ARCL 3901 (Research Issues in Classical Archaeology)


ARCL 3901 (Research Issues in Classical Archaeology)
ARCL 3901 (Research Issues in Classical Archaeolo g y)
Bibliography 2003
South Italian
738.382 53
738.382 53
U738.382 53A
738.382 53B
Q738.382 08
738.382 8A
A. D. Trendall & A. Cambitoglou, The Red- Figured Vases of Apulia.
1 (Oxford 1978).
A. D. Trendall & A. Cambitoglou, The Red- Figured Vases of Apulia.
2 (Oxford 1982).
A. D. Trendall & A. Cambitoglou, First Supple me nt to The RedVases of Apulia (BICS Supplement 42, London 1983).
A. D. Trendall & A. Cambitoglou, Second Supple me nt to The RedVases of Apulia (BICS Supplement 60, London 1992).
A. D. Trendall, The Red- figured Vases of Lucania, Campa ni a and Sicily
(Oxford 1967). (Oxford Monograph s on Classical Archaeology.).
A. D. Trendall, The Red- Figure Vases of Lucania, Campania and Sicily.
Third Supple me nt (consolidated) (BICS Supple ment 41, London 1983).
738.382 49
J. D. Beazley, Attic Black- Figure Vase - Painters (Oxford 1956).
738.382 05
J. D. Beazley, Attic Red- Figure Vase - Painters (second edition, Oxford 1963).
738.382 17 & Ref
J. D. Beazley, Paralipome na. Additions of Attic Black - Figure VasePainters and to Attic Red- Figure Vase - Painters (second editions) (Oxford
738.3820938 29 L. Burn & R. Glynn (compilers), Beazley Addenda: additional references to
ABV, ARV2 and Paralipomen a (Oxford 1982).
738.382 68
T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda. Additional References to ABV, ARV2 &
Paralipomen a (2nd edition, Oxford 1989).
Synthe se s on South Italian Vase - Painting
937.7 127
937.7 39 A
938 237
P. E. Arias, "La pittura vascolare," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Magna
Grecia. Arte e artigianato (Milano 1990) 192 - 238.
E. Greco, Magna Grecia (3rd edition, Bari 1993) (esp. 321ff.).
123 E. Mugione, "Pluralità di tradizioni nella ceramica italiota," in: M. Puig et al.
(eds.), Céra mique et peintures grecques: Modes d'e mploi (Paris 1999) 315 22.
P. Orlandini, "Le arti figurative," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli, (ed.), Megale
Hellas. Storia e civiltà della Magna Grecia (Milano 1983) 327- 554.
37 J. M. Padgett et al., Vase - Painting in Italy. Red- Figure and Related Works in
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1993).
123 A. Pontran dolfo, "Artigianato pittorico e luoghi di produ zione in Italia
meridionale," in: M. Puig et al. (eds.), Cérami que et peintures grecques:
Modes d'emploi (Paris 1999) 267 - 78.
77 E. G. D. Robinson, "Workshops of Apulian Red- Figure outside Taranto," in:
J.- P. Descoeudre s (ed.), EUMOUSIA. Ceramic and Iconographic Studies in
Honour of Alexander Cambitoglou (Sydney 1990) 179 - 193 .
938 413
M. Schmidt, "South Italian and Sicilian Vases," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.),
The Western Greeks (Milan 1996) 443- 456 .
738.3820937 4 A. D. Trendall, "Vase- Painting in Italy and South Italy," in: M. E. Mayo & K.
Hamma (eds.), The Art of South Italy. Vases from Magna Grecia (Richmond,
Virginia 1982) 15ff.
738.3820937 13 A. D. Trendall, The Red- Figure Vases of South Italy and Sicily: a Handbook
(New York 1989).
938 238
A. D. Trendall, "On the Divergence of South Italian from Attic Red- figure
Vase - painting," in: J.- P. Descoeudres (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native
Populations. Proceedings of the First Australian Congress of Classical
Archaeology (Sydney 1990) 217- 230.
937.7 85
F. Villard, "L'art: céramique et peint ure," in: Un secolo di ricerche in Magna
Grecia (Atti del 28 Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 7- 12
ottobre, 1988) (Taranto 1989) 177- 198.
Approache s
930.105 17
H. Hoffma nn, "In the Wake of Beazley. Prolegomena to an Anthropological
Study of Greek Vase- Painting," Hephaistos 1, 1979, 61- 70.
930.105 17
H. Hoffma nn, "Iconogra phy and Iconology," Hephaistos 7/8, 1985- 1986,
61- 66.
930.105 17
H. Hoffmann, "Why did the Greeks need imagery? An anthropological
approac h to the study of Greek Vase - Painting," Hephaistos 9, 1988, 143ff.
738.092 04
H. Hoffma nn, Sotades: Symbols of Immortality on Greek vases (Oxford
930.105 17
R. Neer, "Beazley and the Language of Connoisseurship," Hephaistos 15,
1997, 7- 30.
913.05 15
J. H. Oakley, "Why study a Greek vase - painter? A response to Whitley's
"Beazley as theorist"," Antiquity 72, 1998, 209 - 13.
930.1 288
J. H. Oakley, "'Through a Gass Darkly I': some misconceptions about the
study of Greek vase - painting," in: R. F. Docter & E. M. Moormann (eds.),
Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology,
Amsterda m 1998 (Amsterda m 1999) 286 - 90.
738.3820938 129
P. Rouet, Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases: Beazley and Pottier
(Oxford 2001).
913.05 15
J. Whitley, "Beazley as Theorist," Antiquity 71: 271, 1997, 40- 47.
D. Williams, "Dale Trendall: the eye of an eagle," BICS 41, 1996, 9- 16 .
Technical aspects
913.05 21
H. Lohmann, "Zu Technisc hen besonderheite n apulischer Vasen," JdI 97,
1982, 191 - 249.
Beginnings of red - figure in South Italy
M. Denoyelle, "Iconographie mythique et personnalité artistique dans la
céramique protoitaliote," in: Modi e funzioni del racconto mitico nella
cera mica greca, italiota ed etrusca dal VI al IV secolo a.C. (Salerno 1995)
83- 102.
738.3820938 110 M. Denoyelle, "Attic or non - Attic?: The Case of the Pisticci Painter," in: J. H.
Oakley, W. D. E. Coulsen & O. Palagia (eds.), Athenian Potters and Painters.
The Conference Proceedings (Oxford 1997) 395- 405.
738.3820937 33 N. R. Jircik, The Pisticci and Amy kos Painters. The beginning of red- figured
vase - painting in ancient Lucania (Ann Arbor 1991).
Early South Italian Red- Figure
913.37 010
480.5 29
709.377 04
913.05 08
709.377 04
709.377 04
F. D'Andria, "Scavi nella zona del Kerameikos (1973)," NSc suppl. al vol. 29,
1975, 355- 432 .
L. Giuliani, "Rhesus between dream and death: on the relation of image to
literature in Apulian vase - painting," BICS 41, 1996, 71- 86.
E. Lippolis, "La stile proto - apulo e apulo antico e medio," in: E. Lippolis
(ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996)
377 - 93.
B. MacDonald, "The Emigration of Potters from Athens in the Late Fifth
Century B.C. and its Effects on the Attic Pottery Trade," AJA 85, 1981, 159 168.
K. Mannino, "Gli ateliers attici e la nascita della produz ione figurata," in: E.
Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia
(Milano 1996) 363- 70 .
M. Osanna, "Metaponto," in: E. Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e
artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996) 45- 50 .
South Italian Red- Figure
292.13 72
A. F. G. Alessio Cavarret ta, "Diffusione diacronica dell'iconografia di Orfeo
in ambiente occidentale," in: A. Masaracchia, (ed.), Orfeo e l'Orfismo. Atti del
Semiario Nazionale (Roma - Perugia 1985 - 1991) (Roma 1993) 399 - 408.
291.093 04
H. Cassima tis, "Les autels dans la céramique italiote," in: R. Etienne & M.- T.
Le Dinahet (eds.), L'espace sacrificiel dans les civilisations méditerranée nnes
de l'antiquité (Lyon 1991) 33- 43.
393.1093 03
H. Cassimatis, "Cosmétique et funéraire sur les vases apuliens," in: S.
Marchegay et al. (eds.), Théories de la nécropole antique (Lyons 1997) 155 66.
913.03 07
H. Cassm atis, "Le miroir dans les représenta tions funéraires apulienne s,"
MEFRA 110 / 1, 1998, 297- 350.
709.377 04
A. Ciancio, "Lo stile lucano," in: E. Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e
artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996) 395- 9.
882.09 99
C. W. Dearden, "Pots, tumblers and Phlyax vases," in: A. Griffiths, (ed.),
Stage Directions: essays in ancient dram a in honour of E. W. Handley
(London 1995) 81- 6.
738.3820937 39 L. Giuliani, Tragik, Trauer und Trost. Bildvasen für eine apulischer
Totenfeier (Berlin 1995).
292.13 104
L. Giuliani, "Contenuto narrativo e significato allegorico nell'iconografia
della ceramica apula," in: F. De Angelis & S. Muth (eds.), Im Spiegel des
Mythos. Bilderwelt und Lebenswelt / Lo specchio del mito. Imm aginario e
realtà (Wiesbade n 1998) 43- 52.
882.09 99
J. R. Green, "Theatrical Motifs in Non- theatrical Contexts on vases of the
Later Fifth and Fourth Centuries," in: A. Griffiths, (ed.), Stage Directions:
essays in ancient dram a in honour of E. W. Handley (London 1995) 93- 122.
709.01 41
J. R. Green, "Tragedy and the Spectacle of the Mind: Messenger Speeches,
Actors, Narrative, and Audience Imagination in Fouth - Century BCE Vase Painting," in: B. Bergma nn & C. Kondoleon (eds.), The Art of Ancient
Spectacle (Washington /L on don 1999) 37- 64.
480.5 29
J. R. Green, "Comic cuts: snippets of action of the Greek Comic stage," BICS
45, 2001, 37- 64.
937.7 254
A. Hoffma nn, Grabritual und Gesellschaft: Gefassfor me n, Bildthe me n und
Funktion unteritalisch - rotfigurer Keramik aus der Nekropole von Tarent
(Leidorf 2002).
709.377 04
E. Lippolis, "La ceramica a figure rosse italiota," in: E. Lippolis (ed.), I Greci
in Occidente: Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996) 357 - 61 .
705 50
E. C. Keuls, "The happy ending: classical trage dy and Apulian funerary art,"
MededRom (n.s.5) 83- 92.
417.705 01
E. C. Keuls, "Aeschylus' Niobe and Apulian Funerary Symbolism," ZPE 1978,
41- 68.
705 50
E. C. Keuls, "The Conjugal Side of Dionysiac Ritual and Symbolism in the
Fifth Century B.C," MededRom (n.s.11) 46, 1985, 25- 34.
709.377 04
M. Mazzei, "Lo stile apulo tardo," in: E. Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente:
Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996) 403 - 21.
292.13 102
M. Mazzei, "Commitenz a e mito. Esempi dalla Puglia settent rionale," in: F.H. Massa - Pairault (ed.), Le Mythe Grec dans l'Italie Antique. Fonction et
Image (Rome 1999) 467- 83.
738.3820937 41 T. Morard, Les Troyens a Metaponto. Etude d'une nouvelle Ilioupersis de la
cera mique italiote (Mainz 2002).
738.3820938 13 J.- M. Moret, L'Ilioupersis dans la cérami que italiote (Genève 1975).
J.- M. Moret, Oedipe. La Sphinx et les Thebains: Essai de Mythologie
Iconographique, 2 vols (Roma 1984).
913.05 50
J.- M. Moret, "Les départs des enfers dans l'imagerie apulienne," RA 1993,
293- 351.
292.13 102
A. Pontra ndolfo & E. Mugione, "La saga degli Argonauti nella ceramica attica
e protoitaliota. Uso e rifunzionaliza z zi one di un mito," in: F.- H. Massa Pairault (ed.), Le Mythe Grec dans l'Italie Antique. Fonction et Image (Rome
1999) 329 - 52.
709.38 87 / 1
K. Schauenburg, "A Dionysiac Procession on a Monument al Shape 8
Oenochoe," in: W. G. Moon (ed.), Ancient Greek Art and Iconography
(Madison, London 1983) 259 - 284.
709.38 128
K. Schauenburg, "Some Remarks on the Underworld Painter," in: G. R.
Tsetskhlad z e et al. (eds.), Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and
Archaeology Presented to John Boardm a n (London 2000) 253- 62.
292.2113 3
M. Schmidt, "Orfeo e Orfismo nella pittura vascolare italiota," in: Orfismo in
Magna Grecia (Atti del 14 Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto
6- 10 ottobre 1974) (Napoli 1975) 103- 137.
738.3820937 07 G. Schneider - Herrma nn, Red- figured Lucanian and Apulian Nestorides and
their Ancestors (Amsterda m 1980).
937.02 64
G. Schneider - Herrma nn, The Samnites of the fourt h century BC as depicted
on Campani an vases and other sources (London 1996).
880.5 030
H. R. W. Smith, Funerary Symbolism in Apulian Vase- painting (London
1972). (University of California Publications on Classical Studies, 12).
738.382 36
A. D. Trendall, Phlyax Vases (BICS suppl. 19, London 1967).
792.0938 02
A. D. Trendall & T. B. L. Webster , Illustrations of Greek Drama (London
882.09 99
A. D. Trendall, "An Apulian Bell- krater depicting the mask of a white haired Phlyax," in: A. Griffiths, (ed.), Stage Directions: essays in ancient
drama in honour of E. W. Handley (London 1995) 87- 92.
709.38 119
M.- C. Tzannes, "Kraters, Libations and Dionysiac Imagery in Early South
Italy Red- Figure," in: O. Palagia , Greek Offerings: Essays on Greek Art in
Honour of John Boardm a n (Oxford 1997) 145 - 59.
Attic Red- Figure, c. 450 onwards
738.382 45B
J. Boardm a n, Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Classical Period. A Handbook
(London 1989).
738.3820937 06 L. Burn, The Meidias Painter (Oxford 1987).
738.30938 08
L. Burn, "A Dinoid Volute - Krater by the Meleager Painter: An Attic Vase in
the South Italian Manner," in: Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum, 5
(Malibu 1991) 107 - 30.
738.3820938 84 L. Burn, "Vase - painting in fifth- century Athens II. Red- figure and white ground of the later fifth century," in: T. B. Rasmusse n & N. Spivey (eds.),
Looking at Greek Vases (Cambridge 1991) 118 - 130.
738.370938 02 C. Campe non, Le céramique attique à figures rouges autour de 400 avant
J.- C. Les principales formes, évolution et production (Paris 1994).
913.305 04
K. Junker, "Symposionge sc hirr oder Totengefässe? Überlegungen zur
Funktion attischer Vasen des 6. und 5. Jarhundert s v. Chr," AntK 45, 2002,
3- 26.
759.938 S396 /X1
A. Lezzi - Hafter, Der Schuwalow - Maler: eine Kanne nwe rkst att der
Parthenon zeit (Mainz 1976). (Kerameus, vol. 2.)
738.382 71
A. Lezzi - Hafter, Der Eretria Maler. Werke und Weggefährte n (Mainz 1988).
738.092 03
S. B. Matheson, Polygnotos and Vase Painting in Classical Athens (Madison
709.385 05
T. J. McNiven, "Behaving Like an Other: Telltale Gestures in Athenian Vase
Painting," in: B. Cohen (ed.), Not the Classical Ideal: Athens and the
Construction of the Other in Greek Art (Leiden 2000) 71- 97.
738 MET
H. Metzger, Les Représent ations dans la Céra mique Attique du IVe siècle
(Paris 1951).
930.1 288
A. Nilsson, "Attic figured pottery found in settleme nt s in Etruscan Val
Padana (525- 400 BC): shapes and distribution," in: R. F. Docter & E. M.
Moorma nn (eds.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of
Classical Archaeology, Amsterda m 1998 (Amsterda m 1999) 279 - 82.
930.05 10
A. Nilsson, "The function and reception of Attic figured pottery. Spina, a
case study," AnalRom 26, 1999, 7- 23.
738.30938 16
J. H. Oakley, "An Athenian red- figure workshop from the time of the
Peloponnesian War," in: F. Blondé & J. Y. Perrault (eds.), Les ateliers de
potiers dans le monde grec aux époques géométrique, archaïque et
classique (BCH supplem ent 23, Paris 1992) 195 - 203.
733.3 143
J. H. Oakley, The Achilles Painter (Mainz 1997).
738.092 02
V. Paul - Zinserling, "Der Jena- Maler und sein Kreis: zur Ikonologie einer
attische n Schalenwerkst at t um 400 v. Chr (Mainz 1994).
738.3820938 124
B. Sabattini (ed.), La céramique attique du IVe siècle en Méditerranée
occident ale. Actes du colloque international organisé par la Centre Camille
Jullian, Arles, 7- 9 décembre 1995 (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard 17,
Naples 2000).
738.3820938 110 V. Sabetai, "Aspects of Nuptial and Genre Imagery in Fifth- Century Athens:
Issues of Interpre tation and Methodology," in: J. H. Oakley, W. D. E. Coulsen
& O. Palagia (eds.), Athenian Potters and Painters. The Conference
Proceedings (Oxford 1997) 319- 35.
A well - published Greek cemetery in South Italy
937.7 388
J. C. Carter (ed.), The Chora of Metaponto: The Necropoleis (Austin 1998).
Imports of Attic pottery
937.005 07
945.75 05
930.005 07
292.13 102
937.7 39 A
738.30938 07/ 1
913.05 08
913.38 167
M. Barra Bagnasco, "L'influenz a del mondo attico in area locrese," Ostraka
6/ 2, 1997, 433- 4.
J. de la Geniere, "Nota sui traffici di vasi attici in Puglia nel V secolo a.C," in:
Salento, porta d'Italia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Lecce, 27- 30
nove m bre, 1986 (Galatina 1989) 157 - 65.
F. Giudice, "Le importa zioni attiche in Magna Grecia. Appunti per la
definizione del quadro di riferimento," Ostraka 6, 1997, 401 - 13.
F. Giudice, "Il viaggio delle immagini dall'Attica verso l'Occidente ed il
fenom eno del rapport o tra "prodigi" e "fortuna iconografica"," in: F.- H.
Massa - Pairault (ed.), Le Mythe Grec dans l'Italie Antique. Fonction et Image
(Rome 1999) 267- 327.
E. Greco, Magna Grecia (3rd edition, Bari 1993) (esp. 321ff.).
B. R. MacDonald, The Distribution of Attic Pottery from 450 to 375 BC: The
Effects of Politics on Trade, (Ann Arbor 1979).
B. R. MacDonald, "The Emigration of Potters from Athens in the Late Fifth
Century B.C. and its Effects on the Attic Pottery Trade," AJA 85, 1981, 159 168.
B. R. MacDonald, "The import of Attic pottery to Corinth and the question
of trade during the Peloponne sian War," JHS 102, 1982, 113- 23.
709.377 04
930.005 07
937.005 07
937.005 07
K. Mannino, "Gli ateliers attici e la nascita della produz ione figurata," in: E.
Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia
(Milano 1996) 363- 70.
K. Mannino, "Le importaz ioni attiche in Puglia nel V sec. a.C," Ostraka 6,
1997, 389- 99.
E. Mugione, "Temi figurativi della ceramica attica e com mittenz a
occidentale. Una esemplificazione: il mito Teseo," Ostraka 6/1, 1997, 10928.
T. Melander, "The Import of Attic Pottery to Locri Epizephyrii. A case of
Reinterpret ation," in: A. Rathje et al. (eds.), Pots for the Living, Pots for the
Dead (Acta Hyperborea 9, Copenhagen 2002) 59- 82.
L. Todisco, "Atene e Magna Grecia: percorsi iconologici," Ostraka 6/ 1, 1997,
135 - 54.
Attic “export models”
913.03 07
937 180
930.1 288
738.30938 11
938 238
938 238
913.03 07
A. Bottini, "Da Atene alla Daunia: ceramica ed accultura zione," MEFRA 103,
2, 1991, 443- 455 /.
F. D'Andria, "Messapi e Peuceti," in: Italia, omniu m terraru m alumn a
(Milano 1988) 653- 715 (esp. p. 686).
F. Giudice & E. Giudice, "Il problem a degli 'import models' nella
ceramogra fia attica: il caso di Crotone," in: R. F. Docter & E. M. Moormann
(eds.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical
Archaeology, Amsterda m 1998 (Amsterda m 1999) 175- 7.
J. Jentoft Nielsen, "Two Attic Vases of Uniqe Shape," in: J. Christiansen,
(ed.), Ancient Greek and Related Pottery. Proceedings of the Third
Sy mposium, Copenhagen 1987 (Copenhagen 1988) 278- 83.
M. Jentoft - Nilsen, "Two Vases of South Italian Shape by an Attic Painter,"
in: J.- P. Descoeudres (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native Populations.
Proceedings of the First Australian Congress of Classical Archaeology
(Canberra / Oxford 1990) 243- 250.
E. G. D. Robinson, "Between Greek and Native: The Xenon Group," in: J.- P.
Descoeudres (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native Populations. Proceedings of
the First Australian Congress of Classical Archaeology (Canberra /Oxford
1990) 251 - 266.
L. Todisco & M. A. Sisto, "Un gruppo di vasi attici e il problema delle
"special commissions" in Italia meridionale," MEFRA 110/ 2, 1998, 571 - 608.
Tomb - robbing and the antiquities trade
709.45 (Power)
A. Bottini, "Il patrimonio disperso," BdA 62- 63, 1990, 137- 138.
U363.69 44
N. Brodie & K. W. Tubb (eds.), Illicit Antiquites: the theft of culture and the
extinction of archaeology (London 2002).
C. Chippe ndale & D. W. J. Gill, "Material concequences of contem pora ry
classical collecting," AJA 104, 2000, 463 - 511.
R. M. Cook, "Excavation and the Antique s Trade," in: G. R. Tsetskhla dze et
al. (eds.), Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and Archaeology Presented to
John Boardm a n (London 2000) 68- 69.
James Ede (London antiquities dealer) has published a statem ent on his
http: / / w ww.t he activities
web: / a rt icles / e t hics_arc ml
D. Graepler, "In margine alla mostra itinerante: Luogo di rinvenime nt o:
sconosciuto. Scavi clandestini distruggono il il partimonio archeologico," in:
P. Pelegatti & M. Bell (eds.), Antichità senza prove nie nza: atti della tavola
rotonda, American Acade m y in Rome, 18 febbraio 1995 (Roma 1996) 6372.
913.05 15
913.05 08
709.38 128
709.3 07
R. Bland, "The trade in plunde r," Antiquity 76, 2002, 1138 - 40. (Review of Brodie et
al. 2001, and Brodie /Tu b b 2002)
930.10945 01
D. Graepler & M. Mazzei, Provenienza: sconosciuta! Tombaroli, mercanti e
collezionisti: l'Italia archeologica allo sbaraglio (Bari 1996).
913.05 15
D. Gill, "Sotheby's, sleaze and subterfuge: inside the antiquities trade,"
Antiquity 71, 1997, 468- 71.
709.3 07
W.- D. Heilmeyer, "La Dichiariazone di Berlino (sei anni dopo)," in: P.
Pelegatti & M. Bell (eds.), Antichità senza provenienz a: atti della tavola
rotonda, American Acade m y in Rome, 18 febbraio 1995 (Roma 1996) 6062.
709.3 07
P. Pelegatti & M. Bell (eds.), Antichità senza prove nie nza: atti della tavola
rotonda, American Acade m y in Rome, 18 febbraio 1995 (Roma 1996).
363.69 42
C. Renfrew, Loot, Legitimacy and Ownership (London 2000).
937.0074455 01 A. Romualdi (ed.), Il patrimonio disperso. Reperti archeologici sequestrati
dalla Guardia di Finanza. Catalogo della mostra Piombino 15 luglio - 31
ottobre 1989 (Roma 1989).
738.09377 03
J. R. Green, "Some Painters of Gnathia Vases," BICS 15, 1968, 34- 50.
J. R. Green, Gnat hia Pottery in the Akade misches Kunst m useu m, Bonn
(Mainz 1982).
738.3820938 64 J. R. Green, "The Beaulieu Painter and Provincial Apulia at the End of the
Fourth Century B.C in: E. Böhr & W. Martini (eds.), Studien zu Mythologie
und Vasenm alerei. Festschrift für Konrad Schaue nburg (Mainz 1986) 181186.
738.30938 08
J. R. Green, "Some Gnathia Pottery in the J.Paul Getty Museum," in: M. True
& J. Frel (eds.), Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum, 3. Occasional
Papers on Antiquities,2 (Malibu 1986) 115 - 138.
738.3820937 04 J. R. Green, "The Gnathia Pottery of Apulia," in: M. E. Mayo & K. Hamma
(eds.), The Art of South Italy. Vases from Magna Grecia (Richmond, Virginia
1982) 252 - 9.
Xenon Group
938 238
E. G. D. Robinson, "Between Greek and Native: The Xenon Group," in: J.- P.
Descoeudres (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native Populations. Proceedings of
the First Australian Congress of Classical Archaeology (Canberra /Oxford
1990) 251 - 266.
709.377 04
E. G. D. Robinson, "La cera mica sovra ddipint a monocrom a: vase dei Gruppi
Xenon e del Cigno Rosso," in: E. Lippolis (ed.), I Greci in Occidente: Arte e
artigianato in Magna Grecia (Milano 1996) 446 - 52 .
738.3820937 42 E. M. De Juliis, La ceramica sovraddipinta apula (Bari 2002).
737.01 29
F. van der Wielen- van Ommeren, "Vases with polychrome and plastic
decoration from Canosa," in: J. Swaddling (ed.), Italian Iron Age Artefacts in
the British Museum (London 1986) 215- 228.
Matt- painted
738.382377 01
D. G. Yntema, The Matt- Painted Pottery of Southern Italy (Utrecht 1985).
Key references
180 104
291.23 50
182.2 02
270.1 52/3
882.3 J11 X4
882.3 J11 X4
938 491
292.08 51
938 413
938 391 & U
291.23 01
J. Bremmer, "Rationaliza tion and Disenchant m e nt in Ancient Greece: Max
Weber amongst the Pythagoreans and Orphics?" in: R. Buxton (ed.), From
Myth to Reason? Studies in the Developme nt of Greek Thought (Oxford
1999) 71- 86.
J. N. Bremmer, The Rise and Fall of the Afterlife (London and New York
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3 (London 1982) 1- 22.
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Carpent er & C. A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca /Londo n 1993)
276 - 96.
F. Graf, "Dionysian and Orphic Eschatology: New Texts and Old Questions,"
in: T. H. Carpenter & C. A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca /London
1993) 239 - 58.
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Futures. Death and Immort ality in Ancient Egypt, Anatolia, the Classical,
Biblical and Arabic - Islamic Worlds (Amsterda m 1994) 197 - 220.
Generally on Greek Religion, esp. the afterlife
292.23 3
L. Albinus, The House of Hades: Studies in Ancient Greek Eschatology
(Aarhus 2000).
291.23 01
J. Bremmer, "Death and Immortality in Some Greek Poems," in: J. Bremmer
et al. (eds.), Hidden Futures. Death and Immort ality in Ancient Egypt,
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291.23 01
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292.08 19A & U W. Burkert, Greek Religion (trans. J. Raffan, Cambridge Mass. 1985).
292.08 67
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291.23093 01
J. Davies, Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity
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292.08082 02
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880.9 986
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292.08 59
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Generally on Religion in South Italy
938 413
937.7 63
937.7 63
937.7 85
945.7 21
938 413
913.37703 02
M. Gigante, "Literary Culture in Magna Grecia and Sicily," in: G. Pugliese
Carratelli (ed.), The Western Greeks (Milan 1996) 499 - 510.
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Carratelli (ed.), The Western Greeks (Milan 1996) 515 - 522.
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Taranto 11 - 16 ottobre 1964) (Napoli 1965) 19- 46.
Pythagoreanism & Orphism
292.2113 3
292.2 01
292.13 72
292.13 72
938 479
292.2113 01
292.2113 01
292.2113 01
292.2113 01
937.7 388
292.2113 01
292.13 72
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Grecia, Taranto 6- 10 ottobre 1974) (Napoli 1975).
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Rudhar dt (Geneva 1991) 211 - 226.
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292.13 72
292.13 65
292.13 52
292.13 72
292.13 72
182.2 21
292.13 72
292.13 72
292.2113 01
937.7 63
938.0072 20
292.2113 01
945.78 08
937.7 85
292.2113 3
292.2113 01
292.2113 01
883.5 X 1
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Uterwelts und
Thrakerdarst ellung," in: P. Borgeaud (ed.), Orphisme et Orphée, en
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l'honneur de Jean Rudhar dt (Geneva 1991) 77- 86.
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The Derveni Papyrus
930.5 03
292.08 51
292.13 72
292.08 51
G. Betegh, "Papyrus on the Pyre. The Derveni Papyrus and its Archaeological
Context," Acta Antiqua 42, 2002, 51- 66.
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M. S. Fughi, "The Derveni Paprus," in: A. Laks & G. W. Most (eds.), Studies on
the Derveni Papyrus (Oxford 1997) 25- 38.
292.08 51
292.08 51
292.08 51
A. Laks & G. W. Most, "A Provisional Translation of the Derveni Papyrus," in:
A. Laks & G. W. Most (eds.), Studies on the Derveni Papyrus (Oxford 1997)
9- 24.
D. Obbink, "Cosmology as Initiaion vs. the Critique of the Orphic Mysteries,"
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Tradition of Esoteric Comment ary," in: A. Laks & G. W. Most (eds.), Studies
on the Derveni Papyrus (Oxford 1997) 81- 92.
Orphic / Diony siac nscriptions on gold leaf
913.38 67
945.78 08
292.13 72
292.2113 01
480.5 24
480.5 24
I. Gavrilaki & Y. Z. Tzifopoulos, "An Orphic - Dionysiac gold epistomion
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Orfeo e l'Orfismo. Atti del Semiario Nazionale (Roma - Perugia 1985 - 1991)
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Rudhar dt (Geneva 1991) 87- 102.
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297 - 307.
M. Tortorelli Ghidini, "Lettere d'oro per l'Ade," PdP 50, 1995, 468- 82.
Dionyso s
937.7 211
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Nava et al., Il vino di Dioniso. Dei e uomini a banchetto in Basilicata
(Catalogo della mostra, Roma, Museo Barraco, 8 luglio - 28 novembre 1999)
21- 24.
738.3820937 18 F. Berti & C. Gasparri (eds.), Dionysos, mito e mistero (Bologna 1989).
882.3 J11 X4
W. Burkert, "Bacchic teletai in the Hellenistic Age," in: T. H. Carpent er & C.
A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca /London 1993) 259 - 75.
709.38 128
T. H. Carpente r, "Images and Beliefs: Thought s on the Derveni Krater," in: G.
R. Tsetskhla dz e et al. (eds.), Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and
Archaeology Presented to John Boardm a n (London 2000) 51- 59.
480.5 33
G. Casadio, "Dioniso italiota. Un dio greco in Italia meridionale,"
AnnOrNapFil 16, 1994, 79- 107.
913.3803 3
S. G. Cole, "New evidence for the mysteries of Donysos," GRBS 21, 1980,
223- 38.
882.3 J11 X4
S. G. Cole, "Voices from Beyond the Grave: Dionysus and the Dead," in: T. H.
Carpent er & C. A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca /Londo n 1993)
276 - 96.
937.7 211
A. De Siena, "Il culto di Dioniso nelle colonie greche della Basilicata," in: M.
L. Nava et al., Il vino di Dioniso. Dei e uomini a banchetto in Basilicata
(Catalogo della mostra, Roma, Museo Barraco, 8 luglio - 28 novembre 1999)
29- 32.
292.2113 04
M. Detienne, Dionysos at Large (Cambridge, Mass. 1989).
882.3 J11 X4
F. Graf, "Dionysian and orphic Eschatology: New Texts and Old Questions,"
in: T. H. Carpenter & C. A. Faraone (eds.), Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca /London
1993) 239 - 58.
937.005 05
V. J. Hutchinson, "The cult of Dionysus /Bacc hu s in the Graeco- Roman
world: new light from archaeological studies," (REVIEW) JRA 4, 1991, 222 231.
292.211 59
709.01 25/ 1
705 50
709.38 87 / 1
937.7 211
709.38 119
L'association dionysiaque dans les societes anciennes. Actes table ronde
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26. Septem be r 1982 (Karlsruhe 1982) 95- 100.
E. C. Keuls, "The Conjugal Side of Dionysiac Ritual and Symbolism in the
Fifth Century B.C," MededRom (n.s.11) 46, 1985, 25- 34.
K. Schauenburg, "A Dionysiac Procession on a Monument al Shape 8
Oenochoe," in: W. G. Moon (ed.), Ancient Greek Art and Iconography
(Madison, London 1983) 259 - 284.
F. Silvestrelli, "Dioniso nella ceramica italiota," in: M. L. Nava et al., Il vino di
Dioniso. Dei e uomini a banc hetto in Basilicata (Catalogo della most ra,
Roma, Museo Barraco, 8 luglio - 28 novembre 1999) 25- 28.
M.- C. Tzannes, "Kraters, Libations and Dionysiac Imagery in Early South
Italy Red- Figure," in: O. Palagia , Greek Offerings: Essays on Greek Art in
Honour of John Boardm a n (Oxford 1997) 145 - 59.
Generally on Taranto
913.37703 02
937.7 38
937.7074 01
913.37703 02
913.37703 02
937.7 183
705 50
937.7 72
913.37703 02
Taranto nella civiltà della Magna Grecia (Atti del 10 Convegno di Studi
sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 4- 11 ottobre 1970) (Napoli 1971).
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E. M. De Juliis, Taranto (Bari 2000).
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M. Gigante, "La cultura a Taranto," in: Taranto nella civiltà della Magna
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I. Moretti, "Problemi di storia tarantina," in: Taranto nella civiltà della
Magna Grecia (Atti del 10 Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto
4- 11 ottobre 1970) (Napoli 1971) 21- 65.
M. Osanna, Chorai coloniali greche da Locri a Tarent u m (Roma 1993).
C. M. Stibbe, "Sparta und Tarent," MededRom (n.s.2) 27- 46.
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Grecia (Atti del 10 Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 4- 11
ottobre 1970) (Napoli 1971) 9- 17.
Generally on Metaponto
937.7 388
937.7 209
J. C. Carter (ed.), The Chora of Metaponto: The Necropoleis (Austin 1998).
A. Mele, "Culti e miti nella storia di Metaponto," in: E. Greco (ed.), Siritide e
Metapontino. Storie di due territori coloniali. Atti dell'incontro di studio,
Policoro 1991 (Naples / Paes tu m 1998) 67- 90.
History of Archaeology at Taranto
937.7007445 01 A. Alessio et al., Catalogo del Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto I/2.
Il progetto del museo .
945.7550075 01 A. Alessio et al., Museo di Taranto: cento anni di archaeologia (Taranto
937.7007445 01 A. Dell'Aglio et al., Catalogo del Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto
I/1. La Storia del Museo (1990).
937.03 19
937.7 104
937.03 19
937.005 07
913.03 07
055 04
055 04
055 04
945.755 01
937.005 07
913.05 22
A. Barker, "Archita di Taranto e l'armonica pitagorica," in: A. C. Cassio & D.
Musti (eds.), Tra Sicilia e Magna Grecia: aspetti di interazione culturale nel
IV sec. a.C. (Pisa 1989) 137- 58.
L. Beschi, "I donari tarantini a Delfi: alcune osservazioni," in: APARCHAI:
Nuove ricerche e Studi sulla Magna Grecia e la Sicilia Antica in Onore di
Paolo Enrico Arias (Pisa 1982) 227 - 38.
L. Braccesi, "Ancora sulla coloniz za z ione siracusa na in Adriatico (Dionigi,
Diomede e i Galli)," in: A. C. Cassio & D. Musti (eds.), Tra Sicilia e Magna
Grecia: aspetti di interazione culturale nel IV sec. a.C. (Pisa 1989) 57- 64.
E. Lippolis, "Taranto e la politica di Atene in occidente," Ostraka 6/2, 1997,
359- 78.
J.- L. Lamboley, "Tarente et les Messapiens. A` propos de Strabon VI,3,4 (C
281)," MEFRA 95, 1, 1983, 523- 33.
G. Nenci, "Il BARBAROS POLEMOS fra Taranto e gli Iapigi e gli Anathe m at a
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L. Pearson, The Greek Historians of the West. Timae us and his Predecessors
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G. Pianu, "Contributi allo studio della politica ateniese in Magna Grecia nel
V sec. a.C," Ostraka 6/ 1, 1997, 87- 94.
H. J. Schalles, "Zur Deutung der untere n Tarentinerbasis in Delphi," AA
1981, 65ff.
More generally on Magna Grecia
937.7 138
937.7 68
937 89
937.8 16
937.7 163
937.7 68
937.7 39 A
938 238
937.7 175
938.02 17
937.7 68
937.7 183
938 413
937.80072 01
938 413
G. Amiotti et al., I Greci nel sud dell'Italia. (Silvana 1995).
C. Ampolo, "Organi zz az ione politica, sociale e economica delle "poleis"
italiote," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Magna Grecia. Lo sviluppo politico,
sociale e economico (Milano 1987) 89- 98.
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civiltà dell'Italia antica, volume 8 (Roma 1986) 255- 341.
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M. Giangiulio, "Aspetti di storia della Magna Grecia arcaica e classica fino
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945.7 21
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Collected works in Italian
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937.7 68
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938 237
937.8 10
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Greek /i ndi ge nou s relations
938 391 & U
641.3 69
937 116 / 1
930.1 132
937 352
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Powell (ed.), The Greek World (London / New York 1996) 347 - 67.
M. Lombardo, "Food and the 'Frontier' in the Greek Colonies of South Italy,"
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Ethnic Identity
937.01 68
305.851 04
937.01 68
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J. Cornell & K. Lomas (eds.), Gender and ethnicity in ancient Italy (London
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Herring & K. Lomas (eds.), The Emergence of State Identitites in Italy in the
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937.01 68
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The Emergence of State Identitites in Italy in the First Millenniu m BC
(Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 8, London 2000) 31- 44.
Native peoples
937.7 142
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Brindisi Region of Southern Italy (Amsterda m 1990).
937 89
A. Bottini & P. G. Guzzo, "I popoli indigeni fina al V sec," in: Popoli e civiltà
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937 89
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937 180
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937.7 243
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omniu m terraru m alum na (Milano 1988) 593 - 652.
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Puglia prerom a na," in: J.- P. Descoeudres (ed.) EUMOUSIA. Ceramic and
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938 413
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of Apulia," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), The Western Greeks (Milan 1996)
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937 352
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937.005 08
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305.851 04
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J. Cornell & K. Lomas (eds.), Gender and ethnicity in ancient Italy (London
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937.7010048 01 M. Lombardo, "I Messapi: aspetti della problema tica storica," in: I Messapi
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937.7 112
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055 04
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937.7 47/ 1
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945.7 21
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J. H. Penney, "The Languages of Italy," in: J. Boardm a n, et al. (eds.), The
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394.10093 01
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Messapia (= Southern Apulia=Salento)
937.7 142
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Brindisi Region of Southern Italy (Amsterda m 1990).
937.005 08
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937 335
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4th centuries BC," in: N. Christie (ed.), Settleme nt and Economy in Italy
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291.38 32
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738.382 73
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937.7 195
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937 311
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705 50
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De agricultur a. In me moria m P. W. de Neeve (Amsterda m 1993) 78- 97 .
Peucetia and Daunia (=Central and Northern Apulia)
937 180
938 413
938 413
937.7 47/ 1
937 379
938 238
937.702 5
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937.37701 02
945.77 03
938 238
938 413
303.30936 01
937.01 60
938 413
937.7 204
913.05 08
937.7 204
937 113
938 413
937.7 204
937.01 65
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Mediterrane an (Louvain 1984) 191- 246.
P. G. Guzzo, "The Encounter with the Bruttii," in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.),
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d'Italie du Sud. Treasures from the South of Italy. Tesori dell'Italia del Sud
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Ancient Italy in its Mediterranea n Setting. Studies in Honour of Ellen
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937.7 204
G. Siebert, "Decorated Lucanian Pottery," in: M. L. Nava et al., Trésors d'Italie
du Sud. Treasures from the South of Italy. Tesori dell'Italia del Sud
(Geneva /Milan 1998) 100 - 120.
Output of various prominent writers on South Italian pottery
Konrad Schauenburg
Zu einem Guttus der Kieler Antikensa m ml u n g.
- RM 80 (1973) 191 - 198.
Missverstä n d nis. - AuA 20 (1974) 8896.
Bendis in Unteritalien ? Zu einer Nestoris von
ungewöhnlicher Form. - JdI 89 (1974)
137 - 186.
Die Göttin mit dem Vogelsze pte r. - RM 82
(1975) 207 - 216.
Eine neue
Wandlungen. Studien zur antiken und
Homa nn Wedeking
gewid met.
(Waldsasse n
1975) 189 - 192.
Die Sphinx unter dem Clipeus. - AA (1975)
280 - 295.
Askoi mit plastisch em Löwenkopf. - RM 83
(1976) 261- 271.
Erotenspiele, 1. - AW 7 (1976) Nr.3,39 - 52.
Erotenspiele, 2. - AW 7 (1976) Nr.4,28 - 35.
Zu apulischen Schüsseln. - AA (1976) 72 - 78.
Siegreiche Barbaren. - AM 92 (1977) 91 - 100.
Unteritalische Kentau ren bilde r. - ÖJh 51
(1976 - 77) 17- 44.
Zu einer
Segmentsch ale
in der
Antiken sa m mlu n g. - RdA 1 (1977) 1618.
Zu Göttersta tu e n auf unteritalienischen Vasen.
- AA (1977) 285 - 297.
Zu Repliken in der Vasenmalerei. - AA (1977)
194 - 204.
Eros und Nereiden auf einer apulische n
Kugelpyxis. - RdA 2 (1978) 16- 22.
Tymboi auf unteritalischen Vasen. - RM 85
(1978) 83- 90.
Zwei seltene mythologische Bilder auf einer
Amphora in Privatbesitz. - in: Classica
et provincialia. Festschrift Erna Diez.
(Graz 1978) 169- 176.
Herakles Musikos. - JdI 94 (1979) 49 - 76.
Herakles und Belleroph o n auf einer Randschale
in Kiel. - MededRo m 41 (1979) 9 - 20.
Herakles und Vogelmon str u m auf einem Krater
in Kiel. - MededRo m 41 (1979) 21 - 27.
Das Motiv der "Chimairo p ho n o s" in der Kunst
Unteritaliens. - in: Studies in hono ur
of Arthu r Dale Trendall. (Sydney 1979)
149 - 154.
Skylla oder Tritonin ? Zu einer Grupp e
canosinischer Askoi. - RM 87 (1980)
29- 56.
Eros im Tempel. - AA (1981) 344 - 348.
Europa auf einer Situla im Kunsthan d el. - RM
88 (1981) 107- 116.
Zu einer Kleinmeistersch ale in Privatbesitz. AA (1981) 333 - 343.
Zu einer Situla in Privatbesitz. - MededRo m 43
(1981) 83- 89.
Bellerop ho n
Vasen malerei. - JdI 71 (1956) 59 - 96.
Die Cameliden im Altertu m. - BJb 155 - 156
(1955 - 56) 59 - 94.
Dionysiaka. - in: Charites. Studien zur
Altertu m swissen s ch aft.
Ernst Langlotz.] (Bonn 1957) 170 - 174.
Zu Darstellungen aus der Sage des Admet und
des Kadmos. - Gymnasiu m 64 (1957)
210 - 230.
Zur Symbolik unteritalischer Rankenm otive. RM 64 (1957) 198 - 221.
Marsyas. - RM 65 (1958) 42- 66.
Neue Darstellu nge n aus der Bellero pho n s age. AA (1958) 21- 37.
Phrixos. - RhM 101 (1958) 41- 50.
Totengötte r
Vasen malerei. - JdI 73 (1958) 48 - 78.
Der Gürtel der Hippolyte. - Philologus 104
(1960) 1- 13.
Herakles und Omp hale. - RhM 103 (1960) 57 76.
Perseu s in der Kunst des Altertu m s. (Bonn
Achilleus in der unteritalischen Vasen malerei.
- BJb 161 (1961) 215 - 235.
Göttergeliebte auf unteritalischen Vasen. AuA 10 (1961) 77- 101.
Neue antike Cameliden. - BJb 162 (1962) 98106.
Pan in Unteritalien. - RM 69 (1962) 27- 42.
Herakles unter Göttern. - Gymnasiu m 70
(1963) 113 - 133.
Eine neue Ampho ra des Efeumalers. - AA
(1963) 404 - 430.
Iliupersis auf einer Hydria des Priamo sm alers.
- RM 71 (1964) 60- 70.
Bostone r
Andro me da - Pelike
Sophokles. - AuA 13 (1967) 1 - 10.
Perücken trägerin im Blattkelch. - StädelJb 1
(1967) 45- 63.
Aktaion in der unteritalischen Vasenmalerei. JdI 84 (1969) 29- 46.
Ganyme d in der unteritalischen Vasenmalerei.
- in: Opus nobile. Festschrift zu m 60.
Geburts tag
(Wiesbade n 1969) 131 - 137.
Jagdd arstellungen
Vasen malerei. (Hambu rg 1969) 40 S..
Frauen im Fenster. - RM 79 (1972) 1- 15.
Unteritalische Alabastra. - JdI 87 (1972) 258 298.
Apulischer Krater mit Jagdsz en e in der Kieler
Antikensa m ml u ng. AA (1973) 221 - 231
Frauen im Fenster. - RM 80 (1973) 271 - 273.
Silene beim Symposion. - JdI 88 (1973) 1- 26.
Zu unteritalisch en Situlen. - AA (1981) 462 488.
Arimas pe n in Unteritalien. - RA (1982) 249262.
Zu einem spätrarch aisch en Kolonette nk rate r in
Lugano. - NumAntCl 11 (1982) 9 - 31.
Zur thebanisch en Sphinx. - in: Praestan t
intern a.
Hausma n n. (Tübingen 1982) 230 - 235.
Zwei Phlyakenkr atere in Privatbesit z. - in:
Aparchai. Nuove ricerche e stu di sulla
Magna Grecia e la Sicilia antica in
onore di Paolo Enrico Arias. (Pisa
1982) 473 - 478.
A Dionysiac Procession on a Monume nt al
Shape 8 Oinochoe. - in: Ancient Greek
art and iconograp hy. (Madison 1983)
259 - 284. Taf.
Eros im Temp el ? - AA (1983) 599 - 606.
Hermes Ithyphallikos. - MededRom 44- 45
(1983) 45- 53.
Zu einer Kanne der Form VIII in der Kieler
Antikensa m ml u ng. - Boreas 6 (1983)
95 - 104.
Zur Telepho ss age in Unteritalien. - RM 90
(1983) 339 - 358.
Baltimore maler
Belleroph o n.
JbMusKGHamb 3 (1984) 11- 48.
Unterweltsbilder aus Grossgriechenla nd. - RM
91 (1984) 359 - 387.
Zu einer Hydria des Baltimore malers in Kiel. JdI 99 (1984) 127 - 160.
Herakles und Eulen auf einem Krater der
Sammlun g Geddes. - RM 92 (1985) 4564.
Die Mänade als Schutzflehen d e. - NumAn tCl
14 (1985) 63 - 74.
Zu einer Grup pe polychro me r apulische r Vasen
in Kiel. - JdI 100 (1985) 399 - 443.
Herakles in Neapel. - RM 93 (1986) 143 - 156.
Tondo ko m p o sitio n aus Grossgriechenland. JdI 101 (1986) 159 - 183.
Bockskäm pfe und verwand te Motive. - JdI 102
(1987) 233 - 246.
Flügelgestalten auf unteritalischen Grabvasen.
- JdI 102 (1987) 199 - 232.
Eulen aus Athen und Unteritalien. - JdI 103
(1988) 67 - 85.
Kreusa in Delphi. - AA (1988) 633 - 651.
Der Raub des Kephalos auf unteritalischen
Vasen. - RA (1988) 291 - 306.
Lutrop h or o s
Antikensa m ml u ng. - JbMusKGHamb
6- 7 (1988) 41- 44.
Herakles bei Atlas. - AA (1989) 23 - 32.
Zu einigen
in einer
Privatsa m mlu ng. - AA (1989) 227 - 241.
Zu einigen Grabkratere n des Malers von
Kopenhagen 4223. - NumAntCl 18
(1989) 119 - 137.
Zu Werken des Iliupersism alers und seines
Umkreises in einer Privatsam mlu n g. in: Festschrift für Jale Inan. Jale Inan
armagani. (Istanb ul 1989) 511 - 515.
Zu zwei Krateren des Malers von Berlin F 3383.
- in: Beiträge zur Ikonograp hie und
Herme neu tik. Festschrift für Nikolaus
Himmelman n. (Mainz 1989) 215 - 219.
Zur Grabsym bolik apulischer Vasen. - JdI 104
(1989) 19- 60.
Bärtige Sphinx aus Apulien. - in: Eumou sia.
Ceramic and iconograp hic studies in
honou r of Alexande r Cambitoglou.
(Sydney 1990) 237 - 240.
Die Bewaffnu ng
in der
unteritalische n Vasenmalerei. - AA
(1990) 449 - 466.
Nike mit Flöten. - AA (1990) 101 - 105.
Zu Grabvasen des Baltimore malers. - JdI 105
(1990) 67- 94.
Unterweltskra tere n
Baltimorem alers. - AA (1990) 91 - 100.
Eros mit Keule auf einer Kanne der Kieler
Antiken sa m mlu n g. - in: Stips votiva.
Papers presente d to C.M. Stibbe.
(Amster da m 1991) 185 - 192.
Gnathia - Vasen aus einer Privatsa m mlu ng. JbMusKGHamb 9- 10 (1990 - 91) 27 - 38.
Der Varrese maler in Kiel. - JdI 106 (1991) 183 197.
Zu einer Grupp e apulisch er Grabvasen. NumAntCl 20 (1991) 93 - 116.
Zu einer Grup pe späta p ulisc her Kannen. - AA
(1991) 89 - 98.
Zum Maler des Ständers Macinagro ssa. - AA
(1991) 515 - 525.
Zum Helmmaler. - RM 99 (1992) 163 - 169.
Zum Pateramaler. - AA (1992) 413 - 431.
Eros und Reh auf einem Kanthar os der Kieler
Antiken sa m mlu n g. - JdI 108 (1993)
221 - 253.
anth ro p o m o r p h e m
JbMusKGHamb 11 - 12 (1992 - 93) 1730.
Zu kugelförmigen Pyxiden in Unteritalien. ÖJh 62 (1993) Beiblatt,45 - 90.
Zur Grup pe des roten Schwans. - NumAntCl 22
(1993) 21- 39.
Baltimorem aler
oder Maler der Weissen
? Zu zwei Krateren
Privatbesitz. - AA (1994) 543 - 569.
Privatbesitz. - ÖJh 63 (1994) 53- 80.
Kissen oder Ei ? Zu einem italischen
Vasenorn a me n t. - AA (1994) 393 - 401.
Zu einigen ikonograp hisc hen Besond erh eite n
in der unteritalischen Vasenmalerei. JdI 109 (1994) 115 - 141.
Zu Gottheite n und Heroen im und am Grab.
Unsterblichkeitserwart u ng e n
Unteritalien. - ÖJh 63 (1994) 71- 94.
Zum Maler der Weissen Hauben. - AA (1994)
507 - 541.
Zum Pädagogenm ale r. - NumAntCl 23 (1994)
111 - 132.
Zur Mythenwelt des Baltimorem ale rs. - RM 101
(1994) 51- 68.
Die antiken Sarkop hagreliefs, 5, 2. Die
stadtrö misc he n Eroten - Sarkoph age, 3.
Zirkusren ne n
verwan dte
Darstellunge n. (Berlin : Mann, 1995)
112 S..
Diesseits und Jenseits in der italische n
Grabku ns t.
Beiblatt,21 - 76.
Zu einem Krater der Grupp e Tarent 7013. ÖJh 64 (1995) 25 - 38.
Zur Chevrongr u p p e. - RM 102 (1995) 63 - 69.
Die Heuschrecke auf dem Askos. Zu einer
Vasenfo rm
Darstellunge n
NumAntCl 25 (1996) 105 - 130.
Schwäne aus Unteritalien. - ÖJh 65 (1996)
105 - 119.
Zum Maler von Louvre MNB 1148. - AA (1996)
75 - 82.
Drei Kannen der Grup pe Bari 3924. NumAntCl 26 (1997) 227 - 254.
Eroten mit Waffen. - in: Chrono s. Beiträge zur
prähisto risch en Archäologie zwischen
Nord - und Südosteu ro p a. Festschrift
Hänsel. (Espelkam p
1997) 671- 682.
Zu einem Krater mit Maskenfries. - ÖJh 66
(1997) 87- 99.
Kopenh agen
JbMusKGHamb 15 - 16 (1996 - 97) 7- 30.
Zwei Rhyta beson de rer Art. - AA (1997) 365 376.
Eroten mit der Panhoplie des Mars. - in: Akten
Symposiu m s
Sarko phag - Corpus", Marburg 4. - 7.
Oktober 1995. (Mainz 1998) 64 - 72.
Neue Zirkusbilder. - in: Imago antiquitatis.
Religions et iconogra phie du mon de
romain. Mélanges offerts à Robert
Turcan. (Paris 1999) 395 - 402.
Studien zur unteritalischen Vasen malerei, 1.
(Kiel : Ludwig, 1999)
Zum Kyklopen - und zu m Amykos maler. NumAntCl 28 (1999) 167 - 178.
Some remark s on the Underworld Painter. - in:
Periplou s. Papers on classical art and
archaeology presente d to Sir John
Board man. (London 2000) 253 - 262.
Studien zur unteritalischen Vasen malerei, 2.
(Kiel : Ludwig, 2000)
Studien zur unteritalischen Vasen malerei, 3.
(Kiel : Ludwig, 2001)
1961) XV, 103 S.., (Monograp hs on
archaeology and fine arts, 10)
Recent addition s to the Greek vase collection. [Sonderdr u ck aus:] Annual Bulletin of
the National Gallery of Victoria 3
(1961) 1 - 7.
Adden da to Phlyax Vases. - BICS 9 (1962) 21 26.
Early Lucanian vases in the Museu m of Reggio
Calabria. - Klearcho s 4 (1962) 51 - 65.
Head vases in Padula. - Apollo 2 (1962) 11 - 34.
A South Italian Fragment in New York. - AJA
66 (1962) 349 - 351.
South Italian vase painting. (Chatha m 1966) 32
& Cambitoglou, A.: The Painter of the Birth of
Dionyso s. - in: Mélanges offerts à
Michalowski. (Warszawa
1966) 675 - 669.
Phlyax vases. 2. ed. (Londo n 1967) XV, 116 S..,
(University of London. Institute of
suppleme nt s, 19)
in the
(Melbou rne 1968) 32 S..
& Cambitoglou, A.: Adden da to "Apulian Red figure vase - painters of the Plain Style".
- AJA 73 (1969) 423 - 433.
Three Apulian Kraters in Berlin. - JbBerlMus 12
(1970) 153 - 190.
& Cambitoglou, A.: The Slaying of the Suitors.
A Fragmenta ry Calyx- Krater by the
Hearst Painter. - AntK 13 (1970) 101 102.
(Christch u rc h, N.Z. 1971) 83 S..
Illustrations of Greek drama. (London 1971) V,
159 S.. Taf.
Gli indigeni nella pittu ra italiota. (Taranto
1971) 19 S..
The Mourning Niobe. - RA (1972) 309 - 316.
La ceramica. - in: Taranto nella civiltà della
Magna Grecia. Atti del 10. Convegno di
studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 4 11 Ottobre 1970. (Napoli 1973) 249 265.
Early South Italian vase - painting. Revised
1973. (Mainz 1974) 58 S..
South Italian and Etruscan red - figured vases in
the National Museum at Athens. ADelt 29 (1974) 165 - 186.
Notes on South Italian Red- figure vase painting. ([Bundoo ra] 1975) 47 S.
& Schneider - Herrman n, G.: Eros with a
Whipping - Top on an Apulian Pelike. BABesch 50 (1975) 267 - 270.
& Schmidt, M. Cambitoglou, A.: Eine Gruppe
apulischer Grabvasen in Basel. Studien
unteritalische n Sepulkralku ns t. (Basel
1976) IX, 138 S..
Vasi italioti ed etru sc hi a figure rosse e di età
ellenistica. (Città del Vaticano 1976) 60
S.. Taf., (La Collezione Astarita nel
Museo gregorian o etrusco, 3)
Arthur Dale Trendall
Three Vases in Sydney. - in: Charites. Studien
Altertu ms wisse ns ch af t.
[Festsch rift Ernst Langlotz.] (Bonn
1957) 165 - 169.
The Felton Greek Vases in the National Gallery
of Victoria. (Canberra 1958) 19 S..
Phlyax vases. (London 1959) V, 77 S..,
(University of London. Institute of
sup plem en t s, 8)
Il Pittore del Ciclope. - AttiMemMagnaGr 3
(1960) 85 - 92. Taf.
& Cambitoglo u, A.: Apulian red - figured vase painters of the Plain Style. (Rutlan d
in Apulian vase - painting. - the
Iliupersis Painter in Japan. - EtTrav 13
(1983) 406 - 413.
An Apulian loutrop h o ro s represen ting the
TantalidaeAntK 20 (1977) 99 - 101.
Poseidon and Amymo ne on an Apulian Pelike.
- in: Festschrift für Frank Brommer.
(Mainz 1977) 281 - 287.
Some vases connecte d with the work sho p of
the Creusa and Dolon Painters. NumAntCl 7 (1978) 53 - 74.
& McPhee, I.: An Elean red - figured pelike in
Liverpool and
early South - Italian
vase - painting. - in: Aparchai. Nuove
ricerche e studi sulla Magna Grecia e la
Sicilia antica in onore di Paolo Enrico
Arias. (Pisa 1982) 471 - 472.
& Cambitoglou, A.: An Apulian sta mno s by . in: Greek vases in the J. Paul Getty
Museum, 2. (Malibu 1985) 129 - 149.
& McPhee, I.: Six Corinthia n Red- figure vases. in: Corinthiaca. Studies in honor of
Darrell A. Amyx. (Columbia 1986)
160 - 167.
& McPhee, I.: The Painter of Louvre M 85. NumAntCl 15 (1986) 155 - 160.
The daughters of Anios. - in: Studien zur
Mythologie und Vasen malerei. Konrad
Schauen b urg zum 65. Geburts tag am
16. April 1986. (Mainz 1986) 165 - 168.
calyx- kraters
repre sent ation s
of Amphion
Zethos. - in: Entho usia sm o s. Essays on
Greek and related pottery prese nte d to
J.M. Hemelrijk. (Amsterda m 1986)
157 - 166.
& McPhee, I.: Greek red - figured fish - plates.
(Basel 1987) 175 S.. Taf., (Antike
Kunst. Beihefte, 14)
Vasi apuli raffigura nti masc here femminili con
viso bianco. - RicStBrindisi 13 (1987)
43 - 55.
Fish- plates and other South Italian vases in
private collection s in Sorengo and
Cureglia (Ticino). - NumAntCl 17
(1988) 141 - 157.
Masks on Apulian red - figured vases. - in:
Studies in honou r of T.B.L. Webster, 2.
(Bristol 1988) 137 - 154.
& Jentoft - Nilsen, M.R..: CVA United States of
America, 26. The J. Paul Getty
Museum, Malibu, 3. South Italian vases.
Apulian Red - figure. (Malibu 1990) XV,
49 S.. Taf.
& McPhee, I.: Adden da to "Greek red - figured
fish - plates". - AntK 33 (1990) 31 - 51.
On the divergence of South Italian from Attic
Red - figure vase - painting. - in: Greek
native popula tio ns.
Proceedings of the First Australian
Congress of Classical Archaeology,
Sydney 9 - 14 July 1985. (Oxford
1990) 217 - 230.
Two bell- kraters
in Melbou rne
by the
Tarpo rley Painter. - in: Eumou sia.
Ceramic and iconograp hic studies in
honou r of Alexande r Cambitoglou.
(Sydney 1990) 211 - 215.
Two South Italian Red - figure vases in a private
collection in Sorengo. - NumAntCl 19
(1990) 117 - 127.
Two vases by the Truro Painter in a Melbourne
private collection. - EtTrav 15 (1990)
427 - 435.
& Jentoft - Nilsen, M.R.: CVA United States of
America, 27. The J. Paul Getty
Museu m, Malibu, 4. South Italian vases.
Apulian, Lucanian, Campa nian, Sicilian,
and Paestan Red- figure. (Malibu 1991)
XIII, 63 S.. Taf.
Farce and tragedy in South Italian vase painting. - in: Looking at Greek vases.
(Cambridge 1991) 151 - 182.
New South Italian fish- plates in Sorengo and
elsewhere. - NumAntCl 21 (1992) 105 130.
Tren dall, D.: A new early Apulian phlyax vase.
- BClevMus 79 (1992) 2- 15.
& Jentoft - Nilsen, M.R.: CVA United States of
America, 29. The J. Paul Getty
Museu m, Malibu, 5. Molly and Walter
Bareiss Collection. (Malibu : The J. Paul
Getty Museu m, 1994) XIV, 66 S..; Beil.
An Apulian bell- krater depicting the mask of a
white - haired
phlyax. - in: Stage
directions. Essays in ancient dram a in
honou r of E.W. Handley. (London
1995) 87 - 92.
Eva Keuls
Aeschylu s' "Niobe" and Apulian funerary
symbolism. - ZPE 30 (1978) 41 - 68.
The happy ending. Classical tragedy and
Apulian funerary art. - MededRo m 40
(1978) 83- 91.
The Apulian
"Xylophon e". A Mysteriou s
Musical Instru m e nt Identified. - AJA
83 (1979) 476 - 477.
The brink of death in classical Greek painting.
- MededRo m 44 - 45 (1983) 7- 22.
Male- Female Interactio n
in Fifth - Century
Dionysiac Ritual as Show in Attic Vase
Painting. - ZPE 55 (1984) 287 - 296.
The Conjugal Side of Dionysiac Ritual and
Symbolism in the Fifth Century B.C. MededRo m 46 (1985) 25 - 33.
The conjugal side of Maenadism as revealed by
fifth - centu ry
monu me n t s.
Praktiká tou ChII Diethn oú s Sunedrío u
Klasikés Archaiologías, Athéna 4 - 10
Septemb río u 1983, 2. (Athéna 198 8)
98 - 102.
Clytemn est ra and Teleph us in Greek vasepainting. - in: Eumousia. Ceramic and
iconograp hic stu dies in honou r of
Alexander Cambitoglou. (Sydney 1990)
87 - 94.
Margot Schmidt
Dareios maler
Untersuc h u ng e n zur spätap ulische n
Vasen malerei. (Münster 1960) 90 S..,
(Orbis antiqu us, 15)
Herakliden. Illustration en zu Tragödien des
Euripides und Sophokles. - in: Gestalt
Schefold zu seinem 60. Geburtstag am
26. Januar 1965. (Bern 1967) 174 - 185.
Ein neues
zu m
Orpheu sh a u p t. - AntK 15 (1972) 128 137.
Der Tod des Orpheu s in Vasenda rstellunge n
aus Schweizer Sammlungen. - in: Zur
griechische n Kunst. Hansjörg Bloesch
zum 60. Geburtstag am 5.7.1972. (Bern
1973) 95 - 105.
Orfeo e orfismo nella pittura vascolare italiota.
- in: Orfismo in Magna Grecia. Atti del
14. Convegno di studi sulla Magna
Grecia, Taranto, 6- 10 ottobre 1974.
(Napoli 1975) 105 - 137.
& Trendall, A.D.; Cambitoglo u, A.: Eine Grupp e
apulische r Grabvasen in Basel. Studien
unteritalischen Sepulkralku n st. (Basel
1976) IX, 138 S..
Ein Danaiden d ra m a (?) und der euripideische
Ion auf unteritalisch en Vasenbildern. in: Studies in honou r of Arthur Dale
Trendall. (Sydney 1979) 159 - 169.
Asia und Apate. - in: Aparchai. Nuove ricerche
e studi sulla Magna Grecia e la Sicilia
antica in onore di Paolo Enrico Arias.
(Pisa 1982) 505 - 520.
Oidipu s und Teiresias. - in: Praesta nt interna.
Haus man n.
(Tübingen 1982) 236 - 243.
Hermes als Seelengeleiter auf einer apulische n
Lutro ph or o s in Basel. - AntK 27 (1984)
34 - 40.
tragisch e
Kinderm ör d er. - in: Studien zur
Mythologie und Vasen malerei. Konrad
Schauen b urg zum 65. Geburts tag am
16. April 1986. (Mainz 1986) 169 - 174.
Beziehu ngen zwischen Eros, dem dionysischen
und dem eleusinische n Kreis auf
apulische n Vasenbildern. - in: Images
L'iconogra p hie
com me
métho d e
intern ation al, Lausann e 8- 11 février
1984. (Lausanne 1987) 155 - 167.
Lydische Harmo nie. - in: Eumousia. Ceramic
and iconograp hic studies in honou r of
Alexander Cambitoglou. (Sydney 1990)
221 - 226.
Bemerkung en zu Orpheus in Unterwelts - und
Thrakerd ar s tellungen. - in: Orphis me
et Orphée. En l'honne u r de Jean
Rudhard t. (Genève 1991) 31 - 50.
Linos, Eracle ed altri ragaz zi. Problemi di
lettura. - in: Modi e funzioni del
raccon to mitico nella ceramica greca,
italiota ed etrusca dal VI al IV secolo
a.C. Atti del convegn o intern azio nale,
Raito di Vietri sul Mare 29 - 31 maggio
1994. (Salerno 1995) 13 - 31.
Iconografia del mito. - in: I Greci. Storia,
cultura, arte, società, 2. Una storia
greca, 2. Definizione. (Torino 1997)
867 - 896.
Komische arme Teufel und andere Gesellen auf
der griechischen Komödienb ü h n e. AntK 41 (1998) 17 - 31.
Aufbruc h oder Verharre n in der Unterwelt ?
Noch mals
Vasenbildern mit Darstellunge n des
Hades. - AntK 43 (2000) 86 - 101.
Medea at work. - in: Periplo us. Papers on
prese nte d to Sir John Boardm an.
(London 2000) 263- 270.
Rez. zu: "Tragik, Trauer und Trost. Bildervasen
Gnomo n 72 (2000) 438 - 443.
Jean Marc Moret
L'Ilioup ersis dans la céramiq ue italiote. Les
mythes et leur expression figurée au
IVe siècle. 2 Bd. (Rome 1975) XIV, 305
S., 41 S.., (Bibliotheca
Romana, 14)
Le jugeme nt de Pâris en Grande - Grèce. Mythe
et actualité politiq ue. A prop os du
lébès d'une collection privée. - AntK
21 (1978) 76- 98.
Un ancêtre du phylactère. Le pilier inscrit des
vases italiotes. - RA (1979) 3- 34.; 235 258.
Oedipe, la Sphinx et les Thébains. Essai de
mythologie iconograp hiq u e. [2 Bde.]
(Genève 1984) IX, 254 S..; XII S..,
(Bibliotheca Helvetica Roman a, 23)
Le comba t d'Oedipe contre la Sphinx. - in:
Eidolopoiia. Actes du colloque sur les
problèmes de l'image dans le mon de
méditerran ée n classiq ue, Châtea u de
Lourma rin
en Provence
2 3
septe mb re 1982. (Roma 1985) 119 134.
A propo sito dei "Nostoi". Tradizion e letteraria
e tradizio ne figurata in Occidente.
(Taranto [1989]) 185 - 208.
Io apotau ro u m e n e. - RA (1990) 3- 26.
Circé tisseu se sur les vases du Cabirion. - RA
(1991) 227 - 266.
Les départs des enfers dans l'imagerie
apulienn e. - RA (1993) 293 - 351.
Jacques Chamay
Autour d'u n vase phlyaque, un instru me n t de
portage. - AntK 20 (1977) 57 - 60.
Des défu nts portan t bandage. - BABesch 52 53 (1977 - 78) 247 - 249.
Achille et Troïlos par le Peintre de Caivano. AntK 23 (1980) 48 - 53.
& Cambitoglou, A.: La folie d'Atha ma s par le
Peintre de Darius. - AntK 23 (1980)
35 - 43.
Léda, le cygne et l'aigle. - AntK 26 (1983) 44 47.
Le châtime nt d'Ixion. - AntK 27 (1984) 146 150.
& Cambitoglou, A.; Aellen, C..: Le Peintre de
Darius et son milieu. Vases grecs
d'Italie méridionale. [Expositio n de
céra miqu es italiotes, Genève avril août 1986.] (Genève 1986) 285 S..,
(Hellas et Roma, 4)
Images de l'au - delà. - in: Images et sociétés en
Grèce ancien ne. L'iconogra p hie comme
méth o de d'analyse. Actes du Colloque
intern ation al, Lausann e 8- 11 février
1984. (Lausanne 1987) 221 - 222.
L'anodo s d'Hélène. - in: Eumou sia. Ceramic
and iconograp hic studies in honou r of
Alexander Cambitoglou. (Sydney 1990)
231 - 235.
Aphro dite naissan t de la coquille. - Genava 38
(1990) 81- 86.
Une Néréide. - NumAntCl 19 (1990) 31 - 33.
Deux vases, trois pro blè me s. - NumAntCl 21
(1992) 77 - 85.
Gourevitch, D.; Femme nourrissa n t son enfant
au biberon. - AntK 35 (1992) 78 - 81.
& Birchler, P.: Hésioné en Apulie. Un chefd'oeuvre de la peintu re apulienne. AntK 38 (1995) 50 - 57.
& Bottini, B.; Cambitoglou, A.: Céramiqu e de
Gran de
Grèce. La collection
fragment s Herbert A. Cahn. Exposition
Genève 26 mars - 7 septe mb re 1997.
(Kilchberg : Akanthu s, 1997) XI, 356
S.., (Hellas et Roma, 8)
& Schärlig, A.: Représen ta tion d'une table de
calcul. - AntK 41 (1998) 52- 55.
unteritalische n Sepulkralku ns t. (Basel
1976) IX, 138 S..
Two Vases by the Truro Painter in the
Nicholso n Museu m, Sydney. - in:
Festsch rift für Frank Bromme r. (Mainz
1977) 67- 76.
Three Apulian Red- figure fragmen ts in the
Nicholso n Museu m, Sydney. - in:
Studies in hono ur of Arthur Dale
Tren dall. (Sydney 1979) 47- 55.
& La folie d'Atha ma s par le Peintre de Darius. AntK 23 (1980) 35 - 43.
Some interesting Red- figure Apulian vases. RdA 5 (1981) 5 - 15.
& Trend all, A.D.; An Apulian stamn o s by the
Iliupersis Painter in Japan. - EtTrav 13
(1983) 406- 413.
The Felton Painter in Sydney. - in: Studien zur
Mythologie und Vasen malerei. Konrad
Schauenb u rg zum 65. Geburtstag am
16. April 1986. (Mainz 1986) 143 - 147.
Achilles and Troilos in South Italy. - in:
Praktiká tou ChII Diethn oú s Sunedrío u
Klasikés Archaiologías, Athéna 4 - 10
Septemb río u 1983, 2. (Athéna 198 8)
44- 49.
Troilos purs ue d by Achilles. An Apulian
column - krater by the Painter of the
Berlin Dancing Girl in the Museo
Camillo Leone at Vercelli. - in: Studies
in honou r of T.B.L. Webster, 2. (Bristol
198 8) 1- 21.
& Harari, M.: The Italiote red - figured vases in
the Museo Camillo Leone at Vercelli.
(Roma : L'Erma di Bretsch neid er, 1997)
55 S.., (Studia archaeologica, 85)
Alexander Cambitoglou
Woman - Eros Painter, a Late Apulian
Artist. - AJA 64 (1960) 365 - 366.
& Trend all, A.D.: The Painter of the Birth of
Dionysos. - in: Mélanges offerts à
Michalowski. (Warszawa
1966) 675 - 669.
& Trend all, A.D.: Adden d a to "Apulian Redfigure vase - painters of the Plain Style".
- AJA 73 (1969) 423- 433.
& Trend all, A.D.: The Slaying of the Suitors. A
Fragmenta ry
Calyx- Krater
by the
Hearst Painter. - AntK 13 (1970) 101 102.
& Wade, J.: Achilles and Troilos. - AntK 15
(1972) 90 - 94.
Iphigeneia in Tauris. The question of the
influence of the Euripidea n play in the
repre sent ation s of the subject in Attic
and Italiote vase- painting. - AntK 18
(1975) 56- 66.
& Schmidt, M.; Trendall, A.D.: Eine Grupp e
apulische r Grabvasen in Basel. Studien