to the PDF of tour highlights.


to the PDF of tour highlights.
Legacy of Letters
Northern Italy | July 18–28 · 2012
Paul Shaw & Alta Price
July 18–20
View of the foothills of the Alps north of Cornuda
Detail of sign for Taverna Moriggi (Milano)
Palazzo di Giustizia (Milano) | Graffiti-covered
traffic sign (Milano)
Lucio Passerini and Legacy of Letters participants
at Il Buon Tempo (Milano)
16th c. inscription in Duomo (Parma) | Page of
text corrected by Giambattista Bodoni | Museo
Bodoniano (Parma)
Detail of bas relief on outside of Battistero (Parma) |
Monogram in metal (Parma)
July 20–23
cornuda | Tipoteca
Monotype die cases | Tipoteca Italiana
Letters cut out of corrugated cardboard |
Monotype composing machine | Tipoteca
Italiana Fondazione
David Shields and Tim Chambers practicing
Calligraphic teaching sheets (cancellaresca
corsiva and the evolution of the letter g) |
Paul Shaw demonstrating
Luca Barcellona writing with a ruling pen
Luca Barcellona demonstrating expressive
calligraphy with a broad-edged marker
Egyptian wood type | Wood type specimen books |
Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione
July 22 & 24
aquileia | VENEZIA
Roman inscription | Parco Nazionale
Archeologico di Aquileia
Roman inscription | Museo Archeologico
Nazionale di Aquileia
Borges labyrinth | Fondazione Cini (Venezia)
Farmacia Dr. Chiaro (Venezia) | Isola di San
Giorgio (Venezia)
Graffiti (Venezia)
Details from two shop signs (Venezia)
S. Zitelle (Venezia) | Detail from Hypnerotomachia
Poliphili (1499) | Fondazione Cini
July 25–27
cornuda | Tipoteca
Lucio Passerini showing Angela Holland and
Maureen Hoffmann how to set type | Detail of
angle-bodied script type | Tipoteca Italiana
Alta Price, Pat Vining, Angela Holland and
Maureen Hoffmann setting type
Serie Pisa N. 1577 matrices | Tipoteca Italiana
Maureen Hoffmann and Alta Price setting type
Sasha Trubin planning his keepsake panel
Angela Holland setting type | David Shields
looking at wood type
Patricia Vining picking up ‘pied’ type
Patricia Vining planning out her keepsake panel
Lucio Passerini and Alta Price placing type
in the bed of the fag press | Tim Chambers
planning out his keepsake panel
Diana Pasovski adjusting wood type in the bed
of the press
Clint Harvey inking wood type while Diana
Pasovski prepares to operate the press
Diana Pasovski and David Shields discuss
makeready | Detail of the British 4c press
July 28–29
ROvereto | VERONA
Detail of 18th c. fresco (Rovereto)
Alta Price and Paul Shaw in courtyard of
Museo d’Arte di Rovereto e Trento (mart)
Panoramic view of Verona
Detail of Cinema Corallo Teatro neon sign | 1749
inscription at S. Francesco (Verona)
Detail of Vini-Liquori di Giovanni Zampieri sign
Type locked up for printing second color of group
Legacy of Letters participants walking back to
Villa Bolzonello from the Tipoteca
Design, typography and photography by Paul Shaw
LeGacY of LetterS
northern italy | july 18–28 · 2012
Paul Shaw & Alta Price

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