Bibbia e storia - biliografia


Bibbia e storia - biliografia
Questa Bibliografia è una integrazione di quella presente nel volume Bibbia e storia. Si elencheranno
di seguito solo gli studi più significativi, fermo restando un certo grado di soggettività nella scelta. Dal
momento che l’intento è di offrire al lettore un orientamento per ulteriori approfondimenti, si propone,
riprendendo la scansione del libro, una sorta di Bibliografia ragionata. Vengono qui indicati anche testi
non citati nel libro, nel quale peraltro sono citati testi non presenti in questa Bibliografia.
1. Bibbia e storia
a. Fonti letterarie
b. L’indagine archeologica
c. Storie di Israele
c.1. Classiche
c.2. Nuova storia
c.3. La scuola minimalista
c.4. Il dibattito storiografico: studi
d. La storiografia deuteronomista
e. La questione del Gesù storico
2. Storia e storiografia
a. Storiografia antica
b. Metodologia storiografica
c. Le storie
1. Bibbia e storia
a. Fonti letterarie
BRIEND P. – SEUX M.-J., Textes du Proche-Orient ancien et histoire d’Israël, Paris, Cerf, 1977.
CHAVALAS M. W. (ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation, Oxford,
Blackwell, 2006.
HALLO W.W. J., The Context of Scripture. Vol. I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical
World. Vol. II: Monumental Inscriptions and Archival Documents from the Biblical
World, Leiden, Brill, 2003.
KAISER O. (ed.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Band 1: Rechts und Wirtschaftsurkunden. Historisch-chronologische Texte. Band 2: Religiöse Texte. Band 3: Weisheitstexte, Mythen und Epen, Gütersloh, Gütersloher Verlags-Haus, 1981-1997.
PRITCHARD J.B. (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Third edition with Supplement, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1969.
WEIPPERT M. (ed.), Historisches Textbuch zum Alten Testament, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2010.
b. L’indagine archeologica
AA.VV, Ten Top Biblical Archaeology Discoveries, Washington D.C., Biblical Archeology
Society, 2011.
ARATA MANTOVANI P., Introduzione all’archeologia palestinese. Dalla prima età del Ferro
alla conquista di Alessandro Magno (1200 a.C.-332 a.C.), Brescia, Queriniana, 1992.
BRIEND P. – ARTUS O. – NOËL D., Archéologie, Bible, Histoire, Paris, Cerf, 2005.
BARTLETT J.R. (ed.), Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation, London – New York, Routledge, 1997.
CLINE E.H., Biblical Archaeology. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University
Press, 2009.
CUCCA M. – PEREGO G., Nuovo atlante biblico interdisciplinare. Scrittura, storia, geografia,
archeologia e teologia a confronto, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), San Paolo, 2012.
DEVER W.G., Philology, theology, and archaeology: What kind of history of Israel do we
want, and what is possible?, in: N.A. SILBERMAN – D.B. SMALL (eds.), The Archaeology
of Israel, pp. 290-310.
ID., What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It? What Archeology Can
Tell Us about the Reality of Ancient Israel, Grand Rapids (MI) – Cambridge, Eerdmans,
ID., Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From, Grand Rapids (MI) –
Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2003.
FANTALKIN A. – YASUR LANDAU A. (edd.), Bene Israel. Studies in the Archaeology of Israel
and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages in Honour of Israel Finkelstein, Boston –
Leiden, Brill, 2008.
FINKELSTEIN I., The Archaeology of the Settlement of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1988.
FINKELSTEIN I. – SILBERMAN N.A., Le tracce di Mosè. La Bibbia tra storia e mito, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ID., David and Salomon. In Search of Bible’s Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition, New York, Free Press, 2006.
FINKELSTEIN I. – MAZAR A., The Quest for the Historical Israel. Debating Archaeology and
the History of Early Israel, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2007.
GRABBE L.L., Did God Have a Wife? Archeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel, Grand
Rapids (MI) – Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2005.
ID. (ed.), Israel in Transition: From Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.): Volume 1.
The Archaeology, London – New York, T & T Clark, 2008.
HOFFMEIER J. K., L’archeologia della Bibbia, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), San Paolo, 2009.
MAZAR A., Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000 -586 B.C.E., New York, Doubleday,
MOOREY P.R.S., Un secolo di Archeologia biblica, Electa, Milano, 1998.
SILBERMAN N.A. – SMALL D.B. (ed.), The Archaeology of Israel. Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
STERN E. (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, 4
vol., New York, Simon & Schuster, 1992.
ID., Archaeology of the Land of the Bible. Volume II: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian
Periods (732-332 B.C.E.), New York, Doubleday, 2001.
STERN E. – GEVA H. – PARIS A. (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in
the Holy Land. Supplementary Volume 5, Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society; Washington, DC, Biblical Archaeology Society, 2008.
YASUR-LANDAU A. – EBELING J.R. – MAZOW L.B., Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel
and Beyond, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2011.
c. Storie di Israele
c.1. Classiche / tradizionali
ALSTRÖHM G.W., The History of Ancient Palestine from the Paleolithic Period to Alexander’s
Conquest, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1993.
BRIGHT J., A History of Israel (1959), Louisville (KY), Westminster John Knox, 20004.
CAZELLES H., Storia politica di Israele dalle origini ad Alessandro Magno, Roma, Borla,
DONNER H., Geschichte des Volkes Israel und seiner Nachbarn in Grundzügen. I: Von den Anfängen bis zur Staatenbildungszeiten. II: Von der Königszeit bis zu Alexander dem Großen, mit einem Ausblick auf die Geschichte des Judentums bis Bar Kochba, Göttingen,
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984, 20003 / 1986, 20013.
FOHRER G., Storia di Israele. Dagli inizi a oggi, Brescia, Paideia, 1980.
HAYES J.H. – MILLER J.M. (ed.), Israelite and Judaean History, London, S.C.M. Press, 19942.
HAYES J.H. – MILLER J.M., A History of Ancient Israel and Judah, Philadelphia (PA) Westminster, 1986.
HERRMANN S., Storia di Israele. I tempi dell’Antico Testamento (1973), Brescia, Queriniana,
JAGERSMA H., A History of Israel to Bar Kochba, London, SCM, 1994.
MAZZINGHI L., Storia di Israele (1997), Bologna, EDB, 20112.
NOTH M., Storia di Israele (1950, 19666), Brescia, Paideia, 20112.
PROVAN I.W. – LONG V.PH. – LONGMAN III T., A Biblical History of Israel, Louisville (KY) –
London, Westminster John Knox, 2003.
SACCHI P., Storia del Secondo Tempio: Israele fra VI sec. a.C. e I sec. d.C., Torino, SEI, 1994.
SAULNIER CH. – PERROT CH., Storia d’Israele III. Dalla conquista di Alessandro alla distruzione del tempio (331 a.C. -135 d.C.), Roma, Borla, 1988.
SOGGIN J.A., Storia d’Israele. Dalle origini a Bar Kochbà, Brescia, Paideia, 1984.
ID., Storia d’Israele: introduzione alla storia d’Israele e Giuda dalle origini alla rivolta di Bar
Kochbà, Brescia, Paideia, 20022.
ID., Israele in epoca biblica. Istituzioni, feste, cerimonie, rituali, Torino, Claudiana, 2000.
VAUX DE R., Histoire ancienne d’Israël. Vol. I: Des origines à l'installation en Canaan. Vol.
II: La période des Juges, Paris, Gabalda, 1971, 1973.
VEENHOF K.R., Geschichte des Alten Orients bis zur Zeit Alexanders des Großen, Göttingen,
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001.
c.2. Nuova storia
ALBERTZ R., Israele in esilio. Storia e letteratura nel VI secolo a.C., Brescia, Paideia, 2009.
BASLEZ M.F., Bible et Histoire. Judaïsme, hellénisme, christianisme, Paris, Fayard, 1999.
BISHOP MOORE M. – KELLE B.E., Biblical History and Israel’s Past. The Changing Study of
the Bible and History, Grand Rapids (MI), Eerdmans, 2011.
BORDREUIL P. – BRIQUEL-CHATONNET F., Le temps de la Bible, Paris, Fayard, 2001.
BORGONOVO, Torah e storiografie dell’Antico Testamento, coll. Logos 2, Leumann (To),
Elledici, 2012.
BRETTLER M.Z., The Creation of History in Ancient Israel, London – New York, Routledge,
DIETRICH W., Die frühe Königszeit in Israel. 10. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1997.
FAUST A., Israel’s Ethnogenesis: Settlement, Interaction, Expansion and Resistence, London –
Oakville, Equinox Publishing, 2006.
FINKELSTEIN I. – SILBERMAN N.A., Le tracce di Mosè, cit.
ID., David and Salomon, cit.
GERSTENBERGER E.S., Israel in der Perserzeit: 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2005.
GRABBE L.L. (ed.), Did Moses Speak Attic? Jewish Historiography and Scripture in the Hellenistic Period, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.
ID., A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. vol. 1: Yehud: A History
of the Persian Province of Judah, London – New York, T&T Clark, 2004.
ID., Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?, London – New York, T&T
Clark, 2007.
ID. A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. vol. 2: The Coming of the
Greeks: The Early Hellenistic Period (335–175 BCE), London – New York, T & T Clark,
ID., An Introduction to Second Temple Judaism. History and Religion of the Jews in the Time
of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, Hillel and Jesus, London – New York, T&T Clark, 2010.
ID., Alberto Soggin’s Storia d’Israele: Exemplifying Twenty Years of Debate and Changing
Trends in Thinking», in ID. (ed.), Enquire of the Former Age. Ancient Historiography and
Writing the History of Israel, London – New York, T&T Clark, 2011, pp. 253-260.
HALPERN B., The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History, San Francisco (CA), Harper, 1988; University Park (PA), The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996.
KESSLER R., Leben zur Zeit der Bibel. Eine Soziale Geschichte Israels, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006 (The Social History of Ancient Israel: An Introduction,
Minneapolis (MN), Augsburg Fortress Press, 2008).
LIVERANI M., Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele (2003), Roma – Bari, Laterza, 20092.
SCHOORS A., Die Königsreiche Israel und Juda im 8. und 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr.: Die Assyrische Krise, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1998.
SETERS VAN J., In search of history. Historiography in the Ancient world and the origins of
Biblical history, New Haven (CT), Yale University Press, 1983 (Winona Lake [IN],
Eisenbrauns, 1997).
c.3. La scuola minimalista
COOTE R.B. – WHITELAM K.W., The emergence of early Israel in historical perspective,
Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1987.
DAVIES P.R., In Search of “Ancient Israel”, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 19962.
ID., Whose Bible is It Anyway?, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1995; London, T & T
Clark, 2004.
ID., Whose History? Whose Israel? Whose Bible? Biblical Histories, Ancient and Modern, in:
L.L. GRABBE (ed.), Can a “History of Israel” be Written?, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic
Press, 1997, pp. 104-122.
ID., What Separates a Minimalist from a Maximalist? Not Much, “Biblical Archaeology Review” 26,2 (Mar.-Apr. 2000), pp. 24-27.72-73.
ID., The Intellectual, the Archaeologist and the Bible, in: J. A. DEARMAN – M. P. GRAHAM
(eds.), The Land That I Will Show You: Essays on the History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of J. Maxwell Miller, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press,
2001, pp. 239-254.
ID., In search of pre-exilic Israel. Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, London,
T. & T. Clark, 2004.
ID., Memories of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to Biblical History – Ancient and Modern,
Louisville (KY), Westminster John Knox, 2008.
LEMCHE N.P., Is It Still Possible to Write a History of Ancient Israel?, “Scandinavian Journal
of the Old Testament” 8, 1994, pp. 165-190.
ID., Die Vorgeschichte Israels. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ausgang des 13. Jahrhunderts v.
Chr., Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1996 (Prelude to Israel’s Past. Background and Beginnings
of Israelite History and Identity, Peabody, MA, Hendrickson, 1998).
ID., Clio is Also Among the Muses! Keith W. Whitelam and the History of Palestine: A Review
and a Commentary, in: L.L. GRABBE (ed.), Can a “History of Israel” be Written?, pp.
ID., The Origin of the Israelite State. A Copenhagen Perspective on the Emergence of Critical
Historical Studies of Ancient Israel in Recent Times, “Scandinavian Journal of the Old
Testament” 12, 1998, pp. 44-63.
ID., The Israelites in history and tradition, London – Louisville (KY), SPCK – Westminster
John Knox Press, 1998.
THOMPSON T.L., The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest for the Historical
Abraham, Berlin, de Gruyter, 1974.
ID., Early history of the Israelite people; From the written and archaeological sources, Leiden
– Boston – Köln, Brill, 1992.
ID., The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel, New York, Basic Books,
ID. (ed.), Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition, London – New York, T. & T. Clark,
ID., Why Talk About the Past: The Bible, Epic and Historiography, in: D. BURNS - JW. ROGERSON (ed.), In Search of Philip R. Davies: Whose Festschrift Is It Anyway?, New York,
T & T Clark, 2011.
WHITELAM K.W., The Invention of Ancient Israel. The Silencing of Palestinian History, London, Routledge, 1996.
ID., Prophetic conflict in Israelite history: Taking sides with William G. Dever, “Journal for
the Study of the Old Testament” 72, 1996, pp. 25-44.
ID., Palestine during the Iron Age, in: J. BARTON (ed.), The Biblical World, London, Routledge, 2002, pp. 391-415.
ID., The Death of Biblical History, in: D. BURNS – J.W. ROGERSON (ed.), In Search of Philip R.
Davies: Whose Festschrift Is It Anyway?, New York, T & T Clark, 2011:
c.4. Il dibattito storiografico: studi
ABADIE Ph., L’histoire d’Israël entre mémoire et relecture, Paris, Cerf, 2009.
BARBAGLIA S., Tempo e storia, in: R. PENNA – G. PEREGO – G. RAVASI, Temi teologici della
Bibbia, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), San Paolo, 2010, pp. 1363-1371.
BARR J., History and Ideology in the Old Testament. Biblical Studies at the End of Millenium,
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000.
BECKWITH R.T., Calendar and Chronology, Jewih and Christian. Biblical, Intertestamental
and Patristic Studies, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2001.
BYRSKOG S, Story as History, History as Story. The Gospel Tradition in the Context af Ancient
Oral History, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2002.
DAVIES P.R. – EDELMANN D.V. (ed.), The Historian and the Bible. Essays in honour of Letser
L. Grabbe, New York – London, T&T Clark, 2010.
DORE D. (dir.), Comment la Bible saisit-elle l’histoire. XXIe congrès de l’Association
catholique française pour l’étude de la Bible, Paris, Cerf, 2007.
GARBINI G., Storia e ideologia nell’Israele antico, Brescia, Paideia, 1986.
ID., Mito e storia nella Bibbia, Brescia, Paideia, 2003.
ID., Scrivere la storia di Israele, Brescia, Paideia, 2008.
GIBERT P., La Bible à la naissance de l’histoire. Au temps de Saül, David et Salomon, Paris,
Fayard, 1979.
ID., Vérité historique et esprit historien, Paris, Cerf, 1990.
GILMOUR R., Representing the Past. A Literary Analysis of Narrative Historiography in the
Book of Samuel, Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2011.
HENDEL R., Remembering Abraham. Culture, Memory and History in the Hebrew Bible,
Oxford, University Press, 2005.
HERMANS M. – SAUVAGE P., Bible et histoire. Écriture, interprétation et action dans le temps,
Manur, Lessius, 2000.
KALLAI Z., Biblical Narrative and Historical Method, in: GALIL G. – GELLER M. – MILLARD
A., Homeland and Exile. Biblical and Ancient near East. Studies in Honour of Bustenay
Oded, Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2009.
KOFOED J. B., Text and History. Historiography and the Study of Biblical Text, Winona Lake,
IN, Eisenbrauns, 2005.
LIVERANI M., Le “origini” di Israele: progetto irrealizzabile di ricerca etnogenetica, “Rivista
Biblica” 28, 1980, pp. 9-31.
ID., Nuovi sviluppi nello studio della storia dell’Israele biblico, “Biblica” 80/4, 1999, pp. 488505.
MOORE M.B. – KELLE B.E., Biblical History and Israel’s Past: The Changing Study of the Bible and History, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2011.
PRATO G.L., Identità e memoria nell’Israele antico, Brescia, Paideia, 2010.
RACHET G., La Bible, mythe et réalité: la Bible et l’histoire d’Israël, Monaco, Editions du Rocher, 2003.
Recenti tendenze nella ricostruzione della storia antica d’Israele (Roma, 6-7 marzo 2003),
Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Tip. G. Bardi, 2005.
RÖMER T., Les Cornes de Moïse. Faire entrer la Bible dans l’histoire, Paris, Fayard, 2009.
SKA J.L., L’histoire d’Israël de Martin Noth à nos jours. Problèmes de méthode, in: D. DORE
(dir.), Comment la Bible saisit-elle l’histoire, pp. 17-56.
ID., La Parola di Dio nel racconto degli uomini (1999), Assisi (PG), Cittadella, 20103.
YERUSHALMI Y.H., Zakhor. Storia ebraica e memoria ebraica (1982, 19962), Firenze, Giuntina, 2011.
d. La storiografia deuteronomista
ALBERTZ R., In Search of the Deuteronomists: A First Solution to a Historical Riddle, in T.
RÖMER (ed.), The Future of the Deuteronomistic History, pp. 1-17.
AULD A.G., The Deuteronomists and the Former Prophets, or What Makes the Former
Prophets Deuteronomistic?, in: ID., Samuel at the Threshold. Selected Works of Graeme
Auld, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 185-191.
CAMPBELL A.F. – O’BRIEN M.A., Unfolding the Deuteronomistic History: Origins, Upgrades,
Present Text, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2000.
CORTESE, E., Deuteronomistic Work, Jerusalem, Franciscan Printing Press, 1999.
CROSS F.M., The Themes of the Book of Kings and the Stricture of the Deuteronomistic History, in: ID., Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic. Essays in the History of the Religion of
Israel, Cambridge (MA), Cambridge University Press, 1973, pp. 274-289.
DIETRICH W., Martin Noth and the Future of the Deuteronomistic History, in: S.L. MCKENZIE
– M. P. GRAHAM (eds.), The History of Israel’s Traditions, pp. 153-175.
EYNIKEL E., The Reform of King Josiah and the Composition of the Deuteronomistic History,
Leiden, Brill, 1996.
KNOPPERS G.N. – MCCONVILLE J.G., Reconsidering Israel and Judah: Recent Studies on the
Deuteronomistic History, Winona Lake (IN), Eisenbrauns, 2000.
LOHFINK N., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur. Band II,
Stuttgart, Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991, pp. 125-142; Band III, Stuttgart, Katholisches
Bibelwerk, 1995, pp. 65-142.
MAYES A.D.H., The Story of Israel between Settlement and Exile. A Redactional Study of the
Deuteronomistic History, London, SCM, 1983.
MCKENZIE S.L., The Trouble with Kings. The Composition of the Book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic History, Leiden, Brill, 1991.
MCKENZIE S.L. – GRAHAM M.P. (ed.), The History of Israel’s Traditions. The Heritage of
Martin Noth, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1994.
NELSON R.D., The Double Redaction of Deuteronomistic History, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1981.
NOTH M., Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Studien, I. Die sammelnden und bearbeitenden Geschichtswerke im Alten Testament, Halle, Niemeyer, 1943; Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche
Studien, 19673 (The Deuteronomistic History, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 19912).
PERSON R.F., Jr., The Deuteronomic School: History, Social Setting, and Literature, Atlanta
(GA), Society of Biblical Literature, 2002.
POLZIN R., Moses and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomistic History.
Part One: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, New York, Seabury, 1980.
ID., Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History. Part Two:
1 Samuel, San Francisco, Harper and Row, 1989.
ID., David and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History. Part Three:
2 Samuel, Bloomington (IN), Indiana University Press, 1993.
PURY A. DE – T. RÖMER – J.-D. MACCHI (eds.), Israël construit son histoire. L’historiographie
deutéronomiste à la lumière des recherches récentes, Genève, Labor et Fides, 1996.
RAD G. VON, Die deuteronomistische Geschichtstheologie in den Königsbüchern, in: ID., Deuteronomium-Studien, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1947, pp. 52-64 = ID., Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament, München, Kaiser, 1971, pp. 189-204.
RÖMER T. – DE PURY A., L’historiographie deutéronomiste (HD): Histoire de la recherche et
enjeux du débat, in: A. DE PURY – T. RÖMER – J.-D. MACCHI (eds.), Israël construit son
histoire, pp. 9-120.
RÖMER T. (ed.), The Future of the Deuteronomistic History, Leuven, Leuven University Press,
ID., La fin de l’historiographie deutéronomiste et le retour de l’Hexateuque?, “Theologische
Zeitschrift” 57, 2001, pp. 269-280.
ID., Dal Deuteronomio ai libri dei Re. Introduzione storica, letteraria e sociologica, Torino,
Claudiana, 2007.
SCHEARING L. S. – MCKENZIE S. L. (ed.), Those Elusive Deuteronomists: The Phenomenon of
Pan-Deuteronomism, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
SMEND R., Das Gesetz und die Völker. Ein Beitrag zur deuteronomistischen Redaktionsgeschichte, in: H. W. Wolff (ed.), Probleme biblischer Theologie. Gerhard von Rad zum 70.
Geburstag, München, Kaiser, 1971, pp. 494-509 («The Law and the Nations: A Contribution to Deuteronomistic Tradition History», in G. N. KNOPPERS – J. G. MCCONVILLE
(eds.), Reconsidering Israel and Judah: Recent Studies on the Deuteronomistic History,
Winona Lake [IN], Eisenbrauns, 2000, pp. 95-110).
SMEND R., Das uneroberte Land, in: G. STRECKER (ed.), Das Land Israel in biblischer Zeit,
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983, pp. 91-102.
VEIJOLA T., Die ewige Dynastie. David und die Entstehung seiner Dynastie nach der deuteronomistischen Darstellung, Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1975.
ID., Das Königtum in der Beurteilung der deuteronomistischen Historiographie. Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Helsinki, Tiedeakatemia, 1977.
VERVENNE M. – LUST J. (eds), Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature: Festschrift C. H.
W. Brekelmans, Leuven, Leuven University Press / Peeters, 1997.
WESTERMANN C., Die Geschichtsbücher des Alten Testaments: Gab es ein deuteronomistisches Geschichtswerk?, Gütersloh, Kaiser / Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1994.
e. La questione del Gesù storico
BARBAGLIO G., Gesù ebreo di Galilea. Indagine storica, Bologna, EDB, 2002.
BERGER K., Gesù, Brescia, Queriniana, 2006.
BERTALOTTO P.P., Il Gesù storico. Guida alla ricerca contemporanea, Roma, Carocci, 2010.
BORG M. – WRIGHT N.T., Quale Gesù? Due letture, Torino, Claudiana, 2007.
CHARLESWORTH J.H. (cur.), L’ebraicità di Gesù, Torino, Claudiana, 2002.
ID. (ed.), Jesus and Archeology, Grand Rapids (MI), Eerdmans, 2006.
CHARLESWORTH J.H. – P. POKORNY (ed.), Jesus Research. An International Perspective,
Grand Rapids (MI), Eerdmans, 2009.
CHILTON B. – EVANS C. A., Studying the Historical Jesus. Evaluation of the State of Current
Research, Leiden, Brill, 1994.
DESTRO A. – PESCE M., L’uomo Gesù. Giorni, luoghi, incontri di una vita, Milano, Mondadori, 2008.
DICKSON J., Alla ricerca di Gesù. Le indagini di un storico, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), San Paolo, 2011.
DUNN J.D.G., Gli albori del cristianesimo. La memoria di Gesù. 1: Fede e Gesù storico. 2: La
missione di Gesù. 3: L’acme della passione di Gesù, Brescia, Paideia, 2006-2007.
ID., Cambiare prospettiva su Gesù. Dove sbaglia la ricerca su Gesù storico, Brescia, Paideia,
EHRMAN B.D., Did Jesus Exists? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, London –
New York, Harper Collins, 2012.
EVANS C.A. (ed.), Historical Jesus. Critical Concepts in Religious Studies. 1: The History of
the Quest: Classical Studies and Critical Questions; 2: The Teaching of Jesus; 3: Jesus’
Mission, Death, and Resurrection; 4: Lives of Jesus and Jesus outside the Bible, London –
New York, Routledge, 2004.
FUSCO V., La ricerca del Gesù storico. Bilancio e prospettive, in: R. FABRIS (ed.), La Parola
di Dio cresceva, Bologna, Dehoniane, 1998, pp. 487-519.
GARBER Z. (ed.), The Jewish Jesus. Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation, West Lafayette (IN),
Purdue University Press, 2011.
GNILKA J., Gesù di Nazareth. Annuncio e storia, Brescia, Paideia, 1993.
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