Classi Seconde compiti estivi


Classi Seconde compiti estivi
Classi seconde. Anno scolastico 2011-2012 – ENGLISH SUMMER HOMEWORK
• Esercizi da fare nel periodo giugno-agosto
Utilizzando il computer sul sito puoi fare un proficuo ripasso autocorrettivo.
Tutti gli esercizi sono adatti alle classi 2^ tranne gli argomenti di grammaticali che non hai ancora affrontato
(comparative, superlative, future). In questo sito sfrutta anche gli esercizi di listening, reading e vocabulary.
1) Per il ripasso lessicale utilizza anche il Cd-rom. Fai tutti gli esercizi delle seguenti sezioni:
Level 1 : Houses and Flats, Jobs
Level 2 : Shops, Outdoor activities, On holiday, Sports, Hobbies, Clothing
Level 3 : Food, animals
Ripassa velocemente Level 1 : Family ties, School, Daily routine, From head to foot;
2) leggere i racconti sul Cdrom Level 1 e "Treasure Island" level 2 è un buon esercizio ma troverai alcune parole
che non conosci. Aiutati con le immagini e cerca di usare un dizionario per le parole evidenziate.
3) A fine estate. Prima di tornare a scuola, riascolta e ripeti tutti i dialoghi delle unità 9-16.
Poi ripassa sul tuo quaderno o sul libro tutte le strutture grammaticali che hai studiato in seconda.
4) Close Up - Workbook: ripeti gli esercizi solo oralmente ascoltando il Cd e rispondendo ad alta voce alle
domande dello speaker come in una conversazione (leggi istruzioni su Close Up 1, pag. 147 es. 5B):
UNIT 9: 6A, 6B; 7A, 7B; 8A, 8B; 9A, 9B pag.217-219. Sul quaderno ripeti la listening 5 pag.225 e 4 pag 227. Non guardare le risposte,
ma prendi appunti sul tuo quaderno.
UNIT 10: 4A, 4B; 5A, 5B; 7A, 7B pag.229-230
UNIT 11: 4A, 4B; 5A, 5B; 6A, 6B pag.237-238
UNIT 12: 3A, 3B; 5A, 5B; 7A, 7B pag.244-245
UNIT 13: 4A, 4B; 6A, 6B; 8A, 8B pag.147- 148. Ascolta CD3 track 6 e scrivi su un foglio i numeri che senti.
UNIT 14: 5A,5B; 8A, 8B pag.156-157
UNIT 15: 4A, 4B; 5A, 5B; 7A,7b pag.163-164
UNIT 16: 5A,5B; 7A, 7B; 8A,8B; 9A, 9B pag.175-177
5)Non tornare a scuola senza aver scritto e ripassato tutti i verbi irregolari. Usa anche YouTube
per ripassare la pronuncia: digita ESL irregular verbs troverai vari video.
6) Scrivi un resoconto su come hai trascorso le prime settimane dopo il terremoto e sulla tua
vacanza estiva. Portalo a scuola il primo giorno, scritto in bella da consegnare alla prof.
Puoi iniziare così: “ In May we had a frightening earthquake and the school year finished suddenly.
I................ In June …….July I…….. In August……..In September…..” Parla di tutte le tue vacanze
anche quando sei rimasto a casa e racconta la tua daily routine utilizzando il past simple. Scrivi
almeno 200 parole e ricorda che l’estate è lunga!
7) Reading. Acquista il volume di S. Burns e D. Guglielmino, New Culture Talk, ed. Petrini, € 10.50.
Ti servirà per leggere questa estate e per la preparazione dell’esame in terza. Leggi le seguenti pagine
e fai gli esercizi scritti e d’ascolto: pag. 4-6-7-8- 12-13-14-15-16-17(no ex 10)- 19-21- 22-23-24-25-5253-54-55-56-85.
) Per chi ama leggere e vuole potenziare il proprio inglese i libri con CD audio Around The World In
Eighty Days di Jules Verne –The Legend of Sleeping Hollow and Rip Van Winkle entrambi della Casa editrice OXFORD, serie
Starter , circa € 6.50; i libri della Casa editrice Cideb serie Green Apple livello Step1 – A2 costano circa €8.50 con audioCD : The
Jungle Book ; The Secret of the Stones ; Black Beauty; Five children and It; Sherlock Holmes and the Red Circle; Great
Expectations; Little Women; Halloween Horror. I libri della Casa editrice Scholastics con audioCD costano circa €7,80: serie
Elementary: Night at the Museum; Goal II (parla di calcio). Oppure i Penguin Active readers –Level 1: The wrong Man; Little
Women, The Crown, Island for sale,; The Barcellona Game; etc. costano €7.10 e hanno un Multi-ROM con registrazione audio
completa e vari esercizi aggiuntivi e interattivi. I libri della collana Password Readers, ed Lang, Pirates; A Dangerous Game, A
study in Scarlet; Oliver Twist; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Per chi vuole un libro di esercizi grammaticali: ed. Loescher Grammar Gym, vol. 1 e 2, € 8.00 ; ed. Il Capitello Summer Colours
vol. 2 € 7.00; ed. National Geographic ed. La Scuola Summer Explorer vol. 2 €7.80
Sounds Good! ed. Eli € 7.70 vol 1, lo puoi fare tutto, vol 2 solo una parte ma può essere usato la prossima estate dopo la terza.
Sempre ed. Eli €7.90 anche Up to you! Vol 1 e vol 2.
Esercizi da fare nel periodo fine agosto-settembre
ESERCIZI OBBLIGATORI da stampare e da portare il primo giorno di scuola compilati a mano.
1 Completa le domande con do o does.
a. …….. you go to school by bus?
b. …….. your class study German?
c. …….. your mother eat cereals for breakfast?
d. …….. your friends play tennis?
e. …….. you live in a nice town?
2 Sul quaderno rispondi alle domande dell'esercizio precedente con la risposta breve negativa. Poi
dai l'informazione corretta.
Ex.: Do you like jogging? – No, I don't. I prefer biking.
3 Sul quaderno trasforma queste frasi alla forma interrogativa e poi negativa
a. You have cereals for breakfast. ...........................................................................................
b. Ben comes from Ireland. .....................................................................................................
c. The students do maths on Thursday and Friday. ................................................................
d. Your brother likes horror films. ............................................................................................
e. Charles watches TV in the evening.
4 Scrivi frasi affermative (), negative (X) o interrogative (?) usando can.
a. Andrea / use the computer () ............................................................................................
b. you / play the guitar (?) ........................................................................................................
c. Gemma / dance a waltz (?) .................................................................................................
d. I / speak Chinese (X) ...........................................................................................................
e. my friends / ride a motorbike (X) .........................................................................................
f. we / go to the football match () .........................................................................................
5 Completa le frasi con can o can't e i verbi take - cycle - listen - drink - read - go - buy - play - sing
a. Diana's in the volleyball team. She …… …… very well.
b. Are you thirsty? You …… …… a coke.
c. I …… …… that song. It’s in French.
d. Helen …… …… that mobile phone. It’s very expensive.
e. Michael …… …… fantastic photos. He’s a professional photographer.
f. My brother …… …… to school. He hasn’t got a bike.
g. We …… …… to the swimming pool on Sunday. It’s closed.
h. I …… …… this poster. The words are really small.
i. I …… …… to my Mp3, I haven’t got my headphones.
6 Osserva la figura a pag 107 di Close Up e completa le frasi usando le preposizioni behind,
between, in front of, next to.
a. The post office is …………… the cinema.
f. The traffic lights are …………… the museum.
b. The cinema is …………… the church.
g. The cinema is …………… the post office.
c. The church is …………… the hotel.
h. The supermarket is …………… the office block.
d. The telephone box is …………… the
i. The restaurant is …………… the telephone
e. The post office is …………… the cinema and
j. The post office is …………… the hotel.
the restaurant.
7 Completa le frasi usando le preposizioni at, in, on, to quando necessario.
a. My mother is …… home.
e. My grandparents live …… London.
b. The clothes are …… the bed.
f. Do you want to come …… the supermarket
c. We go …… Spain on holiday.
with me?
d. I usually go …… home at five.
g. I can meet you …… the bus stop.
8 Completa le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi con 's o of.
a. ……………………………. is fantastic. (new CD / Eminem)
b. ……………………………. are closed. (windows / room)
c. ……………………………. are on the chair. (schoolbags / my friends)
d. ……………………………. is a Honda. (scooter / Helen)
e. The Louvre is in …………………………………. (centre / Paris)
9 Completa gli spazi con some o any.
a. I've got …………… books about London.
b. Are there …………… biscuits in the box?
c. There are ………. beautiful houses in my town.
d. There aren’t …………… clothes in the
e. I don't watch ………. sports programmes on
f. Do you know …………… foreign students at
10 Sul quaderno trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa.
a. There are some boys in my classroom.
b. I haven’t got any English friends.
c. There are some desks in the classroom.
d. My grandfather doesn't watch any quiz shows.
e. Sarah hasn't got any red T-shirts.
11 Scegli i pronomi corretti per completare le frasi.
a. Is Susan with her friends? – No, they / he / she isn't with him / us / them.
b. Please come with me / you / it to the reception. There’s an important visitor for him / you / it.
c. We like Mary but she / her / we doesn't like we / us / I.
d. Is Sandra here? There's a telephone call for it / him / her. – Yes, she / her / it is in her room.
12 Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con i pronomi personali.
a. David doesn’t know Shirley’s boyfriend.
……… doesn’t know ………
b. Sandra and Michael don't know your sister.
……… don't know ………
c. Susan and I like your brothers.
……… like ………
d. Your father doesn't like Susan and me.
……… doesn't like ………
13 Completa ogni spazio con il pronome personale corretto.
a. Are these flowers for me? – Yes, they're for ……… .
b. We've got a new basketball team. Come and play with ……… .
c. Do you like Nicole Kidman? – Yes, I like ……………. . She's a good actress.
d. Is that your new bicycle? – Yes, do you like ……………. ?
e. These are Emma’s parents. I know ……… very well.
f. We've got a big house. Come and stay with ……… if you visit Milan.
14 Sul quaderno scrivi domande e risposte usando il Present continuous.
a. You / play tennis? – No / do the cooking
b. Susan / play the guitar? – No / watch TV
c. Your grandparents / read a book? – No / sleep
d. Bob and Melinda / dance? – No / talk to their friends
e. Mike / have lunch? – No / do his homework
15 Scegli le parole corrette per completare queste frasi.
a. Where do you go / are you going? – To the cinema. Do you want to come with me?
b. Dad is in the garden. He washes / is washing his car.
c. My uncle is a doctor. He works / is working in a hospital.
d. They usually have / are having dinner at half past seven.
e. Where’s your brother? – In his room. He listens / is listening to the music.
16 Scrivi il verbo tra parentesi nel tempo corretto, Present simple o Present continuous.
a. We usually …………………………….………… to school. (cycle)
b. Can you see dad? – Yes, he’s in the garden. He ……………..………………… the grass. (cut)
c. My sister is a receptionist. She …………………………………………… in a hotel. (work)
d. Jasmine is in the kitchen. She ……………………………….……………… some tea. (make)
e. Listen! Sally ………………………………………………………..… a beautiful song. (sing)
17 Trasforma queste frasi affermative in frasi interrogative.
Penny studies Spanish.........................................................................................................
Stephanie is talking to her sister. .........................................................................................
The concert starts at half past nine.......................................................................................
You work in a bank. .............................................................................................................
They are surfing the net........................................................................................................
18 Scegli il verbo corretto in ogni frase.
a. The capital city of Spain was / is / were / are Madrid.
b. We are / was / were / is at school yesterday.
c. Margaret Thatcher was / were / is / a British prime minister from 1979 to 1990.
d. The Alps were / is / are / was mountains in the north of Italy.
e. Was / Were / Are / Is you in London last week?
19 Completa le frasi con il passato di be.
a. When …….. your English exam? – It …….. last Tuesday.
b. …….. you at school ? – No, I …….. . I …….. at home.
c. Where …….. the Olympic Games in 2000? – They …….. in Sydney.
d. …….. there any messages for me yesterday?
e. When ……….. Sigmund Freud born? – He ……….. born in 1856.
20 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa.
a. Your sister didn't go to school yesterday. ............................................................................
b. Suzie did her homework this afternoon. ...............................................................................
c. The supermarket was closed on Sunday. ............................................................................
d. Melanie didn't buy a present for Sarah. ...............................................................................
e. You weren’t at school yesterday. ........................................................................................
21 Sul quaderno trasforma le frasi dell’esercizio precedente in frasi interrogative.
22 Coniuga il verbo alla forma corretta del Past simple.
a. I ………..…. Clare at Susan’s party. (meet)
b. My sister ………….. to the supermarket with my mother. (not go)
c. …….. you …….. the homework yesterday? (do)
d. What ………. Karen ………. you for your birthday? (give)
e. I ………….. the book. (not read)
f. …….. the teacher ………. you? (help)
g. My grandparents ………. in Spain for two years. (live)
h. What …….. you ………. for dinner? (eat)
i. You ………….. your room this morning. (not tidy)
j. ………. you ………. the concert last night? (like)
23 Completa le domande con la preposizione corretta: about – at – for – from – in – on – to (3) – with
a. What are you looking ……….. ? – Some old pictures.
b. Who are you waiting ………..? – My friend Sam.
c. What cinema did you go ………..? – The Odeon, in the city centre.
d. Who did you go to the concert ………..? Sandra and Tommy.
e. What date is Mark's birthday ………..? – 28th September.
f. Where does Caroline come ………..? – Australia.
g. What kind of music does Jasmine listen ………..? – She likes pop music.
h. Who did you speak ………..? – The receptionist on the first floor.
i. What office is Mr Benson ………..? – His office is the first on the right.
j. What are you thinking ………..? My summer holidays.
24 Completa con le parole interrogative: when – where – why – who – what – what time – how – how old
a. ……… date was it yesterday? – 23rd March.
e. ……… did you go on holiday? – Last August.
b. ……… was your grandfather? – Very well, thank f. ……… were your parents born? – In England.
g. ……… did you go to bed last night? – At quarter past
c. ……… did you buy these jeans? – Because I
liked them.
h. ……… is your sister? – She's twenty years old.
d. ……… did you go to London? – By train.
i. ……… did you meet in town? – My friend Christine.
25 Completa il brano con le parole date: was, died, job, divorced, got, married, grew, left, started, family
Irene (a.) …………..… born on 13th June 1957. She (b.) …………..… up in Manchester, a city in the north of
England. Her family had a nice house near the city centre. She (c.) …………..… school in 1961. In 1964 her
father (d.) …………..… and she moved to Liverpool with her mother and her sister. They lived with her
grandparents. She (e.) …………..… school in 1973 and found a (f.) …………..… in an office. She met Jack
in 1975. They fell in love and
(g.) …………..… engaged. In 1976 they decided to get (h.) …………..…:
they wanted to have a big (i.) …………..… They had two lovely children, but things weren’t easy. Jack lost his
job and Irene decided to go back to work. They weren’t very happy together, so in 1985 they separated and in
1988 they got (j.) …………..… . They still live in Manchester and are still good friends.
26 Traduci queste frasi in inglese.
1. Audrey non lavora in un ospedale; lavora in una scuola.
2. Brian non sa giocare a scacchi ma sa parlare due lingue straniere.
3. Che lavora fa tuo cugino? – È un autista d’autobus.
4. L’ufficio postale è dietro all’albergo.
5. La borsa di mia sorella è sotto la sedia.
6. La mia casa non è lontana dal centro.
7. Ci sono degli armadietti in cucina?
8. Questa rivista è per me? – Sì, è per te.
9. Che cosa fa tuo fratello adesso? – Fa la doccia.
10. La mamma cucina? – No, è in salotto. Guarda la TV.
11. Dov’eri ieri pomeriggio? – Ero in piscina.
12. I miei amici sono nati in Scozia.
13. Il compleanno di Mary è il dieci maggio.
14. Quanti ne abbiamo oggi? – Oggi è il ventisei marzo.
15. Dove siete andati ieri sera?
16. Mary è cresciuta in una piccola città nel sud dell’Inghilterra.
17. Perché Carlo è rimasto a casa? – Perché era molto stanco.
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