CARLO CHIURCO BIRTH PLACE: Trieste, Italy, 1971-09


CARLO CHIURCO BIRTH PLACE: Trieste, Italy, 1971-09
BIRTH PLACE: Trieste, Italy, 1971-09-10.
Assistant Professor, Philosophical Anthropology
Department of Human Sciences (DHS), University of Verona (UoV), Italy
Via San Francesco 22, Verona, I-37129, Italia
Mobile: +39.349.2989389
Email: [email protected]
Skype: carlochiurco
Homepages: (with papers)
I worked as a civil servant at the Italian Ministry for the Artistic and Cultural Heritage from 1999 to 2010, and
became Assistant professor in Philosophical Anthropology at the UoV in December 2011. My main fields of
research include: the relation between art (particularly painting) and philosophy; history of ideas (in particular, aspects
of Nietzsche’s thought, and forms of contemporary nihilism); and 12th-century medieval philosophy.
The study of the aspects of Nietzsche’s thought most related to ethics, notably the problem of liberation seen as the
core of his philosophy, has occupied me ever after graduation. Beside the works specifically devoted to him,
Nietzsche is a recurrent figure in much of my scientific production. An article is currently under review to be
published on Nietzsche-Studien.
I have studied the figure of Alan of Lille, philosopher, theologian and universal erudite of the 12th century. To him,
beside internationally published articles, I devoted a comprehensive monograph in which I reconstructed the
intellectual landscape of his time (School of Chartres, the impact of Arabic science, Boethius-renaissance and axiomatic
theology), as well as the range and influence of his multi-faceted production (see below, 4.2.14). I also provided
translations (with long introductions, critical apparatus, and notes) from Latin into Italian of some of his major
works (4.2.16, 4.2.17).
I am currently working on two projects about the relation between art (particularly painting) and philosophy. In the
first I want to analyze how the notion of painting (pictura) influenced philosophical reflection from Plato to
Renaissance in dealing with the problem of establishing the ethical valence of the cosmos. So far I have published an
article (4.1.1), with more in the pipeline. I am currently supervising the organization of a congress, hosted by Verona
University and scheduled for December 2016, on the motif of the Golden Ages between painting and philosophy.
In the second project (which involves not just painting but the visual world in general) I want to investigate
magnificence as a way of devising an “ethos of the Many”. A comprehensive study on this notion is still missing: by
providing a philosophical history of it from Plato to our days, I want to analyze on the one hand the different ways,
by which Western civilization has represented the splendour of the variety of the real, and, on the other, the wider
intellectual background of the notions of splendour and magnificence, such as the nature and meaning of objects, the
mismeasure of desire and the challenges it poses, the One/Many intellectual polarity, the various notions of
waste/loss. This ambitious project brings together philosophy, art history, history of economics, history of ideas,
material culture and visual studies.
December 2011 – Ongoing: Assistant Professor at the DHS, UoV.
1999-2010: Civil servant at the Italian Ministry for the Artistic and Cultural Heritage.
2008 – 2011: Appointed Professor of History of medieval philosophy at the UoV.
1.2 2007 – 2010: Three-year post-doctoral scholarship at the UoV, Department of Philosophy. Title of
the project: «Metaphysics and Violence», supervisor Prof. Italo Sciuto.
1.3 March 2000 – March 2004: Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”. Title of the
dissertation: Alano di Lilla. Dalla metafisica alla prassi, supervisor Prof. Carmelo Vigna.
1.4 October 1995: Degree in Philosophy, University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”, with a score of 110/110
cum laude. Title of the dissertation: ‘Al confine tra patria e via’. Simbolo e teofania in San Bonaventura, supervisor
Prof. Italo Sciuto.
Member of the scientific board of the journal Dialektiké (Brasil) and reviewer for Theoria (Italy).
Member of the national board of SIFM (Italian Society of Moral Philosophy).
Member of SIFM, SIEPM (Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale) and SISPM
(Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought).
2.1 2014, November: € 15,000 from the President of the Veneto Region for the joint project «Giorgione
and Philosophy. Art and knowledge in Renaissance Venice», in collaboration with the Gallerie
dell’Accademia, Venice, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, the Museo del Prado, Madrid. Scientific
coordinator of the project.
2.2 2014, June: € 10,000 grant from the Italian National College of Nurses (IPASVI) for the project
«Human caring. A philosophical approach to caring in chronic diseases». Scientific coordinator of the
2.3 2007 – 2010: € 37,500 for a three-year post-doctoral scholarship at the UoV.
2.4 2004 – 2005: € 7,000 as member of the University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari” research unit within the
National Research Project (PRIN) «Ethics and Ways of Living in the Post-Modern Age».
2.5 2000 – 2003: € 30,000 scholarship for the Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Venice “Ca’
1. Art (painting in particular) and philosophy.
2. History of ideas:
a) Aspects of Nietzsche’s thought;
b) Forms of contemporary nihilism;
c) Violence and the sacred in Western civilization;
d) Medieval philosophy: Alan of Lille, Bernardus Sylvestris, the School of Chartres
3. Applied ethics: The notion of caring as the foundation of ethics, and between philosophy and medical
Art and philosophy.
4.1.1 «Rarefaction. Nature, Philosophy, and Ethics: Images of Metaphysical Peace in Venetian
Renaissance Painting (1500–1510)», in H. Motoh (ed.), Poesis of Peace, Poligrafi 19:75-76, Ljubljana 2014,
pp. 77-91.
History of ideas.
a) Aspects of Nietzsche’s thought:
4.2.1 «Popoli e patrie. Una geo-filosofia dell’Europa secondo Nietzsche [People and Fatherlands. Nietzsche’s
Geo-Philosophy of Europe], in Riccardo Pozzo, Marco Sgarbi (eds.), I filosofi e l’Europa [Philosophers and
Europe] (Mimesis : Milan – Udine 2009), pp. 223-231.
4.2.2 «Contemplazione del divino e filosofia del meriggio come prospettiva etica in Nietzsche [Nietzsche’s
“Contemplation of the Divine” and “Philosophy of Midday” as an Ethical Perspective]», in Mario Longo
(ed.), Etica del frammento [Ethics in a Fragmented Reality], Studi Filosofici 34 (Gregoriana : Padua 2002), pp.
b) Forms of contemporary nihilism:
4.2.1 «La vita spettacolare come moderno dispotismo dell’osceno: il caso italiano [“Spectacular Life”, or
the Modern Despotism of Obscenity: The Italian Case of “Berlusconism”]», in Riccardo Fanciullacci,
Carmelo Vigna (eds.), Etica e vita spettacolare (Orthotes : Naples 2013), pp. 205-216.
4.2.2 «Il Nulla in casa. Il berlusconismo tra nichilismo compiuto e balcanizzazione dell’Occidente [Homely
Nichilism. “Berlusconism” as Nichilism Fulfilled in the Context of the Balkanization of the Western
World]», in Carlo Chiurco (ed.), Filosofia di Berlusconi. L’essere e il nulla nell’Italia del Cavaliere [Philosophy of
Berlusconi. Being and Nothingness in the Italy of the Cavalier], Culture 72 (ombre corte : Verona 2011), pp. 72-96.
4.2.3 Preface to Carlo Chiurco (ed.), Filosofia di Berlusconi. L’essere e il nulla nell’Italia del Cavaliere (see above),
pp. 7-14.
4.2.4 Carlo Chiurco (ed.), Filosofia di Berlusconi. L’essere e il nulla nell’Italia del Cavaliere [Philosophy of Berlusconi.
Being and Nothingness in the Italy of the Cavalier], Culture 72 (ombre corte : Verona 2011), pp. 207.
• review
• review by John Welsh, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University,
December 11th, 2011.;
• review by Giuliana Parotto, Trieste University, in Bulletin of Italian Politics, 4.2 (2012), 329-327.
4.2.5 «Trasgressione e Necessità» [«Transgression and Necessity»], in Egle Bonan (ed.), Etica del plurale.
Giustizia, riconoscimento, responsabilità [Ethics of the Plural. Justice, Recognition, Responsibility], Filosofia morale 20
(Vita & Pensiero : Milan 2004), pp. 97-123.
4.2.6 «Libertà e giustizia nel pensiero di George Bataille [Liberty and Justice in the Thought of Georges
Bataille]», in Carmelo Vigna (ed.), Etiche e politiche della post-modernità [Ethics and Politics of the Post-Modern Age],
Filosofia. Contributi (Vita & Pensiero : Milan 2002), pp. 335-349. Also reperable (in Italian) at
4.2.7 «Il pensiero contemporaneo e la seduzione del negativo [Contemporary Thought and the Seduction
of the Negative]»,
c) Violence and the sacred in Western civilization:
4.2.8 Etica e sacro. Il Bene e l’Autentico oltre l’Occidente [Ethics and the Sacred. Re-thinking Good and Authenticity by
Overcoming the Western World], Filosofie 126 (Mimesis : Milano – Udine 2012), pp. 242.
4.2.9 «Il ruolo teoretico della violenza nel rapporto uomo-mondo [The Theoretical Role of Violence in the
Making of the Man-World Relation]», in Gianluigi Brena (ed.), Il problema della relazione uomo-mondo [Enquiries
on the Man-World Relation], Studi Filosofici 32 (Gregoriana : Padua 2000), pp. 305-333.
• review by Gian Paolo Terravecchia in SWIF – Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia [Italian Website
for Philosophy] 3 (11/2001) 6.
d) Medieval philosophy:
4.2.10 «Phýsis e téchne nel Medioevo. La Cosmographia di Bernardo Silvestre [Phýsis and Téchne in the Middle
Ages. Bernardus Sylvestris’ Cosmographia]», in Marcianum 9.2 (2013), 353-375.
4.2.11 «Ganymede versus Natura. Philosophical Implications of Two Twelfth-Century Works on
Homosexuality», in Alessandro Musco and others (eds.), Universalità della ragione. Pluralità delle filosofie nel
Medioevo – Universalité de la Raison. Pluralité des Philosophies au Moyen Âge – Universality of Reason. Plurality of
Philosophies in the Middle Ages, 3 vols. in tomes, vol. II, tome 1: Comunicazioni. Latina, Officina di Studi
Medievali (Biblioteca dell’Officina di Studi Medievali, 14.II.1), Palermo 2012, pp. 99-106.
4.2.12 «God’s Rules, And Man’s. Two Approaches to the Problem of Translatio in Twelfth-Century
Philosophy», in Claire Kappler, Suzanne Thiolier-Méjean (eds.), Le plurilinguisme au Moyen Âge. OrientOccident (L’Harmattan : Paris 2009), pp. 217-232.
4.2.13 Entry «Experientia», in Ernesto Caroli (ed.), Dizionario Bonaventuriano. Filosofia, Teologia, Spiritualità
[Dictionary of Bonaventurian Thought. Philosophy, Theology, Spirituality] (Editrici Francescane : Padua 2008), pp.
4.2.14 Alano di Lilla. Dalla metafisica alla prassi [Alan of Lille. From Metaphysics to Praxis], Strumenti (Vita &
Pensiero : Milan 2005), pp. VIII+387.
4.2.15 «Tra la teoresi e la prassi. Una possibile interpretazione della teologia in Alano di Lilla [Between
Theoretics and Practics. A Possible Interpretation of Theology in Alan of Lille]», in Jean-Luc Solère, Anca
Vasiliu, Alain Galonnier (eds.), Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, théologie et littérature au XIIe siècle,
Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale 12 (Brepols : Turnhout, 2005), pp. 339-368.
• review by Roberto Angelini, Medioevo Latino 28 (2007) 22 (n. 134).
4.2.16 Alano di Lilla, Viaggio della Saggezza. Anticlaudianus, Discorso sulla sfera intelligibile, a cura di Carlo
Chiurco [Alan of Lille, The Voyage of Wisdom. Anticlaudianus, Sermon on the Intelligible Sphere, Translation, with
an Introduction, Critical Apparatus, and Notes, by Carlo Chiurco], Il Pensiero Occidentale (Bompiani :
Milan 2004), pp. 446.
4.2.17 Alano di Lilla, Le Regole del diritto celeste, Introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Carlo Chiurco
[Alan of Lille, The Rules of Heavenly Right, Translation, with an Introduction and Notes, by Carlo Chiurco],
Machina Philosophorum. Testi e studi dalle culture euromediterranee 6 (Officina di Studi Medievali :
Palermo 2002), pp. XXXVI+234.
• review by Antonino Poppi, Studia Patavina 52.1 (2005), 299-300;
• review by Roberto Gamberini, Medioevo Latino 26 (2005), 23 (n. 151).
4.2.18 «La figura della reductio in Alano di Lilla e in San Bonaventura [The Figure of Reductio in Alan of Lille
and Saint Bonaventure]», Vita Minorum 1999.2-3, 158-176 and 250-266.
4.2.19 «‘Al confine tra patria e via’. Simbolo e teofania in San Bonaventura [Between Patria and Via.
Symbolic Thought and Theophany in Saint Bonaventure]», Miscellanea francescana 97 (1997), 87-99.
4.3 Applied ethics.
4.3.1 «Imagining a Caring Self. A Modest Proposal», in Thaumàzein 1 (2013), 305-319. Also reperable at
4.3.2 22 entries for the new edition of the Enciclopedia Filosofica [Italian Philosophical Encyclopedia], 12 vols.
(Bompiani : Milan 2006). All the entries marked by * have been written or rewritten entirely anew .
Most important entries: Evil* (vol. 7, pp. 6936-6949); Good: I – Good in history of philosophy* (vol.
2, pp. 1151-1156); Islamic Moral* (vol. 8, pp. 7616-7617); Moral philosophy: I. M. p. in ancient
Greece. – II. M. p. in the Christian thought. – III. M. p. in modern philosophy* (vol. 5, pp. 4249-4256);
Nostalgia* (vol. 8, pp. 7952-7954); Principle* (vol. 9, pp. 8951-8954); Violence* (vol. 12, pp. 1214912154).
Other entries: Altruism (vol. 1, p. 321); Annihilation (vol. 1, p. 488); Appearance* (vol. 1, pp. 573575); Egocentrism: b) Philosophical perspective* (vol. 4, p. 3274); Egoism: a) Philosophical
perspective (vol. 4, pp. 3274-3277); Fragment* (vol. 5, pp. 4454-4455); Honesty (vol. 8, pp. 81088109); Honour (vol. 8, pp. 8112-8113); Moral feelings (vol. 11, pp. 10509-10510); Morality (vol. 8,
p. 7618); Rage (vol. 6, p. 5836); Reward, morality of* (vol. 10, pp. 9715-9716); Rule* (vol. 4, pp.
3057-3058); Simulation* (vol. 11, p. 10665); Subjectivism (vol. 11, pp. 10828-10829).
4.3.3 «La regola d’oro nell’Islam. Le ragioni di un’assenza [Why is the “Golden Rule” Missing within
Islamic Culture?]», in Susy Zanardo (ed.), La regola d’oro come principio dell’etica universale [The Golden Rule as the
Universal Principle of Ethics], Filosofia Morale 24 (Vita & Pensiero : Milan 2005), pp. 37-51.
4.3.4 «Eros platonico e Amore di Dio [Platonic Eros and Divine Love]», in Carmelo Vigna (ed.), Etica
trascendentale e intersoggettività [Transcendental Ethics and Inter-Subjectivity], Filosofia morale 15 (Vita & Pensiero :
Milan 2002), pp. 205-240.
Other publications.
4.4.1 «Philosophia perennis. Note di filosofia comparativa Oriente-Occidente [Philosophia perennis. Remarks on
East-West Comparative Philosophy]», in Carlo Chiurco, Italo Sciuto (eds.), Verità, fede, interpretazione. Saggi
in onore di Arnaldo Petterlini [Truth, Faith, Interpretation. Essays in Honour of Arnaldo Petterlini], Percorsi 16 (Il
Poligrafo : Padua 2009), pp. 147-159.
4.4.2 Carlo Chiurco, Italo Sciuto (eds.), Verità, fede, interpretazione. Saggi in onore di Arnaldo Petterlini [Truth,
Faith, and Interpretation. Essays in Honour of Arnaldo Petterlini], Percorsi 16 (Il Poligrafo : Padua 2009), pp. 383.
Dissemination Works.
4.5.1 «Il monarca e lo Stato assoluto [The Monarch and the Absolute State: Reading a Portrait of Louis
XIV]», in Storica National Geographic (Italian Edition) 75 (May 2015), pp. 108-109.
4.5.2 «Bernardo di Chiaravalle, il soldato dello spirito [Bernard of Clairvaux, the spiritual soldier]», in
Storica National Geographic (Italian Edition) 72 (February 2015), pp. 54-67.
4.5.3 Sant’Agostino [Saint Augustine], Grandangolo 9 (Corriere della Sera : Milan 2014), pp. 167.
4.5.4 San Tommaso [Saint Thomas Aquinas], Grandangolo 16 (Corriere della Sera : Milan 2014), pp. 166.
4.5.5 Abelardo [Abelard], Grandangolo 19 (Corriere della Sera : Milan 2014), pp. 166.
4.5.6 Sant’Anselmo [Anselm of Canterbury], Grandangolo 35 (Corriere della Sera : Milan 2014), pp. 166.
4.6.1 Lorenzo Bernini, Apocalissi queer. Elementi di critica antisociale, ETS, Pisa 2013, pp. 269, in Marcianum 10
(2014), 199-201.
4.6.2 René Girard, Violenza e religione. Causa o effetto?, Cortina, Milano 2011, pp. 85, in Marcianum 8 (2012),
Courses taught:
Philosophical Anthropology (UG).
Ethics (UG): Ethics of caring.
History of philosophy: Medieval philosophy.
Graduations: 27 graduations overseen from 2010.
6.1 Gastprofessor at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität – Oldenburg, for the Graduiertenkolleg «Praktiken
der Subjektivierung», Oldenburg, 17th-27th January 2016.
6.2 «The Necessary Ruler. The Role of Monarchy in Alan of Lille and Dante», International Medieval
Congress Empire, Leeds (UK), 7-10th July, 2014.
6.3 «Rarefaction. Images of Metaphysical Peace in Venetian Painting (1500-1510)», International
Conference The Poesis of Peace, Gozd Martuljek (Slovenia), 15-18th May, 2014.
6.4 «La vita spettacolare come moderno dispotismo dell’osceno: il caso italiano», paper read at the
congress Etica spettacolare, Borromeo College, Pavia, September 16th-17th, 2011.
6.5 «Traditio philosophiae. The reception of Greek philosophy in the Latin Middle Ages before the
renaissance of the 12th century», conference at the Central European University, Budapest, February 24th,
6.6 «Anselmo filosofo dell’Infinito. La natura elenctica dell’unum argumentum», paper read at the 18th
International Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought, Cava de’ Tirreni,
December 5-8th, 2009.
6.7 «Popoli e patrie. Lo sguardo nietzscheano sul presente e il futuro d’Europa», paper read at the 36th
National Congress of the Italian Philosophical Society, Verona, April 26-29th, 2007.
6.8 «Ganymede versus Natura. Philosophical Implications of Two Twelfth-Century Works on
Homosexuality», paper read at the 12th International Congress of Medieval Philosophy, Palermo,
September 16-22th, 2007.
6.9 «Alan of Lille and the Quest for the Perfect Theological Language», paper read at the International
Colloquium Le plurilinguisme au Moyen Âge. Orient-Occident, Université de Paris IV (Sorbonne), Paris, June
22-25th, 2005.
6.10 «Trasgressione e Necessità», paper read at the International Colloquium Libertà, giustizia e bene nel
pensiero del Novecento (II), University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice, May 29-31th, 2003.
6.11 «Il pensiero contemporaneo e la seduzione del negativo», paper read at the symposium «Christian
Thought in Dialogue with Our Time», Trieste, February 2nd, 2002.
PRIN 2004, project “Etica e forme di vita della post-modernità [Ethics and Ways of Living in the
Post-Modern Age]”: member of the research unit at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, supervisor Prof.
Carmelo Vigna, as part of the broader research project “Etica e forme di vita [Ethics and Ways of
Living]”, national supervisor Prof. Carmelo Vigna. Duration of the project: 2 years.
PRIN 2001, project “Libertà, giustizia e bene nel postmoderno [Liberty, Justice and Good in the
Post-Modern Age]”: member of the research unit at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, supervisor Prof.
Carmelo Vigna, as part of the broader research project “Libertà, giustizia e bene nel pensiero del ’900
[Liberty, Justice and Good in Twentieth-Century Thought]”, national supervisor Prof. Carmelo Vigna.
Duration of the project: 2 years.
Member of the Commission for the Internationalization of the University of Verona (overseeing all
exchange programs, Erasmus, Socrates, Cooperint, Marie Curie, etc.), and of the operative unit
responsible of the Self-Assessment of the research and teaching work done within the Department.
Italian, English (fluent: IELTS diploma in English awarded on march 7th, 2009, with a score of 8 out of 9),
French (good), German and Spanish (entry level); Latin and Ancient Greek (very good).