencies, EBG structures with one-, two- or three-dimensional periodicity
can be easily fabricated using standard techniques as photoligraphy and
Fig. 1 Sketch of an EBG resonator antenna, with microstrip patch as primary source.
Modern rapid prototyping technologies based on 3-D fabrication method are now
capable of build resolutions that allow direct fabrication of EBG structures in the
millimeter-wave and THz ranges [5]. EBG resonator antenna architecture can be
now further explored for emerging antenna applications in these frequency ranges. In
particular, EBG superstrates may be successfully employed to achieve moderately
high gain antennas, capable to deal with the high losses in the oxygen absorption
band at 60 GHz. Due to the scalability of the EBGs, the optimized layouts designed at
the microwaves may be completely scaled to implement miniaturized structures at the
sub-millimeter-, micro-, and nano- scale.
Other possible applications of EBGs at millimeter and THz frequencies are on the
point of view of guiding structures. In fact, the range of application for wellestablished conventional printed-circuit-board technologies is rather limited at these
high frequencies since high conductor losses and manufacturing tolerance problems
appear. Confinement of radiation may be achieved with purely EBG dielectric
materials that leave a guiding channel in the middle [6]. Such an arrangement leads
to a waveguiding structure when the dielectric pillars operate in a band-gap regime
(see Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Guiding strctures with EBG pillars.
[1] Y. Ge, K. Esselle, and T. Bird, “Wideband high-gain EBG resonator antennas with small footprints
and all-dielectric superstructures,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 2970–2977, 2014.
[2] F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, E. Piuzzi, C. Ponti, and G. Schettini, “Radiation- enhancement properties of
an X-band woodpile EBG and its application to a planar antenna,” Int. J. Antennas Propag., vol. 2014,
no. 5, 2014.
[3] Y. Lee, X. Lu, Y. Hao, S. Yang, J. R. G. Evans, and C. G. Parini, “Low-profile directive
millimeter-wave antennas using free-formed three-dimensional (3-D) electromagnetic bandgap
structures,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2893–2903, 2009.
[4] S. Ceccuzzi, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, and G. Schettini, “Directive EBG Antennas: a Comparison
Between Two Different Radiating Mechanisms,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 10,
pp.5420-5424, 2014.
[5] Z. Wu, J. Kinast, M. Gehm, and H. Xin, “Rapid and inexpensive fabrication of terahertz
electromagnetic bandgap structures,” Opt. Expr., vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 16442–16451, Oct. 2008.
[6] M. Loncar, T. Doll, J. Vuckovic, and A. Scherer, “Design and fabrication of silicon photonic crystal
optical waveguides,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1402–1411, Oct. 2000.
G. De Simone1, P. Ascenzi1,2, F. Polticelli1,3
Department of Sciences, Roma Tre University, Roma, Italy
Interdepartmental Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, Roma Tre University,
Roma, Italy
National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Roma Tre Section, Roma Tre University,
Roma, Italy
Rhodnius prolixus nitrophorins (Rp-NPs), Arabidopsis thaliana
nitrobindin (At-Nb), and Homo sapiens THAP4 (Hs-THAP4) are the
unique known proteins that use a β-barrel fold to bind ferric heme, which
is devoted to NO transport and/or catalysis.
The eight-stranded antiparallel β-barrel Rp-NPs, which represent the
only heme-binding lipocalins, are devoted to deliver NO into the blood
vessel of the host and to scavenge histamine during blood sucking.
Regarding Nbs, crystallographic data suggest the ability of At-Nb and
Hs-THAP4 to bind ferric heme; however, no data are available with
respect to these functions in the natural host. A bioinformatics
investigation based on the amino acid sequences and three dimensional
structures of At-Nb and Hs-THAP4 suggests a conservation of the 10stranded antiparallel β-barrel Nb structural module in all life kingdoms
of the evolutionary ladder. In particular, amino acid residues involved in
the heme recognition and in the structure stabilization of the Nb
structural module are highly conserved (identity>29%; homology>83%).
Moreover, molecular models of putative Nbs from different organisms
match very well with each other and known three-dimensional structures
of Nbs. Furthermore, phylogenetic tree reconstruction indicates that NPs
and Nbs group in distinct clades. These data indicate that 10-stranded βbarrel Nbs constitute a new ubiquitous heme-protein family spanning
from bacteria to Homo sapiens. Moreover, the rigid β-barrel scaffold of
At-Nb provides a suitably sized cavity to host catalytic metal centers
opening new avenues in the production of hybrid biocatalysts. In
particular, the At-Nb-Rh(Cp)(cod) adduct catalyzes the polymerization of
phenylacetylene giving polyphenylacetylene, and the At-Nb-(µS)2Fe2(CO)6 complex facilitates the H2 production in a photocatalytic
cycle based on the ruthenium photosensitizer [Ru(2,2’-bipyridine)3]2+ .
Riccardo Moscatelli, Marco Sebastiani, Daniele De Felicis, Edoardo Bemporad
University “Roma Tre”, Engineering Department, Via della Vasca Navale, 79-00146
Rome, Italy
Instrumented Indentation Testing (I.I.T. or nanoindentation) represents a well established and
widely used standard technique for the characterization of mechanical properties, mainly
elastic modulus and hardness [1]. Nevertheless, new nanoindentation methods were recently
introduced, opening the way to a new not-standard applications [2,3]. The introduction of the
High-Speed nanoindentation technique, which allows to realize one complete indentation
cycle per second, dramatically reduced the time needed for high time-consuming tests.
Here, two High-Speed nanoindentation applications are presented: an innovative tool for the
mechanical characterization and high resolution mapping of high heterogeneous materials
and a new technique for the surface patterning (N.I.H.L., NanoIndentation High-Speed
In the first one, two different and very high heterogeneous materials (LiMn2O4 polymer
battery cathodes and cement pastes) were characterized combining Standard CSM and HighSpeed Nanoindentation tests with FIB microscopy and SEM-EDS maps. The obtained results
were then post processed obtaining high-resolution mechanical maps - in good agreement
with SEM micrographs - and a physical phases analysis based on the statistical study of the
results deconvolution.
In the second application, two different nanoindenter tips, realized by F.I.B. nanomachining,
were used to nano-print surface patterns on two different substrates (bulk PMMA and BMG).
It was possible to modify the surface morphology over large areas, with the benefits of the
pattern control on a nano-scale. A very large pattern (10x5 mm including more than 80.000
indentations) was realized on bulk PMMA, highlighting macroscopic effects on the free
surface energy, characterized by the contact angle technique. This last result is very
interesting, considering the exploitation in the biomedical, microfluidic and MEMS
applications, due the direct connection with the critical adhesion properties required from the
materials employed in these applications.
The obtained results open a new way to the I.I.T. exploiting, raising its importance in the most
advanced industrial applications.
[1] W.Oliver. G. Pharr, “An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using
load and displacement sensing indentation experiments”, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 7, No. 6, Jun 1992
[2] Hay, J., “Rapid Characterization of Elastic Modulus and Hardness via Express Test,” Keysight
Technologies, Inc., 2014
[3] Crawford, B., “Stiffness Mapping: A Dynamic Imaging Technique,” Keysight Technologies, Inc.,
M. Ghidelli, M. Sebastiani, C.A. Charitidis, E. Bemporad
University “Roma Tre”, Engineering Department, Via della Vasca Navale, 7900146 Rome, Italy
Carbon nanotube (CNT) based architectures have increased the scientific interest
owning to their exceptional performance rendering them promising candidates for
advanced industrial applications in the nanotechnology field. Despite individual CNT
being considered as one of the most known strong materials, much less is known
about other CNT forms, such as CNT arrays, in terms of their mechanical
performance. In this work, the mechanical behavior of vertically aligned multi-walled
CNT carpets have been investigated through standard nanoindentation technique as
well as in-situ Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) nanoindentation using a
pyramidal Berkovick tip. The loading behavior at low penetrations shows a marked
serration flow indicating a collapse process during indentation, then – at larger
depths – densification effects dominate leading to a marked change of the slope of the
loading curve. The average elastic modulus and hardness show a parabolic trend
reflecting the resistance behavior of the CNT at low depths, followed by densification
effects at higher depths. Marked bursts are present as well indicating collapse effects.
CNT micropillars have been milled as well, in order to investigate the mechanical
behavior under compression using in-situ nanoindentation equipped with a spherical
indenter. The recorded load-displacement curve have been successfully related with
the deformation behavior of the micropillar showing a strong compression and
densification followed by a failure due to buckling events.
Muhammad Zeeshan Mughal*, Riccardo Moscatelli , Marco Sebastiani
Engineering Department, “Roma TRE” University, Via della Vasca Navale 79,
00146, Rome , Italy *[email protected]
An optimized pillar nanoindentation splitting technique is used for the fracture toughness
measurement of spinel LixMn2O4 cathode material under different state of charge
(SoC%), along with the high-speed nanoindentation results for elastic modulus mapping.
High-speed nanoindentation enables for an accurate and efficient evaluation of elastic
modulus and hardness as a function of the SoC% on these challenging materials. The
fracture toughness decreases significantly upon de-lithiation with an overall decrease of
53% from 0% to 100% SoC. Decrease in fracture toughness is associated with the
volume change, increase of defect density and stresses associated with the diffusion of
lithium upon de-lithiation.
Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, fracture toughness, pillar splitting, nanoindentation,
Marco Renzelli, Zeeshan Mughal, Marco Sebastiani, Edoardo Bemporad
University “Roma Tre”, Engineering Department, Via della Vasca Navale, 79-00146
Rome, Italy
Coatings made with PVD technologies like Magnetron Sputtering or Cathodic arc deposition
often show significant intrinsic compressive stresses, in the GPa range. Compressive stresses
in coatings often impede crack formation, enhancing the apparent toughness ; however, high
stresses near the interface can be a powerful delamination force, compromising performance.
Analytical models and computer simulations point to the possibility to increase the coating
performance by “tuning” the compressive stress profiles inside the film, both in average
magnitude and in gradient trough the thickness, to a specific contact situation. The difficulties
inherent to the measurement of the actual stress profile in a micrometre-thick coating
impeded the development of these ideas. The recent development of Focused Ion Beam ( FIB)based stress profiling techniques allow researchers to characterize in a non-destructive way
produced samples liable of subsequent tests able to evidence performance gains in particular
This work presents several examples, to be further developed in the near future, of coatings
designed to better perform in a specific contact situation; this approach is especially useful in
the case of coatings for mechanical components, were with subtle process modifications a lot
of optimized coatings can be derived from the same proven baseline coating employed as a
general purpose one, reducing development risks . Using FilmDoctor optimization tools
specific stress profiles in the coating were designed; some demonstrator samples were
produced as similar as possible to the design and subsequently tested in a contact situation
similar as that used as input in the software. The results of this activity are presented here
together with a discussion of the limits and perspectives of the method.
L. Carlinia, G. Testab, C. Fasolatoc, I. Fratoddib, I. Vendittib, P. Postorinoc, C.
Battocchioa and G. Polzonettia
Department of Science, University “Roma Tre” , Viale G. Marconi 446, 00146 Rome,
Department of Chemistry, University of Rome “Sapienza”, P.le A.Moro 5, 00185 Rome,
Department of Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza”, P.le A.Moro 5, 00185 Rome,
This work is focused on the study of the structural, electronic and morphological
properties of Noble Metal Nanoparticles (MNP-s) for innovative applications in
nano-medicine and nano-biotechnology. A key point for the technological
development of nano-structured materials and practical biomedical devices based on
MNP-s is the achievement of a fine control of the stability and toxicity of the system.
The chemical functionalization of the MNP-s can be done by means of capping
metallic clusters with appropriate organic ligands. The molecule-capping method
provide a reliable control of particle composition, shape and size distribution making
the MNP-s suitable for active purposes in catalysis, nanoelectronics, sensing and
bioanalysis [1].
In this communication, we present MNP-s (Au and Ag) functionalized with mixed
organic ligands (DEA and 3MPS) prepared with different metal/thiol stoichiometric
ratios. Gold and silver nanoparticles, composed of a metallic core and a ligand shell
show a peculiar optical behavior and provide a very powerful tool for
biotechnological applications. The molecular overlayer has been selected on purpose
for the biomedical applications [2,3], as well as to stabilize the nanoparticles. The
changes in the stoichiometric ratio between metal and different capping agents can
influence the chemical properties of ligands functional groups and the dimension of
the functionalized MNP-s. Moreover, the biocompatibility of the system depends
strictly on the charge and thickness of capping molecules layer. To characterize the
nano-systems, the chemical and electronic structure at the MNP-organic ligand
interface were probed by means of Synchrotron Radiation (SR) induced X-ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (SR-XPS). SR-XPS provides information on the local
bonding environment of a given species and it has been demonstrated to be a unique
tool for investigating the nature of the interaction at the capping agent/metal
nanoparticle interface, as well as the chemical structure of MNPs surface [4,5]. The
localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the MNP-s allow the use of another
useful technique, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). In SERS, the
Raman intensity diffused by molecules close to a nano-curved metallic surface is
highly enhanced by the LSPR, allowing the spectroscopical investigation of molecular
monolayers [6]. In this work we compared the semi-quantitative SR-XPS and SERS
analysis to obtain a better understanding of the system. The reported results show a
possible correlation between the molar ratio and the thiol affinity for the metal
allowed achieving a deep understanding of the influence of the stoichiometric ratio on
the electronic properties and stability of the proposed nano-systems.
[1] F. Porcaro, C. Battocchio, A. Antoccia, I. Fratoddi, I. Venditti, A. Fracassi, S. Moreno, I. Luisetto,
M. V. Russo and G. Polzonetti, Colloids and Surfaces B 2016, 142, 408-416.
[2] I. Venditti, L. Fontana, I. Fratoddi, C. Battocchio, C. Cametti, S. Sennato, F. Mura, F. Sciubba, M.
Delfini and M. V. Russo, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2014, 418, 52-60.
[3] I. Venditti, C. Palocci, L. Chronopoulou, I. Fratoddi, L. Fontana, M. Diociaiuti and M. V. Russo,
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2015, 131, 96-101.
[4] C. Battocchio, C. Meneghini, I. Fratoddi, I. Venditti, M. V. Russo, G. Aquilanti, C. Maurizio, F.
Bondino, R. Matassa, M. Rossi, S. Mobilio and G. Polzonetti, J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116,
[5] C. Battocchio, F. Porcaro, S. Mukherjee, E. Magnano, S. Nappini, I. Fratoddi, M. Quintiliani, M.
V. Russo and G. Polzonetti, J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 8159−8168.
[6] C. Fasolato, F. Domenici, S. Sennato, F. Mura, L. De Angelis, F. Luongo, F. Costantini, F. Bordi
and P. Postorino, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105, 073105.
F. D'Angeloa, A. Zennaroa, M. Messinaa, D. Tofania, Y. Kurumab, L. Leonia,
Pasquale Stanoa e G. Rampionia
di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
of Medical Genome Sciences, University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan.
Liposomes are cell-like micro-compartments already used in humans as drugcarriers. We envisage the generation of liposome-based synthetic minimal cells
(SMCs) able to monitor their environment and to release or synthesize antimicrobials
only in response to bacterial pathogens. To reach this goal, a proof-of-concept is
required showing the possibility of generating SMCs able to interact with natural
Here we describe the generation of SMCs able to establish a “synthetic-to-natural”
communication channel with the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Briefly,
a protocol for reproducible generation of large amounts of SMCs has been set-up.
This protocol has been used to generate SMCs containing i) a plasmid for the
expression of RhlI, a synthase that catalyse the production of the quorum sensing
signal molecules N-butyryl-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL), ii) the substrates of RhlI,
and iii) the PURE system®, a recently developed cell-free transcription-translation kit
containing the minimal amount of purified components for in vitro protein expression
from a DNA template. By means of biochemical and analytical chemistry methods, we
demonstrated that these SMCs are able to produce the rhlI RNA, to express the RhlI
protein, and to synthesize the signal molecule C4-HSL. As expected, these SMCs are
able to alter P. aeruginosa gene expression in a similar way as natural bacterial cells
producing C4-HSL. Moreover, modification of the incubation medium allowed
developing a “co-culture” system in which SMCs and P. aeruginosa can co-exist.
The development of SMCs able to respond to signal molecule produced by P.
aeruginosa is in course in our laboratory. The establishment of a “natural-tosynthetic” communication channel will pave the way for the generation of SMCs
endowed with cognitive capacity, to be used as soft-nanorobots for future intelligent
drug-delivery approaches.
S. Franchia, V. Secchia, M. Dettinb, B. Bochicchioc, A. Vladescud,
C. Battocchioa , G. Polzonettia and G. Iuccia
a Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
b Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italia.
c Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italia
d National Institute for Optoelectronics, Magurele, Romania
Hydrogels of self-assembling ionic complementary peptides are collecting consensus
in regenerative medicine as mimetic of extracellular matrices to offer 3D supports for
cell growth, or to be vehicles for delivery of stem cells or drugs. Such scaffolds could
be used as bone substitutes for small bone defects as they promote beneficial effects
on human osteoblasts. Since the ideal matrix must have a 3D geometry similar to the
extracellular matrix, in order to obtain such material a very promising approach
consists in the exploitation of self-assembling peptides [1-5]. These synthetic
oligomers are capable to aggregate in anti-parallel b-sheet conformation to build up
a scaffold for cellular growth.
We here present different self-assembling peptides, immobilized onto titanium and
titanium alloy surfaces by following different chemical methods: titanium and its
alloys are materials widely used in orthopaedic/dental medicine, and therefore they
were chosen as substrates for their ability to promote osteointegration. The here
investigated peptides belong to two main groups: EAbuK-II and elastin-inspired ones.
The former have sequence Ac-Abu-Glu-Abu-Glu-Abu-Lys-Abu-Lys-Abu-Glu-Abu-GluAbu-Lys-Abu-Lys-OH (where Ac: acetyl (-COCH3); Abu: 2-aminobutyrric acid; Glu:
Glutamate; Lys: Lysine), the latter (LGGVG)3, (LGGLG)3 or (VGGLG)3 , where
L=Lysine, G=Glycine, V=Valine.
Functionalized surfaces were investigated by surface-sensitive spectroscopic
techniques such as XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and RAIRS (Reflection
Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy) and by state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation
methodologies such as high resolution SR-induced XPS and angle dependent
NEXAFS (Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure), with the aim of determining
the structure of the immobilized peptide overlayer. XPS analysis allows to check the
chemical structure of the peptide and to determine the overlayer thickness. RAIRS
investigations yield information on the peptide secondary structure. Polarization
dependent NEXAFS measurements can be used to determine molecular order and
orientation of the peptide backbone on the overlayer [6-7].
A. Lakshmanan, S. Zhang, C. A. E. Hauser, Short self-assembling peptides as building blocks
J. M. Lehn, Toward self-organization and complex matter, Science 295 (2002) 2400 – 2403,
S. Zhang, T. Holmes, C. Lockshin, A. Rich, Spontaneous assembly of a self-complementary
oligopeptide to form a stable macroscopic membrane, PNAS USA 90 (1993) 3334-3338,
S. Zhang, Emerging biological materials through molecular self-assembly, Biotech Adv. 20
(2002) 321-339, 10.1016/S0734-9750(02)00026-5
F. Gelain, A. Horii, S. Zhang, Designer self-assembling peptide scaffolds for 3-D tissue cell
cultures and regenerative medicine, Macromol. Biosci. 7 (2007) 544-551,
G. Iucci, C. Battocchio, M. Dettin, R. Gambaretto, G. Polzonetti, A NEXAFS and XPS study of
the adsorption of self-assembling peptides on TiO2: the influence of the side chains, Surf.
Interf. Anal. 40 (2008) 210-214,
C. Battocchio, G. Iucci, M. Dettin, V. Carravetta, S. Monti, G. Polzonetti, Self-assembling
behaviour of self-complementary oligopeptides on biocompatible substrates, Mat. Sci. Eng.C
169 (2010) 36-42
G. Lanzaraa, K. Samadikhaha, Y. Chena, A. Casalottia, M. Di Caprioa, E.
Barresia, M. Talòb, L. Basiricòa, E. Bemporada, F. Carassitia
di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma, Italia.
di Ingegneria Strutturale, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia
Morphing materials are becoming among the most promising technological avenues
in several industrial fields since their usage can enhance the performance or enable
new capabilities in the systems which they are applied to. For instance, the
aeronautic, naval and automotive fields will certainly benefit from skins whose shape
is automatically adapted at the micro or macro scale to reduce drag and improve
propulsion. Biomedical implants, textiles, metamaterials will greatly benefit from the
use of materials whose shape can be modified in a controlled and, why not, selfmorphing manner. The ideal morphing materials should be able to allow for tuneable
mechanical properties, should be able to reach a large number of shapes as a
response to unpredictable and variable actions, should be able to morph at multiple
scales, for instance, to modify over time surface roughness (nano/micro-scale) or to
globally change the overall shape of a macro-scale body. All this should be done
ensuring a tuneable morphing speed, appropriate mechanical and, wherever needed,
damping properties. Despite the wide effort that is being placed in this research field,
there are still several open challenges that do not allow yet to achieve all of the above
mentioned properties within the same material.
A summary of the major activities that are being carried out for the development of
novel morphing materials, under the sponsorship of the European Research Council
(ERC) and of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) (PI: Dr. G.
Lanzara), will be presented in this poster.
The objective is to implement morphing materials for load bearing (e.g. carbon fiber
composites) or for eminently flexible materials that can adapt their shape in a multiscale fashion (from nano/micro- to macro-) in response to external stimuli. This is
achieved by means of a thorough multi-physics approach which comprises the
following key materials/technologies, that, once strategically integrated, can provide
the above mentioned functions/properties. For instance, a multilayered carbon fiber
composite material that comprises a lay-up of hybrid fillers, is under development. On
one hand, conventional micro-scaled fillers (carbon fibers) are used to realize
composites with tuneable rigidity that can morph locally and globally with the help of
an embedded highly distributed active network or with the help of an ad-hoc shape
memory polymer matrix. On the other hand, nano-scaled fillers, as carbon nanotubes
(CNTs), are used to improve the material mechanical and damping properties by
tuning, in an unconventional manner, the interfacial strength between the CNTs and
the hosting matrix. A wide effort is being placed into the development of the above
mentioned active network that has the role of inducing local/global shape changes in
multi-scale once it is non-invasively integrated into a hosting material (that can be
rigid or flexible in its intrinsic nature). The network consists of an array of
miniaturized wires, highly distributed over large macroscopic areas, and whose
shape can be controlled individually to achieve tuneable and multi-scale morphing
capabilities. First of all, efforts are being placed into the achievement of "synclastic
morphing" and this is done by means of special network designs that exploit a
negative Poisson coefficient. Important efforts are also being placed into the creation
of "live" network by exploiting different principles. The active network can in fact be
self-activated or activated by an applied voltage. The first case gives rise to selfadaptable morphing materials driven by temperature gradients. In this case in-plane
or out-of-plane morphing is driven by a special polymeric network that is thought of
as an assembly of size-changing miniaturized cells formed by materials with a
positive coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). These cells are characterized by a
unique structural design that allows to achieve cells contractions against positive
temperature gradients, which is necessary to amplify out-of-plane morphing. In other
words, micro-scaled cellular polymers that exploit the highest ever presented negative
CTE, have been designed. An alternative design includes an active voltage-driven
network. In this case the network is made of piezoelectric polymer microwires that are
strategically interconnected and that host embedded electronics and circuitries. The
local or global shape of the above active networks is driven by means of properly
programmed embedded microcontrollers that, time-by-time, interact with the heating
devices of each single microcell, for the first network design, or with the circuitry that
drives each single wire for the second network design.
Last, but not least, all of the above described materials/technologies are interfaced
with a high-density array of miniaturized sensors that are used to continuously and
locally monitor external parameters. Efforts are being placed into the design of novel
devices, like CNT-based flow and pressure sensors that will be here presented.
Finally, results of the fabricated shape memory polymer carbon fiber composites and
of the implemented unconventional fabrication methods based on microfabrication
techniques will be discussed together with a novel electrospinning system that is
under development to down-scale (down to nano-scale) both of the above active
The presented work can benefit from bridging several disciplinary areas within the
Engineering Department at the University of Roma Tre and other faculties, as well as
to attract the interest of various industrial partners. For instance, but not limited to,
interesting and fruitful collaborations could indeed be established within the
biomedical (adaptive implants and organs), electronic (stretchable electronics), civil
highly insulating/self-reconfigurable structures), aeronautic (morphing wings),
architecture (adaptive building envelops) and adaptive metamaterials (for acoustics,
optics, electromagnetic shielding etc.) engineering fields.