Rosaria Longo | Curriculum


Rosaria Longo | Curriculum
Rosaria Longo | Curriculum
– Born in Catania (Italy) on 13 April 1966.
– 1984: she obtains high school grade in classical studies at the “Liceo Ginnasio Statale Mario
Cutelli” of Catania, with full marks (60/60).
– January 19, 1989: she graduates in Law at the University of Catania with full marks (110/110 cum
Laude), disputing one’s thesis in Roman Law on “Litis contestatio formulare ed estinzione
dell’obbligazione”, speaker Professor Giovanni Nicosia.
– 1990: she wins the competition for admission to PhD Course in “Roman Law and Rights of
Antiquity”, 5th cycle, at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’.
– 1993: she exceeds the competition qualified to practice as a “Lawyer”, and since 2006 she is
enrolled in “Albo degli Avvocati” of Catania - special List of full-time university Professors.
– 1994: she earns the title of PhD in “Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity”, disputing one’s thesis on
“Debitum servi e obligatio naturalis”.
– 1994: she wins the open competition for “Senior Lecturer” in the Law School of Catania University
for SSD (scientific disciplinary sector) IUS/18 “Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity”. 1997: at the
end of three-year period, she gets the confirmation in his role by the National Commission.
– 2005: she is eligible in the role of “Associate Professor” for SSD (scientific disciplinary sector)
IUS/18 “Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity”. March 15, 2006: She takes service at the Law
Faculty of Catania University. 2009: at the end of three-year period, she gets the confirmation in his
role by the National Commission.
– February 5, 2014: she is positively selected (unanimously) as Full Professor for SSD (scientific
disciplinary sector) IUS/18 “Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity” in the 2012 National Scientific
Enabling (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale), with the following judgment on the scientific
production: “excellent” level and “good” level”.
– 2004: she takes part in “Concorso romanistico Internazionale G. Boulvert”, and she wins the Special
Prize “Università degli Studi di Cassino” for one’s monographic study “Filius familias se obligat?
Il problema della capacità patrimoniale dei filii familias” (Giuffrè Publisher, 2003), with the
following judgment of the jury: «Work that is notable for analytical skills, attention to the sources,
the linearity of the arguments, independence of mind, sometimes not without courage».
– 1993: she receives the Prize-Toga for bringing the best result in the competition qualified to practice
as a “Lawyer”.
– Since 1993 she writes for the International Journal of Roman and Ancient Law “IVRA”, and is the
author of numerous reviews therein edited. Since 2006 she is Member of the scientific secretarial
staff of the mentioned Journal.
– 2006-2007: she is Member of the organizing Committee of “Studi per Giovanni Nicosia”, voll. IVIII (Giuffrè Publisher, 2007).
– 2006-2007: she is Member of the organizing Committee of the 61ème Session de la Société
Internationale ‘Fernand de Visscher’ pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité, su “La loi dans le
gouvernement des sociétés antiques. Administration, vie privée, justice”.
– 1992-1996: She is Member of the national scientific research Project (PRIN) on the Italian
translation of the Justininan’s Digesta.
– 2000-2002: she is Coordinator of the local research Project (PRA) “Condizione giuridica dei
potestati subiecti nell’esperienza romana”. 2002-2004: she is Coordinator of the local research
Project (PRA) “Rapporti obbligatori e attività negoziale nell’esperienza giuridica romana”. 20042006: she is Coordinator of the local research Project (PRA) “La consunzione processuale
nell’esperienza giuridica romana”. 2006-2007: she is Coordinator of the local research Project
(PRA) “Problematiche connesse alla ‘responsabilità’ nella esperienza giuridica romana”. 20072008: she is Coordinator of the local research Project (PRA) “Il Senatusconsultum Macedonianum
alla luce della condizione giuridico-patrimoniale classica del filius familias nei rapporti
– 2007-2009: she is Member of the national scientific research Project (PRIN) “Il Codice Veronese di
Gaio. Stato, letture, apografi e nuove prospettive di indagine”.
– 2009-2011: she is Member of the national scientific research Project (PRIN) “Contributo al
restauro e alla riedizione critica del manoscritto Veronese di Gaio”.
– She is currently Member of the following scientific research projects: national research Project
“Scriptores iuris Romani” (SIR), funded by the Scuola Normale of Pisa, directed to a reconstruction
palingenetic testimonies Roman law; local research Project (FIR 2014) “Soggetti deboli e
ordinamento giuridico. Categorie ordinanti, status e trasformazioni sociali”.
– Since 2008 she is Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in “Roman Law and Public Law
internal and supranational” - Address ‘Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity’ - administrative Seat
Palermo University (associated Seats: Catania University, Messina University, Napoli University
‘Federico II’).
– Since 2013 she is Member of PhD Academic Board in “Law” at Catania.
– She is Professor/Tutor of PhD student admitted to the PhD in “Roman Law and Public Law internal
and supranational” - Address ‘Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity’ (25th cycle) at Palermo
– She is Member of the Società Italiana di Storia del Diritto (SISD), and Member of the Associazione
Internazionale per la Ricerca Storico-Giuridica e Comparatistica” (ARISTEC).
– Since 2012 she is Reviser of research projects related to one’s areas of expertise and to one’s fields
of interest, and Reviser “peer” in the evaluation of research products delivered for VQR.
– Since 2013 she is Referee for several international scientific Journals of Roman Law, such as Annali
del Seminario Giuridico dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo (AUPA), Studia et Documenta
Historiae Iuris (SDHI), Quaderni Lupiensi.
– She keeps scientific relations with several foreign Universities, including the Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos, the Universidade da Coruña, the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. She held Seminars
and Conferences in the University of Palermo, Napoli “Federico II”, Trento, Cassino, Messina and
so on. She took part and still frequently takes part, also as a Speaker, in Congresses and Meetings in
Italy and abroad.
– Since 1994 she is Member of the Commissions for the exams of the teachings of Institutions of
Roman Law (courses A-C, D-L), Roman Law, History of Roman Law, Exegesis of the sources of
Roman Law.
– 1995-2001: she carries out cycles of propaedeutic Lectures (“Corsi zero”) for the Courses of
Institutions of Roman Law.
– 1998-2000: among the Courses organized by the University of Catania, she holds didactic Cycles on
“Italian Civil Code, Private Law and General Principles of the Italian legal system” (Teaching
competition – SISSIS).
– 2000-2003: she is Proponent of Projects Incentive Teaching (PID) approved by the Law Faculty of
Catania, regarding the teachings of Roman Law, inside of which she lectures.
– 2000-2005: she carries out, for the Course of Institution of Roman Law (course D-L), cycles of
Lectures on “La tutela processuale” e “Le obbligazioni ” in the Law Faculty of Catania.
– 2004-2006: she is appointed “Professore affidatario” to teach Roman Law (course O-Z) in the Law
Faculty of Catanzaro University ‘Magna Græcia’.
– 2006-2013: she teaches Roman Law and History of Roman Law.
– Since 2014 she teaches Institutions of Roman Law and Roman Law.
– Since 2014 she lectures at the Scuola Superiore of Catania for excellence training, and is also
Professor/Tutor of the aforementioned School to assist students in training and promote the early
start to the research.
– Since 2015 she is Co-Head of the “Laboratory of Law” at the Scuola Superiore of Catania for
excellence training.
– As “Associate Professor” she held Seminars and Conferences in the University of Palermo, Napoli
‘Federico II’, Trento, Cassino, Messina and so on.
– She is been many times Member of Commissions of university competitions.
– 2006-2009: she is Member of the Scientific Committee of the CBD (Libraries and Documentation
Centre) of the Catania University on behalf of the Legal-Political-Economic.
– 2008-2012: she has been Member of the Departmental Joint Commission.
– Since 2007: she is Departmental Delegate to Orientation University.
– Since 2008: she is Departmental Delegate to Transparency.
– Since 2009: she is Scientific Advisor for educational training activities related to the existing
provisions on the Offer Training.
– Since 2013: she is Member of the Working Group for the preparation of the Review report for the
Course of Studies of the degree in Law.
– Since 2014: She is Departmental Delegate to ounseling for the degree course in Law.
– Since 2016: She is Departmental Advisor for the teaching model “School-Work” (Law no.
– 2012-2015: She shall ensure the Library of the Institute of Roman Law.