Barbara Carnevali CURRICULUM VITAE * PhD in - cral


Barbara Carnevali CURRICULUM VITAE * PhD in - cral
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
Barbara Carnevali
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
PhD in Philosophy, with honors (Diploma di dottore in filosofia, con lode), University of
Urbino, Italy, 2001. Thesis title: “Rousseau’s social passions and the myth of
authenticity” (Passioni sociali e mito dell’autenticità in Rousseau), 230 pp., Director
Remo Bodei.
Diplome of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in Philosophy, with honors (Diploma
di licenza in filosofia, con lode), 1997. Dissertation title: “Grotius and Hobbes on ius circa
sacra” (Lo ius circa sacra in Grozio e Hobbes), 50 pp., Director Paolo Cristofolini.
MA in Philosophy, with honors (Laurea in filosofia, con lode), University of Pisa, 1991-1996.
Thesis title: “Christianity in Hobbes’ Political Theology” (Il cristianesimo nella teologia
politica di Thomas Hobbes), 250 pp., Directors Mario Reale and Remo Bodei.
Selected for a fellowship (Allieva del Corso ordinario) at the Scuola Normale Superiore di
Pisa, Italy, 1991-1995.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Associate Professor (Maître de
conférences) of Aesthetics and Social Philosophy.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Visiting Assistant Professor
(Chargé de conferences complémentaires) of Philosophy, 2010-2012.
University of Piedmont (Vercelli, Italy), Assistant Professor (Professore a contratto,
programma “Rientro dei Cervelli”) of History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy,
Department of Humanities, 2008-2010.
University of Pisa (Italy), Research Assistant (Assegnista di ricerca) in History of
Philosophy and Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy, 2003-2007.
The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University, New York:
Research Scholar Fellowship, Fall 2013.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
Institute for Advanced Studies-Paris: Research Scholar Fellowship, September 2010December 2010, September 2011-December 2011.
École Normale Supérieure de Paris: Senior Research Scholar Grant awarded by the
City of Paris (Bourse de recherche de la Ville de Paris) at the CRRLPM (Centre de Recherche
sur les relations entre littérature, philosophie et morale), February 2011-August 2011.
University of Paris 4-Sorbonne: Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by the Ministère
français de la Recherche at the CELLF (Centre d'Étude de la Langue et de la Littérature
Françaises des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles), 2006-2007, renewed 2007-2008.
University of Chicago: Research Scholar Fulbright Fellowship at the Department of
Philosophy, 2003-2004. Supervisor: Charles Larmore.
Philosophical Prize “Viaggio a Siracusa” for the book Le apparenze sociali (best
published essay), 2012.
Honorable Mentions in the “Premio Pisa” and “Premio Salvatore Valitutti” (National
Prizes for Non-Fiction) for the book Romanticismo e riconoscimento, 2005.
i. books
Le apparenze sociali. Una filosofia del prestigio (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2012).
Reviews: L’Espresso (1/03/2013); Repubblica, 2/12/12; Il Mondo, 30/11/12; Il Manifesto, 13/11/12; Agorà
(Avvenire), 25/10/12; Sette (Corriere della Sera), 28/09,12; Il Sole24ore, 23/09/12; TuttoLibri, 22/09/12;
Panorama,19/09/2012; Il Messaggero, 11/09/12; Il Giornale 1/09/12; La Stampa 30/08/12.
Alfabeta2 (n. 25, 12/12); Rivista Studio (19/11/12), I castelli di Yale (1/2013); Una città (05/2013);
Romantisme et reconnaissance. Figures de la conscience chez Rousseau (Geneva: Droz, 2011).
Revised and largely augmented translation of the Italian edition.
Reviews: Annales HSS (forthcoming); Acta Fabula (forthcoming); Le Monde,1/06/12;
Romanticismo e riconoscimento. Figure della coscienza in Rousseau (Bologna: Il Mulino,
Reviews: The New York Review of Books/La Rivista dei Libri, XV, 6, 2005; Rivista di Filosofia, 2, 2005;
Fenomenologia e società, 2, 2005; Il pensiero politico, 38, 2005; La questione romantica, 17, 2004.
ii. edited volumes
Ancient Insights, Modern Problems, co-edited with Gianni Paganini, special issue of Iris.
European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate, 1, 2/2009, pp. 460-527.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
ii. edited works
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Il contratto sociale, translation, commentary and afterword by
Barbara Carnevali (Milan: Mondadori, 2002).
iv. articles
“L’esthétique sociale, entre philosophie et sciences sociales”, in Tracés (forthcoming).
“Estetica sociale e estetizzazione della società”, in Quaderni di teoria sociale
“Glory: la lutte pour la réputation dans le modèle hobbesien”, in Communications, 93,
2013, pp. 49-67 (Special issue on reputation, edited by Gloria Origgi).
“Mimésis littéraire et connaissance morale: la tradition de l’éthopée“, in Annales.
Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2/2010 pp. 291-322.
“Le désir d’une autre vie. Proust, Girard, l’envie”, in Itinéraires. Littérature, textes,
cultures, 1/2010, pp. 41-69.
“Le maniérisme snob”, in Critique, 1/2010, pp. 90-103.
“Al mercato della reputazione” (on Alessandro Pizzorno’s theory of recognition), in
Iride, 57, 2009, pp. 463-469.
“La saggezza degli antichi e quella dei moderni”, introduction to Pierre Hadot, La
figura del saggio nell’antichità greco-latina, translated by Barbara Carnevali, in
MicroMega, 20, 4/2009, pp. 151-174.
“L’osservatorio dei costumi. Sul rapporto tra letteratura e filosofia morale”, in La
società degli individui, 32/2, 2008, pp. 26-40.
“La faute à l’amour-propre. Aliénation et authenticité chez Rousseau”, in Annales de la
Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 48, 2008, pp. 79-103.
“Il riconoscimento e i suoi modi. Idee per un trattato di filosofia morale”, in F. Crespi,
M. Rosati, A. Santambrogio (Eds.), La teoria del riconoscimento, special issue of Quaderni
di teoria sociale (Perugia: Morlacchi, 2008), pp. 175-195.
“Sur Proust et la philosophie du prestige”, in Fabula LHT (Littérature, histoire,
théorie), nº 1 février 2006,
“La teoria mimetica alla prova di Proust”, in Nuova Corrente, 53, 2006, pp. 291-318.
“Aura e Ambiance: Léon Daudet tra Proust e Benjamin”, in Rivista di estetica, 33,
3/2006, pp. 117-141.
“Potere e riconoscimento. Il modello Hobbesiano”, in Iride, 46, 2005, pp. 313-335.
“A occhi chiusi. L’autenticità romantica di Charles Larmore”, in Iride, 45, 2005,
pp. 191-198.
“Il fascino discreto dell’aristocrazia in un episodio della Recherche”, in Giornale di
storia costituzionale, 7/1, 2004, pp. 243-255.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
“Felicità privata e senso della cultura. Rousseau e la crisi del sapere moderno”, in Iride,
35, 2002, pp. 93-112.
“Una figura di riconoscimento nelle Confessions di Rousseau: il pranzo di Mme de
Bezenval”, in Studi settecenteschi, 20, 2000, pp. 119-160.
“Su Il dominio maschile di Pierre Bourdieu”, in Critica marxista, 1/2000, pp. 68-77.
“Rousseau e Montaigne. L’autonomia dell’uomo e la natura”, in Studi settecenteschi, 19,
1999, pp. 109-143.
book chapters
“Etre c’est être perçu. Ce que Proust enseigne à la philosophie sociale“ in
D. Lorenzini, A. Revel (Eds.), Le travail de la littérature. Usages du littéraire en philosophie
(Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012).
“Snobbery: a Passion for Nobility”, in L. Ballerini, A. Borsari, M. Ciavolella (Eds.),
Navigatio vitae (New York: Agincourt Press, 2010), pp. 112-137.
“Le moi ineffaçable: exercices spirituels et philosophie moderne”, in A. Davidson,
F. Worms (Eds.), Pierre Hadot: l’enseignement des antiques, l’enseignement des modernes
(Paris: Éditions rue d’Ulm, 2010), pp. 47-61. Italian translation in Pierre Hadot :
L’insegnamento degli antichi, l’insegnamento dei moderni (Pisa : ETS, 2012).
“L’eterno viaggiatore: Jean-Jacques Rousseau”, in M. Bettetini, S. Poggi (Eds.), I viaggi
dei filosofi, (Milan: Raffaello Cortina), 2010, pp. 103-124.
“L’observatoire des mœurs. Les coutumes et les caractères entre littérature et morale”,
in J.-Ch. Darmon, Ph. Desan (Eds.), Pensée morale et genres littéraires. De Montaigne à
Genet (Paris: PUF, 2009), pp. 159-178.
“Società e riconoscimento”, in G. Paganini, E. Tortarolo (Eds.), Illuminismo. Un
vademecum (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2008), pp. 279-293.
“Proust philosophe du prestige”, in M. Carbone, E. Sparvoli (Eds.), Proust et la
philosophie aujourd’hui (Pisa: ETS, 2008), pp. 305-322.
Introduction to Tutte le tavole dell’Encyclopédie di Diderot e d’Alembert, (Milan:
Mondadori, 2002), pp. XVII-XXV.
Debates and reviews
Aimer, aujourd’hui (On Eva Illouz’s Why love hurts), Critique (forthcoming).
Review of Jacques Bouveresse, La connaissance de l’écrivain. Sur la littérature, la vérité, la
vie, in Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2/2010, pp. 481-483.
Review of Maurizio Ferraris Documentalità, in Iride, 59, 2010, pp. 230-232.
Review of Charles Larmore, Dare ragioni. Il soggetto, l’etica, la politica, in Iride, 57, 2009,
pp. 483-484.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
Review of the conference: Alle origini dell’umanesimo scientifico: dal tardo Rinascimento al
primo Illuminismo, in Rivista di storia della filosofia, 2/2008, pp. 342-345.
“Salotti” (on Antoine Lilti’s Le monde des salons. Sociabilité et mondanité au XVIIIe siècle),
in Storica, 33, 2005, pp. 133-141.
Review of Pierre Hadot, La filosofia come modo di vivere, in Iride, 49, 2006, pp. 678-680.
Review of Paolo D’Angelo, Ars est celare artem, in Iride, 47, 2006, pp. 207-208.
Review of Pierre Bourdieu, Esquisse pour une auto-analyse, in Iride, 42, 2004, pp. 433434.
VII. works in progress
Social aesthetics and the theory of prestige
Recognition: an early-modern story.
Ethopoeia : Moral Philosophy and the Novel
“Bourdieu and Aesthetics”, University of Nanterre, June 2013.
“Comment lire Rousseau”, debate with Claude Habib, University of Paris 3-Sorbonne
Nouvelle, December 2012.
“Rousseau à Venise”, international conference “Rousseau et la culture italienne”,
coorganized with Philippe Audegean, Institut Italien de Culture/École Normale
Supérieure, Paris, November 2012.
“The race for prestige: power and recognition in the Hobbesian model”, Temple
University, Philadelphia, November 2012.
“Rousseau et l’invention de l’authenticité romantique”, international conference
“Rousseau et l’exigence d’authenticité”, University of Grenoble (France), October 2012.
“Habitusformeln: l’iconologie de l’habitus”, international conference on Social
Aesthetics, co-organized with Roberto Frega, IEA-Paris, March 2012.
“Rousseau’s on the Spectacle”, New School for Social Research, New York, November
“Proust et la connaissance du social”, conference Les visions littéraires du monde social,
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Montpellier (France), April 2011.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
“Philosophie et littérature: le problème Jean-Jacques Rousseau”, seminar Philosophie et
Littérature directed by Jacques Bouveresse, Collège de France, Paris, December 2010.
“Éthopée: mimésis littéraire et connaissance des mœurs”, seminar Philosophie et
Littérature directed by Jacques Bouveresse, Collège de France, Paris, June 2009.
“The Inter-Subjective Dynamics of Power: Recognition, Prestige and Authority”,
Round Table, World Philosophy Day (UNESCO), Palermo (Italy), November 2008.
“Pierre Hadot: exercices spirituels et philosophie moderne”, international conference
Pierre Hadot et la philosophie française contemporaine, École Normale Supérieure, Paris,
June 2007
(on line
“Reputation and its brothers. Towards a philosophy of reputational goods”,
international workshop On Reputation with Jon Elster, Gloria Origgi, Pasquale
Pasquino, Alessandro Pizzorno, Dan Sperber, Fondazione Olivetti, Rome, April 2007.
“Power and recognition”, international workshop Recognition: Theoretical Perspectives
and Empirical Research, with Axel Honneth, Alessandro Pizzorno, Peter Wagner, EUI
(European University Institute), Fiesole (Italy), May 2005.
“La faute à l’amour-propre. Aliénation et authenticité chez Rousseau”, Groupe d’études
du XVIIIe siècle, seminar directed by Jean Starobinski and Bronislaw Baczko, University
of Geneva, December 2004.
Radio talk on the book “Le apparenze sociali”, Fahrenheit, Radio Tre Rai, December
18, 2012.
Radio round table, “Le roman comme outil pour l’historien”, La Fabrique de l’Histoire,
France Culture, April 29, 2009.
“Rousseau’s Second Discourse”, BA and MA, University of Trento, in Italian, Fall
“The Invention of Romantic Social Criticism: Rousseau to Pasolini and Debord”, PhD
and MA, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, in French, WinterSpring 2011-2012.
“Semiotics and Social Aesthetics”, Istituto Marangoni, School of Design-Paris, in
English, Winter-Spring 2011-2012.
“Social Aesthetics: Prestige, Manners, and Life-Styles”, PhD and MA, École des
Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, in French, Winter and Spring 2010-2011.
“Spinoza’s Theological-political treatise”, PhD and MA, University of Vercelli (Italy), in
Italian, co-teaching with Gianni Paganini, Winter-Spring 2009.
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
“The Social Contract Tradition: Hobbes to Rousseau”, BA, University of Vercelli, in
Italian, Winter-Spring 2009.
“Institutions of Modern Philosophy: from Kant to Heidegger”, BA, University of
Vercelli, in Italian, Fall-Winter 2008.
“Proust’s Aesthetics”, MA, University of Pisa (Italy), in Italian, Spring 2006.
“Bildung and Aesthetic Education: Rousseau, Schiller, Goethe”, MA, University of Pisa,
in Italian, Fall-Winter 2005-2006.
“Civilization and its discontents: Rousseau, Nietzsche, Freud”, MA, University of Pisa,
in Italian, Spring 2004.
“Theories of the Beautiful”, MA, University of Pisa, in Italian, co-teaching with Remo
Bodei, Fall-Winter 2003-2004.
International Conference on Rousseau and Italy: 23-24 November 2012: Institut
Culturel Italien and ENS Paris (part I : Rousseau et la culture italienne), and 29-30
November 2012, Venice (part II : Rousseau et/à Venise).
Conference co-organized with Philippe Audegean (University of Paris 3), in
cooperation with the University of Paris 3, the École Normale Supérieure, the
University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, and the Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau of Geneva.
International Conference on Social Aesthetics, 2-3 March 2012, IEA-Paris:
Pour une esthétique sociale. Nouveaux problèmes, nouvelles approches théoriques
Conference co-organized with Roberto Frega, in collaboration with the Centre de
Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL EHESS/CNRS).
Iride. Journal of philosophy published by Il Mulino in collaboration with Istituto
Gramsci Toscano, 2001Philosophical Enquiries, published by ETS, 2012Historia Philosophica, published by Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate, published by Firenze
University Press 2009-2012.
Storia del pensiero politico
Fulbright applications “Research Scholars” and “Visiting Student Researchers” in
Il Mulino Publishing House
Mondadori Publishing House
Barbara Carnevali
Curriculum Vitae
Italian (mother tongue)
French (fluent)
English (very good)
German (good)
Spanish (reading comprehension)
Latin (reading comprehension)
Ancient Greek (reading comprehension)
September 2013