Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Date of birth
Occupational field
Gabriela Mazzanti
Dep. Of Physiology and Pharmacology "Viftorio Erspamer", P.lle Aldo Moro, 5
- 00185
gabriela. mazzanti@uniromal .it
Teaching and research in the field of Pharmacognosy.
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
2005- Present
Full Professor of Pharmacognosy
Teaching of Pharmacognosy for students of several courses of degree: Pharmacy,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Scientific lnformation on Drugs, Science and
Technology of Herbal Products.
Teacher of Pharmacognosy in the Master of Phytotherapy
Coordination of research projects in the field of natural substances.
Supervision of Post-doctoral fellows, PhD students and students
Supervision of research proposals for ltalian Ministry of University and Scientific Research
Supervisor of animal care at the Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology "V. Erspamer"
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
PaslPresident of ltalian Society of Pharmacognosy
SAPIENZA University of Rome
University -Basic Research
Occupation or position held
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Surname(s) First name(s)
P.le Aldo Moro,
00't85 Rome, ltaly
Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy
Name and address of employer
Teaching Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy for students of: Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry and Technology, Scientific lnformation on Drugs, Science and Technology of Herbal
Teacherof Pharmacognosy in the 2no level Masterof Phytotherapy
Coordination of research projects
Carrying out laboratory studies in vivo and in vitro
Member expert of EMEA for Medicinal Plants
Member of the Board for the revision of ltalian Official Pharmacopoeia
SAPIENZA University of Rome
University - basic Research
P.le Aldo Moro,
00185 Rome, ltaly
981 -1992
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Laboratory studies on the biological activity of natural substances by in vivo and rn y/ro tests.
Analysis of results and writing manuscripts
Supplementary didactics for students of the courses of Pharmacy and of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
and Technology
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
SAPIENZA University of Rome
University- Basic research
Occupation or position held
P.le Aldo Moro,
00185 Rome, ltaly
975-1 981
Research Scientist
Main activities and responsibilities
Research in the field of Pharmacology of natural substances
Laboratory practical for the students of Pharmacy course of degree
Supplementary didactics for students of the courses of Pharmacy and of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
and Technology
Name and address of employer
SAPIENZA University of Rome
P.le Aldo Moro,
00185 Rome, ltaly
Basic research
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Degree in Pharmacy
University "La Sapienza", Rome, ltaly
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organization
Providing education and kaining
Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology
University "La Sapienza", Rome, ltaly
Title of qualification awardwd
Name and type of organization providing
education and training
High school leaving qualification
Liceo classico Statale "Ugo Foscolo" , Albano Laziale, Rome, ltaly
Scientific Publications since 1 999
Ghelardini C., Galeotti N., Salvatore G. and Mazzanti G.
Local anaesthetic activity of essential oil of Laaandula angustifolia
Plantq Med. 1999 ; 65: 700-703.
Braca A., Morelli I, Mendez ]., Battinelli L., Braghiroli L.,Mazzanti G.
Antimicrobial triterpenoids from Licania heteromorpha
Planta Med. 2000 ; 66:7 68-9
Galeotti N., Ghelardini C., Di Cesare Mannelli L.,Mazzanti G., Braghiroli L.,
Bartolini A.
Local anaesthetic activity of (+)- and (-)-menthol
Planta Med. 2001";
: 17 4-6.
Mengoni F., Lichtner M., Battinelli L.,MarziM., Mastroiarud C.M., Vullo V. and
Mazzanti G.
Anti-HIV activity of oleanolic acid on infected human mononuclear cells
lant a Me d. 2002, 68(2) : 111. -4.
Gatto MT., Falcocchio S., Grippa E.,Mazzanti G., Battinelli L., Nicolosi G.,
Lambusta D. and Saso L.
Antimicrobial and anti-lipase activity of quercetin and its C2-CL6 3-O-acyl-esters
B io o r g.
Me d. Chem. 2002,
(2) : 269 -7 2.
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Lu M., Battinelli L., Daniele C., Melchioni C., Salvatore G., Mazzanti G.
Muscle relaxing activity of Hyssopus officinalis L. essential oil on isolated intestinal
lan t a Me d. 2002, 68(3): 213 -276.
Mazzanti G., Daniele C., Boatto G., Manca G, Brambilla G.,Loizzo A.
New B-adrenergic agonists used illicitly as growth promoters in animal breeding:
chemical and pharmacodlmamic studies
Toxicology 2003;
91, -99.
Mazzanti G., Battinelli L., Daniele C.,. Mastroianni C.IvI, Lichtrer M., Coletta
following the consumption of Shou Wu Pian,
case of acute hepatitis
a chinese
herbal product derived fu om P oly gonum multiflorum
Ann lntern Med 2004; 140:30
Bianchi A., Cantir P., FirenzuoliE.,Mazzanti G., Menniti-Ippolito F., Raschetti R.
Rhabdomyolysis caused by Commiphora mukul, a natural lipid-lowering agent
Ann Pharmacother. 2004; 38(7):1,222-5
Daniele C., DahamnaS., Firuzi O., Sekfali N., Saso L.,NdazzantrG.
Atractylis gummifera L. poisoning: an ethnopharmacological review
I Ethnopharmacol. 2005; 97 (2): 17 5-81,.
Mazzanti G., Daniele C., Tita B., Vitali F., Signore A.
Biological evaluation of a polyvinyl siloxilane impression material
Dent Mat 2005;21,(4): 371-4.
Trombetta D., Castelli F., Sarpietro M.G., Venuti V., Cristiani M., Daniele C., Saija A.,
Mazzanfr G., Bisignano G.
Mechanism of antibacterial action of three monoterpenes
Antimicrob Agents Ch 2005;
49 (6):247
Evandri M.G., Battinelli L., Daniele C., Mastrangelo S., Bolle P., Mazzanti G.
The antimutagenic activity of Laoandula angustifolia (lavender) essential oil in the
bacterial reverse mutation assay
ood Chem Toxicol 2005; 43(9):1,381,-1387
Daniele C.,Mazzantt G., Pittler MH., Emst E.
Adverse-event profile of Crataegus spp.: a systematic review
D r ug
af 200 6 ;29 (6) :523 -35.
Battinelli L., Daniele C., Cristiani M., Bisignano G., Saija A., Mazzanti G.
ln aitro antifungal and anti-elastase activity of some aliphatic aldehydes from
europaea L.
Plty tomedicine 2006;1 3(8) :558-63.
Mazzanti G., Di Sotto A., Daniele C., Battinelli L., Brambilla G., Fiori M.,LoizzoS.,
Loizzo A.
A pharmacodynamic study on clenbuterol-induced toxicity: G1 and G2
adrenoceptors involvement in guinea-pig tachycardia in an in aitro model
F ood Chem Toxicol 2007 ; 45: 1,694-9.
Menniti-Ippolito F., Mazzanti G., Santuccio C., Moro P., Calapai G., Firenzuoli
Valeri A., Raschetti R.
Surveillance of suspected adverse reaction to natural health products in Italy
Pharmacoepidem D r S 2008; 17 :629 -35.
Menniti-Ippolito F., Mazzantt G., Vitalone A., Firenzuoli
F., Santuccio C.
Surveillance of suspected adverse reactions to natural health products. The case of
Drug Safety 2008;31(5): 419-23.
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Di Sotto A., Evandri M.G.,Mazzanti G.
Antimutagenic and mutagenic activities of some terpenes in the bacterial reverse
mutation assay
Mut at Re s-Gen Tox En 2008;
653(1 -2): 130-133.
Mazzanti G., Battinelli L., Daniele C., Costantini S., Garalli L., Evandri M.G.
Purity control of some chinese crude herbal drugs marketed in Italy
Food Chem Toxicol 2008; 46:3043-3047.
Mazzanti G., Di Sotto A., Franchitto A., Mastrangelo S., PezzellaM., Vitalone A.,
Mammola C.L.
Effects of Cimicifuga racemosa extract on liver morphology and hepatic function
Phy tomedicine 2008; 15(1
: 1021,-1024.
Di Sotto A., Chiaretti M., Carru A., Bellucci
S., Mazzanti G.
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Lack of mutagenic activity in the bacterial reverse
mutation assay
Toxicol Lett 2009; 'l.M:192-7.
Mazzanti G., Menniti-Ippolito F., Moro P.A., Cassetti F., Raschetti R., Santuccio C.,
Mastrangelo S.
Hepatotoxicity from green tea: a review of the literature and two unpublished cases
I Clin Pharmacol2009; 65:331,-47
F., Giugliano G., Falce M.T.,Mazzanti G., Menniti Ippolito F.,
Rasdtetti R., Santuccio C.
Hepatitis from greater celandine (Chelidonium majusL.): review of literature and
report of a new case
Moro P.A., Cassetti
l. Ethnopharmacol 2009; 124: 328-32.
Di Sotto A., Mastrangelo S., Romussi G.,Bisio A.,MazzantrG.
Antimutagenic activity of a secoisopimarane diterpenoid from Salaia cinnabarina M.
Martens et Galeotti in the bacterial reverse mutation assay
F ood
Chem Toxicol 2009; 47 : 2092-6.
Mazzanti G, Di Sotto A., Franchitto A., Mammola CL., Mariani P., Mastrangelo S.,
Menniti-Ippolito F., Vitalone A.
Chelidonium majus is not hepatotoxic in Wistar rats, in a 4 weeks feeding experiment
I Ethnopharmacol 2009; 126 : 518-24.
Di Sotto A., Vitalone A., Nicoletti M., Piccin A,isdazzanttG.
Pharmacological and phytochemical study on Sisymbrium officinale Scop. extract
I Ethnopharmacol 201,0; 127 : 7 31,-6.
Di Sotto A.,Mazzanti G., Carbone F., Hrelia P. and Maffei F.
Inhibition by B-caryiophyllene of ethyl methanesulphonate-induced clastogenicity in
cultured human lymphocytes
Mutat Res-Gen Tox En 2010;699:23-28.
Di Sotto A.,Mazzanti G., Carbone F., Hrelia P., Maffei F.
Genotoxicity of lavender oif linalyl acetate and linalool on human ll.rnphocytes in
Enztiron Mol Mutagen
; 52:69-7
Vitalone A., Menniti-Ippolito F., Moro P., Firenzuoli F., Raschetti R., Mazzanti G.
Suspected adverse reactions associated with herbal products used for weight loss: a
case series reported to the Italian National Lrsitute of Health
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Sumame(s) First name(s)
I Clin Pharmacol2j11; 67:215-24.
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italone A, Di Giacomo S, Di Sotto A, Franchitto A,
Mammola CL, Mariani p,
lastrangelo S, Mazzantr G.
sia angustifulia extract is not hepatotoxic in
an in oitro *.d in aiao study
rm ac ol o gy 2011 ;88 :252-259
' vitalone, F. Menniti-Ipporito, R. Raschetti, F. Renda, L. Tartagri4
G. Mazzanti
trveillance of suspected adverse reactions to herbal products
used as laxatives
ur I Clin Pharmacol2072; 6g:2gl-298
onella Di sotto, Fabio Carbong patrizia Hrelia, Francesca
Maffei, Francesco
telli, Maria Gr azia Sarpietro, Gabriela Mazzantt
nticlastogenic effect in human lymphocytes by the
sodium sart of 3,4-secoisopimar_
i8),7,1 5-trien-3-oic acid
N at P r o d 2012; 27 ;7 S (7) :t29 4-8.
Textbooks (Chapters, etc.)
Preparati immunolosici (1pe.
.-rv6rlL qanimali, enzimi
vitamine. F. Capassolt ea., EMst,_rl:
n"-;; pi;.-6z-1oit-""
2-.-$a7za$i G., Saettone F., Braghiroli L. e Chetoni p.
_EfJgtli di sostanze natuiali "rrtiii*iUi-"nto oculare dei farmaci, (1995). In:
scienza antica. Patron, BolognA, pP.
Lo studio farmacolosico dei medicamenti vegetali (1996). gii
Le piante officinali.
\-'--l' ln: !s
Prometheus, V.23, Fr?nco e"g"i,
di ofgine. anigale (20.00)._ry Farmacognolia Farmaci naturali, loro
preparazione ed imoiego terapeutico. F. Capasso,
R.b" - -.-'1**-,
cii"arii"i, rv
Mascolo Ed., Sprin$er-Verhg'Mil,aio, pp.hS_UO. - Frrq-"a^","c
aatorizza al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del
D.Lgs 196103
Prof.ssa Gabriela Mazzanti
Ql*,,le- Yb*--"-(,
Xc!^r{t'ru ?d'L
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