Daniele Bondonio


Daniele Bondonio
Daniele Bondonio
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Department DiGSPES
Via Cavour 84, 15100 Alessandria
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. (Doctoral of Philosophy), Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Master of Philosophy, Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Laurea in Economics, Università di Torino (Cum Laude, Honors and Distinction).
(2001-to date) Department of Law, Political Science and Economics and Department POLIS, Università
del Piemonte Orientale, Italy. Assistant professor (2001-2004) and Associate professor (2004-to date).
(2013 and 2007) Visiting Associate Professor, Glenn School of Public Affairs, The Ohio State
University, USA. Course taught: “PUBAFRS 6080 Program Evaluation”, Master in Public
(2010) Visiting Associate Professor, University of California at Irvine, Department of Criminology,
Law and Society, USA, Course taught: “C215 Applied Statistics”, Master in Advanced studies.
(2001 and 2003) Visiting Scholar, Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA
(2000-2004) Member of the “Nucleo di Valutazione” (Evaluation Board) of the Università del Piemonte
Orientale, Italy.
Scientific Expert, Joint Research Center of the European Commission (EC): Counterfactual impact
evaluation of the EU Framework Program funding on firms’ innovativeness (2014 to date).
Scientific Expert, European research project INGRID (Integrating expertise in inclusive growth):
Organizer and chair of the Public Policy Impact Evaluation Sessions of the Expert workshops.
Consortium of 16 European Universities and Research Centers (2015).
Appointed as Country Expert (for Italy) in the EU peer-review on Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of
Public Policies, European Commission, Mutual Learning Programme, Prague (2014).
Scientific Advisor, Directorate General Regional Policy, EC: Principal investigator for evaluating the
impact of EU enterprise support programmes funded by the structural funds and the impact of EU
cohesion policy funds on regional growth (2011- to date).
Member of the Academic Panel appointed by the EC (DG-Regional Policy) for reviewing the final
evaluation report “Structural Change and Globalization” on the 2000-2006 EU cohesion policy programs
•Graduate courses (leading instructor)
-Program Evaluation (PUBAFRS 6080), The Ohio State University, Glenn School of Public Affairs,
Master in Public Administration.
-Applied Statistics (C215), University of California at Irvine, Master in Advanced Studies, Department of
Criminology, Law and Society.
-Statistical methods for empirical analysis applied to law, IEL - International Ph.D. Programme in
Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law.
-Methods to evaluate local public policies, Master in “Cultural Projects for development”, U.N.
International Training Center/ILO.
-Statistical methods for impact evaluation, Doctorate in Economics, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, Italy.
-Statistical methods for impact evaluation, School of the Italian Society of Statistics “Statistical models for
evaluating educational curricula", Università di Firenze, Italy.
-Quantitative methods for health care management, Master in economics and health care management,
CORIPE-Piemonte (Università di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale), Italy.
-Quantitative methods for Public Policy Analysis, Master in Public Policy Analysis, COREP (Univ. Piem.
Orientale, Univ. di Torino e Politecnico di Torino), Italy.
-Statistics for economics, School of Political Science, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.
-Quantitative methods for evaluating public policies, School of Political Science, Università di Torino,
-Economic Principles of Policy Analysis,(TA) Master of Public Management, Heinz School of Public
Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University.
•Undergraduate courses (leading instructor)
-Econometrics, School of Political Science, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.
-Public policy analysis and evaluation, School of Economics, Università di Torino, Italy (2003 and 2006).
•European Commission, DG-Regional Policy. Principal Investigator. Research Grant n°
2014.CE.16.B.AT.099, “Ex post evaluation of the ERDF and CF programmes in 2007-2013, focusing on
the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF)” (2014-2015).
•EC, DG-Regional Policy. Principal Investigator. Research Grant n°
2010.CE.16.B.AT.042,“Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Cohesion Policy. Work Package 1:
Examples from Enterprise Support” (2010-2012).
•MIUR, PRIN (Italian Ministry of University and Research, National Grants for “Research Project of
National Interest”), Head of the Università del Piemonte Orientale Research Unit. Research project: “The
evaluation of the net differential impact of alternative policy options, in the areas of incentives to
enterprises and labour market policies” (2005-2007).
•MIUR, PRIN (Italian Ministry of University and Research, National Grants for “Research Project of
National Interest”). Research project: “Exploiting across-region heterogeneity to evaluate the
employment impact of business incentive policies in areas with declining industrial production” (20032005).
•MIUR, PRIN (Italian Ministry of University and Research, National Grants for “Research Project of
National Interest”). Research project: “Evaluating the employment impact of the enterprise support
policies in the EU areas with sharp industrial decline (EU Objective 2 areas)" (2001 -2003).
•Fellowship CNR (Italian National Research Council). Research Project: “Evaluating economic
development incentives in declining areas: a comparison between US and EU policies” (2001).
•Fourth European Evaluation Society (EES) Conference Paper Mention. Paper awarded: “Evaluating
decentralized policies: How to compare the performance of state and local economic development
programs across different regions”(2000).
•NSF-National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant SBR9906894 awarded to the research project: “Firm Level Response to Geographically-Targeted Economic
Development Incentives: Evidence from Enterprise Zone Programs”(1999).
•U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington D.C., Doctoral Dissertation Research
Award for the project: “Do Geographically-Targeted Development Incentives Revitalize Communities?
Evidence from the State Enterprise Zone Programs”(1999).
•ICER (International Center for Economic Research), Torino, Fellowship. Research projects: “Methods
“Statistical methods to evaluate geographically-targeted programs with firm-level business data”(1998).
•Compagnia di Sanpaolo, “Luciano Jona” National scholarship (1994-1995).
•Referee for articles submitted for publication in the following journals:
-Journal of Public Economics;
-Regional Science and Urban Economics;
-Economic Development Quarterly;
-International Regional Science Review;
-Journal of Development Economics;
-Urban Affairs review;
-National Tax Journal;
-Regional Studies;
-European Urban and Regional Studies;
-Economic Development Quaterly;
Journal articles (under final review)
•"Natural Disasters and Relief Assistance: Empirical Evidence on the Resilience of U.S. Counties using
Dynamic Propensity Score Matching" (with Robert Greenbaum, Tricia Petras, Andy Hultquist), under
final review in the Journal of Urban Economics (first Submission 2016).
•"Does EU Cohesion Policy Boost High Quality Jobs? Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee
Microdata and Natural-Experiment Conditions" (with Ricardo Mamede and Teresa Farinha), under final
review in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (first Submission 2016).
•"The Impact of Degree Duration on Higher Education Participation: Evidence from a Large-Scale
Natural Experiment (with Fabio Berton), under final review in the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and
Statistics (first Submission 2015).
Journal articles (refereed)
•"Revitalizing regional economies through enterprise support policies: An impact evaluation of multiple
instruments" (with Robert Greenbaum), in European Urban and Regional Studies, vol.21 n.1, pp.79-103,
•"Incentivizing Economic Development: An Empirical Examination of the Use of Grants and Loans"
(with Robert Greenbaum), in SC Journal of International Law and Business, vol. 7 n. 2, pp. 191-214,
•"Do Local Tax Incentives Affect Economic Growth? What Mean Impacts Miss in the Analysis of
Enterprise Zone Policies" (with Robert Greenbaum), in Regional Science and Urban Economics (Elsevier
Science), vol. 37 n. 1, pp. 121-136, 2007.
•"Do Business Investment Incentives Promote Employment in Declining Areas? Evidence from EU
Objective 2 Regions" (with Robert Greenbaum), in European Urban and Regional Studies (Sage
Publication), vol. 13 n. 3, pp. 225-244, 2006.
•"Losing Focus: A Comparative Evaluation of Spatially Targeted Economic Revitalization Programs in
the US and the EU" (with Robert Greenbaum), in Regional studies (Carfax Publishing London, New
York, Singapore), vol. 38 n. 3, pp. 319-334, 2004.
•"Evaluating decentralized policies: A method to compare the performance of economic development
programmes across different regions or states" , in Evaluation (Sage Publications), vol. 8 n. 1, pp. 101124, 2002.
•"Statistical methods to evaluate geographically-targeted economic development programs" , in Statistica
Applicata, vol. 12 n. 2, pp. 177-204, 2000.
•"Enterprise Zones and Local Employment: Evidence from the States’ Programs" (with John Engberg), in
Regional Science and Urban Economics (Elsevier Science), vol. 30 n. 5, pp. 519-549, 2000.
•"La valutazione d’impatto dei programmi di incentivo allo sviluppo economico (in Italian)" , in
Economia Pubblica n. 6, pp. 23-52, 1998.
•"Predictors of Accuracy in Perceiving Informal Social Networks" , in Social Networks (Elsevier
Science), vol. 20 n. 4, pp. 301-330, 1998.
•"Modelli di perequazione per il federalismo fiscale (in Italian)" , in Economia Pubblica n. 6, pp. 34-56,
Articles in the Proceedings of the Italian Statistical Society
•" EU Cohesion Policy Funds and Job Quality: A Counterfactual Impact Evaluation with Linked
Employer-Employee Data” (with Teresa Fernades and ricardo Mamede), Proceedings of the 2015
Conference of the Italian Society of Statistics, Treviso, 2015
•"Evaluating the Effects of Business Incentives Policies: Identification Strategies for EU and US
Programs" , in Proceedings of the XLIV Conference of the Italian Society of Statistics, CLEUP:Padova,
pp. 135-143, 2008
•"Evaluating the D.M. 509/99 reform of the Italian university system: methods and empirical evidence
from the analysis of MIUR data" , in Proceedings of the XLIII Conference of the Italian Society of
Statistics, Torino, 2006
•"Using Administrative Data to Evaluate the Employment Impact of Incentives to Artisan Enterprises"
(with Alberto Martini), in Proceedings of the XLII Conference of the Italian Society of Statistics, Bari,
•"Methods to Evaluate the Employment Impact of Business Incentives in EU Areas with Declining
Industrial Production" , in Proceedings of the XLI Conference of the Italian Society of Statistics, Milano,
•"Using event history analysis to evaluate the impact of investment subsidies targeted to youth-owned
firms" (with Alberto Martini), in Proceedings of the 2001 Intermediate Conference of the Italian Society
of Statistics, Roma, 2001
Books and articles in other conference proceedings
•"Community Resilience to Rare Events: Using Dynamic Propensity Score Matching to Examine the
Effects of Disasters” (with Robert Greenbaum, Tricia L. Petras and Andy Hultquist), Proceedings of the
61st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Washington, DC, 2014
•"Valutazione delle politiche pubbliche per l'artigianato 2005-2007: La distribuzione degli aiuti e la stima
dell'impatto occupazionale (in Italian)" (with Michelangelo Filippi and Alessandro Giordanengo), Collana
del sistema informativo dell'artigianato- Regione Piemonte, Torino, 2009
•"La valutazione integrata delle diverse tipologie di aiuto (in Italian)" , in La valutazione degli aiuti alle
imprese (Banca d'Italia), De Blasio Guido and Lotti Francesca (Eds.), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008
•"La Valutazione delle Misure di Sostegno alle Attività Commerciali nelle Aree Marginali della Toscana
(in Italian)" , in IRPET-Regione Toscana, Publication co-funded by the EU-ERDF, Firenze, 2006
•"La valutazione dell’impatto occupazionale netto sulle imprese artigiane (in Italian)" , in Indagine sugli
Interventi di Sostegno alle Imprese Artigiane in Piemonte, Bondonio Daniele and Barberis Rossella
(Eds.), Collana dell'Osservatorio dell'Artigianato, Regione Piemonte, Torino, 2006
•"Do business incentives increase employment in declining areas? Mean impacts versus impacts by
degrees of economic distress" , in Proceedings of the XIX National Conference of Labour Economics,
Modena, 2004
•"Four Directions to Improve Evaluation Practices in the European Union" , in Evaluating Local
Economic and Employment Development, Nolan Alistair (OECD) (Ed.), OECD Publishing, ISBN:
9789264017085:Paris, 2004
•"Evaluating the Employment Impact of Business Incentive Programs in EU Disadvantaged Areas. A case
from Northern Italy" , in Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association International Conference
"Evaluation and EU Regional Policy", Aix en Provence, 2002
•"La valutazione d’impatto degli incentivi allo sviluppo economico locale (in Italian)" , in Analisi e
metodologie per la valutazione delle politiche industriali, Brancati Raffaele (Ed.), Franco Angeli:Milano,
•"Urban Enterprise Zones: What Incentives Work, Where they Work and How They Work" (with John
Engberg and Robert Greenbaum), in Proceedings of the 1998 European Real Estate Society and American
Real Estate and Urban Association Conference, Maastricht, 1998
Selected working papers (unpublished)
•"The Impact of Degree Duration on Higher Education Participation: Evidence from a Large-Scale
Natural Experiment " (with Fabio Berton) , Working Paper n. 137-2014, Labor Center for Economic
Studies, Collegio CarloAlberto http://www.laboratoriorevelli.it/_pdf/wp137.pdf
•"Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Enterprise Support Policies: An Empirical Application to EU CoSponsored, National and Regional Programs" (with Robert Greenbaum), John Glenn Working Paper
Series, n.1/2010, Ohio State University,
•"Impact identification strategies for evaluating business incentive programs", Working Paper n. 145/09,
POLIS Working Papers, Università del Piemonte Orientale
•"Gli effetti occupazionali delle politiche di aiuto alle imprese: una valutazione comparativa tra diverse
modalità di agevolazione (in Italian)", Working Paper n. 101/07, POLIS Working Papers, Università del
Piemonte Orientale
•"La distribuzione dei finanziamenti europei sul territorio regionale: Un'analisi su micro-dati 2000-2006
(in Italian)", Working Paper n. 103/07, POLIS Working Papers, Università del Piemonte Orientale
•"La valutazione d'impatto della riforma universitaria 3+2: un'analisi empirica sui dati dell'Ufficio
Statistica del MIUR (in Italian)", Working Paper n. 106/07, POLIS Working Papers, Università del
Piemonte Orientale
•"Decomposing the impacts: Lessons from a multistate analysis of enterprise zone programs" (with Robert
Greenbaum), John Glenn Working Paper Series, n. 3/2005, Ohio State University
• European Commission (DG Regional and Urban Policy), European Expert Seminar “Evaluating the
Impact of European Structural Funds: Is the Transfer Intensity Effective?”, Featured Speaker, Rome,
• Joint Research Center, EC, European Conference “Compie 2014: Counterfactual Methods for Policy
Impact Evaluation”. Conference Chair for the session: “Credit and taxation policies”, Rome, 2014.
• Conference of the Regional Study Association, Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy. Featured
Speaker in the “Impact Evaluation” Plenary Session, Prague, 2014.
• International Conference “Building Solutions to Poverty – Methods and Metrics for Identifying
Success”. Featured Speaker in the Plenary Session: “Innovative Solutions to Poverty: Issues and
Challenges in Poverty Measurement, Intervention Design, and Evaluation”, Columbus, OH, 2011.
• APPAM (Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management) Annual Research Conference. Coorganizer of the session “Effectiveness of Economic Development Vehicles”. Los-Angeles CA, 2008
•OCSE-European Commission conference “Evaluating local economic and employment development”,.
Keynote Discussant for the Plenary Session “Evaluating impacts on local economies: what has been
done and what is doable?”, Vienna 2002.
Born in 1968
Married, 2 children