curriculum vitae


curriculum vitae
Bologna, 01.09.2012
Dr. Andrea Storto
11th December 1980
[email protected]
CMCC Bologna, Italy (
Junior Scientist at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC, Bologna,
Italy). In the framework of the international project “MyOcean” and its follow-up “MyOcean2”,
the position is funded for the development of a global ocean variational assimilation system
for reanalysis purposes, with the focus on the exploitation of space-borne observations. The
position is to be intended as extension of the former contract with INGV.
Scholarship to assist students at Computer Laboratory, Hydraulics Department of
University of Rome “La Sapienza”. The scholarship is won once again for the following year.
NOVEMBER 2004 to JULY 2009:
Ph.D. in Hydraulics Engineering at Hydraulics Department, University of Rome “La
Sapienza”, with subject “Assimilation of space-borne cloudiness observations in
meteorological limited area models”. The thesis deals with topics related to the assimilation
of remote-sensed observations in limited area models, such as use of observations from new
spaceborne instruments (cloud observations, radiances, GPS Zenith Total Delay),
assessment of model errors via ensemble methods and tuning of schemes for an improved
exploitation of satellite observations. The thesis focuses on a new scheme for optimally
assimilating cloud observations from the CPR radar aboard CloudSat.
Stage at Groupe de Modélisation pour l’Assimilation et la Prévision (CNRM/MétéoFrance, Toulouse), to study the impact of a high-resolution three-dimensional variational
assimilation with an hybrid procedure (rapid-update assimilation at both meso-beta and
meso-gamma scale) on mesoscale precipitation forecasting, focusing on the use of the
meso-net surface observations and MSG/SEVIRI IR radiances. Emphasis on short-range
Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts.
APRIL 2006- FEBRUARY 2009:
Eumetsat fellowship at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute for the Assimilation of
Binary Cloud-Cover observations (ABC project). The project aims to exploit cloud
observations derived from different platforms (AVHRR, SEVIRI, CloudSat, radars,
Nowcasting tools) in Numerical Weather Prediction. The project also comprises the
implementation and the tuning of a spectral upper-air three-dimensional variational
assimilation system for regional operational applications.
Postdoc position at the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV, Bologna,
Italy) and subsequently from September 2010 onwards at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per I
Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC, Bologna, Italy) . In the framework of the EU project
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“MyOcean”, the position focuses on the development of a global ocean variational
assimilation system at eddy-permitting resolution for reanalysis purposes.
MARCH 2012-APRIL 2012
Visiting Scientist at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine Science and Technology),
Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC, Yokohama, Japan) for a development of a
global ocean 3DVAR data assimilation system to be included in coupled model forecasts.
Degree in Enviromental Engineering, “Enviroment” specialization (Final Mark 110/110)
from “Università La Sapienza”, Rome. Degree thesis is entitled “Mesoscale Models in the
study of clouds formation”, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Cenedese,
department of “Hydraulics”. The thesis analyses the impact of the schemes for microphysics
modelling in the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) in a real case over Sicily.
Course “An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics”, at “Von Karman Institute for
Fluid Mechanics”, Rhode-Saint-Genese (Bruxelles), Belgium.
MARCH 2005:
Course “The scientific programming under Unix and Unix-like OS”, at CINECA
(Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico), Casalecchio di Reno (Bologne), Italy.
JUNE 2006:
ALADIN-3DVar and ODB Training Course at the Hungarian Meteorological Institute,
Budapest, Hungary, 4th to 8th June.
JUNE 2006:
NETFAM Summer School on “Nonhydrostatic Dynamics and Fine Scale Data
Assimilation” at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russian
Federation, 11th to 17th June 2006.
APRIL 2007:
ECMWF Training course on “Data assimilation and use of satellite data”, at ECMWF,
Reading, United Kingdom, 25th April to 4th May 2007.
JULY 2008:
Summer School on “Parallel Computing”, at CINECA (Consorzio Interuniversitario per il
Calcolo Automatico), Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy, 7 th to 18th July 2008.
5th Specialistic School of “Parallel Computing”, at CINECA (Consorzio Interuniversitario
per il Calcolo Automatico), Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy, 28 th Sep to 2th Oct 2009.
MARCH 2009:
Programming Course with NEC vectorial supercomputers”, at CMCC, Bologna, Italy
JUNE 2010:
2nd Advanced School on Data Assimilation, at CMCC, Bologna, Italy, 7th to 11th June.
JUNE 2010:
School on Ocean Observations with remote sensing satellites, at University of Sannio,
Benevento, Italy, 18th to 23th June.
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Turbulence parametrisation in mesoscale models; variational data assimilation; bias
correction and quality control of observations; ensemble data assimilation;
representation and assessment of model and observational errors; optimal use of
conventional and remotely sensed observations; satellite meteorology; GPS
meteorology; satellite altimetry.
JULY 1999:
Diploma di Maturità Scientifica (100/100), at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Talete”, Roma.
Knowledge of French, read, written and spoken.
Knowledge of English, read, written and spoken.
Knowledge of basics of Norwegian.
Programming Languages (Fortran77/90, basics of C).
Parallel computing (MPI and OpenMP).
Experiences with super-computer systems (IBM/Power6 clusters, Linux clusters, Fujitsu/VPP,
Shell Scripting (Bash, Korn, Perl).
Database (Sql, ODB).
Operative system: Unix-like Operative Systems (AIX, HP-UX, Linux), DOS, Windows.
Scientific and Statistical Software (R, GNU Octave, Matlab).
Visualization (NCL/NCAR Graphics, GrADS, MetView, Vis5D, Surfer, Grace, Savi3D-EWB,
Chagal, Diana).
Data Format (GRIB, NetCDF, BUFR, HDF5).
Ocean Models (OPA8, NEMO)
Office software (LaTeX , Office suites) and WebDesign (HTML, CSS, PHP).
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Capobianco D., A. Cenedese, G. Serafini, A. Storto, Numerical Simulations of Urban Heat
Island: High Resolution Approach. 5th International Conference of Urban Air Quality,
Valencia 2005, Pre-Prints.
Storto A., Preliminary study for assimilating binary cloud cover data from AVHRR
radiometers. EUMETNET/SRNWP Workshop on High resolution data assimilation, 21 –
23 March 2007, Norrköping, Sweden.
Storto A. and Lindskog M., Experiences with the ALADIN 3D-VAR. 2007 HIRLAM All-Staff
Meeting/17th ALADIN Workshop, 23 – 26 April 2007, Oslo, Norway
Storto A. and Randriamampianina R., Sensitivity of the ALADIN-HARMONIE/Norway
analysis and forecast systems to different observations.
2008 HIRLAM All-Staff
Meeting/18th ALADIN Workshop, 7 – 10 April 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Randriamampianina R. and Storto A., Investigating the assimilation of IASI data in a limited
area model. XVI International TOVS Study Conference, 7 – 13 May 2008, Angra dos Reis,
Storto A. and Randriamampianina R., Use of satellite data in ALADIN/HARMONIE-Norway.
XVI International TOVS Study Conference, 7 – 13 May 2008, Angra dos Reis, Brazil.
Storto A., Assimilation of cloudiness observations. 2008 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite
Conference, 8 – 12 September 2008, Darmstadt, Germany.
Randriamampianina R. and Storto A., Monitoring the use of IASI data in a limited area
assimilation system. 2008 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, 8 – 12
September 2008, Darmstadt, Germany.
Storto A., Dobricic S., Masina S., Di Pietro P., Global oceanographic variational data
assimilation of in-situ observations and space-borne altimeter data for reanalysis
applications. 5th WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation, 5 – 9 October 2009, Melbourne,
Randriamampianina R. and A. Storto, 2010, The sensitivity of the HARMONIE/Norway
forecasts to the IASI Data, 2nd IASI International Conference, January 25-29 2010, Annecy,
Randriamampianina R., A. Storto, P. Dahlgren and B. Candy, 2010, Radiance singleobservation experiments using global and regional models, International TOVS Study
Conferences ITSC-XVII, Monterey, CA, 14-20 April 2010
Storto A., Dobricic S., Masina S., Di Pietro P., Assimilating space-borne observations in a
global ocean variational assimilation system. 4th Oceans from Space Symposium, 26 – 29
April 2010, Venice, Italy.
A. Bellucci, S. Gualdi, E. Scoccimarro, A. Navarra, S. Masina, and A. Storto, 2011: Decadal
climate predictions with the CMCC-CM coupled OAGCM initialized with ocean analyses.
EGU General Assembly 2011, Poster presentation, Vienna 4-8 April 2011.
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A. Storto, S. Masina and S. Dobricic, 2011: Evaluating the impact of different observing
networks in the global ocean through ensemble simulations. EGU General Assembly 2011,
Oral presentation, Vienna 4-8 April 2011.
N. Ferry, B. Barnier, S. Guinehut, K. Haines, S. Masina, L. Parent, S. Mulet, M. Valdivieso,
and A. Storto, 2011: The global ocean reanalysis effort of MyOcean: description and early
results. EGU General Assembly 2011, Poster presentation, Vienna 4-8 April 2011.
A. Storto, S. Dobricic, S. Masina, P. Di Pietro, I. Russo and A. Navarra, 2011: The
INGV/CMCC global ocean variational analysis system: applications, developments and
perspectives. EGU General Assembly 2011, Poster presentation, Vienna 4-8 April 2011.
S. Masina, A. Storto, S. Dobricic, P. Di Pietro, I. Russo and A. Navarra, 2011: Impact of data
assimilation and model resolution on sea level rise and variability. EGU General Assembly
2011, Poster presentation, Vienna 4-8 April 2011.
A. Storto, S. Dobricic, S. Masina, P. Di Pietro, I. Russo and A. Navarra, 2011: The CMCC
experience in the context of Global Ocean reanalyses, GODAE OceanView and CLIVAR
GSOP Workshop, 13-17 June 2011, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
S. Masina, A. Storto, S. Dobricic, P. Di Pietro, I. Russo and A. Navarra, 2011. A set of global
ocean re-analyses for climate applications. WCRP OSC Conference 2011, 24-28/10/2011,
Denver, CO, USA.
A. Bellucci, S. Gualdi, S. Masina, A. Navarra, E. Scoccimarro and A. Storto, 2011. Decadal
climate predictions with the CMCC-CM coupled AOGCM initialized with ocean reanalyses.
WCRP OSC Conference 2011, 24-28/10/2011, Denver, CO, USA.
A. Storto, S. Masina, S. Dobricic, I. Russo, 2012. The CMCC Eddy-Permitting Global Ocean
Reanalysis. 4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses (ICR4), 7-11 May 2012,
Silver Spring, MA, USA.
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Randriamampianina R. and Storto A., 2008, Aladin-Harmonie/Norway and its assimilation
system. HIRLAM Newsletter, 54, 20–30.
Storto A., Tveter F.T., 2009, Assimilating humidity pseudo-observations derived from the
cloud profiling radar aboard CloudSat in ALADIN 3D-Var, Meteorological Applications 16,
Storto A. and Randriamampianina R., 2010, The relative impact of meteorological
observations in the Norwegian Regional Model as determined using an energy norm-based
approach, Atmospheric Science Letters 11, 51–58.
Masina, S., P. Di Pietro, A. Storto, S. Dobricic, A. Alessandri, and A. Cherchi 2010.
Reanalyses in the global ocean at CMCC-INGV: examples and applications, Mercator Ocean
Quarterly Newsletter 36, 28-38.
Storto A. and Randriamampianina R., 2010, Ensemble variational assimilation for the
representation of background-error covariances in a high-latitude regional model, Journal of
Geophysical Research, 115, D17204, doi:10.1029/2009JD013111.
Storto A., Dobricic S., Masina S. and Di Pietro P., 2011, Assimilating Along-Track Altimetric
Observations Through Local Hydrostatic Adjustment in a Global Ocean Variational
Assimilation System, Monthly Weather Review, 139, 738-754.
Storto A. and Randriamampianina R., 2010, A New Bias Correction Scheme for Assimilating
GPS Zenith Tropospheric Delay Estimates, Idöjárás – Quarterly Journal of the Hungarain
Meteorological Service, 110, 237-250.
Randriamampianina R., T. Iversen and A. Storto, 2011, Exploring the assimilation of IASI
radiances in forecasting polar lows, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
137, 1963-1974.
Masina, S., P. Di Pietro, A. Storto and A. Navarra, 2011, Global ocean re-analyses for climate
applications, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 52, 341-366.
Storto A., I. Russo and S. Masina, 2012, Interannual response of Global Ocean hindcasts to
a satellite-based correction of precipitation fluxes, Ocean Science Discussions, 9, 611-648.
Bellucci, A., S. Gualdi, S. Masina, A. Storto, E. Scoccimarro, C. Cagnazzo, P. Fogli, E.
Manzini, and A. Navarra, 2012, Decadal Climate Predictions with a coupled OAGCM
initialized with oceanic reanalyses, Climate Dynamics, Online First, August 2012.
Storto A., S. Masina and S. Dobricic, 2011, Ensemble spread-based assessment of
observation impact: Application to a Global Ocean analysis system, Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Meteorological Society, Submitted.
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