Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English


Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Francesco Castellet y Ballara'
Address viale dei colli portuensi 122, (Italy)
Mobile 0039 3358429554
Fax(es) 0039 0697251173
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Nationality Italian
Date of birth 22/12/1956
Gender Male
Desired employment /
Occupational field
Medical doctor
Work experience
Dates 28/11/1981 - 03/07/2014
Occupation or position held
Neurologist, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst on private practice including activity as private
and court
assessor for litigations concerning biological and psychological damages.
Psychiatric Consultant at EUMETSAT (European Meteo Satellites Agency), Darmstadt,
Contractor as Psychiatric and Psychoanalyst Consultant at European Space Agency (ESA)/
ESRIN, Frascati (RM), Italy.
Main activities and responsibilities
Medical Officer (Lieutenant) of Areonautica Militare Italiana
Emergency Doctor on call(24 hours shifts) at the CIRM (International Radio Medical Service)
by Guglielmo Marconi and providing medical advices and therapy via radio-fax-telex all over
the world.
Internship in the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatric Service in the Policlinico Umberto I di Roma.
Managing Editor of the Rivista Europea di Psichiatria, an Italian-English Journal published by
Universitarie Romane (EUR)
CTU (Consulente Tecnico d'Uffico/Tecnical Consultant/assessor of the Court) in the Tribunale
minorenni di Roma (Juvenil Court ) Via dei Bresciani, 32 00100 Roma
Chair of the Organizing Committee of the IPSO (International Psychoanalytic Studies
Annual European Meeting in Rome.
Treasurer of the Executive Committee of IPSO.
2009-2012 Treasurer on charge of the Executive Committee of the Centro Psicoanalitico di
Roma (CPdR).
Since 2009 to the present moment, board member of the IPA-IPSO relations committee IIRC of
the International Psychoanalytic
Organization (IPA).
Since 2011 Psychiatric Consultant at EUMETSAT (European Meteo Satellites Agency),
Darmstadt, Germany,
Since 2012 Contractor as Psychiatric and Psychoanalyst Consultant at European Space
Agency/ ESRIN, Frascati (RM), Italy.
2009-2013 Organizer and presenter of the sections Cinema & Psychoanalysis and Art &
Psychoanalysis at the Festival dei due mondi di Spoleto.
2010-2014 Organizer and presenter of the FREUD’s Bar, outreach initiative of CPdR in Rome.
Scientific activities and publications
1985 Specialization in Neurology
1995 Specialization in Psychiatry with a thesis on Twinship and Psychoanalysis,
then published on Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae.
1995-1998 Chief Editor of the Rivista Europea di Psichiatria, an Italian-English
2002 "Finding your own poetry" in “Samiksa”
Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society vol.56: pag.63:72.
2005-2007 IPSO Treasurer
2006, graduation as Associate member of the S.P.I. (Societa’ Psicoanalitica
2005-2014 European Board Member of the IPA-IPSO Relations Committee.
2007 “Il gene nascosto / il padre nascosto”. Psicobiettivo anno XXVII n.3, F.
Angeli Ed., Roma 2007.
2008 SPIWEB Editor of the section “Organismi Internazionali”.
2008-2012 Treasurer of the Centro Psicoanalitico di Roma
2009-2014 Chair of an English Italian Peer Supervision Group with annual
meetings in London 2009, Spoleto 2010 and Devonshire 2011.
2010 “Che cosa cura nella cura? Un percorso trasformativo dei due membri
della coppia terapeutica”. Psicobiettivo anno XXX n.3, F. Angeli Ed., Roma
2010 “Dare significato alla morte”sui Quaderni del CPdR Volume 4 ,
“Intendere la vita e la morte: apporti psicoanalitici alle tanatofilie e alle
tanatofobie del vivere quotidiano”. Franco Angeli Ed. , Roma,.
2011 IPA Congress Mexico City, Chair of a Small Discussion Group (SDG) on
“Money as a neglected core concept of the psychoanalytic setting and practice”
2011-2013 Organizer and promoter of the Festival dei due mondi di Spoleto,
Sezione Arte e Psicoanalisi.
2011, Spoleto Festival Sezione Psicoanalisi e Cinema. Presentation and
discussion on
Aureliano Amadei’s movie “20 sigarette” discussing with the audience on the
topic “Why War” from Freud- Einstein letters in 1932.
2012 “O dinheiro como conceito central do setting psicanalitico” Revista
Brasileira de Psicanalise vol.46, n.4
2013 EPF Bulletin Basel EPF Congress paper presented at a panel on the effect
of economic crisis on psychoanalysis with the title “ The Brutality of Money in
Psychoanalysis: money as formless/protean symbol of basic emotional
transactions in the analytic relation”.
2013 Full membership of S.P.I. and I.P.A.
2013 Prague IPA Congress, Chair of a Small Discussion Group on “Facing the
pain of becoming an analyst”
2014 “Diamonds (and money) are a girl’s best friend: reflections on
money agreement in the psychoanalytic setting” CALIBAN, section vortex,
FEPAL publication.
2014 “Il Disturbo di Personalita' secondo una prospettiva psicodinamica”
Psicobiettivo , anno XXXIV.
2014 Conference on Pornography: vicissitudes of the erotic desires in the World Wide
Web” at the Freud’s Bar in Rome.
2014 Centro Romano di Psicoanalisi, lecture on "
trauma relazionale precoce: tra dissociazione e integrazione/ Early
Relational Trauma: between dissociation and integration".
2015 Seminari Multipli di Bologna. Seminario su " L'arte della manutenzione
dell'analista: la supervisione tra pari nel post-training/ The art of analyst's
maintenance: peer supervision in post-training".
2015 International Psychoanalytic Association Congress: Boston 2015
Pre-Congress Working Party on "Weaving Thoughts Method for Peer Group
Supervision & Long Term Peer Group Supervision".
Panel presentation on "Phantasy and Pornography: transformations of desire
in the present times."
Small Discussion Group IIRC (IPA/IPSO RELATION COMMITTEE) 2015
Paper on " Fraternal links": Peer group support as a psychoanalytic tool
in the developmental process of becoming and remaining an analyst"
I TA L I A N P S Y C H O A N A LY T I C D I A L O G U E S " P s y c h o a n a l y s i s a n d
Neuropsychoanalysis of Dreams in Depression, Addiction and Trauma" 1st Congress,
6-7 Febbraio Hotel Quirinale, Roma. Organizer and clinical case presenter in the Trauma
section with Yoram Yovell.
"Fantasia e pornografia: transformações do desejo em tempos atuais"
REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSICANÁLISE volume 50, n.2, p. 139-153, 2016.
His present main areas of interest and research are the interactions
between societal economical situation and psychoanalysis as setting
and process, neuropsychoanalysis and infant research, art and
psychoanalysis, war and psychoanalysis.
Education and training
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Francesco Castellet y Ballara'
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Dates 28/11/1975 - 28/11/1981
Title of qualification awarded Medical Doctor
Principal subjects / occupational skills
General Medicine and general surgery
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Universita' La Sapienza di Roma (School of Medicine)
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 1, 00100 Roma (Italy)
Dates 28/11/1981 - 28/11/1985
Title of qualification awarded Specialization in Neurology
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Universita' La Sapienza di Roma (School of Medicine Neurology Department)
Viale dell'Universita', 30, 00100 Rome (Italy)
Dates 30/11/1988 - 13/11/1992
Title of qualification awarded Specialization in Psychiatry
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Psychiatry, psychopharmacology
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Universita' La Sapienza di Roma (School of Medicine Psychiatric Department)
viale dell'Universita', 30, 00100 roma (Italy)
Dates 27/10/1993 - 05/03/2006
Title of qualification awarded Psychoanalyst
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Psychoanalytic training according to the IPA Standards
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Societa' Psicoanalitica Italiana (Private Training in Psychotherapy)
Via Panama 48, 00165 Roma (Italy)
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s) Italian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user
French A2 Basic User B1 Independent user A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User
Spanish / Castilian A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences Brilliant and communicative
Organisational skills and competences Good organizer of scientific meeting and events, having been a
member of excoms of different
Technical skills and competences Good, manually, in homework and repairing
Computer skills and competences Above the range use of computers, he has started with the
Commodore 64 in the '80.
Driving licence(s) B
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francesco Castellet y Ballara'
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