English - Olschki


English - Olschki
The publisher Leo S. Olschki has always paid careful attention to
the uniform graphic appearance of its publications. To achieve these
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A new paragraph must be clearly indicated leaving a few spaces at the
beginning of the line.
Indexes are to be compiled once the proofs have been set out in pages unless
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to a catalogue or an inventory
The current tendency regarding accents should be observed: in Italian always
the grave accent (città, è, costì, ciò, più); only use the acute accent if the ‘e’
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Quoted passages of a certain length will be set in a smaller type than the
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Single quotation marks (‘ ’) are to be used as previously explained.
Eventual omissions of cited passages are to be indicated by 3 dots within
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Notes are to be marked in chronological order beginning with number
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Eg.: «la citazione del verso,1 anche se frammentaria, ...».
Bibliographical quotations in the notes must be complete in every detail
and precisely:
a) small capitals, beginning with a large capital letter, is the type used to
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print). At least for the first mention it is preferable to write the forename in
full: in following citations the initial is considered sufficient.
For miscellaneous works avoid using the abbreviation “AA.VV.” (or
similar) which has no bibliographical value, and indicate the title of the volume
or the surname of the first author followed by ‘et alii’;
b) the title of the volume in italics;
c) any indication to the volume in roman numerals omitting the word
d) the place of publication; number of the edition, if it is not the first
publication, in arabic as exponent to the year quoted (eg. 19322); the number
of the related pages;
e) the name of the publisher and, for antique volumes, the printer;
f ) the date of publication;
g) any eventual series to which the work belongs, in round brackets and
commas on the line, giving the number of the volume in either roman or arabic
h) a mention of the page (p.) or pages (pp.) (the actual page numbers in
roman numerals will be stated in small capital numbers). This information is to
be separated by a comma that can be omitted between the publisher’s name and
the date of publication.
i) the total number of pages of a book must be an even number considering
the last even numbered page, even if it be blank
• BENEDETTO CROCE, La poesia di Dante, Bari, Laterza 19435, p. 256.
• LUIGI SALVATORELLI, Profilo della storia d’Europa, II, Torino, Einaudi 19442 («Biblioteca di cultura storica», XV), pp. 809-812; oppure p. 809 sgg. (is preferable to indi-
cate the number of pages).
•ALESSANDRO MANZONI, Opere, a cura di R. Bacchelli, Milano-Napoli, Ricciardi
1953 («La letteratura italiana - Storia e testi», 53).
For contributions in periodicals indicate, as above, the name of the author in
small capitals and the title of the article in italics, the title of the journal in roman
type between commas « » giving the following details in this order:
a) eventual series, in roman numerals, with the abbreviation s.;
b) year or volume of the periodical in roman numerals; only if the year does
not correspond to the volume, specify both with the abbreviations “a”, “vol.”;
c) calendar year of publication of the periodical in arabic number;
• GIOVANNI TASSONI, Le inchieste napoleoniche nei dipartimenti delle Marche,
«Lares», XXX, 1964, pp. 173-187.
• PIETRO QUARONI, Neutralità impossibile, «Nuova antologia», LXXXIX,
1954, pp. 451-472.
• WALTER BINNI, II teatro comico di Cimiamo Gigli, «La rassegna della letteratura italiana», s. XII, vol. VII, 1959, pp. 417-434.
The bibliographical quotations are preceded by «cfr.» when reference is made
in general to the contents of the volume and to the pages indicated; they will
not be preceded by cfr. or by vedi or other such similarities when the passages or
phrases contained in the work are actually cited.
Illustrations can be submitted as photographs, transparencies or digital data
but in all cases the originals are required and not reproductions where halftones
are visible. Photographs are preferred for black and white reproductions and the
ideal support will be glossy paper no smaller than 13×18 cm. Transparencies, for
colour reproductions, should be no less than 6×6 clearly stating the correct side
for viewing (kindly let us know if duplicates are provided). Digital data must
be accompanied by a high resolution scanned copy to facilitate identification.
All originals must bear the name of the author and a progressive number that
corresponds to the captions listed separately. In order to arrange the page layout
it is essential to have an idea of the importance the author assigns to the various
illustrations plus a precise indication of the parts to be highlighted or excluded
should the image not be reproduced entirely.
Use the current form of abbreviations. The following list is purely an indication:
a = year
a.C. = before Christ
an. = anonymous
anast. = anastatic
app. = appendix
art., artt. = article(s)
autogr. = autograph(s)
cap., capp. = chapter(s)
cfr: =compare
cit., citt. = cited
cl. = class
cm, m, km, = centimetre, ecc. (without
full stops)
cod., codd. = codex(es)
col., coll. = column(s)
d.C. = anno Domini
ecc. = etcetera
ed. = edition
es. = example
f., ff. = folio(s)
f.t. = outside the text
facs. = facsimile
fasc. = issue
fig., fig. = figure(s)
ibid. = indicating the same place or page
within a quoted title
Id. = ditto
ivi = indicating the same place with a
different page
loc. cit. = place cited
misc. =miscellaneous
mss. = manuscript(s)
n. n. = not numbered
n., nn. = number(s)
note = note
n. s. = new series
n. t. = in the text
op. = opera
op. cit. = work cited (substituting entire
title and other indications)
p., pp. = page(s)
passim = passim (recurrent citation in
the quoted work)
r = recto (numbering the pages of
s. series
s. a. = missing year of publication
s. d. = missing date
s. e. = missing indication of publisher
s. l. = missing place name
s. n. t. = missing printer’s notes
s. t. = missing indication of printer
sec., secc. = century (ies)
sez. = section
sg., sgg. = following
suppl. = supplement
t., tt. = tome(s)
tab., tabb. = chart(s)
tav., tavv. = table(s)
tit., titt. = title(s)
trad. = translation
v = verso (numbering the pages of
v., vv. = verso
vol., voll. = volume(s)
Leo S. Olschki Publisher
Viuzzo del Pozzetto, 8 (v.le Europa)
50126 Firenze
Tel. +39 (4 linee), fax +39
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Editorial Office: Sabrina Guzzoletti
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last revision: July 2007
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