Curriculum vitae et studiorum of of Daniele Vigo – January 2004


Curriculum vitae et studiorum of of Daniele Vigo – January 2004
Curriculum vitae et studiorum of
of Daniele Vigo – January 2004
Curriculum vitae
Daniele Vigo was born in Milano, Italy, on May 23, 1963.
On March, 22nd, 1989 he got the Ms Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of
Bologna discussing a Thesis on the “Location of Intermodal Freight Management Centers” under
the supervision of Proff. Paolo Toth and Silvano Martello.
On November 1, 1989, he started the Ph.D. program in Systems Engineering at the Department
of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems of the University of Bologna, under the supervision
of Proff. Paolo Toth and Silvano Martello. On September 9, 1993, he successfully discussed the
dissertation “Algoritmi Esatti ed Approssimati per Problemi di Routing e di Scheduling” (Exact and
Heuristic Algorithms for Routing and Scheduling Problems), and obtained the Ph.D. in Systems
From November 1992 to October 1994, Daniele Vigo was external research collaborator at the
Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems of the University of Bologna.
On October 1, 1994, he was incorporated in the Researcher category of the Faculty of Engineering
of the University of Bologna. On October 1, 1997 he was nominated Confirmed Researcher.
On November 1, 1998 he was nominated Associate Professor of Operations Research at the Faculty
of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
On December, 2001, he obtained the habilitation to the position of Full Professor.
On November 1, 2002, he moved to the new 2nd Faculty of Enegineering at Cesena of the University
of Bologna.
On January 7, 2004, he was nominated Full Professor of Operations Research at the 2nd Faculty
of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
Daniele Vigo is married and has two sons.
Current work address:
D.E.I.S. - Università di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2
40136 BOLOGNA (Italy)
Phone: +39-051-209 3029, Fax: +39-051-209 3073
D.E.I.S. - Università di Bologna
Via Rasi e Spinelli, 176
40136 BOLOGNA (Italy)
Phone: +39-0547-614559, Fax: +39-0547-614517
home page:
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific activity
The scientific and research activities of Daniele Vigo have been mainly devoted to the design and
analysis of models and algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization problems. In particular, within
these researches, aiming at the definition and evaluation (both theoretically and experimentally)
of new algorithms, he examined the following problems:
• Vehicle Routing Problem and its variants (Capacitated VRP, Asymmetric VRP, VRP with
Backhauls ...): [53], [1], [4], [7], [32], [18], [26]. Surveys: [34], [49], [24], [28], [38], [39], [40].
• Arc Routing Problems: [52].
• Traveling Salesman Problem and its variants (with pickup and delivery): [15], [14].
• Handicapped Persons Transportation Problem: [8], [31].
• Shortest Spanning Arborescences with various side constraints: [3], [6].
• Crew Scheduling and Crew Rostering: [10], [11], [35], [54] . Surveys: [5], [33], [12], [48].
• Bin Packing in one, two and three dimensions: [13], [16], [37], [17], [20], [21], [22], [27], [25].
Surveys: [36], [23].
• Process allocation and signal compression: [9], [29], [19].
• Machine scheduling problems: [2], [30].
• Urban mobility: [47], [49].
From a methodological point of view the research has considered both exact techniques, based on
Dynamic Programming, Branch-and-Bound and Branch-and-Cut, and heuristic and metaheuristic
techiques. In recent years Daniele Vigo has also performed a vast activity of literature survey on
packing and routing problems. This latter research led to the preparation of several papers and
book contributions and in the preparation of an edited book on VRP, with Paolo Toth, ([28]),
published in the Discrete Mathematics and Applications series of S.I.A.M.
He has published three volumes of a didactic nature ([56], [57]) and [55], and some textbook chapters
presenting surveys ([47], [49], [48]). He was also co-editor of special issues of Journal of Heuristics
and of Ricerca Operativa devoted to the papers presented at the CP-AI-OR’99 Workshop.
He has carried out research for a bilateral Italy-Hungary project, for the European Community
Projects TRIO and TRIS on Railway Crew Management, for the Italian C.N.R. Project on Parallel
Computing, the C.N.R. Project on Computer Science, the C.N.R. Project on Transportation and
various Ministry of University national projects, both as researcher and in charge of operative units.
He is member of the research unit holding a contract with the Italian State Railway Company for
the development of optimization software for Crew Management.
Didactic activity
From November 1992 to October 1994, Daniele Vigo ran the exercise part and gave didactic seminars
in the graduate courses (Laurea in Computer Science Eng., Management Eng., Telecommunication
Eng., Electronic Eng.) of Operations Research and Optimization Algorithms at the Faculties of
Engineering of the Universities of Bologna and Parma.
In the Academic Year 1993/94 he was external Lecturer in charge of the undergraduate course
(D.U. in Computer Science and Controls) of Operations Research at the Faculty of Engineering of
the University of Pavia.
In the Academic Year 1994/95 he was external Lecturer in charge of the undergraduate course (D.U.
in Computer Science and Controls) of Simulation at the Faculty of Engineering of the University
of Parma.
From October 1, 1994, as Researcher of Operations Research he ran the exercise part and gave
didactic seminars in the graduate courses (Laurea in Computer Science Eng., Management Eng.,
Telecommunication Eng.) of Operations Research and Optimization Algorithms at the Faculty of
Engineering of the University of Bologna.
From October 1, 1997 as Confirmed Researcher, also acted as Lecturer in charge of the graduate
course (Laurea in Management Eng.) of Models and Methods for Support to Decisions at the
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
In the Academic Years 1997/98 and 1998/99 he was in charge of the undergraduate (D.U. in
Computer Science and Controls and D.U. in Electronics) and graduate (Laurea in Management
Eng.) courses of Operations Research at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Parma.
From November 1, 1998 as Associate Professor of Operations Research he is in charge of the graduate (Laurea in Management Eng.) and undergraduate (D.U. in Computer Science and Controls)
courses at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
From November 1, 2000 as Associate Professor of Operations Research he is in charge of the graduate (Laurea Specialistica in Computer Science and Aerospace Eng.) and undergraduate (Laurea
in Computer Science) courses at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna at Cesena
and Forli.
For the Academic Year 2002/2003 he is responsible of the following courses, all at the University
of Bologna:
1) Operations Research L-A for the undergraduate (laurea) course in Computer Science Engineering, at the Second Faculty of Engineering at Cesena;
2) Laboratory of Simulation and Optimization L for the undergraduate (laurea) course in Computer Science Engineering, at the Second Faculty of Engineering at Cesena;
3) Optimization Methods LS for the graduate (laurea specialistica) course in ICT Engineering,
at the Second Faculty of Engineering at Cesena;
4) Operations Research LS for the graduate (laurea specialistica) course in Aerospace Engineering, at the Second Faculty of Engineering at Forlı̀;
5) Operations Research B for the graduate course in Management Engineering, at the First
Faculty of Engineering at Bologna;
Since the Academic Year 1994/95 he collaborates, both as tutor and as in charge of the local units,
to the undergraduate courses (D.U. in Computer Science and Controls, and D.U. in Production
and Logistics Eng.) in tele-didactic form, for the Universities of Bologna and Parma.
Daniele Vigo regularly holds didactic seminars within graduate courses in several Italian universities
(Perugia, Parma, Napoli, Padova ...).
He held two lessons in the course of Production Management for the undergraduate course of
Logistic and Production Engineering in tele-didactic form organized by Consorzio Nettuno, which
is transmitted by the Italian National Broadcasting Company (R.A.I.).
He regularly holds lectures and didactic modules within master programmes at the University of
Bologna (on Maintenance Engineering) and at the University of Torino (on Transportation).
For the period 2001-2003 he is member of the ”Consiglio di Polo” of the Cesena site of the University
of Bologna (administrative council for the Cesena site), as elected representative of the Associate
In the period 1999-2003 he was member of the Didactic commission of the Management Engineering
Courses at the First Faculty of Engineering. He is President of the Quality Committee for the
Courses of the Second Faculty of Engineering for the site of Cesena, within the national Campus
Since 2003 he is Faculty representative for the international student exchange programmes (Erasmus/Socrates ...) at the Second Faculty of Engineering and since 2000 he is responsible of exchange
programmes with the Universities of Bruxelles (ULB), La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), Copenhagen
(Technical), Braunschweig and Valenciennes.
He is co-author of three books for the graduate courses of Operations Research ([56], [57]) and [55].
International Activity
During August-September 1994 he was visiting scientist at the Eindhoven Technical University
(Netherland) with a grant of the “Human Capital and Mobility” European Community program.
During July-August 1996 he was visiting scientist at the Centre de Recherche sur les Transports of
the University of Montréal (Canada).
In November 1996 visited the Jòzsef Attila University of Szeged (Hungary) with a grant of a bilateral
collaboration between Italy and Hungary.
He has carried out intense seminar activity in important national, European and extra-European
universities. He took part in numerous national and international conferences, often organizing and
chairing sessions and in some cases as invited speaker.
He was member of the organizing committee for CP-AI-OR’99 (Workshop on Integration of AI and
OR techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems), Ferrara
(Italy), February 1999.
He was member of the program committee for the IFORS’99 Conference held in Beijing (China)
in August 1999.
He is member of the program committee for the AIRO’04 Conference to be held in Lecce (Italy)
in September 2004.
He regularly acts as referee for the principal national and international journals.
In the period 2000-2002 he was Associate Editor for the Transportation area of Operations Research.
From May 2002 he is Associate Editor for the Transportation area of Operations Research Letters.
He was member of examination courts for Ph.D. dissertations at the University of Bologna, de La
Laguna at Tenerife (Spain) and Montréal (Canada).
Professional Activity
He regularly acts as scientific consultant on Optimization and Management problems for various industries and public organizations, within collaboration programmes with the University of
Concluded collaborations:
• In 1995-96 with Sisplan Bologna, for the ”Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali” of Bologna Municipality, for the development of algorithms for the planning of vehicle routes for handicapped
• In 1996-98 with Ferrovie dello Stato SpA (Italian State railway company), for the development
of algorithms for the scheduling and rostering of railway crew personnel.
• In 1998-99 with EUREKA, Lugo and various public transportation companies of EmiliaRomagna, for the development of algorithms for bus driver crew scheduling.
• In 2000 with Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna and Mortara Rangoni Europe for the development of algorithms for signal compression in biomedical applications.
• In 2000-01 with ARS and Anemos Bologna, and Azienda USL, Siena, for the development of
algorithms for the determination of diagnostic and therapy protocols.
Currently running collaborations:
• Since 2001 with Azienda Trasporti Consorziali, Bologna for the development of algorithms
for vehicle scheduling in low demand areas.
• Since 2002, with CORE Bologna, for the design and testing of optimization tools for waste
management applied to different municipal areas (AMI Imola, CIS Forlı̀, AREA Ravenna).
• Since 2002 is member of the DEIS unit that is responsible for the project of a urban mobility
information information and traffic monitoring system (ISIM system) for the town of Bologna
within a project financed by the Italian Transportation Ministry (about 5 MEuro).
• Since October 2002, with Consorzio Treno ad Alta Velocità and Regione Emilia-Romagna for
the estimation of Origin/Destination flow matrices of freight at a regional level.
• Since May 2003, with SCS Azioneinnova, Bologna for the design of a methodology for the
management of advanced city logistics projects within E.U. Interreg III (area CADSES)
project called CITY PORTS and coordinated by Regione Emilia-Romagna.
• Since July 2003 with Municipality of Bologna for the analysis of personnel scheduling problems
of the Municipal Police.
• In 1995 he was member of the Unit Bologna 1 (with Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti and
Paolo Toth) winner of the first prize at the international contest F.A.R.O. (Ferrovie-AIRO
Rostering Optimization) organized by Ferrovie dello Stato.
• In 1999, the dissertation of Matteo Porcù, for which he was co-supervisor, won the first prize
of the Premio AIRO 1999 for student dissertations. In 2000, the dissertation of Stefania
Zama, for which he was supervisor, won the first prize of the Premio AIRO 2000 for student
List of publications by Daniele Vigo (January 2004)
Papers in International Journals
[1] Matteo Fischetti, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. A branch-and-bound algorithm for the
capacitated vehicle routing problem on directed graphs. Operations Research, 42(5):846–859,
[2] Mauro Dell’Amico, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Minimizing the sum of weighted
completion times with unrestricted weights. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 63:25–41, 1995.
[3] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. An exact algorithm for the capacitated shortest spanning
arborescence. Annals of Operations Research, 61:121–142, 1995.
[4] Daniele Vigo. A heuristic algorithm for the asymmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem.
European Journal of Operational Research, 89:108–126, 1996.
[5] Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Paolo Toth, Daniele Vigo, and Pier Luigi Guida. Algorithms for railway crew management. Mathematical Programming, 79:125–141, 1997.
[6] Matteo Fischetti and Daniele Vigo. A branch and cut algorithm for the resource-constrained
minimum-weight arborescence problem. Networks, 29:55–67, 1997.
[7] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. An exact algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with
backhauls. Transportation Science, 31:372–385, 1997.
[8] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Heuristic algorithms for the handicapped persons transportation problem. Transportation Science, 31:60–71, 1997.
[9] Daniele Vigo and Vittorio Maniezzo. A genetic/tabu thresholding hybrid algorithm for the
process allocation problem. Journal of Heuristics, 3:91–110, 1997.
[10] Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. Modeling and solving
the crew rostering problem. Operations Research, 46:820–830, 1998.
[11] Alberto Caprara, Filippo Focacci, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano, Paolo Toth,
and Daniele Vigo. Integrating constraint logic programming and operations research techniques for the crew rostering problem. Software – Practice and Experience, 28(1):49–76, 1998.
[12] Jean-François Cordeau, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. A survey of optimization models for
train routing and scheduling. Transportation Science, 32:380–404, 1998.
[13] Silvano Martello and Daniele Vigo. Exact solution of the two-dimensional finite bin packing
problem. Management Science, 44:388–399, 1998.
[14] Filippo Focacci, Andrea Lodi, Michela Milano, and Daniele Vigo. Solving the tsp through
the integration of or and cp techniques. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 1, 1999.
[15] Michel Gendreau, Gilbert Laporte, and Daniele Vigo. Heuristics for the traveling salesman
problem with pickup and delivery. Computers and Operations Research, 26:699–714, 1999.
[16] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Approximation algorithms for the
two-dimensional oriented bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research,
112:158–166, 1999.
[17] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches
for a class of two-dimensional bin packing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 11:345–
357, 1999.
[18] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. A heuristic algorithm for the symmetric and asymmetric
vehicle routing problems with backhauls. European Journal of Operational Research, 113:528–
543, 1999.
[19] Andrea Lodi, Daniele Vigo, and Cinzia Zannoni. Exact and heuristic algorithms for data
sets reconstruction. European Journal of Operational Research, 124:139–150, 2000.
[20] Silvano Martello, David Pisinger, and Daniele Vigo. The three-dimensional bin packing
problem. Operations Research, 48:256–267, 2000.
[21] Mauro Dell’Amico, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. A lower bound for the non-oriented
two-dimensional bin packing problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 118:13–24, 2002.
[22] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Heuristic algorithms for the threedimensional bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 141:130–140,
[23] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Recent advances on two-dimensional bin
packing problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123/124:373–390, 2002.
[24] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Models, relaxations and exact approaches for the capacitated
vehicle routing problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123/124:481–506, 2002.
[25] Silvano Martello, Michele Monaci, and Daniele Vigo. An exact approach to the strip packing
problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 15(3), 2003.
[26] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. The granular tabu search (and its application to the vehicle
routing problem). INFORMS Journal on Computing 15(4):333–346, 2003.
[27] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Models and bounds for two-dimensional
level packing problems. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2002, (to appear).
[28] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo (editors). The Vehicle Routing Problem. Monographs on
Discrete Mathematics and Applications. S.I.A.M., Philadelpia, PA, 2002.
Chapters in International Books
[29] Antonio Corradi, Letizia Leonardi, and Daniele Vigo. Massively parallel programming environments: How to map parallel objects on transputers. In M. Becker, L. Litzler, and M. Tréhel,
editors, TRANSPUTERS’92: Advanced Research and Industrial Applications, pages 125–141.
I.O.S. Press, Amsterdam, 1992.
[30] Mauro Dell’Amico, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Heuristic algorithms for single
processor scheduling with earliness and flow time penalties. In Ibrahim H. Osman and James P.
Kelly, editors, Meta-Heuristics: Theory and Applications, pages 167–182. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, 1996.
[31] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Fast local search algorithms for the handicapped persons
transportation problem. In Ibrahim H. Osman and James P. Kelly, editors, Meta-Heuristics:
Theory and Applications, pages 677–690. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1996.
[32] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. A heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with
backhauls. In Lucio Bianco and Paolo Toth, editors, Advanced Methods in Transportation
Analysis, pages 585–608. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[33] Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Pier Luigi Guida, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. Crew
scheduling and rostering problems in railway applications. In M. Labbè, G. Laporte, K. Tcanzos, and P. Toint, editors, Operations Research and Decision Aid Methodologies in Traffic and
Transportation Management, volume 166 of Computer and Systems Sciences, pages 228–243.
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
[34] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Exact algorithms for vehicle routing. In Teodor Crainic
and Gilbert Laporte, editors, Fleet Management and Logistics, pages 1–31. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, 1998.
[35] Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Pier Luigi Guida, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. Solution
of large-scale railway crew planning problems: The italian experience. In N.H.M. Wilson,
editor, Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling, volume 471 of Lecture Notes in Economics and
Mathematical Systems, pages 1–18. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
[36] Edward G. Coffman Jr., Gabor Galambos, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Bin packing
approximation algorithms: Combinatorial analysis. In D.-Z. Du and P. M. Pardalos, editors, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, Supplement Volume A, pages 151–207. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999.
[37] Andrea Lodi, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. Neighborhood search algorithm for
the non-oriented two-dimensional bin packing problem. In Stephan Voss, Silvano Martello,
Ibrahim H. Osman, and Catherine Roucairol, editors, Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends
in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, pages 125–140. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston, 1999.
[38] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. An overview of vehicle routing problems. In Paolo Toth and
Daniele Vigo, editors, The Vehicle Routing Problem, Monographs on Discrete Mathematics
and Applications, pages 1–26. S.I.A.M., Philadelpia, PA, 2002.
[39] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Branch-and-bound algorithms for the capacitated VRP. In
Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo, editors, The Vehicle Routing Problem, Monographs on Discrete
Mathematics and Applications, pages 29–51. S.I.A.M., Philadelpia, PA, 2002.
[40] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. VRP with backhauls. In Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo, editors,
The Vehicle Routing Problem, Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, pages
195–224. S.I.A.M., Philadelpia, PA, 2002.
Special Issues
[41] Filippo Focacci, Andrea Lodi, Michela Milano, Daniele Vigo (editors). Special issue on
constraint-based problem solving. Ricerca Operativa, 29(91), 2000.
[42] Filippo Focacci, Andrea Lodi, Michela Milano, Daniele Vigo (editors). Special issue on integration between constraint logic programming and operations reseach. Journal of Heuristics,
8, 2002.
Papers in National Journals
[43] Daniele Vigo. Un algoritmo euristico per l’asymmetric capacitated vehicle routing problem.
Ricerca Operativa, 66:5–33, 1993.
[44] Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. A heuristic algorithm for
a crew rostering problem arising in railway applications. Ricerca Operativa, 76:15–36, 1995.
[45] David Alcaide, Joaquin Sicilia, and Daniele Vigo. A tabu search algorithm for the open shop
problem. TOP, 5:283–296, 1997.
[46] Filippo Focacci, Andrea Lodi, Michela Milano, and Daniele Vigo. Introduction to constraint
programming. Ricerca Operativa, 29(91):5–20, 2000.
Chapters in National Books
[47] Daniele Vigo. Strumenti innovativi per il governo della mobilità urbana. In Oscar Marchisio,
editor, La mobilità come prodotto, pages 89–107. Franco Angeli, Milano, 1994.
[48] Alberto Caprara, Paolo Nobili, and Daniele Vigo. Turnazione del personale. In Stefano
Pallottino and Anna Sciomachen, editors, Scienze delle Decisioni per i Trasporti, CNR - PFT2,
Collana Trasporti, pages 420–448. Franco Angeli, Milano, 1999.
[49] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. Servizi di trasporto merci. In Stefano Pallottino and Anna
Sciomachen, editors, Scienze delle Decisioni per i Trasporti, CNR - PFT2, Collana Trasporti,
pages 721–754. Franco Angeli, Milano, 1999.
Unpublished Techincal Reports
[50] David Pisinger, Silvano Martello, Daniele Vigo, Edgar Den Boef and Jan Korst,. An exact
algorithm for the robot-packable and general variants of the three-dimensional bin packing
problem. Technical report, D.I.K.U. - Università di Copenhagen, 2002, (submitted to ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software).
[51] David Pisinger, Edgar Den Boef, Jan Korst, Silvano Martello, and Daniele Vigo. A note on
robot-packable and general variants of the three-dimensional bin packing problem. Technical
Report OR/03/10, D.E.I.S. - Università di Bologna, (submitted to Operations Research), 2003.
[52] Enrique Benavent, Alessandro Carrotta, Angel Corberán, Josè M. Sanchis and Daniele
Vigo. Heuristics and Lower Bounds for the Windy Rural Postman Problem. Technical Report
OR/03/9, D.E.I.S. - Università di Bologna, (submitted to Networks), 2003.
Other Publications
[53] Daniele Vigo. Algoritmi Esatti ed Approssimati per Problemi di Routing e di Scheduling.
Tesi per il conseguimento del titolo di dottore di ricerca in ingegneria dei sistemi, D.E.I.S. –
Università di Bologna, 1993.
[54] Matteo Fischetti, Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth, and Daniele Vigo. An LP-based heuristic
approach to the crew scheduling problem. In Proceedings of the 3rd TRISTAN Conference,
Puerto Rico, 1998.
[55] Mario Lucertini, Paolo Toth, Daniele Vigo, Gianfranco Ciaschetti, and Andrea Lodi. Gestione dei Fattori della Produzione. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1999.
[56] Silvano Martello and Daniele Vigo. Esercizi di Ricerca Operativa (quarta edizione). Progetto
Leonardo, Bologna, 2000.
[57] Silvano Martello and Daniele Vigo. Esercizi di Simulazione Numerica (seconda edizione).
Progetto Leonardo, Bologna, 2001.