packet b1— italian visa application


packet b1— italian visa application
Congratulations on your acceptance to Accademia dell’Arte! Please note:
All Accademia dell’Arte students must apply for and receive an Italian visa.
The Accademia dell’Arte will apply to the Italian Consulate for your visa, at no cost to you.
o If you or your school would prefer to apply for the visa directly, please contact us immediately
so we can send the required letters to you or to your school officials.
o All visas are processed in the US, if you have questions about your visa application, please
email [email protected].
o The typical visa processing time is 4-6 weeks.
All following documents and materials need to be received by the Accademia US Office in order to process
your visa before your departure:
1. VISA APPLICATION FORM …………………………………………………………………….. PAGES 1-4
a. Please use the visa template form as an example when filling out your Visa application (pages
b. Following this form as closely as possible when filling out your Visa application should help to
answer many questions you have. If you have not received this template, please contact
[email protected]
c. As you will see on the Visa template form, there are many spaces on the Visa application that
will be left blank.
d. Please make sure to apply for the option of multiple entries (#24).
e. The Visa application form (pages 1-4) must be signed, dated, and notarized at the
bottom of page 4. (You must sign and date in front of a notary.)
2. AFFIDAVIT……………………………………………… PAGE 5
a. The Italian Consulate requires you to include a bank statement from a checking or savings
account that reflects a balance of at least $3,500 for Undergraduate students or $5,000 for
MFA students.
b. You may show this money in more than one checking or savings account. Loans, credit cards,
investments, etc. will not be accepted.
c. If the student is providing his/her own bank statements in the total amount required by the
Consulate, page 5 Affidavit does not need to be signed/dated in front of a Notary or submitted
at all.
d. Page 5 Affidavit must be signed and dated in front of a Notary if a parent or guardian
provides the bank statement/proof of financial support (the same name must be on the
bank statement and the Affidavit)
e. If both parents are providing bank statements, then they may both sign in the same space on
page 5 Affidavit.
Page 5 affidavit must be signed and notarized if someone other than student provides bank statements.
MFA students: sign and notarize page 4 and page 6 (dichiarazione) - page 5 must be signed and notarized if
someone other than student provides bank statement.
In addition to your visa application materials (pages 1-5), you must provide copies of:
1. Passport and two photocopies of passport
o It is absolutely necessary to submit your actual passport. It will be returned to you with your
o Make sure your passport is valid for 6 months after your return to the US.
o Remember to sign your passport.
o In addition, you must submit two copies of your passport with your visa application materials.
2. One recent official passport photo The passport photo must be attached to your visa application
(page 1)
3. A recent bank statement (In the name of the person who is signing the Affidavit – page 5)
o Black out any account numbers! The bank statement must reflect a balance of at least $3,500
for undergraduate students and at least $5,000 for MFA students.
4. Your roundtrip airline reservation
o Semester undergraduate students must provide a copy of a roundtrip airline reservation. The
consulate will not make any exceptions. If you are unsure of when you would like to return to
the US, you may purchase a refundable flight and change it later.
o MFA students and full year undergraduates are not required to provide a round trip ticket.
They must provide a copy of at least a one-way ticket to Italy.
5. Proof of insurance coverage
o Undergraduates- Can be a letter from the US insurance company or a copy of an insurance
card with the student’s name. Please do not send your insurance card.
o MFA Students- Page 6 Dichiarazione must be signed and notarized in place of, or in addition
to, proof of US insurance (letter from US insurance company or copy of an insurance card
with the student’s name.) It is highly recommended that you maintain some form of US or
travelers’ insurance while in Italy.
6. Undergrads must submit $150 USD check made out Accademia dell’Arte for Room Security
Deposit – Check will not be deposited unless there is damage to the room.
7. Express Mail Envelope – You must include with your visa application materials a prepaid FedEx or a
prepaid USPS Express Mail envelope (with tracking) in order to receive your passport and visa by
mail from the consulate.
 Only express/ overnight envelopes will be accepted. Priority envelopes will not be accepted.
o Address the envelope to a physical address (NOT P.O. Box) where you know someone will
be able to receive it, whether you are in school or on a break.
o Envelope must be track-able.
o We can’t guarantee when you will receive your visa and passport, as it comes directly from
the Consulate, not the Accademia.
o The typical visa processing time is 4-6 weeks.
o If you will be departing the US earlier than the program start date you must include a
note with your Visa application materials detailing your departure date.
Accademia dell’Arte
c/o Correne Spero
1201 Waterside Dr.
North Little Rock, AR 72116
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: [email protected]
If for some reason, you do not receive a reply by email, contact our US call center at 501-227-5063. Calls will be returned within 24
34. Dati anagrafici del familiare che è cittadino UE, SEE o CH / Personal data of the family member who i s an EU, EEA
or CH citizen
Cognome /Surname
Data di nascita / Date of birth
Nome/i / First name(s)
Cittadinanza /nationality
Numero del documento di
viaggio o della carta
Number of travel document
or ID card
35. Vincolo familiare con un cittadino UE, SEE o CH / Family relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen
figlio/a /son/daughter
altri discendenti diretti/ other descendants
ascendente a carico / dependent ascendant
36. Luogo e data / Place and date
37. Firma (per i minori, firma del titolare
della potestà genitoriale/tutore legale)/
Signature (for minors, signature of parental
authority/legal guardian)
Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso dei diritti pagati per la trattazione della pratica
I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused
Sono informato/a del fatto e accetto che la raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la mia fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle mie
impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e che i miei dati anagrafici figuranti nel presente modulo di domanda di
visto, così come le mie impronte digitali e la mia fotografia, saranno comunicati alle competenti autorità italiane e trattati dalle stesse ai fini
dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla mia domanda.
Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla mia domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento o revoca di un visto
rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema informatico della Rappresentanza diplomatico consolare e del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Tali dati saranno accessibili alle autorità nazionali competenti per i visti. Inoltre, saranno accessibili alle autorità Schengen competenti ai fini dei
controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne, alle autorità degli Stati membri competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo (ai fini della verifica
dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari nel territorio degli Stati membri e dell'identificazione delle persone
che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni), alle autorità degli Stati membri competenti ai fini dell'esame di una domanda di
asilo. A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione,
dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi.
Sono informato/a del mio diritto di ottenere la notifica dei dati relativi alla mia persona registrati nel sistema informatico e del diritto di chiedere
che i dati inesatti relativi alla mia persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla mia persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Su mia
richiesta espressa, l'autorità che esamina la domanda mi informerà su come esercitare il mio diritto a verificare i miei dati anagrafici e a
rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come delle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale.
L’autorità di controllo nazionale dei dati è il Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.
Dichiaro che tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che le dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della
mia domanda o l'annullamento del visto già concesso e comporteranno la richiesta di avvio di azioni giudiziarie da parte della Rappresentanza ai
sensi della legislazione dello Stato (articolo 331 c.p.p.).
La mera concessione del visto non dà diritto ad alcun tipo di risarcimento qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1
del Regolamento (UE) n. 562/2006 (Codice Frontiere Schengen) e dell’articolo 4 del D.Lgs. 286/98 e per tali motivi mi venga rifiutato l'ingresso.
I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form, submision of my photograph and, if
applicable, the taking of fingerprints are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning me which
appears on the visa application form, as well as my fingerprints and my photograph will be supplied to the relevant Italian Authorities and
processed by these Authorities for the purposes of a decision on my visa application.
Such data as well as data concerning the decision regarding my application or a decision whether to annul or revoke a visa issued will be entered
into and stored in the Visa Information System of the diplomatic/consular mission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such data will be
accessible to the National Visa Authorities. Moreover, such data will be accessible to the Schengen Authorities competent for carrying out checks
on visas at external borders, to the immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States (for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions
for the legal entry into, stay and residence in the territory of the Member States are fulfilled and of identifying persons who do not or who no
longer fulfill these conditions) to the Member States authorities competent for examining an asylum application. Under certain conditions the data
will also be available to designated authorities of the Member States and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation
of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences.
I am aware that I have the right to obtain the notification of the data relating to me recorded in the Visa Information System and to request that
the data relating to me which is inaccurate be corrected and that the data relating to me unlawfully processed be deleted. At my express request,
the authority examining my application will inform me of the manner in which I may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me
and have it corrected or deleted, including the related appeal procedures according to the National Law. The competent authority in charge for
personal data is “Garante per la protezione dei dati personali”.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge all the information supplied by me is correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements will
lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution, under the
National Law, with proceedings initiated by the Embassy/Consulate of Italy which deals with the application (Article 331 Penal Code).
The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant
provisions of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and Article 4 of the Decree no. 286/98 and I am therefore
refused entry.
ANNOTAZIONI/NOTES (riservato all’Ufficio/ for office use only)
Firma (per i minori, firma del titolare della potestà genitoriale/
tutore legale) /Signature (.for minors, signature of parental
authority/legal guardian)
Luogo e data / Place and date.......................
Consolato Generale d’Italia
1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 660
Houston, Texas 77056
Date __________________
I, the undersigned, _____________________________________
Name and Last Name
born in ____________________ on_______________________
residing at ___________________________________________
Street address, City and State
Depose and say:
that I will take financial responsibility for my Son /daughter /wife /
Name and Last Name
regarding all the expenses which he/she may incur during his/her stay
in Italy.
Last name, First name:______________________
(print name)
U.S. Notary Public Signature and Seal:
Semester Undergrad Student Visa Application Checklist
Before you send your visa application, have you included?
_ Completed visa application (Page 4 signed and dated/stamped in front of notary)
_ Affidavit (Page 5) stamped and signed in front of notary (if applicable)
_ A passport sized photo
_ Your actual passport
_ Two copies of the identification page of your passport
_ A copy of a bank statement that reflects a checking or savings account(s) with a balance
of at least $3,500 with account numbers blacked out
_ A copy of your insurance card
_ Copy of round trip flight itinerary
_ Prepaid USPS Priority or FedEx Express envelope with tracking for the return of your
passport/visa from the consulate
_ If you will need your passport prior to departing for the program for any reason (flying
home for school break, departing US early, family vacation, etc.) you must provide a
note detailing this information
If you have any questions about these materials direct them to [email protected] or call 501-227-5063.
We are happy to answer questions to assist you in submitting all of your completed materials and avoiding a delay in the
Visa approval process.