1 A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts Acquired by the Bodleian


1 A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts Acquired by the Bodleian
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New Blackfriars 81 (2000), 300–01: John Baggley, Festival Icons for the Christian Year
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The Catholic Historical Review 89 (2003), 288–90: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 55 (2001).
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The Heythrop Journal 51.2 (2010), 327–9: Teresa Morgan, Popular Morality in the Early
Roman Empire (Cambridge: CUP, 2007).
The Heythrop Journal (forthcoming): Kate Cooper, The Fall of the Roman Household
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The Heythrop Journal (forthcoming): (double recension) John Monfasani, Greeks and
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Century, Variorum CS 801 (Aldershot, 2004) & Paul F. Grendler, Renaissance
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The Heythrop Journal (forthcoming): From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour
of Averil Cameron, H. Amirav & B. ter Haar Romney, eds (Leuven: Peeters, 2007).
Byzantine, Medieval and Greek Studies (forthcoming): Eva Nystrom, Containing
Multitudes: Codex Upsaliensis Graecus 8 in Perspective (2008).