Fashion in the Palace, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER ON


Fashion in the Palace, JEAN PAUL GAULTIER ON
Architecture Art Calendar Cinema Design Food Music Reca Group Travel
Fashion in the Palace,
The French capital celebrates the fashion designer’s work with an elaborate exhibition…
and a world tour to follow
Last month saw the opening of a memorable exhibition devoted to the enfant terrible of
French fashion, featuring a stunning setting: Jean Paul Gaultier at the Grand Palais in
Paris. The exhibition – which will run until next August – displays 175 different outfits
designed by the eccentric designer between 1970 and 2013, embracing both Haute
Couture and Ready to wear, as well as a huge treasure-trove of stage costumes, archive
documents and videos. Numerous other artists are also involved in the exhibition-cumshow, including UBU, an avant-garde theatre company, which has applied its talent to
animating the mannequins displayed along the exhibition itinerary (thanks to an innovative
technology). Not a show to confine itself to home territory: as soon as it closes in Paris, off
it goes to Dallas, San Francisco, New York, Melbourne, London and Madrid.
Ha aperto i battenti lo scorso mese in una cornice di straordinario fascino la mostra
dedicata all’eterno enfant terrible della moda francese: al Grand Palais va in scena
Jean Paul Gaultier. L’esposizione, visitabile fino al prossimo agosto, raccoglie 175 outfit
disegnati dall’eccentrico stilista tra il 1970 e il 2013, tra haute couture e ready to wear,
oltre ad un vasto patrimonio composto da costumi di scena, documenti d’archivio e filmati.
Numerosi anche gli artisti che hanno preso parte al programma, a partire dalla compagnia
teatrale avanguardista UBU, che ha prestato il proprio talento all’animazione dei
manichini esposti lungo il percorso allestitivo (resa possibile grazie all’utilizzo di una
tecnologia innovativa). Lo show non intende fermarsi entro i confini nazionali: appena
disallestita la mostra partirà per approdare a Dallas, San Francisco, New York,
Melbourne, Londra e Madrid.
Posted by: Reca Group, MAy, 2015