Catering Lunch Menus


Catering Lunch Menus
Lunch Menus
Prix Fixe
Drawing upon culinary lessons, learned in the great kitchens
of his native land, Cafe Milano’s Executive Chef Fabio
Salvatore presents an artful blend of dishes refined from regions
of Northern and Southern Italy. He combines fresh ingredients with
artisanal techniques to bring to you the best of Italian Cuisine.
Cafe Milano • 3251 Prospect Street NW • Washington DC 20008 • (O) 202 965 8990 • (F) 202 965 7119
F/W – 15/16
Menu 1
Fusilli con ragu’ di vitello alla bolognese
Fusilli pasta with a veal bolognese ragout
Suprema di Pollo ai pomodori secchi
con verza stufata e olive
Roasted Free Range Chicken Breast,
sundried tomato sauce
with braised cabbage and olives
Risotto alla zucca e il suo olio
con calamari scottati
Pumpkin Risotto with sautéed calamari
and pumpkin seed oil
Tortino leggero alla robiola e cioccolato
bianco con composta di fragole
White chocolate cake
with robiola cheese, strawberry compote
$42 per person
All beverages, D.C. Sales Tax,
20% Service Charge/fees are additional
Cafe Milano • 3251 Prospect Street NW • Washington DC 20008 • (O) 202 965 8990 • (F) 202 965 7119
F/W – 15/16
Menu 2
Rucoletta con pera e veli di Grana Padano
Baby arugula salad with pear,
shaved Grana Padano cheese
Salmone Atlantico grigliato
su guazzetto di lenticchie e
funghi di stagione
Grilled Atlantic Salmon Filet,
over a seasonal mushroom and
lentil stew
Brasato di Vitello alla Genoves
con tortino di patate gratinate e spinaci nani
Braised veal Roulade,
napoleon potato au gratin
and baby spinach
Tiramisu della Casa
House made Traditional Tiramisu
$46 per person
All beverages, D.C. Sales Tax,
20% Service Charge/fees are additional
Cafe Milano • 3251 Prospect Street NW • Washington DC 20008 • (O) 202 965 8990 • (F) 202 965 7119
F/W – 15/16
Menu 3
Mezzemaniche con pancetta, zucca e ricotta stagionata
Short rigatoni with sautéed pancetta,
butternut squash and aged ricotta cheese
Entrecote di manzo al vino rosso e
funghi con purea di patate allo zafferano
Seared Montana beef NY steak,
red wine mushroom sauce,
saffron mashed potatoes
Ombrina Arrosto con
passata di sedano rapa e
friarielli alle olive
Roasted Royal Bass in a celery
root puree with sautéed broccolini and olives
Torta al cioccolato con gelato al pistacchio e
salsa alla vaniglia
Flourless chocolate cake with
house made pistachio gelato
and vanilla sauce
$50 per person
All beverages, D.C. Sales Tax,
20% Service Charge/fees are additional
Cafe Milano • 3251 Prospect Street NW • Washington DC 20008 • (O) 202 965 8990 • (F) 202 965 7119
F/W – 15/16