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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
PdQ - 7.06 | Ediz.: 1 | Rev.: 0 | Data 02/09/05 | Alleg.: D01 PROG. M2
Programma Didattico Annuale
Anno Scolastico 2012/2013
MATERIA : Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
CLASSE : 4ª D Scientifico
INSEGNANTE : Porrani Anna Lucia
Programma svolto nella classe:
R. Acklam, A. Crace, Premium B2, Coursebook, Workbook, Pearson Longman
Revisione dell’uso dei tempi verbali e delle principali strutture di base, transformations (copia).
Units 1-11-12-13-14-15: attività di listening, speaking, writing, reading; revisione ed approfondimento morfosintattico e lessicale. FCE practice.
§ Unit 1 -Topic: entertainment.
Vocabulary: going out/staying in, expressing opinions.
Grammar: question forms (yes-no questions/wh-questions, subject/object questions, wh-questions with
tags), prepositional phrases and prepositions of place, time and movement
prepositions - indirect questions - question
§ Unit 11 - Topic: cash in hand.
Vocabulary: Money, numbers.
Grammar contents: Relative clauses (defining and non-defining, prepositions in relative clauses), if structures (type 0, 1, 2, 3).
§ Unit 12 - Topic: does crime really pay?
Vocabulary: crime and punishment, phrasal verbs (crime), prefixes.
Grammar: direct speech/reported speech, reporting verbs.
§ Unit 13 - Topic: weird and wonderful.
Vocabulary: mysteries, ways of speculating, feelings.
Grammar: possibility and certainty, ing-forms and infinitives.
§ Unit 14 - Topic: work to live.
Vocabulary: jobs and work, phrasal verbs (work).
Grammar: passives, ability.
Writing: formal letters, application letters and CV
Classe 4^ D Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
§ Unit 15 - Topic: state of mind.
Vocabulary: the mind, mispronounced words, idioms with mind.
Grammar: hypothetical meaning (wish, if only, it’s time, I’d rather, suppose), verb/subject agreement.
M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Lit & Lab, voll. 1-2, Zanichelli.
Modules W, B, C, D, G
The Tools of Fiction: the features of a narrative text, setting, character, narrator and point of view, plot, theme.
G. Greene
P. Highsmith
The Case for the Defence
T12 The Case for the Defence
The Talented Mr Ripley
C. Potok
The Chosen
C. Dickens
The Signalman
G. Orwell,
Nineteen Eighty-Four
T13 A Fatal Ride
T15 Choose a Friend
T204 Big Brother is watching You
T205 How can You control Memory
Activation, the Stuarts, the Puritan Age, the Restoration Age, Historical, Social and Literary Background
Literary Genres:
The Metaphysical Poem
A. Marvell
T33 To His Coy Mistress
The Restoration Comedy
W. Congreve
The Way of the World
J. Donne
Songs and Sonnets T37 Song
T34 The Sealing of the
Texts :
A Valediction: Forbidding
Mourning (copia)
Holy Sonnets
J. Milton
Themes 3
Writing Lab
Paradise Lost
T36 Batter my Heart
T38 Satan’s Speech
The Scientific Revolution
The Development of Human Rights
Verifica sommativa
Activation, Reason and Common Sense, the first Hanoverians, Historical, Social and Literary
Classe 4^ D Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Literary Genres:
The Rise of Journalism
The Spectator
J. Addison
T61 Women’s Hair-Styles
The Rise of the Novel
Robinson Crusoe
D. Defoe
Preface (copia)
T62 I was born of a Good Family
S. Richardson
H. Fielding
Tom Jones
T65 Virtue and Goodness
T66 A
L. Sterne
Writer’s Portrait: D. Defoe
Tristram Shandy
T67 The Very Place
Robinson Crusoe
T68 It was Vain to sit Still
T69 The Uneven State of Human
T70 Man Friday
Moll Flanders
T71 Moll becomes a Thief
A Journal of the Plague Year A Passage (copia)
J. Swift
A Modest Proposal T72 It is a Melancholy Object
Gulliver’s Travels T73 The Inventory
T74 The Academy of Lagado
Verifica sommativa
- E.M. Forster, A Passage to India, Upper Intermediate- Unabridged Texts, La Spiga Modern Languages
- H. Fielding, Tom Jones, Intermediate Readers, La Spiga Modern Languages
Classe 4^ D Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
· Bob Dylan’s Ballads
· How to Use a Dictionary
R. Acklam, A. Crace, Premium B2, Coursebook, Workbook, Pearson Longman: ripasso dei tempi verbali e delle units studiate durante l'anno,
approfondimento degli argomenti grammaticali, svolgimento delle units 8, 9, 10.
· M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Lit & Lab, voll. 1-2, ripasso degli argomenti in programma.
· Letture: - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Reading Classics, Black Cat (codice ISBN 978-88-7754-135-2)
- Edizione La Spiga Modern Languages, Pocket Classics, Upper Intermediate- Unabridged Texts:
O. Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
G.B. Shaw, Pygmalion
Percorso di recupero assegnato agli studenti con sospensione del giudizio o con aiuto
Oltre alle letture sopra indicate, si assegna un ripasso accurato sui testi in uso di tutti gli argomenti in
In particolare, per le competenze linguistico-comunicative, si assegnano tutte le Units del seguente testo:
D. Maule with M. du Vivier, Pass FCE, Workbook with FCE Practice Test, Update Edition, Black Cat,
cod. ISBN 978-88-530-0852-7 (€ 12.30).
Legnano, 6 giugno 2013
Firma degli studenti
Classe 4^ D Scientifico - Materia: Lingua E Lett.stra.inglese
Firma del docente
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